The use of white decorative bricks for interior decoration

Decorative bricks are often used in the interior decoration of various buildings. Especially popular today are the stylish coverings of neutral white. They look organic in many stylistic directions, from the popular loft to the ultra-modern high-tech. Today we will take a closer look at this original finish and find out what its distinctive features are.
Special features
Today, the owners of apartments and private houses have the opportunity to decorate their home in any style and color.Many users prefer rough notes in the setting, for example, brick walls. Do not think that such grounds look cheap and boring. In fact, in a properly equipped space, this decoration can revive the interior, making it more original and fashionable.
The decorative brick of white color can be both natural, and simulated. Often, the last options look no worse than natural ones, especially if they were executed correctly. However, according to experts, this interesting design is easiest to organize if the apartment is in a new building, where there is no interior decoration yet. In this case, the brick walls inside the premises will look as realistic as possible. All that is required of the owners is to protect the surface of the bricks with specialized compounds and paint them. At the same time there is no need to sweep irregularities. In this case, small defects in brickwork will come in very handy - they will not interfere with the appearance of the finish. With such disadvantages, on the contrary, the bricks will look more natural.
If the wall bases were previously finished or were made from sheets of gypsum plasterboard or concrete, then, most likely,will have to turn to one of the options for simulating snow-white brickwork. In carrying out such work, you must try to make the most realistic bricks. Of course, you can save money and buy simple canvases of wallpaper with the image of brickwork, but you should not expect serious realism from such a finish.
Do not think that on the background of white brickwork in the decoration of rooms can be placed only the same rough and brutal pieces of furniture. In practice, on a similar background, the most different models look organic, from modern to classical. The furniture can have elegant and rounded shapes, or, conversely, angular details. Before consumers is a chic selection of interesting and harmonious combinations.
Decorative brickwork can be made in a variety of shades of white. The texture of materials may also vary. Some people like perfectly smooth and neat bricks, while others prefer coarse materials with a rough surface.
Brick finishing or laying under a brick happens different. Let's take a closer look at the most common and top variants of such lining.
Of plaster
Inexpensive and very popular are plaster bricks.The decor of these materials can have almost any texture, shape and size. In addition, many consumers turn to these products, since they are not afraid of temperature drops - under their influence, the gypsum stone does not lose its shape and is not subjected to deformation. But we must bear in mind that gypsum cannot boast with special water resistance. On such a finish will have to apply a special protective composition, which will protect it from excessive moisture absorption. Usually used for this specialized varnishes and paints.
If you focus on the texture of gypsum bricks, you can select the following types of it:
- dull - these bricks do not have shine and brilliance, but are also treated with protective compounds;
- glossy - these are brilliant products, which are necessarily covered with a special varnish that provides the material with a glossy shine;
- torn - there are no even planes on such a finish, but there are randomly scattered roughnesses and corners;
- relief - the surface of such decorative bricks is complemented by a variety of relief patches;
- concave and convex - such bricks have an interesting volumetric effect, which is achieved due to their irregular shape.
From ceramics
The first decorative bricks were made from this raw material. Ceramic bricks are among the most aesthetic and sought after. With them, you can radically change the interior, making it more comfortable and welcoming.
Ceramic bricks are quite practical, durable and reliable. In many of their characteristics, they are similar to wear-resistant ceramic tiles, so popular among modern consumers. The main advantages of such products are:
- high strength;
- unsurpassed reliability;
- long service life;
- incomparable practicality;
- The destructive moisture that can eventually destroy this material does not penetrate into the ceramics (that is why the same ceramic tile is the ideal solution for the bathroom);
- such a brick will not be subjected to deformation, even if it will be subjected to serious loads;
- ceramic masonry are not afraid of changes in temperature conditions.
However, we must considerthat, on simpler gypsum bricks, it will be possible to make an original torn or carved surface, but on ceramic parts this will hardly be possible.
Porcelain stoneware
Such decorative bricks are rightly recognized as the most reliable, durable and durable. Hurt them is not as easy as it may seem. Porcelain tile is made according to a special technology, which can only be followed in large-scale production. At home, high-quality porcelain stoneware finishing materials simply cannot be made.
Decorative brick of porcelain tile boasts the following positive qualities:
- it is frost resistant;
- he is not afraid of temperature jumps and moisture penetration;
- this brick does not absorb pollution, because it has a special top layer;
- in stores you can find a huge amount of multi-colored decorative stones made of ceramic granite;
- similar products are presented in the most different dimensional parameters.
Ceramic granite bricks are often used not only for finishing wall bases, but also for floor decoration. Particularly impressive such surfaces look in the kitchen, dining room, hallway or hallway.
Such wall decoration is notable for its special charm.Clinker snow-white elements are very similar to real bricks. This material has a high density, so it can be safely used in the interior decoration, where there are frequent temperature differences.
Like the porcelain stoneware variants, clinker bricks cannot be made at home. Specialized furnaces with a very high temperature (more than 1200 degrees Celsius) are used to produce this finish.
Design options
Decorating walls with white bricks is the perfect solution for many interior styles. Thanks to this design, you can make the atmosphere fresher, brighter and more interesting. Let us consider in more detail, in what styles of ensembles, white brickwork will look especially attractive and organic.
In the interiors of this "attic" style brickwork is used most often. It can be not only white, but also gray, red, brown or another attractive shade. Interiors in this way today are very popular. They are characterized by open communications (for example, pipes), combinations of furniture, designed in different styles, the presence of natural and poorly processed materials.For example, in the interior of a loft, against the background of white brickwork, there can be either “battered” wooden tables and chairs, or expensive leather sofas combined into a single tandem.
Country music
This is another popular style in which brick walls look harmonious. And to perform the interior in a similar manner is permissible both in a private house or cottage, and in a regular city apartment. Against the background of brick decoration in such an environment will look spectacular pieces of furniture from natural and poorly treated wood. As decorations you can use elements with ethnic notes. In a single ensemble, such components make it possible to form a very cozy and “warm” interior, which you do not want to leave.
Brickwork looks great in the interiors designed in the Gothic style. In such situations it is recommended to lay only natural stones of the highest quality. Usually, only one wall in the room or part of the wall is finished this way. It is permissible to supplement decorative brick columns and arched bases.
Against the background of the brickwork will look stunning and solid pieces of furniture.For example, it can be a luxurious spacious bed with an expensive canopy and a lush crystal chandelier.
Today restrained modern style called minimalism is extremely popular. In this interior the brickwork looks not only white, but also brown or red. Against the background of such coatings, furniture designs of gray, black or silver hues, as well as lighting fixtures with chrome and metal parts will look great.
How to choose?
If you want to choose high-quality decorative brick for the interior, then You should rely on the following important criteria.
- Material. Purchase only high-quality products from safe and environmentally friendly materials. Be careful with plaster products. Such options are not recommended to hang in the kitchen and in other areas where there is a high humidity. In such circumstances, the gypsum cladding will soon begin to break down. It is better to give preference to ceramic or other more expensive coatings. They and to be washed from pollution will be much easier.
- For a hallway or corridor it is better to buy only high-strength materials that are not subject to rapid pollution. Gypsum is not suitable here. This is due to the fact that in these spaces the decoration becomes more vulnerable and gets dirty more easily than, for example, in the living room or bedroom.
- Quality. If you buy ready-made decorative bricks, be sure to inspect their surface. They must be free from defects, damage or faded parts. If there are any, then it is better to refuse the purchase, as this would indicate improper storage or sloppy transportation of the products.
- Tint. Gently pick the right shade of white. Note that it should blend harmoniously into the existing interior, calling to other surrounding palettes.
- Manufacturer. Buy ready-made decorative bricks only from well-known and trusted manufacturers - such products, as a rule, are of good quality.
Examples in the interior
The accent wall on the background of the white entrance door will look spectacular if you finish it with a coating under a small white brick. On the floor you can lay a light tile with black diamonds.
Ceramic white brick can be trimmed with an accent wall behind the dining area in the kitchen with light-colored furniture with a contrasting floor lined with large black tiles.
In the living room with brick masonry, it is possible to arrange an accent wall in front of soft furniture and hang a flat black TV on it. The floor in such an environment is better to lay a dark gray or black, immediately put a dark velvet sofa with a fluffy gray rug on the floor.
About decorative brick for interior decoration, see the video below.