Features of single-circuit gas boilers with indirect heating boiler

In the housing market, private houses and apartments in high-rise new buildings that have autonomous heating and water heating systems for their own needs (GWS) are especially valued. For autonomous heating of houses use various water-heating equipment, but the single-contour gas boiler is especially popular. And this is due to its simplicity and security.
Modern models of gas boilers with a single heating circuit heating system could be called primitive water heating devices, if they were not supplied with high-precision control and measurement equipment to ensure the reliability and safety of all cycles.To solve the problems of regulation and safety of boilers, an automatic boiler protection system with gas flow and pressure regulators, fittings regulating the flow, temperature and pressure of heated water, various sensors, instruments and safety devices is aimed. This is the main advantage of gas boilers.
Other important benefits:
- the simplicity of the design and installation of the boiler, having in its composition a combustion chamber with a gas burner, a contour heat exchanger in the furnace, a system of collectors and pipelines, pumping equipment;
- the profitability achieved by automation and commissioning of optimal and efficient fuel combustion, mixing processes and adjusting the parameters of the coolant in accordance with the standards;
- the ability to connect boilers to cascade heating systems within cities and large villages, which allows not only to centrally manage the system, but also to ensure reliable and high-quality heat supply to consumers in residential areas, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, as well as enterprises whose boilers are included in the cascade;
- more environmentally friendly emissions of gas combustion products to the atmosphere compared with similar boilers for liquid and solid fuels.
Operating principle
The working contour of the heating boiler is formed by the following elements:
- own water heater (heat exchanger), located in the combustion chamber and heated by hot products of combustion gas, which enters the furnace through a burner;
- supply pipe to the boiler heat exchanger with cooled coolant (water) from the heating network;
- direct heated water pipeline leading from the heat exchanger to the heating system;
- circulating pump, circulating coolant.
That's the whole schematic diagram of the single-cycle boiler operating cycle. The make-up (compensation for inevitable water losses) of the heating system of small boiler houses is usually performed from the city water supply system, which has a pressure in its pipelines higher than the pressure in the heating system.
The functional limitations of a single-circuit boiler, which is expressed in its use only for heating, is a significant disadvantage compared to a double-circuit “fellow”.
But if the boiler is aggregated with a boiler of indirect heating and thus provides the consumer with hot water for domestic needs, then the capabilities of the boilers are aligned.
Subtleties of work
If, when searching for heating equipment for your own home or apartment, the choice stops on a single-circuit boiler and a boiler is planned to be connected to it, then It is necessary to consider the following features of the operation of the boiler in tandem with this heat exchanger.
- From the moment the boiler is put into operation until the water is completely heated, the heating system will not work on the DHW. Proceeding from this trouble, it is necessary to choose the heat exchanger of hot water supply according to the maximum time of water heating, which would be enough to prevent freezing of the heating pipes in the most extreme frost in the region of residence.
- Choosing a boiler according to power, connecting it with a heated area of the premises, not forgetting the climatic zone of residence, from which the house is built and whether its walls have heat insulation - all this is important when choosing the power of the heating unit.
- Having decided on the power, it is possible to say with accuracy whether such a boiler will pull the boiler water heating system or not.
Heating engineers believe that a boiler plant can function normally only with a boiler with a minimum power of 24 kW. Another expert figure - the boiler takes up to 50% of the power from the boiler. It is on these numbers that you need to be guided when choosing a model of a gas boiler for your home. And do not allow a situation when a boiler with a capacity of 35 kW with an estimated power consumption of 25 kW for heating is installed, and the boiler takes 17 kW. As a result, there is a shortage of 7 kW in boiler power.
Also worth noting is the fact that in some cases a large-capacity boiler is required, with a capacity of 200 or even 500 liters.
These boilers are available with integrated circulating pumps for domestic hot water.
Manufacturers of water heaters do not skimp on the development of ultramodern models, rightly orienting themselves in the public interest that appeared several years ago to autonomous devices for heating and hot water supply of private homes.
Currently there are two types of single-circuit heating devices:
- floor standing;
- wall mounted.
Outdoor options are more powerful, but their placement requires separate rooms in the form of an extension.Wall-mounted water heater - compact, compact, mounted on the wall. That is why the first of these models have become widespread among the owners of country and city private houses, villas and cottages, and wall boilers have found their admirers in urban areas.
Both those and other coppers have a simple and clear device, attractive appearance, high degree of safety. To form your own opinion about which of them is better, you need only depending on the tasks before them. Sometimes it is more profitable to purchase a single-circuit wall unit with less power, but which is enough for a full-fledged heating system at home, and produce a simple strapping for connecting the wall structure to a column that serves to heat cold water for own needs (the column can be electric or gas). Strapping hose set can be purchased separately.
Such a pair will be more reliable, especially if the electric column: no gas - the column is working.
Popular brands
Among the huge number of models of single-circuit gas boilers, it is possible to distinguish brands of water-heating devices that have proven to be comfortable,reliable and durable units.
These include the following:
- Protherm;
- Wiessmann;
- Vaillant;
- Rinnai;
- Buderus;
- Ariston.
Nothing pleases a person more than cleanliness and comfort in a warm house. But people themselves are the creators of their own lives. Creating something for their comfort, they, fortunately, create it for everyone around them. The listed manufacturers of gas boilers will always come up with something innovative for a new model of their products, which bribes their admirers.
You can learn how to connect a single-circuit gas boiler to an indirect heating boiler from the video.