How to pump out the sewer in a private house?

Every organism after some time leaves behind itself the waste of its vital activity, the same happens with the house. In the case of living in urban conditions, the sewage care is assigned to utilities, and the owner of the apartment only monitors the condition of the pipes inside the apartment. But if you have a house in the country, then completely independently control the entire sewage system. To do this, you equip the sewer system, which should be as autonomous as possible.
How does the sewer system in a private house?
Sanitary facilities in private homes can be of very different designs, in their creation using various technologies and components with materials.
Cesspools are of the following types:
- cesspool with missing bottom;
- element of the local sewage treatment plant;
- hermetic storage tank type.
How often do you need to work?
Most sewer systems have an indicator built in that indicates that it is time to clean. If you create the system yourself, then a special indicator will be problematic. In this case, certain calculations will help. In carrying out such calculations take into account the number of sources of organic waste and many other points. A thorough record is kept of the total number of all washing and dishwashers and sinks used in the room. There are standard schemes, tables and values for all types of premises.
Pumping of cesspools is usually carried out twice a year. But how often to clean depends on how dirty your gutter is.
Preparatory stage
At the beginning of the sewage drainage you need to prepare in a certain way.
- Seven days before the planned pumping, a certain amount of biological preparations with special bacteria is added to the pit,which very quickly and efficiently process feces, carrying out the process of decomposition and splitting them into liquids and gases.
- Two days can not use sewage, it is necessary for the separation of solid and liquid masses. During this time, the drains will be divided into water (it will be on top) and sediment at the bottom.
- Before the planned cleaning procedure, you'd better not have to drain anything into the sewer for a couple of days.
- A volumetric hole is dug nearby, not forgetting to take into account the depth of the waters passing underground - if the water passes shallowly, then the pit’s bedding will be less. You can pump water into it. And the solid remains of human activity from the bottom, collecting in a lockable tank or box, transport to the recycling area.
When the cesspool is filled, it needs to be pumped out, it can be done on its own at no cost, but then you have to do all the unpleasant work with your own hands. And you can use a simpler, but more costly way of making a call to an ashenizator machine that will pump the masses and flush the sewage tank, tucking a sleeve into the pit and pumping out the sewage.
The value of the costs will depend on the following factors:
- tank volume for effluent;
- tank filling with waste;
- how far is the structure from the pit;
- at what distance is the sump;
- if necessary to hold additional events.
Often there are cases when the gutter is cleaned with his own hands.
This happens when the volumes of the effluent are small, and a septic tank is used to get rid of the silt deposits on the bottom of the gutter. The gutter is cleaned with its own hands, if a system is installed that processes biological wastewater, it performs mechanical processing. For this, anaerobic bacteria are used, which decompose the mass and purify water. Our ancestors used a mechanical method of purification, they attached a rope to the bucket, lowered it into the gutter and filled it up, pulled it up into the tank, and then disposed of it with a shovel. The work was laborious and dirty, so they put on a special suit and mask, as the smell coming from the sewage system could be harmful to health.
Special pump
If you want to use a pump for cleansing, then you definitely need to buy a specialized fecal pump, either a knife with a round pointed part or an edge, which makes shredding waste, is installed in it. In a simple pump, there is nothing of that, and if solid particles fall into it, it will break and unpleasant consequences will be unavoidable. In everyday life, a pump with a cutting mechanism is in the greatest demand, it produces pumping out of cold household wastewater, solid waste is crushed and discharged with water, only the water temperature should be no higher than forty degrees.
The pump is installed in three ways.
- Outdoor: its installation takes place at the top of the sewer well, and the suction hose (sleeve) is lowered into the drains.
- Submersible: mounted on the bottom of the gutter, using the guides and angle tap. If the pumps are manufactured by different companies, the length of their outlets may vary.
- Half submersible: the engine is installed on top, and the pump is immersed and fixed using a float. In this version of the pump there are no grinders, so it is better not to use it for feces.
This unit is available on the market in many of its modifications.
In order not to be mistaken in the choice, one should pay attention to several nuances.
- The pump must be made of cast iron, plastic or stainless steel. This material will be more suitable due to the harsh environmental conditions.
- The impeller produces chopping, but it is better to chop the knives rather than the cutting edge.
- Power - here is particularly worth paying attention to performance. If the two pumps have the same performance, but different power, it is better to choose a pump whose power will be less, thus, less electricity will be consumed.
- Management - it will be easy and convenient to control the device if it is located available.
Pumping wastewater with such pumps makes such work easier, more comfortable in operation, pumping can be done even if the sewage system is not heavily polluted.
Pumping sewage
The film formed by the fat layer is removed using a container similar to a bucket. After that, the wastewater is pumped out with a pump. Then, solid waste collected in an impermeable tank follows to the scrap, and the liquid waste is placed in a prepared ditch, this process takes place equally in all chambers of the device.
Before the pump is cleaned with its own hands, an impermeable container must be prepared in advance, and solid waste from the sump will be placed in it. It is installed on the vehicle, it is further removed waste. The process should be carried out according to the instructions attached to the device. At the same time, wastes from solid masses are transported to specialized places, and the liquid is drained into an already prepared, prepared pit. At the end of the whole process, the well is rinsed with water under pressure.
Usually, it is not possible to defuse all impurities at one time, it will be necessary to repeat the process more than once.
Prevention of blockages
In order for the sewage system to function properly, at least once a month, preventive maintenance works are carried out, as a result, it will be necessary to pump sewage much less frequently.
It will be good if:
- grids will be installed, with the help of which bulk debris and hair will be retained;
- the shells will use grease catchers, they do not allow the oil to settle, thereby not polluting the pipeline;
- Every day, to prevent clogging, pour chemicals or boiling water into the pipeline.
To save your finances you need to properly operate plumbing and carry out preventive maintenance when cleaning the sewer system. Always remember the basic rule of any prevention: it is, of course, easier to prevent than to eliminate. There are a lot of ways to remove sewage blockages in our days, but it’s better, in general, not to allow them to form and just to monitor the condition of the drain pipe. We mention briefly why sewer blockage occurs.
The main reason is the improper use of the sewer system as a whole.
The appearance of a blockage is accompanied by the following factors:
- the appearance of an unpleasant smell spreading from the drain hole in the sink and any equipment connected to the outlet in the drains;
- the water pressure has decreased (or, in general, it ceases to flow);
- you notice that the water goes bad in the drain;
- water in the toilet is above normal levels.
Consider why blockages occur:
- a cork in the pipe due to a foreign object that blocked the required clearance;
- pipes on the walls are overgrown with sediments; they are created by any waste;
- there was a film of fat (fat particles got into the pipe), by the way, this kind of cork is dangerous for metal pipes.
Note that if you improperly operate plumbing equipment and drain waste fat containing food into the sewage system, then a fatty film appears.
A soap plug usually appears in the bathroom of your home. And this clog is very difficult to break through, because the soap will quickly harden, mixed with food waste and garbage. Hair that can get into the drain hole can also block the pipe. And it is possible to remove such a plug either with cleaning agents containing expensive chemical components, or it is necessary to “twist the cable”. Due to errors in the construction of the sewage system, the water may stagnate and various sediments may form in incorrectly laid sewage areas. And very often, only the complete dismantling of the system and the new lining of pipes can restore the efficiency of the sewer system.
If you have very hard water, then there is an accelerated deposition of salts on the walls of sewer pipes, especially metal. Remember that simple toilet paper, if you throw it into the toilet, creates a sewer plug. To blockages do not become permanent, it is necessary to periodically do the prevention of sewage.This will avoid the extra hassle of cleaning with associated costs. Initially, when installing the entire sewer system, it is important to install filters and debris-catching nets, in addition it is better to install a grease catcher.
Connections and pipe bends need to be provided with special taps for auxiliary work during possible cleaning - these are inspection hatchways and openings closed with stoppers. It is also necessary to constantly flush the sewage pipes with boiling water in large quantities, the drains must be treated with a strong solution of salt and constantly monitor that waste and garbage do not fall into the sewage system. In certain periods it is necessary to dismantle the pipes and flush them thoroughly, this will allow you to monitor the level of the blockage and remove possible blockages in a timely manner.
You should always remember that the prevention of sewage will cost you less than the elimination of possible blockages. And blockages, one way or another, will still be systematically formed, no matter how hard you try to follow the rules for their prevention.
You need to constantly follow simple, but effective rules.
- Do not dispose of substances that are poorly soluble in sewers.Make it a rule to send them in the trash without hesitation.
- When you will mount and lay the sewage - try to lay pipes with an inclination downwards and not to make a lot of joints and corners, because then they form blockages.
- Make it a rule a couple of times a week for a few minutes to pour boiling water into the sewer system.
- In the sink you need to install the grates in the drain hole, they will prevent different debris from entering the pipe.
Always following these simple rules, you will significantly extend the life of your sewer. As you understand from the read, everything is very simple, and if you follow these simple rules - a blockage will never spoil your existence. One of the important tips to you: in the coming days, get a special removable nozzle for draining, it will keep in itself all the causes of pollution. And still make yourself a rule: at least once every two months, clean the walls of pipes with liquid products containing acid.
When carrying out regular cleaning, always remember to pour a chlorine-containing substance into the drain hole, this is necessary for disinfection.The sewage system constantly requires you to care, quality care and maintenance. The costs associated with the organization and conduct of cleaning, you pay off the longevity and good performance of the sewer system.
How to pump out the sewer in a private house, see the following video.