Production of "Lego" bricks for themselves and a business idea

 Production of Lego bricks for yourself and a business idea

Currently, the volume of construction is rapidly increasing in all sectors of the economy. As a result, the demand for building materials remains high. Currently gaining popularity brick Lego.

As practice shows, he recently began to enjoy great demand from buyers. While this niche does not have many manufacturers, it is possible to open its enterprise for its production. This direction is very promising. Properly planned your future activities, you can easily find your niche in the construction market.

 Lego brick balcony

check in

First, you need to legitimize their activities or, in other words, register a business.

Any type of activity, even a home business, must necessarily be documented.

You can sell manufactured products to both individuals and legal entities. In the latter case, no registration is possible.

For small production volumes, the registration form of an IP or LLC is suitable. PI is a simpler form. Find out what permissions are needed for production and quality certificates.

 Business registration

The room

The second step will be to find a room for the future workshop. If you do not have your own space, you can rent it.

If large production is not planned, then one machine, which occupies an area of ​​about 1m2, is enough. Therefore, a small room will suffice. Even a garage will do.

An important factor in the choice of premises is the availability of electricity and water.

In addition to the premises for the production, you need a place that will be a warehouse of your products.

 Place for the production of Lego bricks


The next step is the implementation of a business project, where you need to form a material base, which is represented by one machine tool and dies.

Approach the choice of the machine carefully, you can purchase both electric and manual machine.

All the necessary equipment without problems can be found on the Internet, where there is a fairly large selection, so everyone can choose the appropriate machine for its activity volumes.

The equipment is domestic and foreign production, and differs in quality, functionality and cost.

 Equipment - machine for the production of Lego bricks

For a variety of assortment, additional matrices should be purchased.

Types of Lego Bricks and what you should pay attention to during the production was considered in another article.

Raw material

Also in the production can not do without raw materials.

Perfectly fit:

  • various waste from the crushing of limestone rocks,
  • sand or even volcanic dust,
  • cement.

Get a coloring pigment.

 Lego bricks of different colors

Better quality can be achieved using raw materials of small fractions. It is better to find in advance reliable suppliers of raw materials and discuss favorable terms of cooperation. Depending on the proportions and combination of ingredients, you can get different types of bricks.

Approximate proportions, as well as many other useful information on the "Lego" brick, you can read in this article.

 Lego brick raw materials

Work force

The number of people hired depends on the size of your business.

Uninterrupted work requires several workers to produce bricks. Registered business requires an accountant. And, of course, not a superfluous person who will be able to manage your staff and control the quality of products.

 Workers for the production of Lego bricks

Determine the appearance of the brick and buy the matrix

The matrix should be chosen according to the shape parameter of the building material that you want to receive.

You should evaluate the market niche and identify the most popular types of bricks.

The most popular are bricks with standard sizes. Therefore, it is advantageous for them to prevail in your production.

Brick "Lego" is used mainly for masonry cladding or wall construction.

There are specialized matrices that make it possible to get half the standard brick, which is important for forming the corners of the object under construction.

 Lego Brick Matrices


Production of brick "Lego" includes the following steps:

  1. Loading the required amount of raw material;
  2. Grinding of raw materials to fine fractions, its mixing;
  3. The formation of Lego bricks using special matrices;
  4. Steaming.
 Lego brick

The manufacturing process is shown in the following figure.

 Lego brick production

To see this process in more detail, watch the following video.

Sales and Sales

This type of brick is in high demand in the private and public sector. If you intend to create a business in the production of Lego bricks, then very carefully work out the sales channels, analyze the prices of competitors and make your business plan.

Sales channels:

  • It is possible to sell manufactured goods through the Internet, as well as by creating your own store.
  • Try to promote your product in a store that specializes in the sale of building materials. Just prepare a presentation in advance, which will convince the store management that selling your Lego brick will be profitable for them.
  • You can also directly sell bricks to construction companies.
  • The most difficult thing is to create your own outlet. But in this case it would not be superfluous to create a whole showroom.
  • An excellent option can be to work under the order.

Developing your business, you will be able to expand its production: increasing the customer base, purchasing more equipment and increasing the release of goods.

 Lego brick warehouse
For the implementation of Lego bricks now there are many effective ways

Brick "Lego" is a fairly new product on the market of building materials, so it would be good to demonstrate the brick "Lego" in action. To do this, show buyers work examples. For this you can create a whole showroom.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
