How to paint a brick surface?

Brick is a very popular eco-friendly material for interior and exterior use. Often its original form does not satisfy our requirements. Then the question arises about the decoration of this building material. How and how can this be done? We analyze below.
How to choose a paint?
In the building materials market today is a huge range of colors. They differ in composition, basis, scope and price. Choosing the right quality paint - the key to long service coverage.To purchase it you need to approach very thoroughly.
First of all, you need to answer the question, what wall are you going to paint? Will it be interior or exterior?
Option for outdoor work
Choosing paint for painting the walls of your own country house or any other structure, pay attention to a number of parameters.
- Vapor permeability. This indicator is of key importance if the entire wall is made of brick. By painting the facade tightly with paint, you will deprive the walls of the opportunity to "breathe". Competent builders for these purposes provide special ventilation gaps. In this case, you can choose a paint that does not have high or even medium vapor conductivity. The same rule applies to buildings whose facade is only decorated with bricks; they only made cladding.
- You have noticed that very often the paint on the seams is the first to break. This is due to illiterate selection of material. The fact is that the composition of the concrete mixture includes alkali. Not all paints are resistant to it, so when choosing, it is worth paying attention to this aspect.
- Water resistant. Different types of bricks have their own rate of absorption of moisture, so the material must be protected. Paint copes well with this.It should not pass or absorb water.
- It is necessary to take it with high adhesion. The paint must adhere well to the surface on which it is applied. At the same time the brick is a porous building material. This must be taken into account. To reduce paint consumption, it must have a high hiding power (to cover the previous layer).
Types of paints for outdoor decoration
There are several types that are well suited for painting bricks outside. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
- Acrylic. One of the most popular materials for painting walls. Although vapor permeability is not high, this is quite enough. The main advantage is its ability to prevent the occurrence of salt streaks. This is one of the main problems of decorative finishing materials.
- Silicone. One of the main rules for painting brick walls is the annual exposure after it is laid out. Brick wall is painted only a year after construction. This kind of paint allows you to do it after a week. Such an advantage gives it elasticity.Even if the masonry shrinks, the coating will remain unchanged. The obvious disadvantage is the high cost.
- Silicate. This enamel will pleasantly surprise you with a price, but its characteristics leave much to be desired. Most likely, the wall will have to be updated in 2 or 3 years. The fact is that the paintwork material is not very resistant to aggressive environmental influences.
Internal work
In modern stylish interiors, you can often find brickwork. It is quite acceptable for such styles as loft, rustic or industrial. The choice of paint is an important step. It will depend on it the end result and the aesthetics of the interior.
The main criteria that should underlie the choice are as follows:
- environmental friendliness;
- decorative effect.
All these requirements are met by such a form as water-dispersion paint, otherwise it is also called water-based. The basis can be acrylic, then the paint will last a very long time. There may be minerals.
If you need to paint the wall in the bathroom or another room with high humidity, then choose the paint with acrylic composition with the presence of latex.This will help prevent cracking and various stains when in contact with water.
Required tools
The material that you will need to buy first is a primer. It, like paint, can have a different base. The ideal option would be the selection of paint and primer with an identical base.
From the simplest tools you need to take:
- roller or brush with hard bristles;
- emery cloth for troweling a raw surface or creating a worn effect on an already applied coating;
- gloves to protect your hands;
- special safety glasses (if any);
- spray gun (optional);
- paint scraper.
If you decide to paint a brick wall yourself, then you will need a not-so-large set of tools. For professionals, this choice is much wider.
If there are such friends among your friends or acquaintances, you can ask to borrow them.
Surface preparation
One of the most important stages on which the quality of work and durability of the coating depends. In this scheme will not be drastically different, that for internal, that for outdoor work. So, below we have listed all the other stages.Their number may vary, as we will consider the most difficult option.
Old coating should be completely removed from the brick. This will not be easy, but necessary. To do this, use a special paint thinner. Soaked as the remaining paint should be easily removed using a scraper.
- Sand the entire surface with a large grit sandpaper. This will help the paint to lie flat.
- If there are visible flaws in the form of cracks or faults, then they are sealed with a putty. Do not forget! After it is necessary to process the data "wounds" plaster.
- Stitches also require special attention. If this is a new laying, then there should be no problems with them. On the old walls, they often require updating. Concrete is best suited for this.
- Walk across the surface with stiff bristles. It will provide an opportunity to remove dust, paint residues and other contaminants from the wall plane.
- At times, grease stains may appear on a brick wall due to careless use. They also need to get rid of. If this is not done, the spots will appear on a fresh color. Clean them with detergent or soap.Be sure to rinse these places with plain water so that there are no streaks.
- Allow the wall to dry completely and only then apply sealant. You can also use a special varnish.
- We have already written about the importance of primer. So, the final stage will be its application. This tool helps the paint to bond well with the surface and significantly prolong the life of the base layer.
- Since the brick is quite porous, the primer should be applied several times.
Painting process
It is not less important to paint the wall correctly than to prepare the surface well.
Having decided to paint the wall in an apartment or house, you should decide in advance what effect you want to get in the end. Interior coloring is more decorative than protective.
Special attention should be paid only to rooms with high humidity. Here it is better to protect the paint with an additional layer of special varnish.
- New brickwork with perfect quality of execution requires a minimum of effort to paint it. There are no features or difficulties. Because of its attractive appearance, it is often left in pristine condition.In this case, you should only cover it with clinker oil to protect against mold.
- The palette of shades available allows you to choose any color or tone. However, he does not have to repeat the color scheme of the interior. Bright color accent in the form of a contrasting brick wall will definitely not be ignored and will become a highlight.
- Any brickwork has seams. They can be completely invisible or rather deep. That they can be issued in a different color. This clutch will look more textured.
- Coloring in white tone. You can make a full color fill or the effect of aged whitewash. This result is not very difficult to achieve with a diluted paint and brush. The latter must have a rare stubble and be stiff. Do not forget to cover the floor and other surfaces with a protective film so that you do not have to wash them for a long time.
- Strengthen the effect of aging can be using ordinary abrasive abrasive paper. Go through her dried paint, but only in some places. To create a matte surface and protect the wall cover it with the same varnish.
- Creativity. The surface of the wall can be arbitrarily different.It all depends on your imagination and desire. If you create an interior in the style of industrial, then unusual patterns and graffiti will be appropriate. They can be made with the help of special cans of paint and stencils.
- Sometimes you want to get the effect of a sooty wall. Plain paint is not suitable for this. But it is very good to cope with this task wood stain. The choice of shades is quite wide, so everyone can find the right tone. Do not paint the surface completely. Leave some bricks unprocessed, so the effect will be as natural as possible.
Outside the house
After the surface has been prepared and the primer has dried, you can start painting. If you have a spray gun or you borrow it from familiar builders, then this would be an ideal option for painting textured surfaces. Working with him requires a certain skill, so first practice on the surface, which is not a pity.
The main condition for high-quality painting will be warm, dry weather. The temperature outside should not be below 5 degrees. For some inks, this indicator may change up or down, so read the information on the package carefully.
If the area of the facade is not very large, it is better apply the first coat without interruption. You will avoid the appearance of divorce. Of course, with large dimensions of the building it will be difficult to do. Try to at least finish one wall, and after the break, start painting the next one.
Cleaning the brush every time is very uncomfortable. Wrap it with polyethylene during short breaks to avoid drying.
Selecting the color for the facade of the house, pay attention to the fact that it is well combined with the foundation. They should look harmoniously with each other. If the fence on your site is also made of brick, then for the integrity of the picture we recommend to paint it in an identical shade.
Design examples
The interior in the style of a loft with a brick wall with its simplicity looks very interesting. The task of designers is to create an effect of incompleteness. Aesthetics while suffering should not. The wall seems old, but very original.
Multicolored bricks on the balcony will create a joyful mood even on an overcast day. Your personal balcony will surely stand out against the gray monochromatic walls of the neighbors.
Facade brickwork, treated with gray paint, gives the house aristocracy and severity.Such a color scheme is practical.
More tips on painting a brick surface can be found in the following video.