How many bricks are there in a pallet?

 How many bricks are there in a pallet?

The need to clearly know how many bricks are in a pallet, occurs not only among professional builders. It is equally important to know the exact number of products by the piece and for people who work independently. When calculating the consumption of materials per 1 m2 of masonry or 1 m3 of the wall, this indicator determines the volume of purchases. The number of pieces and cubes of red facing and solid single brick in 1 pallet depends on the method of installation, the size of the pallet itself. Universal calculation formulas work only if these two variables are known.


Varieties of single brick, transported in pallets or pallets, are quite diverse. Usually there are the following main categories.

  • Red - made from natural clay, by passing molding with kilning in the furnace. The finished product combines excellent strength characteristics, not too much weight - 3.6 kg for a full-bodied version, resistance to external weathering. The dimensions of the brick block are 215x12x6.5 cm.
  • White - silicate, produced not from clay, but from quartz sand, the mass of which reaches 90% of the total volume. In addition, the composition contains lime, and various additives. The molding process of the product takes place by dry pressing with the subsequent processing of raw materials in an autoclave under steam exposure. High strength characteristics make it an attractive choice for decoration and cladding. But laying out a kiln or a white brick pipe will not work - when heated above 200 degrees Celsius, it will simply burst.
  • Chamotte. Refractory bricks for laying out stoves, fireplaces, chimneys are made from finely crushed chamotte, and special grades of clay. Available in several of the most popular size ranges, depending on the brand it can be transported on platforms of various sizes.
  • Facing. Available in hollow version, with a different pattern of grooves. It has standard dimensions 250x90x50 mm. There is also a yellow variety, produced in both ceramic and clinker or hyperpressed form. The size of a single product in this case will be 250x120x65 mm.

The types of pallets used to transport bricks are also important. For example, if we are talking about the size range and carrying capacity, only two options are used in the transport sector. Standard pallets or pallets have a carrying capacity of not more than 750 kg, with a site size of 1030x520 mm. There are also enhanced options. In this case, the pallet has dimensions of 1030x770 mm, and can withstand weight up to 900 kg. There are also euro pallets used in the field of international transport, and compliant with the requirements of GOST 9078-84. Their dimensions are 1200x800 mm, the maximum carrying capacity is 1500 kg. All products for transportation are made from natural wood, with bars as stiffening ribs.



The capacity of bricks in the pallet, depending on the size of the product.

How many bricks are included in one pallet of the usual size? Usually, a pallet 103x77 cm is taken as a unit of measurement.In this case, in 1 stack per meter in height (standard) the amount of filling or row material will be quite standard. It is only necessary to clarify the specific parameters. For example, a hollow ceramic block will be placed on a large pallet in the amount of 420–480 pcs. On small it will fit from 308 to 352 pcs. Let us consider in more detail the data on the most popular types of bricks.

Type of solid brick





ground floor



number of pieces in the pallet 130x77 cm









On a standard-sized pallet, the amount of white silicate brick usually depends on the type of product you plan to ship. It should be added that the platforms themselves will also be enhanced - due to the greater mass of elements. 240–300 pcs. Are placed on wood-metal pallets with the size of 1915x600 mm or 1740x520 mm. single silicate brick. For a one-and-a-half products, this figure will be 350–380 pcs., But the manufacturer can ship also semi-packs of 180 units. For the facing option, the number of bricks on a pallet will be 670–700 pcs. For slotted - from 380 to 672 pcs. Hollow double brick is placed on a special pallet in the amount of 448 units. All these indicators are relevant exclusively for products in the package.In its absence, the number of items available for delivery will depend on the method of stacking. But with such transportation, the volumes of damaged and broken building material will be much higher.


For kiln or chamotte blocks, the number of units per pallet is also of great importance. Here you should always pay attention to the labeling of the product. Among the most popular options are the end wedges, which are placed on wooden pallets of 415 pieces. In addition, the brand ShB-5, having dimensions of 230x114x65 mm, is laid and transported to pallets of 385 pcs. If chamotte brick ShB-8 is bought, with dimensions of 250x124x65 mm, 625 pcs of it are placed on a standard pallet. Standard standards are not the only correct ones, and the dimensional characteristics of the selected pallet option must be taken into account. For a more spacious euro-pallets fireclay bricks of any brand are placed in the maximum amount.


For facing bricks, calculating the number of items placed in a pallet also implies obtaining information based on the dimensions of the product.With a standard size of 250x130x65 mm, 275 units are placed on a pallet. A single ceramic hollow will fit 480 pcs. Silicate and yellow 200 pcs. in single execution. For the clinker variety, this figure will be 344 units. All indicated data must undergo a thorough check, taking into account the standard by which the product is made, the carrying capacity of the pallet. In addition, when purchasing from the manufacturer, it is necessary to clarify its individual parameters used during transportation. Only taking into account all these factors, it will be possible to accurately calculate the number of pallets and choose the type of transport for their delivery to the object.

How many cubes and squares in a pallet

Calculating the number of bricks that fit on a pallet, it is necessary to pay attention to other significant points. For example, if the products are sold in a cube. m, they must be purchased taking into account the number of pallets used for transportation and their capacity. In addition, when calculating masonry, the wall area is calculated in square meters. m. It is also possible to determine how many squares fit on a pallet by accurate calculations. It is enough to clarify the number of products per square meter based on the size of eachan item. It should also be remembered that the packaging of building bricks on pallets cannot have a stack height greater than 1 m.

The version of the brick

m2 on a standard pallet with a carrying capacity of 750 kg

m3 on a standard pallet with a carrying capacity of 750 kg

Ceramic solid single



Ceramic corpulent one and a half



Ceramic corpulent double



Ceramic hollow single



Ceramic hollow bastard



Ceramic hollow double



Total weight

The total mass of the pallet is also of great importance. When choosing a truck, you need to take into account this aspect, and not at all the net mass of products. In particular, the small pallet 103x52 cm without loading weighs 15 kg. The weight of a brick that is immersed in it can be up to 1017 kg - 275 pieces weigh so much. single full-bodied silicate brick. If the pallet is not fully loaded, you can gain weight using simple calculations. The amount of brick is multiplied by the mass of one product:

Brick type




3500 g

2600 g


3700 g

3200 g

A preliminary calculation of the required number of bricks provides the optimal possibilities for ordering building materials not by the piece or in bulk, but in convenient packaging, pallets.This approach is actively practiced in hardware stores, and in factories where products are manufactured. Having at its disposal the most accurate information you can easily cope with the purchase of the required number of bricks.

Read more about brick calculations in the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.