Grundfos soloifters: device characteristics and subtleties of use

When arranging the sewage system in private houses, cottages and on summer cottages, there is often a problem of sewage disposal. If the discharge points are located above the level of the capacity of the settling tank or sewage collector, there are no difficulties with the discharge of contaminated liquid. However, if the level of the toilet bowl, bathtub or sink is below the level of the receiving communications, the Grolndfos sololift will help to direct the drains to the sewage system and ensure their transportation to the treatment facilities or septic tank.
Special features
Sololift is one of the types of pumping equipment designed for the timely pumping and subsequent removal of fecal and other contaminated masses through the sewer system in the receiver.Devices are used in cases where it is impossible to provide the necessary incline of pipes for draining the liquid by gravity flow. For example, when finding a bathroom or shower in the basement or in the case of a lower location of the whole building in relation to the level of the septic tank. The equipment has a fairly compact size and can be installed in bathrooms with small areas, kitchens and bathrooms.
The device operates from a 220 W power supply, and its operation is fully automated. An important feature of sololifts is the lack of noise during operation. This is due to the fact that, along with the pumped liquid, the capture of air masses does not occur, which is why there is no noise or turbulence that is typical of centralized sewage systems.
In order to facilitate the selection of the required installation, the manufacturer applies markings on the devices that clearly indicate the functionality and installation location of the products. For example, the digital value WC indicates that the model is equipped with a chopping mechanism and can be used to remove fecal matter from floor-toilets.Marking CWC means that the model also has a shredder, however it is installed only on toilet bowls. The letters C and D designate the possibility of using these devices for all types of plumbing, except for toilets. Such products can be installed in kitchens and bathrooms, as well as used to drain drains from showers, washing machines and dishwashers.
In addition to the lettering, the label also has a numeric code indicating the number of additional taps. In Grundfos devices, their number varies from 1 to 3. This number indicates how many connections to the pump can be made.
Advantages and disadvantages
High consumer demand and the popularity of Grundfos solo-lifts is due to a number of indisputable advantages of these devices.
- The excellent quality of pumps and long service life are explained by the use of certified devices and high-quality materials for their production. The devices have a fairly strong case, capable of withstanding exposure to elevated temperatures, without deforming and cracking.
- The possibility of installing plumbing fixtures in the basements and ground floors. The pump is able to raise polluted drains to a height of up to 6 meters and ensure their movement through pipes at a distance of up to 100 m.
- The complete absence of an unpleasant odor is due to the presence of a carbon filter in the device.
- The system of sol-lifts has the ability to self-cleaning, so that the care of these devices is minimal. The bottom of the tank is made under a certain slope, which eliminates the risk of accumulation of bottom sediments, leading to rapid clogging of the system.
- Quite quiet operation allows you to install the device in studio apartments, where the kitchen and bedroom do not have a spatial distinction. The noise level when using sololift is so low that the probability of discomfort is completely excluded.
- The device is compact enough and has an aesthetic appearance. This allows you to install solo-lifts without fear of cluttering up the space or ruining the interior.
The disadvantages of the device include a rather high cost, full energy dependence, and limited ability to pump large volumes of water at the same time.
Device configuration
Sololift Grundfos is a device consisting of a high-strength plastic housing, storage tank, submersible pumping equipment, check valve and filtration system with carbon filters. Models designed for pumping fecal masses are additionally equipped with an impeller. This device is designed for crushing large fragments. This prevents clogging of sewage pipes with solid waste and contributes to a long trouble-free operation of the system as a whole. The diameter of the sololift inlet pipe is 10 cm, which makes the device fully compatible with water pipes with 110 mm cross-section, most often installed in sewer communications.
All products are equipped with a 120 cm long cord, which makes it easy to move the installation area. Almost all devices are capable of operating at operating temperatures ranging from 0 to 45 degrees. An exception is the multifunctional model C-3, designed to connect three sources of drain at once and capable of tolerating a temperature increase of up to 90 degrees. Such models are installed in bathrooms or kitchens and involve the connection of bathtubs, sinks, washing machines or dishwashers and showers.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of the sololift is quite simple. Fecal masses or wastewaters first enter the storage tank with a volume of 3 to 5 liters. All devices are equipped with an automatic start-up system, which turns on the pump when it reaches a certain level in the storage tank, and turns it off when the liquid drops below the critical level. Further, through sewage pipes, wastewaters are pumped into a septic tank or into a central sewer system, from where they are discharged to sewage treatment plants.
Sololift performance on average reaches 40 liters per minute, which makes the use of plumbing appliances as comfortable as if they were connected to central communications.
Grundfos lineup presented by the series Sololift2 and Sololift +, each of which has in its collection a model of all markings that involve connecting from 1 to 4 discharge points. Thus, the Sololift2 series includes such popular models as the Sololift2 D-2 and C-3, which are used to pump hot water from washing machines and dishwashers, bathtubs and showers. Such models often have the maximum possible number of connections.It is possible to connect 4 points of discharge to some especially powerful devices at once. The only restriction in the installation of such products is the lack of marking CWC or WC, which means the impossibility of their connection to the toilet.
No less in demand and Sololift2 WC-1 models. Such devices have a classic design and are used in bathrooms with a floor-mounted toilet. However, when connecting to the sink, it should be remembered that the temperature of the drained fluid should not exceed 45 degrees.
Model Sololift2 CWC-3 It is also very popular and is designed for wall-mounted toilet bowls, in addition to which 3 more sources of drainage can be connected to the appliance. The power of the device corresponds to 620 W, and the throughput is equal to 137 liters per minute. The tank has a capacity of 9 liters, the weight of the product is 7.1 kg, and the temperature of the pumped liquid should not exceed 50 degrees.
Sololift + series models differ from the Sololift2 models by a more powerful motor and a more functional grinder, capable of processing not only fecal masses, but also toilet paper with hygiene items accidentally dropped into the toilet. Devices of this series are additionally equipped with a sound signal sensor, informing the owner about the equipment failure.All models of this series are equipped with a hydraulic vortex system, which prevents blockages of the pipeline and contributes to an increase in the life of the solift.
How to choose?
Before you start buying a sololift, you should make a diagram of the connection of devices, with a detailed indication of their location and temperature of polluted water, which will merge into a sololift. After the scheme has been drawn up, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to connect several devices to one device or for each drain point you will need to purchase your own device. This often happens when there are several toilets, as well as with significant distances between plumbing fixtures. The second, no less important criterion when choosing a sololift, should be the calculation of the estimated wastewaters, which is determined based on the number of residents, and the intensity of use of sanitary and household appliances.
And the last criterion when buying a device should be an assessment of the level of contamination of wastewater. For removal of liquid masses with abundant presence of solid suspensions, it is necessary to dwell on reinforced models of Sololift +, in other cases it is possible to limit yourself to buying traditional products.
How to install?
The ways of connecting the sololift are described in detail in the instructions for the device, and the installation of the product is so simple that even a novice plumber can do it.
When connecting devices, pay attention to the following points:
- the gap between the device and the wall should not be less than 1 cm;
- It is necessary to use only the fastener parts that come with the device;
- when connected to a sink or washbasin, an additional filter should be installed that prevents the pipes or hair from clogging the pipes;
- when installing the appliance, the electric meter in the apartment must be equipped with a protective shutdown device
- after connecting the sololift to the sewage system, it is necessary to carry out a test run, and if a leak is detected, immediately eliminate it by applying sealant or tightening the threaded connections.
Troubleshooting should be carried out only in the service centers, in which experts will carry out an accurate diagnosis of the broken device and select the necessary parts. However, maintenance sololift can be done independently.To prolong the service life of the device and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you must regularly clean the tank with a detergent.
To do this, unplug the device and remove the cover. Then the compound should be poured into the storage tank and left in this state for 10-15 minutes. Next, without installing the cover in place, you must connect the device to the network and press the drain. After the washing of the tank is completed, the device must be turned off again and the lid in place.
Sololift pumping units manufactured by the Danish company Grundfos are an effective solution to the problem of the discharge of polluted water. Thanks to the quiet operation and high performance devices allow you to comfortably live in a country house, using all the benefits of modern civilization without restrictions.
In the next video you will find the selection, connection and operation of the compact sewage pumping station Grundfos Sololift 2 WC-3.