How to wash acrylic paint from clothes?
Anyone who has come up with repairs knows how to easily stain clothes with paintwork materials. Acrylic paint is quickly absorbed into the fabric and at first it may seem that the original appearance of the thing cannot be returned. But it is not so! Today we will tell how to wash such pollution from clothes.
Paint features
Acrylic paints are a special kind of building materials. They contain water, coloring pigment and film former. They will not contain organic solvents; therefore, they are considered environmentally friendly and are widely used in the construction and artistic fields.
Paint is made on the basis of acrylic resins and water-based. Color depends on the selected pigment. The hardening time of the film former is 30-60 minutes. For complete drying, the paint requires only a day.
Acrylic materials are characterized by high elasticity, bright colors, many shades, fast drying. If acrylic got on clothes, then it will be easy to cope with fresh paint, but it is much more difficult to remove an old stain. Today, there are many ways to quickly get rid of acrylic stains from the fabric at home.
The choice of means for removing acrylic from the fabric depends on how much time has passed since the dye penetrated the clothing. It is better to proceed with the removal of contamination immediately before the paint is absorbed into the material and dried.
Fresh paint is easy to clean with plain cold water. Turn the thing inside out, and then substitute under a stream of clean cold water. Next, send it to the washing machine, or lock it with soap by hand. After that, the clothes must be thoroughly rinsed. If the stain is too large, you can briefly soak the thing in cold water.This will help to saturate the paint with moisture and it will be easier to remove. While the clothes soak, dilute the soap solution, apply it to the sponge and rub the stain with soft movements.
By erasing a thing soiled in paint, a special cleaning agent can be added to the powder. Wash clothes should be at a temperature of 30 degrees in a delicate mode. When the thing is washed, straighten the place where there was a stain and dry well.
To wash acrylic from clothes, you can not use hot water! The dye pigment will “curl up”, after which it will be almost impossible to remove the paint in any way.
Use of available tools
The usual adhesive tape will help to get rid of the dried acrylic paint. This method is well suited for cotton fabric. Apply a piece of scotch tape or adhesive tape to the dried paint and smooth with a good hand so that these devices fit snugly to the fabric. You need to remove them carefully (without jerk).
In any conditions, there are compounds that will help to quickly reanimate clothes soiled in acrylic. These include the usual detergent for dishes. The method of application is simple:
- mix the liquid with warm water 1: 1;
- soak a cloth or sponge in the resulting solution;
- then rub the stain;
- if the fabric is thick, you can use a toothbrush.
After cleaning, rinse the item thoroughly in cold water and wash it as usual.
Another way to remove a fresh stain is to mix a glass of laundry detergent with two tablespoons of vinegar. All components must be thoroughly mixed. In the resulting mass should moisten the sponge and gently rub the stain. This method is effective if the paint has not yet had time to “grab,” otherwise it is better to use stronger substances.
Acrylic is well washed using the following available means:
- isopropyl (medical) alcohol;
- ammonia;
- vinegar;
- hair spray;
- window cleaner;
- ammonia.
Regardless of what means you choose, you need to blot fresh paint, not rub it. Blotting will remove the stain, not allowing the absorption of dirt in the deep layers of the fabric. Rubbing will lead to an increase in the defect, so in the future it will be problematic to remove it.
Before you start washing off acrylic stains, make sure that the chosen agent does not spoil the fabric.Remember to follow the safety regulations: wear safety glasses and gloves when handling chemicals.
Consider how to remove acrylic from clothes using the above tools.
Isopropyl alcohol
This is the easiest way to wash acrylic from clothes. Put some isopropyl alcohol on the stain and let it soak. Using a toothpick or other sharp object, scrape the paint, moving first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Next, send the clothes in the wash. You can drop a little alcohol in the water during the wash - this will help get rid of the slightest traces of stains.
Alcohol can make the fabric colorless, so using it, you should not use force. Try to act carefully.
Ammonia and Vinegar
These funds are in every home. Put the soiled item in the water basin for 1 minute. Since acrylics are water based, the stain will be saturated with water and will be easier to remove. Mix 1 cup of ammonia and 1 cup of vinegar, add a little salt - the solution is ready. This method is indispensable in the case when the paint has dried completely.
When starting to work with ammonia, it is important to remember the precautionary measures. It is known that it causes headaches, so work with it should be in a well-ventilated area.
Remove the clothes from the pelvis and squeeze well. Dip a sponge or cotton cloth in the resulting solution, and then walk it around the soiled area. Do not rub the stain - it will only aggravate the situation.
If the paint is strongly ingrained into the fabric, you can soak the thing in a solution diluted in one liter of water. At the end of the procedure, rinse clothes and wash in a washing machine.
Hairspray and window cleaner
This method is quite effective. Blot the paint with a paper towel and moisten the stained area. Make sure that the product does not leave any marks on the fabric. To do this, sprinkle with lacquer or window cleaner on an inconspicuous area of clothing. If everything is in order, then you can begin to remove the stain. Apply the composition to a clean sponge, and then treat it to the contaminated area. Lightly blot the stain without applying force. (first in one direction, then in another). After the procedure, wash the clothes in the washing machine.
Before you begin to remove the stain, try to scrape off the paint. Removing the top coat will help to quickly clean up.
Soak the clothes in cold water for a few minutes. Let it soak in water, then squeeze lightly. We will need the following solution:
- must be mixed in equal proportions of vinegar and ammonia;
- You can add a little salt.
Treat the stain with a cotton pad or swab moistened with the resulting solution. Change these items as needed. After that, clothes should be rinsed in clean water and washed.
The use of aggressive solvents
Aggressive solvents are used in more severe cases when you need to remove the old dried spot. Scrubbing acrylic can be such substances as:
- refined gasoline;
- White Spirit;
- acetone.
Consider how each tool works.
Refined gasoline
It is allowed to use only special purified gasoline, which can be bought at any hardware store. It is strictly forbidden to use the car compound! So, you can only aggravate the situation, after which it will be impossible to return the clothes to their original appearance.
Spread the soiled item on a flat and level surface. From the seamy side under the spot with a stain should be put a paper towel or napkin. Moisten a cotton pad in gasoline, and then treat the stain with light wetting movements. Rinse your clothes after the procedure.
If it was not possible to remove the stain the first time, repeat the procedure, then wash the item in the usual way.
White spirit or acetone
These tools are in almost every home and are very effective in the fight against dried acrylic paints. Method of application does not differ from the previous ones: moisten a cotton swab and gently walk on the spot. If a trace of contamination remains, you can lock the contamination with laundry soap and rinse.
Denatured alcohol
Denatured alcohol has a stronger effect than medical alcohol. In its composition there is no water, but there is methanol, which is included in the group of poisons. That is why it is necessary to work with denatured alcohol very carefully, in a well-ventilated area, using overalls and safety glasses. It is highly flammable and burns with a pale blue flame, which is practically invisible in sunlight.
The method of application is the same as that of medical alcohol: soak a cotton swab in the solution and lightly walk on the spot. If the paint has dried, you can gently rub. After this thing you need to rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times, and then wash in the usual way.
It is worth noting that you can not remove acrylic from synthetic fabric using the above tools. Aggressive substances will lead to the formation of holes in the material. If the matter is made from natural raw materials, even strong technical solvents can be used.
Often, it is recommended to remove dried spots of acrylic with special organic stain removers. However, practice shows that the result of their use is not much different from the tools that are in every home. In addition, using available methods, you can save.
Professional Tips
That the process of cleaning things from acrylic was more efficient and trouble-free, It is worth relying on the following recommendations of professionals:
- To wash off the paint on artificial fabrics (nylon, silk, capron), it is better to use alcohol-containing agents.Be sure to place a napkin under the soiled area. Remove contamination from the wrong side.
- When the stain is removed, you need to rinse thoroughly, and then wash the thing. It is necessary to get rid of residues and odors of chemicals.
- When washing powder can add a little salt. Dry clothes need in fresh air.
- To wipe off the acrylic with a white cloth will help oxygen bleach. Apply a little substance to the stain and leave for 1 hour. After that, thoroughly rinse the clothes in cold water and wash.
- You can wipe off the dried paint with any sharp object: knife, toothpick, spoon.
- The most difficult acrylic is washed from denim. Jeans is a dense matter and well absorbs moisture, so when working with this fabric is better to use more aggressive means.
- If the thing is very expensive to you, and you cannot remove the paint, you can use the services of dry cleaning.
If you "put" a spot while working with acrylic paints - do not despair. You probably will suit one of the above methods.
On how to remove stains from the paint, see the next video.