Brick tandoor

Tandoor from bricks, how realistic is it to make it with your own hands?
The tandoor is a traditional Uzbek oven. It is very different from the traditional Russian stove. That is why for the successful construction of the tandoor it is necessary to become familiar with the features of the construction of this outlandish device.
The traditional material for the manufacture of this kiln is clay, but as the base and the outside, you can use burnt red brick, which can be of any size (the most common brick 250x120x65 mm.). If you are very limited in finances, you can use for construction packing brick.
Important is the process of selecting a site for construction. The design of the tandoor causes several important nuances: within a radius of fourmeters should not be flammable materials; there should be a source of water nearby; Above the stove there should be a high shed.
Tandoor by sight are:
- vertical,
- horizontal,
- underground,
- ground.
In Asia, the furnace kiln is made of clay with the addition of camel or sheep wool. However, the process of creating a vat is very laborious and requires specific knowledge. Therefore, it is easier to buy a vat for this furnace in a specialty store. But the foundation and the outer wall to build their own.
Regardless of the design, the tandoor consists of: base, foundation, outer protective layer, vat, temperature compartment, grid and canopy.
Due to the characteristics of this furnace, it has a lot of weight, so you can not do without a foundation. The foundation should protrude slightly beyond the furnace itself. It is best to make a ledge at 20-30 cm. You need to build a foundation on a sand cushion with a height of at least 20 cm.
Usually for the construction of the tandoor make a solid foundation of about one meter, but not less than 60 cm.
For pouring the basement of tandyr used cement-sand mixture. And for waterproofing the most appropriate to use galvanized.
The outer protective layer is designed for thermal insulation of the furnace. It is usually built from burnt red bricks. You can also apply fireclay brick. But he looks not so beautiful. However, this can be corrected, because no one forbids to process heat-resistant plaster on top of a shamata brick, and then decorate it with a fire-resistant decor.
The inner and outer diameter of the tandyr wall should be 80 and 90 cm thick, respectively.
The general form of the tandoor is tapered. Between the tank and the outer layer of brick should be an empty space of at least 10 cm for laying insulation material.
The base of the furnace should be 60 cm tall. The throat should protrude no more than 1500 mm above ground level.
At the base of the tandoor, you need to provide a place to install the door and grate.
The furnace of this furnace should be 60-70 cm round. It is located either at the very bottom or in the wall of the outer casing.
As mentioned earlier, a vat for a tandyr furnace is easier to buy.
The insulating material between the outer and inner surface can be made of clay and vermiculite. Specific proportions depend on the composition of these materials.Also, the insulating material can be purchased by consulting with a specialist in this field.
The tandoor on your site will become not just a place for cooking, but also pleasantly surprise your guests.
And for lovers of smoked products you can build brick smokehouse.