The gas boiler blows the wind: why is this happening and what can be done?

Today, heating units are a high-tech breakthrough, which are equipped with a rather complex electronics. Including heating boilers, the system of which maintains constant control over the uninterrupted operation of the unit. But, despite the innovative technology, stable operation of the device can be interrupted. The reason for the failure of the heat supply can be a common natural phenomenon.
Causes of attenuation
Before looking for a problem and a solution, it is necessary to find out the type of boiler installed:
- volatile - the device design works exclusively from power supply;
- non-volatile - its automation does not interact with electricity.
Having understood the type of the unit, you can begin to search for the reasons for the failure of the boiler:
- lack of electricity supply;
- power supply with drops and jumps;
- Incorrect factory settings data
- remote control.
These reasons come to mind to everyone who is faced with the problem of flame extinction in the burner. After checking each item, you should start thinking more globally.
Of course, you can immediately call the master, but the real trifle can be the fault of turning off the heating, and any person can cope with it:
- gas-based boiler is damped due to the weak pressure of the gas supply of the central pipe;
- breakage may be hiding in some problems of the chimney;
- the cause of the breakdown may be the failure of the device's automation;
- weather conditions, strong wind blows igniter;
- unstable operation of the electronic system of the device, where every detail needs to be checked.
To determine the likely problem in the work of the AOGV system, attention is view of the unit:
- open type boiler;
- heating boiler closed;
- electrogas appliances.
Each type of equipment has a number of functions, due to which the wick ignites and fades, uninterrupted operation of the heating boiler is performed.
Open type equipment
This type of boiler is equipped with an automatic valve, which is able to stop and resume gas supply.
The causes of malfunctions in open boilers are many, but each of them is solvable.
- In the chimney may disappear thrust.
- The gas pressure in the central pipe decreased, due to which the boiler stopped working.
- The lack of the necessary amount of air.
- Strong wind may adversely affect the operation of the heating unit. When a draft occurs, the flame breaks off, respectively, the device goes dead.
- System failure, for example, thermocouple sensor malfunction.
With closed camera
A boiler with a closed combustion chamber is in higher demand. The appearance of the device is like a miniature boiler room, which is equipped with an additional degree of protection.
It is this protection that stops the flow of gas when there are good reasons for this:
- coolant movement in the heating system has stopped;
- reduced or completely stopped the flow of air;
- power surges occur;
- banal power outage.
Electrogas technology
Devices that additionally connect to the network may also be disconnected for unknown reasons. The most important thing is to check the electricity supply. In the case of the presence of a current in the socket fault fault should be sought on a larger scale.
The main signs of a malfunction of electrogas equipment:
- the device does not show signs of life, the indicators are off, the sound of the unit is absent;
- the indicators are lit, the display of the device shows that work is being done, but no ignition in the network occurs
- the unit works without errors, but when ignited, the burner will instantly go out.
Solution options
When the flame of a gas equipment decays, thrust is checked first.
- To check it is necessary to use a burning match, bring it to the viewing window and carefully study how the flame changes:
- if his movement makes the tilt in the direction of the opening, it becomes clear that everything is in order with the pitch;
- if the flame of a match is in place, then the reason is found, the problem is the absence of chimney draft.
To eliminate the cause of a malfunction in the boiler system, it will be necessary to let some air into the room. Next, you will need to disconnect the chimney section, which is connected to the boiler outlet, and check the presence of traction in this area.
- The lack of traction in the main channel indicates a blockage of the pipe, which must be eliminated. The second step to eliminate the malfunction of the heating boiler is to check the gas pressure. The first sign of low pressure is the smooth extinction of the gas burner. To clarify, you need to disconnect the gas pipe from the unit and, when ready, open the gas valve. With a standard gas supply, a loud hiss is heard and a strong smell of methane appears.
- If the combustible material does not enter the boiler system badly, it is necessary to clean the gas acceptance filter of the device. If the cleaning did not bring results, you should call the gasman. He will be able to determine the cause of the malfunction by checking the central pipe trunk.
- With the onset of cold weather a problem with the operation of the unit may appear due to icing of the tip. Getting rid of it is not easy, but possible. Shoot down as an ice build-up will not work, the frozen crust forms even inside and completely blocks access to the air. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to dismantle the tip and defrost it manually.
- The cause of the flame attenuation during the operation of the gas device may be a malfunction of the automation of the unit. There will be a loud hum, which characterizes the error in the fan system. This part of the design provides traction gas device. And if the fan fails, it should be replaced.
- The most commonplace problem for owners of volatile boilers may be unstable power supply. Power surges may occur that trigger the protection system of the unit. The gas supply automatically stops, the boiler, respectively, goes out. Unfortunately, with frequent drops in electricity, the system of heating boilers suffers and can fail at any time. To eliminate such troublesIt is recommended to install a voltage regulator.
If you can not find the cause of the attenuation of the gas boiler, you should contact the master. You should not try to do the work for it, as troubleshooting can be covered in the most serious points of the design of the heating unit or in the supply system of combustible material
Expert advice
In order to avoid malfunctions in the system of operation of heating boilers, you should pay attention to the tips from the masters.
Today, the heating system has become fashionable and quite practical due to the heating boilers. Due to its compactness and variety of design, the units got a large number of fans. The functionality of each model is reminiscent of a minimalist boiler room, which is responsible for the heat throughout the house.
Advice from the master №1
In case of unstable power supply or frequent power surges, it is recommended to install gas-type units. If the choice fell on a volatile unit, you should additionally install an energy stabilizer, which will be responsible for the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the heating device.
Advice from the master №2
A possible reason for the attenuation of the flame of a double-circuit boiler lies in the wrong settings. Correct the situation will help the adjustment in the system. You can make the changes yourself or call the wizard, who can change the factory settings of the unit to the required conditions for the location.
Advice from the master №3
If the flame in the installed unit has been damped, the chimney should be cleaned. After this manipulation, the thrust should improve, and the flame in the burner should change its shade to a brighter one.
Advice from the master №4
Defrosting the tip must be carried out in the bathroom. The defrosting process must be done manually. In some cases, you can use the water, gently watering the icy areas.
Advice from the master №5
If the boiler is connected to a liquefied gas, it is strictly prohibited to place it in a remote room. This is the main requirement for this kind of connection. For security reasons, it is advisable to install the boiler near the entrance in order to have access to it at any time.
Advice from the master №6
In a private house, the heating boiler should be installed in a warm, windless room,which is equipped with standard ventilation. It is impossible that drafts slipped into the room or simply gusts of wind were felt.
Advice from the master №7
Wanting to buy a boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with the model you like. Pay attention to the power device. If the unit is required only for heating, one-circuit models can be viewed. If the boiler will be responsible for heating and the presence of hot water in the house, you should consider dual-circuit views.
Advice from the master №8
The installed heating unit must be monitored from the technical side. Timely check filters and nozzles, if necessary, clean them. Analyze the condition of the heat exchanger. Check the air duct and clean when necessary. Be sure to check for tightness all connections.
When conducting a timely inspection of the heating boiler, you can be protected from various malfunctions and breakdowns, thereby increasing the service life of the unit and the technical system of the device will not deteriorate.
What to do if the boiler blows out, see the video below.