Gas boiler: start-up process and possible problems

If the owner of his own house decided to purchase a gas boiler for its heating, then first you need to carefully study the tips and recommendations for its operation. The necessary information includes all data on how this unit is turned on and working, as well as references to possible breakdowns.
Special features
In order to turn on the gas boiler, you need to know its device, as well as its system features.
First of all, it is necessary to consider the construction of a standard AGV.
- Boilerequipped with an autonomous gas heater. This is a tank that is located in the casing.
- Trumpetwhich is inside this tank. It is the combustion gas, due to which the water is heated.Combustion products that form inside go outside through the chimney.
- Heating appliances. For example, hot water flows into the heating circuit. Then it circulates through all the pipes. When the water cools, it is sent back to warm up. All this is a closed self-flowing heating system.
- Expansion tankwhich is installed above, above the gas boiler. It allows the water, which expands when heated, to go up.
- Pump. It is located behind the gas boiler, which allows efficient pumping of water through the entire system. The speed of movement of the coolant throughout the system can be increased and decreased. All these processes are controlled by automation.
Such heaters have both disadvantages and advantages.
Among the advantages are the following points.
- AGV safe and reliable in operation, completely independent of electricity, have the ability to install automatic interlocking.
- Consist of different types of water heaters. Both floor and wall constructions are included here.
- Such units are quite simple, they are easy to repair and maintain.
- They are not very expensive, in addition, such models are very economical.
Among the downsides can be distinguished that it is quite bulky equipment. Therefore, for it you need to build or allocate a separate room. The size of the AGV directly determines where it can be placed: some boilers can be placed against the wall or hanged on it, in this case the boiler room can also be used as a storeroom. A large heater occupies the entire room.
This stage is especially important for creating a home hearth in the house. To AGV served for a long time and worked without breakdowns, it is necessary to properly organize the launch process for the very first time. During this procedure, the entire system is filled with water and the air from the pump and all radiators are removed. To facilitate this work, Mayevsky's cranes are used. They must be opened until all the air comes out of the system and water does not flow out of them.
To check whether there is air in the pump, it is necessary to remove its panel from the front. If there is still air, then you need to make the necessary adjustment work automatically. When the air plugs are removed, the pump should immediately earn.
Before starting the boiler, you must make sure that it is installed correctly and securely. Must be installed according to safety requirements. It should be no closer than twenty centimeters from any gas appliances. The same goes for flammable objects.
From the wall the boiler must be at a distance of not less than thirty centimeters. You should also remember that it is not recommended to install it close to the window, in order to avoid precipitation. Be sure to take care of access to automatic devices, as well as to the electrical network. If the gas boiler is located on the wall, then you need to check that it is fixed evenly and without distortions. If any defects were noticed, they must be corrected before the heater is connected to the communications. After that, you can start connecting the gas boiler to the water supply. To do this, it is necessary to remove the plugs from the pipes and install a special filter at the entrance. It is also necessary that all fittings on the unit have ball valves.
In order to connect gas appliances to pipes, it is better to invite specialists from the gas service. After all, if you do it yourself, you may have problems using it. You also need to check the installation of the gas valve, which is needed to shut off the gas in case of emergency or for the summer period.
After that it is necessary to connect the boiler to the mains. With self-connection, you must use the instructions. This is followed by the connection to the device chimney diameter of ten centimeters. It must be brought out through a hole specially designed for this.
The final step in the procedure for starting the boiler is to fill the heating system with cold water: you need to disconnect it from the network and only then proceed to this procedure. It is necessary to make sure that there are no leaks of either water or gas.
Then the device is connected to the electrical network. After that, it is necessary to turn on the thermostat at full capacity. The device should light up automatically. If the gas boiler is old-style, then you can ignite it yourself, without calling the competent services. With new models to cope much more difficult.
Malfunctions and their causes
Sometimes when using gas boilers fail.This is true not only for old models, but also for those who have served their masters for a relatively short time.
Here is a list of the most common problems:
- the boiler does not turn on;
- the unit is very often turned off;
- in some cases it can be seen that it is completely extinguished;
- the boiler turns off completely or goes out very quickly, resulting in smoke;
- the burner doesn’t burn well and switching on takes a long time.
It is necessary to consider why this happens and what to do in these cases.
- For example, if a boiler is broken or not at all, a constant flame cannot be maintained. To check the presence of traction, you need to light a match and gently bring it to a special window for testing. If there is a thrust, the fire will be deflected to either side. If not, then the fire will burn quite smoothly. If there are such problems, it is necessary to do the cleaning of the chimney.
- Sometimes, on the contrary, it is too big, in this case the flame will also die out. This can also be fixed: it is necessary to install dampers to reduce thrust.
- There are such cases when the chimney shaft becomes covered with ice, which prevents proper circulation of water.This usually happens in very cold winters. To solve the problem, you first need to knock down all the ice, and then warm the pipe outside. After that, the system should work without interruption.
- If the burner does not light up for a very long time, the cause may be a sensor malfunction. To understand whether this is so, it is necessary to close the opposite terminals with each other; if nothing caught fire, you need to change the sensor.
- There are cases when there is smoke coming from behind the boiler door. This happens if the gas does not ignite immediately. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to adjust the flow of air to the burner. To do this, simply find the adjusting washer and move it in one direction or another.
This is done when the fire is burning. If the boiler hums when burning, then there is a lot of air. When the fire turns red with a yellow tinge, there is very little air. Adjust the boiler should be so that the fire was smooth and had a normal color.
- Often fail nozzles. Usually this happens during repair work, then the gas is partially supplied. To fix this problem, you need to either repair the nozzle, or change it to a new part.
- It happens that in warm weather, gas boilers can fail. The reason is that the temperature on the street and in the chimney is different. To avoid this, it is necessary to warm up the chimney at least from time to time.
Recommendations for use
- In the event of gas valve malfunction, it is necessary to check it and adjust the settings. If the heat exchanger covers a large layer of scale, this greatly reduces heat transfer and significantly increases fuel consumption. In such a situation, the boiler makes a crash or noise. This is due to the accumulation of salts, which slowly erupt from the surface over time, therefore, noise is heard. You can remove them with special reagents.
- Often it is necessary to deal with too fast wear of knots. The main reason for this is clocking. In this case, the gas boiler can automatically turn on or off. When cooling water in the circuit, a signal comes from the thermostat that the water has cooled, in this case the boiler is turned on.
If the coolant is as hot as possible, the device will automatically shut down. This feature saves energy. However, with too frequent clocking, some elements may wear out.Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this.
- Gas boiler is considered one of the best heating devices. The control system of the AGV is intuitive, so this option is ideal for beginners. But at the same time it has its drawbacks: cheap boilers of this type break down quickly, and it is almost impossible to fix these failures without the help of specialists. Therefore, before you install it, you need to realistically assess your strength. Then the house will be warm, but calm in the soul.
How to choose a gas boiler, see the following video.