Gas wall double-circuit boilers: design features, review of models and connection

From the heat in the house depends on its improvement, or rather, the feeling of this improvement. To warm the house quickly and ecologically cleanly, not caring all the time about tossing new portions of coal and firewood, often use gaseous fuel. But not all installations consuming it are equal among themselves.
Device and purpose
Technical specifications that have wall-mounted gas dual-circuit heaters make them almost an ideal choice for heating a private house.And it's not just that along with the supply of coolant, they can warm up the water in the faucet.
If you "open" any boiler or thoroughly follow its assembly at the factory, you can find the following elements:
- open or closed firebox;
- burner inside it;
- a fan (if gas is fired according to an open scheme);
- pump that provides pumping fluid;
- valve with three strokes (transferring the apparatus from one mode to another);
- recipient;
- hot water heat exchanger;
- automatic infrastructure, responsible for setting the operating modes, monitoring their execution and signaling violations.
Branch pipes, through which the boiler is connected to the heating, pipes for hot and cold water and gas pipes are located at the bottom. Some manufacturers prefer to use heat exchangers dual performance. But this does not affect the essence of the boiler action.
Such a system is close to the organization of a flow-through water heater, from which the fuel burning part and the device responsible for heat exchange are borrowed. All other parts are taken from wall boilers with a single circuit.
Principle of operation
Having examined the mechanics of the equipment, it will be easy to understand how exactly the gas double-wall wall boiler works and what it does. As soon as the temperature set by the sensor readings is below the set point, the automation starts the pump. It creates a vacuum in water or in antifreeze, located in the return circuit pipe. At a certain pressure, the relay contacts close, and a current flows through the circuit initiating the ignition of the burner. That everything happened correctly and was not beaten out from the normal scenario, the microprocessor is used.
The power of heating increases smoothly, while the system ensures that the coolant warms to a certain value. Reaching it, the equipment is turned off. With the next cooling, everything repeats again. The running of water along a closed line eliminates sludge and minimizes the need for pipeline cleaning.
Despite the unity of the working scheme in a variety of devices, it is useful to get acquainted with their specific nuances, since they can have a significant impact on the result obtained.
Advantages and disadvantages
Before finding out which model is better, it is necessary to understand how well the boilers of this group are in general. Wall placement allows you to save space on the floor, but at the same time imposes severe restrictions on the weight of the device. Even the most durable capital walls will not withstand a kettle with a weight of 100 - 200 kg. But the device can be connected to the heating radiators immediately, eliminating the need to install auxiliary equipment and spend on it. Installation of a wall gas boiler is possible in any room, while floor counterparts are allowed to be installed only in a separate non-residential space.
Another important advantage of wall-mounted systems is the low cost of the main part of the models. Important: this does not apply to devices equipped with boilers - on the contrary, they can be very expensive. But the addition of pumps and tanks eliminates the use of auxiliary heating devices. A huge variety of models prevents a situation when it is impossible to find a boiler that is satisfactory in appearance and color.
And another advantage - the possibility of using coaxial chimneys.
The weakness of any wall-mounted boiler, judging by its size, is reduced power. Such a system can warm a maximum of 350 square meters. m. And this is still a very decent result, because there are models that are limited to a working space of 150 or 200 square meters. m. The disadvantage, however, can be considered only conditionally, since only a few private houses in the Russian Federation do not fit into these figures. It is useful to remember about the critical importance of the quality of installation, the slightest error entails a lower system reliability.
If we compare not wall apparatuses with floor ones, but gas ones with those working on a different kind of energy, both weak and strong places are also found. Reviews say that burning gas is cheaper than using wood, pellets, electricity or coal. The equipment can work 100% automatically, without constant monitoring by people. Relatively small amounts of toxic gases are released. But we have to remember about the explosiveness and toxicity of the fuel itself, about the careful selection and preparation of the premises, about the need to coordinate all the work and the installed equipment in the gas surveillance authorities.
But complete certainty has been achieved - it was decided to buy the boiler:
- running on natural gas;
- wall mounted;
- equipped with two heat exchangers (or one, but performing the functions of two at once).
Even in this case, you can still choose one or other varieties of a smaller plan. Boilers with an open combustion chamber use natural draft when the air is taken from the room itself and the combustion products are discharged through the smoke channel. If the room is poorly ventilated, there is a high risk of poisoning the atmosphere. To some extent, this problem is compensated by the availability of prices, but you cannot forget about it when operating.
Turbocharged mounted boiler can be successfully used for domestic purposes, with the main advantages of it being:
- solid performance;
- safety when using;
- minimum consumption of combustible gas.
This technique is made by firms of almost the entire planet, so its choice is simply huge. Turbocharged devices manifest themselves well in apartments in the city and in the country, in a small country house and in a chic penthouse. Such equipment is designed for use in circuits with forcedwater circulation and by default equipped with pumping mechanisms. Installation of the external pumping equipment is allowed.
Turbine boilers make almost no noise and do not vibrate during operation; they turn out to be lighter than simpler analogues and do not require the organization of a complex chimney.
But at the same time, the channel through which smoke is discharged is arranged in a special way, it is necessarily performed using a coaxial technique. As a result, one device pulls up oxygen from the outside, maintains return traction and helps to discharge burned gases to the street. The role of the turbine is ventilation. Since the rate of torsion of the blades is regulated, even the pressure changes in the gas pipelines do not interfere with ensuring the normal composition of the combustible mixtures. There is a great variety of prices, which allows you to easily choose the optimal type of system, in accordance with your financial capabilities.
Predictably the most expensive (but also the most advanced) devices are supplied to the Russian market from Germany. The ratio of their cost and quality allows you to confidently choose such a technique, without fear of any pitfalls and other surprises. Not less demand has a turbocharged boiler made in Italy.It is important to remember that despite all the advantages of such devices, they invariably require power supply.
If the power stops suddenly, the system will not be able to warm up the house, and it will be expensive to repair it, due to the specifics of the spare parts.
When choosing reliable heating equipment, many people prefer a condensing boiler, especially since it is also the most economical in comparison with convection systems. The efficiency of fuel use is enhanced by the involvement of the energy released during the condensation of water vapor. To start and support this process, the coolant from the return pipes of the circuit is attracted. The colder it is there, the higher the energy and the greater the efficiency. It is possible to get a condensing boiler from a conventional convection boiler by adding a special heat exchanger.
The temperature at the surface of this heat exchanger must be less than the dew temperature for natural gas. The difference between heat exchanging apparatus is the need for particularly effective, especially intensive removal of energy released during the vapor deposition.Another consistent requirement is excellent resistance to the corrosive effects of condensate. This is not just water, but a combination of acids, albeit in small doses. If a double heat exchanger is used, it creates a branched surface to produce heat, the main structural material being stainless steel grades.
The fact is that even in large cities there are intermittent interruptions in power supply. It is not a secret that distribution networks and generating capacities are worn out, that the wiring in houses sometimes breaks down, and that the elemental forces of nature can interfere. In remote areas, the gas non-volatile gas boiler will be especially in demand. Some inconveniences when using it are compensated by the fact that the heating will not stop even in case of a very severe accident on power lines. In addition, the lack of expensive electronics does not just make heating equipment more accessible, it also allows you to achieve increased reliability.
Whatever may be said about microchips and microprocessors, about sensors and indicators - each of them is a very fragile system.Fear of technical problems is also not necessary, because the production of such equipment is engaged in a number of famous world-class concerns. But at the same time, it should be noted that there are few wall-mounted gas boilers among the dual-circuit nonvolatile devices. In many ways, this is offset by the fact that it will be easier to choose. And the simplification of manipulations with specific equipment is worth it.
When installing two separate units, you can also use stainless steel. Alloys of aluminum with silicon and copper are rarely used. Cast iron can not be used because it has too much weight. Convection boilers can give a very high efficiency, but its maximum values are related to low temperatures (for example, to provide heat-insulated floor heating fluids). The systems produce almost no noise, and the power of wall-mounted apparatuses can reach 100 kW, which is three times more than simple convection installations.
But this is not enough: the condensing boiler is able to work 2, sometimes 3 times more than the traditional gas heating devices. Advanced foreign-made designs can be equipped with systems that can neutralize the corrosive components of condensate.
It is recommended to choose models equipped with burners with modulation, due to which the cost of electrical energy is dramatically reduced. But there is another important point that is often underestimated.
Both dependent on the power grid and autonomous gas boilers in relation to it can be completed with a boiler. This solution simultaneously increases the stability of the hot water circuit and makes it possible to refuse to purchase additional tanks. But it is necessary to take into account that wall equipment cannot be equipped with a sufficiently capacious reservoir for example, so that all members of a large family can take a shower without problems. Because almost always need to consider both options. Boilers with a boiler can operate at different speeds, it is determined primarily by how powerful the gas burner is.
Thus, the supply to the shower hose of water heated to 40 degrees will require the use of burners having an effective heat output of 20 kW. If they can not provide such parameters, then you have to put up with a cold shower. Even more powerful flow-through heaters will need to be installed when it is planned to use a bath instead of a shower cabin.Important: the boiler is also useful because it takes on an excess amount of hot water and lowers the frequency of switching on the boiler. Therefore, the stability of operation of the system increases, and its wear rate decreases.
There are models that are able to heat water in layers. For this purpose, a radiator in the form of a plate or tube is used. The auxiliary heat exchanger brings a special benefit in condensing units, as it increases the amount of heat removed. Layered heating is pleasant because it speeds up the preparation of the required volumes of hot water. The liquid entering the upper part of the boiler makes it possible to get under the shower within 5-6 minutes from the moment the burner starts.
The output of the heat exchanger outside of the drive increases the amount of water placed in it. The built-in boiler is more practical than external when there is a need for a slight pressure of boiling water (for washing dishes and other domestic needs). Autonomous devices sometimes turn out to be excessively productive and wasteful devices.
The double-circuit boiler on gas with a boiler by the type of connection is very close to typical devices.Insertion of the hot water system is from the toilet to the points of water outlets. More information can be obtained from experts.
About boilers with a closed chamber for burning fuel already talked. But the atmospheric type also deserves a special conversation, as well as the chimney channels connected with it. Due to the use of gaseous combustion products for evacuation, the higher the pipe, the more efficient the heating system will be. According to regulatory requirements, the room must be provided with the flow of exactly the amount of air that is necessary for normal combustion. Important: this indicator is added to the usual ventilation needs of residents, because the boiler should not degrade the quality of life and pose a threat to people and animals.
When choosing a chimney, it is necessary to focus on the diameter of the nozzle that removes gases from the boiler itself. If the chimney is already installed and will not be redone, the sections should be at least equal; Ideally, the chimney is made wider. In those cases when it is impossible to do without turns at all, the vertical sections to the first of them should be at least 50 cm in length, and in addition they constitute at least 4 radii of the drain channel.
Additionally, the height of chimneys is controlled and its rise above the roof plane or above the top of this roof is taken into account.
The atmospheric boiler will have to be abandoned if the pipe cannot be lifted:
- 0.5 m or more above a completely flat roof;
- above the ridge, if it is 150 to 300 cm away from it;
- above the line that goes from the ridge at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon line - if the distance is more than 300 cm.
Popular manufacturers
But to understand the intricacies of technical schemes, to understand which chimney to organize (or which boiler is compatible with the installed chimney) is not all difficulties. It is very important to determine which manufacturer you can trust. The most authoritative ratings consistently include Italian and German products. Their cost only at first seems overestimated, and this, if we do not take into account an even higher level of technical requirements in the design and subsequent manufacture. Firm baxi It is one of the absolute leaders in boiler production on the planet, and it’s not just that it holds the palm.
The company has managed to offer an extremely diverse selection of products, this applies not only to the appearance or technological parameters, but also to the price component.The developers have tried to simplify management as much as possible, understanding that not only certified engineers will use their products. At the same time, the design involves the full range of the latest technologies and eliminates the cost overruns of increasingly expensive gas.
Baxi's solid competition is Lamborghini Corporation. Yes, the one that is much more famous cars of the exclusive category. From the automobile conveyor to the boiler room, such principles as responsibility and good quality, thinking through each node, strictly passed. There is also an advantage that the designers of the previous group, special equipment for the removal of gases, cannot yet provide. Thanks to it, the composition of the premises where the boiler can be installed is significantly expanded. It is easily installed even where ventilation would not cope with the maintenance of other systems.
Attention to themselves pay and goods ariston. The products of this company are familiar to almost everyone, because not a single appliance store can do without its products. The advantage of the boilers is a pronounced focus on the consumer and on the satisfaction of his requests.The assortment contains both compact and large-sized heating systems, whose specific performance is just as good.
It is important: to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular brand as a whole is impossible, because this is justified only in relation to specific models. Including released under the brands Ferroli, Beretta.
In an effort to buy a normal boiler and at the same time save money, you should pay attention to the products NavienManufactured in South Korea entirely from local components. The company is closely following the preservation of commercial authority - both its own and all industrial goods manufactured in the country.
The equipment is invariably equipped with protective systems, which make it possible to almost eliminate the negative consequences of various kinds of problems. Boilers clearly generate heat, even when the pressure in the pipeline is unstable, while the efficiency remains high. The cost of equipment is relatively small, the same applies to Daewoo, Kiturami, Koreastar products.
Gas heating boilers made in Russia can be safely used for heating apartments. Modern Russian companies confidently compete with foreign competitors in the field of quality,they are easily ahead of them in terms of product availability and, in addition, can guarantee the perfect adaptation of structures to domestic networks. The stability of electronic components, for example, almost does not deteriorate with an unstable, often disconnected power supply. To the full these advantages concern also work with gas networks, with a water supply system.
A well-deserved place in any review may take Neva Lux boilers.
The products of this company received many medals and other honorable prizes at industry exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant, which has almost half a century of experience in the production of gas appliances, is a solid contender for the company. But knowing which country a particular company is registered in, where its production facilities are deployed is not enough. It is very important to choose not so much brands as specific models. So, in the Baxi lineup, there are excellent Prime condensing boilers, whose heat output varies from 4,500 to 33,000 W, and the total efficiency in the underfloor heating mode can reach 110%.
Specially designed biothermal heat exchanger reduces fuel consumption per year by 30 -35%. It is no coincidence that designers chose a fireproof composite for the fire - it effectively suppresses extraneous noises. The system is equipped with sophisticated automation that flexibly adapts the boiler action to real weather conditions. Ferroli products are also quite modern and reliable devices. Thus, the Diva model, depending on the modification, can produce 13.7 liters or 18.3 liters of water heated to 25 degrees per minute.
Thermal power for heating in the minimum mode is 7.2 kW, and for some versions it can be 9.9 kW.
The company supplies boilers with conventional and turbocharged versions of the firebox. If the buyer of Italian products prefers domestic products, he should pay attention to Protherm "Lynx". Such systems impose minimum requirements on the characteristics of the water and the intensity of the flow of gas. The boilers are equipped with a coaxial gas exhaust channel, which allows them to be dumped outside even in the absence of a full-flue chimney or when this process is difficult for various reasons. The combustion chamber is strictly closed type, the minimum power output is 9.2, and the maximum - 29.1 kW.
The efficiency of any systems of this manufacturer exceeds 90%, the heat exchanger is invariably performed in the form of a plate.
Other important parameters:
- expansion tank capacity 7 liters;
- natural gas consumption in 60 minutes to 3.08 cu. m .;
- The maximum consumption of liquefied gas is 2.26 cubic meters. m .;
- automatic flame tracking and pump jamming blocker;
- required electrical network 230 V and 50 Hz.
Among the Korean developments, a prominent place is occupied by Navien Smart Tok. Model 13k from this line can generate from 7 to 13 kW of thermal energy (hence the digital index). The boiler can confidently work on liquefied gas without changing the design. In a minute 16 liters of water, heated to 25 degrees, will pour out of the tap. The connecting dimensions are ¾ inch. For the hot water circuit and for gas intake, they are ½ inch.
If we talk about the German gas boilers with two circuits mounted on the wall, then attention is drawn to the model of the Lemax Prime V-24. In the same line there are other devices, such as V18, V10, V32. The company reasonably prides itself on the fact that all developments are carried out exclusively in its own project center. He actively cooperates with other specialized organizations.Engineers are well aware of the specifics of operating gas boilers in Russia, and it is invariably taken into account.
As components, only parts produced at the facilities of the leading European concerns of the industry are used.
Parameters of all models presented are as follows:
- flexible unification of individual parts (which allows for compatibility);
- the possibility of installing coaxial flues up to 450 cm;
- competent performance of insulation from leakage of water and heat;
- careful prevention of excessive noise;
- thoroughly thought management;
- the ability to issue commands via mobile applications on popular platforms;
- full combustion of gas and long-term preservation of the heat exchanger;
- suitability for overcoming increased hydraulic resistance;
- engineering protection measures for electronics against contact with scale and corrosion products;
- Brand warranty 24 months.
Among other brands of boilers, Electrolux systems such as GCB-Q 24Fi are prominent. This is a modern device of convection type, having a thermal power from 5.2 to 23.7 kW. Thanks to the closed combustion chamber and the original copper heat exchanger, it develops an efficiency of 92.8%.All control is carried out through electronic components, the system is designed to be connected to single-phase electrical networks. The boiler is equipped with a pump and expansion tank of 6 liters, capable of using both liquefied and natural gas (up to 2 kg and up to 2.7 cubic meters per hour). The coolant can be heated to 35 - 85 degrees, the greatest heating of water in the tap reaches 55 degrees.
In addition to the power indicator and thermometer, an automatic ignition and a system that modulates the flame is provided. Automatic recognition of problems, stopping of the boiler in case of gas extinction, prevention of overheating and freezing are guaranteed. The German quality tradition embodies the Vaillant turbo TEC pro VUW 242 / 5-3. It develops a thermal power of 24 kW, a closed combustion chamber is controlled by automatic. Be sure to connect to a single-phase power supply or connect through a transformer.
There is another important question: is it worth buying Chinese gas wall-mounted boilers? Affordable price of even the best of these models is sadly overshadowed by low maintainability (simply because it is extremely difficult to find suitable parts).As for the models, you can recommend the boiler Rocterm TD-B18. It burns up to 1.95 cu. m. of gas per hour, providing an efficiency of 90%.
Up to 9 liters of warm water is supplied to the hot water circuit in a minute.
Criterias of choice
In addition to reliability, there are a number of other points that must be taken into account when choosing a model of a gas boiler for an apartment or a private house. First of all, it is worth remembering that all the equipment included in the strapping or additionally connected must be included in the kit or at least refer to the products of one manufacturer. Otherwise, compatibility problems will inevitably begin, and everything will look too colorful. As for the automatic devices that control the heating boiler, we must not forget - the automation of automation is different. The simplest scheme, completely autonomous from the power supply, implies the use of a mechanical thermostat.
If you want to provide maximum convenience and flexibility of settings, you need to use electronic control components. Thermostats connected to weather sensors are especially good. The most important moment for the consumer comes when it comes to power.It is easy to understand whether, say, 24 kW is enough, or it is imperative to use a boiler with a power of 30 kW or more.
It is required to multiply the area of the room by 10 and get an adequate estimate. We must not forget about the reserve of 30 - 50% to compensate for the reduced pressure of the gas, poor traction and hot water supply.
Installation and maintenance
When the gas boiler is selected and even brought home - this is still half the work. It is very important to properly connect it to ensure long service and delay the next repair. For your information: do-it-yourself installation is possible only for the most simple versions, such as single-circuit constructions with an open hearth. And even for them, manufacturers often prescribe an appeal to specialists during installation. If the accuracy and literacy of the installation is not checked by a professional with proper admission, does not issue a launch permit, severe fines can be imposed.
You can apply for gasification at home or connect a new boiler only when the gas pipeline is connected to the house itself. The wiring diagram must comply with the prepared specifications and permits; the selection of a larger amount of gas is not permitted than provided for by these documents.
The supply pipe is necessarily equipped with a shut-off valve. It is not allowed to install boilers in rooms with poor natural lighting or without it, with poor ventilation and with insufficient space. It is necessary to assess in advance the strength and stability of the wall on which the boiler will be hung. Even before installation, only having checked the complete set according to the accompanying documents, it is required to flush pipes from dirt, which could be there during production and transportation.
Repair gas boilers with a call of experts is necessary if there are such faults as:
- complete inability to turn on the boiler;
- the device is noisy;
- heating of water in the heating or plumbing circuit is not provided;
- parts worn out.
For information on how to choose the right boiler, what nuances to pay attention to, as well as what innovative solutions are important for stable operation and convenient use, see the following video.