Sewer Fittings: Types and Characteristics

Laying domestic sewage in your home is not easy and costly. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the total length and determine the location of the pipes. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when calculating is the connection of pipes. After all, it is not always possible to lay the sewer directly, you have to deal with numerous turns and branches. And here come to the aid fittings, designed to significantly facilitate the task. They will not only provide a solid connection of pipes, but also solve the problem with the branching of the sewer system. In this article we will talk about the varieties of these parts and their application.
Special features
First, consider when these fittings are used. In recent years, PVC pipes have been particularly popular during construction.
They are made of polypropylene or polyethylene and have a number of advantages:
- such pipes are much cheaper than metal;
- they have a relatively small weight, which significantly facilitates the delivery and installation process;
- PVC materials have amazing strength, thanks to which pipes will faithfully serve for decades.
PVC pipes can be connected in the traditional way, that is, by welding. However, today this method can be considered unreasonably complicated. It will require welding equipment, as well as a master capable of using it. Such services are expensive.
Fittings are the most profitable alternative to date. They are made, as a rule, from the same materials as pipes. Therefore, they have the same advantages, namely: low price, ease of installation and safety margin. Such a long service life is due to the fact that these materials are not affected by the level of moisture, temperature changes or corrosion. As a result, you do not have to worry about replacing fittings for 40 years or more.
For the installation of such elements you will not need any special equipment or an experienced person in this business.You can do the installation yourself. It practically does not differ from the assembly of the children's designer. You just need to understand what kind of parts you need in this situation.
The list of fittings is quite long and varied. Each of their species has its own purpose. First of all, they are divided into types for domestic sewage and external. The first is connected to the individual elements of the plumbing, such as a toilet or bath. The second connects the entire pipeline of one house with a common sewer.
Let's start with the options that apply in both cases.
- Clutch - The simplest type of fittings. It is used to directly connect two pipes to each other. The group is divided into full bore, repair and couplings with emphasis.
- Tap - it is necessary to turn the pipeline in the other direction. Bends are different, depending on the angle of rotation (30, 45, 90, 120 degrees).
- Tee - it is intended for connection of two branches of the sewer pipeline. Also has several types with different angles of rotation (45, 75 or 90 degrees).
- Reduction - it is similar to the coupling, but has entrances, the sizes differing from each other.This is necessary for interconnecting pipes of different diameters. For example, to connect the toilet drain to the sewer.
- Audit - a very important element of the pipeline, which is often forgotten. Through it, the system is cleaned when blockages occur. Otherwise, this process will become much more complicated. This fitting is installed in a pipeline in an easily accessible place. Comes with a cap for blocking the drain.
- Cap - the least necessary detail. At arrangement of the house sewerage practically it is not applied. It is intended to close the end of the pipeline if in the future you plan to build an additional branch from it.
- Single Plane Cross - a special version of the tee, having some not so obvious differences. As the name implies, the connection of pipes occurs in one plane. The item has several varieties, depending on the angle of the joints. The most common are 45 and 90 degrees.
- Saddle - it is intended for connection of additional pipes to ready sewer system. Externally, this part is a fragment of the body, which is installed with glue (in the case of plastic pipes) or welding.
Now let's talk about the fittings that are used exclusively for the installation of internal sewage.
- Biplane cross - as well as monoplane serves to connect three to four pipes. However, in this case, they are installed in different planes. Such elements are most at risk due to the complexity of the design. Consequently, leaks occur more frequently in such places.
But the strength and monolithic manufacturing technology of this fitting minimizes this risk. Two-plane crosses differ not only in the angles of the sockets (45 and 90 degrees), but also in the diameter of the outlets, in order to connect branches of different sizes.
- Compensation pipe - it is connected to the elements of the pipeline leading to different plumbing. Liquid waste is removed through this fitting.
Separate fittings for outdoor sewage.
- A non-return valve is required for connecting horizontally installed pipes with a 2 cm slope. Also prevents backflow of fluid through the system.
- The two-knee siphon is used in places of reception of waste liquid. This fitting serves as a shutter and prevents the formation of gases.
- A double flanged fitting is used to connect horizontal and vertical pipes. Most often it serves to connect plumbing to the sewer system, located a level below. Typically, these fittings have a 90-degree angle.
- The three-socket tee tends to have a 90 degree bend. It is used to connect three different pipes of small diameter to one, wider branch.
In addition to classification by purpose, fittings may vary in a variety of other features. First of all, it is a material from which both pipes and fittings are made for them. All the advantages of plastic have already been discussed above. But not always Russian residents for one reason or another prefer pipelines made of PVC materials. In our country, the most trusted metal structures.
Cast iron is the most traditional of materials, but with many drawbacks. Of the benefits can be identified the longest service life - about 80 years. Most cast-iron sewer systems in Russia exist since Soviet times. Over the years, numerous growths have been formed on the inner walls of such pipes, hampering water flow. When replacing them, the same material is rarely used.The reason for this - significant cons of cast iron: it has a high cost and great weight, which complicates the installation. Cast iron fittings are rarely used for domestic purposes for the same reasons.
There are alternatives that also have their disadvantages, which is why they are less and less used in construction. For example, copper is the most expensive of the materials. Very resistant to corrosion and alkaline environment. For piping, copper pipes are not used because of their ability to change the smell and color of water. And for sewage can be found materials and cheaper. Another alternative is stainless steel, which, on the contrary, is vulnerable to corrosion.
Asbestos cement and ceramics can be distinguished from non-metallic materials. The first option is almost devoid of the disadvantages that metal pipes suffer. Asbestos-cement systems do not suffer from corrosion, are lightweight and last a long time. But this material is quite fragile, it is easy to damage during installation. Ceramics - the closest to the ideal material option, as it has a long number of advantages. In addition, ceramic systems boast a variety of fittings available.But most of these advantages cross one minus - too high a price.
Due to the various shortcomings of the listed materials, PVC pipes against the background of other analogues look the most profitable and practical solution. Fittings vary in size. Choosing them, you should take into account the parameters of pipes that need to be connected. Their weight and length, for example, do not play a role. The main indicators in this case are the internal and external diameters of pipes. They can vary from 25 to 110 mm and more.
Also, fittings are characterized by the presence of sealing rings, which serve to improve the tightness of the sewer system.
Useful recommendations
We offer you to read a few tips that help you install fittings correctly and avoid future problems.
- If purchased models have rubber rings, then they need to be installed in a special way. At the same time, the pipe should ideally fit in size so that the ring is completely inside. Previously it is necessary to attach the fitting to the pipe to leave on it a mark of the required depth. Lubricate the inside of the part with silicone sealant and connect it to the pipe, focusing on the mark.Instead of sealant, you can use insulating tape for pipes that are wound from the outside.
- If the fittings do not have rubber rings, we recommend reinforcing the joints with insulating material.
- To prevent leaks, the system should not have internal thresholds that appear in the joints.
- Install hose clamps that improve airtightness at the junction of the pipeline and additional wiring.
- PVC fittings vary in color. Gray is used for domestic sewage, and orange - for outdoor.
Today, manufacturers are trying to simplify the installation of sewer systems. In the shops for a little money you can buy any fittings for all situations. All you need is to know how to properly apply certain parts.
How to make installation of sewer pipes, look in the following video.