Corner curtain rods for the bathroom: features of choice

A bathroom is a place where there is always a high level of humidity. When finishing this room special moisture-proof protective materials are used. But to avoid the appearance of dampness, this is not enough. It is also necessary to use objects in the interior that will additionally be able to protect walls and furniture from splashes. Such a subject among other things is a curtain for a bath or shower, which is attached by means of a cornice.
There are several types of similar designs. Corner cornice, based on its name, is mounted in the corner. The design of such a device looks stylish, neat, and also allows you to save square meters.
Features and Purpose
Corner cornice in the bathroom is designed to attach a special curtain. To save space in the bathrooms, either corner baths or shower trays in the corner are installed. It is advisable to hang above them a similar stick at an angle with a curtain. When using a bath or shower, the curtain protects the room from unwanted splashes. So you can permanently maintain the interior of the bathroom in perfect condition. The peculiarity of the corner cornice is that it has an unusual shape and is mounted not between two parallel walls, but between adjacent ones, dividing the bathroom space into zones.
Curtains with a barbell - this is a very important element in the interior of the bathroom. The standard height of the shutter is about 2 m, it can vary in width depending on the length of the rod. The length of the eaves directly depends on the size of the tank. The shutter divides the space of the room into zones and prevents splashes from falling not only on the walls and furniture, but also on the floor. Wet sex - the cause of many injuries that can be slipped. In addition, the curtain can transform the appearance of the bathroom. And the cornice plays an important role in the convenience and safety of operating a bath or shower.
Eaves and curtains for the bathroom can be made by hand, but for this you need to measure all the necessary parameters.
Nowadays, manufacturers offer a large range of eaves, which differ from each other in the type of attachment and installation method, shape, size, material and color, as well as price. This allows the buyer to choose for themselves what is ideal in his bathroom and will have the maximum comfort and functionality for its owner.
The cost of the angular rod directly depends on the material of manufacture. In its production uses three types of materials: plastic, aluminum or stainless steel. The choice is small, because not any material will be able to withstand the level of humidity that is usually achieved in the bathroom, as well as temperature changes and exposure to water in general. Consider each material separately below.
- Plastic - As you know, this is a light material. Opening and closing the shutter is almost silent, the price for the product is small. Plastic has a rich color palette, but it is a rather fragile and short-lived material.Over time, the plastic rod will begin to sag and lose its original color. In addition, over time, an ingrained plaque and yellowness appear from such a cornice, which is very difficult to get rid of, even though regular hygienic procedures are carried out. They can also crack easily. Curtain rods made from polymeric metal-masses are stronger and more durable. Installing plastic crossbars will not cause labor.
- Metal holder can be made of aluminum or stainless steel. Aluminum structures are more resistant to temperature extremes, they are not afraid of corrosion. Execution options from it are much cheaper than analogs from steel. But one of the main disadvantages of aluminum is its weak strength. Because of the lightness of the material, such bars tend to sag over time due to the constant wetting of the curtain. The color of such eaves is gray and rather dull, so it may not fit the design of the bathroom interior. Stainless steel rod is the most durable. The color palette is small - gray and metallic. Any form of a cornice can be created. This design looks stylish and expensive.The cost of metal curtain rods is higher than plastic. The disadvantages include the characteristic loud sound when opening and closing the curtain.
- Combined. The most optimal option, as it combines all the advantages of plastic and metal cornices. They are strong, durable, stylish and "silent".
The bending of the corner cornice comes in various forms, and it is not always that it has to exactly match the shape of the bath. In order to avoid unwanted splashes during operation of the bath, it is enough to fill the curtain inside the bath. But as a result, the area of the room will be reduced, and the curtain will look un-aesthetic when closed, as part of the bath will look out from under it. Angle rods can be made of various types of steel, including alloyed and chrome-plated. The eaves are a hollow inside pipe with different bending options. There is the possibility of mounting to the wall, to the ceiling or a combination of these two methods. There is a variety of forms of execution of the corner eaves. Below are the most popular forms that are now being produced.
- L-shaped cornice. The crossbar resembles the letter "G", forms an angle of 90 degrees and is mounted between two adjacent walls. It is installed above a shower tray or a rectangular bathtub, which are located in the corner. With the help of such a cornice and curtain, you can limit the space from splashing from two sides. Due to this, there is no obvious division of the bathroom in half. This will allow the use of space more practical and beneficial, especially in small spaces.
- U-shaped. This eaves can be installed above the shower tray or bathtub rectangular type. You can choose for yourself one of two options for the size of such crossbars:
- the first is when the eaves correspond to the size of the bath, the curtain is evenly flattened;
- the second is less than the bath around the perimeter - while the curtain will always be inside the bath, and in order to dry it, just throw on one of three sides.
- Closed rectangular cornice. It is necessary in order to protect the walls, furniture and floor from all sides. Quite rare.
- Flexible. It is combined with baths of unusual shape or corner showers. It is made of aluminum profiled pipe.The eaves can be easily bent, thereby forming any desired shape. Attached to the wall or ceiling. He has the rigidity and flexibility at the same time. It is easy to install, no extras are required for shaping. It is ideally combined with any design project of a bathroom.
- Angular diagonal. Proceeding from the name it follows that this type of construction is mounted diagonally above the corner tray.
Eaves for a bathroom also differ in a form.
- Beveled. Repeats the shape of the place of use of shower space.
- Rounded. The eaves can be slightly or strongly rounded to increase the shower space.
- Radius. A rare form of cornice, which is set over an oval or non-standard shape bathtub. It is done on pre-order and under a certain size of the bath. Such designs look very well in conjunction with large metal rings and delicate cloth curtains. Lying in such a bath, you feel alone: nothing will stop you from relaxing and enjoying the process.
- Asymmetrical. It is installed above the baths of non-standard shapes.It is made only from plastic and metal alloys. This makes it easy to give any desired shape. The bar itself may be several components connected by couplings, it is assembled as a constructor. Most often used when necessary to save space. This eaves allows you to isolate from protrusions for pipes, from ventilation shafts, windows, sinks and other things. Fastened design only to the wall.
How to choose?
When choosing a corner rod in the bathroom, you should pay special attention to the material from which it is made, to the desired shape, as well as to the method of its installation. The eaves must be securely fastened and must withstand the weight of the wet curtain and rings.
There are several methods of attachment.
- Ceiling. This method is to mount the eaves directly to the ceiling using special rods. The installation is pretty solid and solid. But it is difficult to carry out this type of installation, if the stretch ceilings.
- Wall. In this case, the bar is mounted on one wall or adjacent walls. The disadvantage of this method is that there is a risk that the bar will not support the weight of the wet curtain.
- Mixed. Method when using the two methods of fastening described above at the same time. Such type for more reliable and strong fixture of a bar is made.
The choice of the required model is influenced by several factors.
- View of the bath itself. For rectangular or oval baths, a regular straight bar may be suitable; for square ones: U-shaped, for angular ones: L-shaped.
- Bath location. Sometimes the bath set in the center of the room. Above these bathrooms, it is advisable to hang round or p-shaped bars for fastening curtains.
- Mounting method. If the ceiling tension, it is better to choose models that can be securely attached to the wall. In order to attach the cornice to the ceiling, you need the help of professionals.
- Material. It is important not to forget that periodically the product requires maintenance. If it is a metal cornice, then it is more difficult to care. But with regular cleaning, such a cornice will retain its original appearance for a long time. In addition, it is stronger and more durable than PVC. Plastic eaves, in turn, have a lower cost, it is easier to care for them, but over time they may turn yellow. And the strength of such eaves is less than that of metal, respectivelyand the weight they bear less.
Among the most popular sizes of curtains can be identified as follows:
- 150x90 cm;
- 170x70 cm;
- 170x100 cm;
- 120x70 cm;
- 170x110 cm;
- 150x150 cm;
- 170 by 75 cm;
- 100x70 cm;
- 160x100 cm;
- 150x70 cm
Taking into account all the above criteria, it is easy to choose a design that is right for you, and the curtain for a long time will protect you from water on the floor, walls and ceiling.
How to install?
The corner cornice can be easily installed without being a professional. The main thing: to prepare in advance all the necessary tools and fasteners and follow the step by step instructions. To install the rod you will need a pencil, drill, perforator, screwdriver, drill for concrete (5 mm) and drill for tile (5 mm).
Below is a step by step process of installing the eaves.
- With the help of a pencil and a building level, make notes where the brackets will be attached. It is recommended to mark the place of junction of the pipe to the wall first from the bottom, near the bath, in order to prevent improper placement of the cornice relative to the bathroom. Then project to the desired height. The installation level is determined by the height of the shutter. It should be noted that the curtain should end approximately 20 cm below the edge of the bath.It is recommended to do this so that the water on the curtain drains down into the bath during the operation of the shower.
- Further, in marked places, drill holes, the depth of which is about 5 cm. Dowels are inserted into these holes.
- Brackets are attached to the holes and securely placed on the screws. Then the pipe is inserted into the brackets and fixed with bolts. It is important to install the brackets so that the bolts are at the top, so they will be invisible. Do not forget to put the rings on the pipe beforehand, in case they are one-piece.
- Fasteners near the wall can be hidden with special decorative caps.
- Often, in order to make the construction more reliable, they additionally fix it to the ceiling, less often - to the floor by means of a tripod. This is advisable to do if the length of the pipe is quite large, or the bar has a non-standard shape with two or more bends. If the complete rod does not have a special ceiling fastener, you can make it yourself. For this you need a cable. It should be thrown over the eaves and fixed under the ceiling with a hook - dowel.In turn, the cable should be secured with a metal snap.
After installation of the eaves, be sure to check its strength and quality of fixation. You must be sure that the design will support the weight of the wet curtain and rings.
Useful recommendations
When making a purchase of a cornice for the bathroom should pay attention to some points. In order for the installation to last for a long time, first of all pay attention to the material from which it is made. If the eaves are metallic, pay attention to the quality of the material. There should not be clearly visible joints and irregularities. If any, this indicates a low grade of metal used, which means that its service life may be short.
Corner plastic or thin metal cornice should also be attached to the ceiling, otherwise there is a chance that it will sag and collapse. For stronger and reliable fastening of eaves use self-tapping screws.
Remember that if you have a ceiling mount, the curtain is required longer, as it will be mounted higher.
For high-quality drying curtains, it must be straightened. The constant movement of the rings on the metal rod can be very annoying with its unpleasant creak. It makes sense to choose for themselves metal rings covered with soft plastic. Also pay attention to the curtains. It can be low-cost polypropylene curtains: they are light, and the cornice does not sag with them, but their lifespan is short - appearance will fade. In addition, they can leak. Fabric curtains will last much longer and look more solid, but to care for them is quite problematic. They require constant cleaning and care.
The corner cornice is a modern, fashionable interior item that has a number of useful features. If you choose and install it correctly, in addition to the aesthetic design, you can achieve maximum benefit from the structure as a whole.
For information on how to install a bathroom curtain, see the following video.