Fireplace use in interior design

Fireplace is always associated with home comfort and family warmth. And if earlier this accessory was available exclusively to owners of private houses and was characterized by fire danger, complexity of installation and maintenance, then modern models can be installed in city apartments, they are safe and easy to install.
Special features
Fireplace in the interior performs 2 functions - aesthetic and practical. Most devices allow not only to enjoy the appearance of a blazing fire, but also serve as a source of heat. However, when it comes to falshkaminah, then they serve exclusively to decorate the room.
Modern fireplaces must meet the requirements of fire safety, ergonomics and approach the general stylistic design of the room.
In the classical version, a fireplace consists of a firebox (that is, a space where fire burns), a portal (the structure that surrounds the firebox), and a chimney (used to remove smoke and carbon dioxide from a room). Modern models often do not have a chimney, their portal may be subjected to various improvements.
If we talk about models in the firebox of which real fire is burning (and not video, for example), then closed devices are preferred. Their firebox is closed by a door made of heat-resistant glass. Due to this, it is possible to maintain a high efficiency of the fireplace (up to 70-80%), to increase its safety (eliminating the risk of burns on the flame, the probability of fire), but to preserve the opportunity to see the flames.
The room in which this noble accessory is located can be of any size. In the premises of a large area (for example, living rooms of private houses), classic models look good. For small rooms, you can choose mounted or corner options.
Classification of fireplaces can be made on the basis of various criteria. Depending on the type of fuel used, emit several models at once.
Wood burning
The source of energy in such devices are logs. This type is suitable for private houses, because it requires the installation of a chimney. It is better, of course, to engage in the design of the device at the stage of construction of the house. Entrust the installation of the fireplace should be professionals, because it is important accurate calculations.
If the length of the chimney is too large, then the wood will quickly burn through. And if you make it too short, the smoke and soot will penetrate into the room. When organizing wood fireplaces, refractory materials are used, and the adjacent walls, floor, attic, and roof section, where the chimney is mounted, are protected with fire-resistant heat-insulating material. The advantage of the accessory is the ability to enjoy a real flame, feel the aromas of burning logs, hear the crackle of fire. In addition, such fireplaces have a sufficiently high thermal efficiency.
However, their device requires considerable financial investments, as well as regular care and purification.Before the fireplace heats the room, it will take at least an hour and a half (time depends on the power of the product, the size of the room). Finally, you need to take care of harvesting firewood and logs, organization of storage space.
Fireplaces of this type work on gas, being connected to the trunk system or working on a liquefied analogue from a cylinder. Their device is not much different from wood models. Although the size can be much smaller, since there is no need for a large firebox.
The advantage is a high heating rate, quiet operation, ease of operation. It is also better to entrust the installation and connection of a gas fireplace to professionals.
Electrofireplaces are, in fact, heaters with an imitation of an open flame. They do not require the organization of the chimney, because they are powered by electricity. Due to the presence of a thermostat, it is possible to regulate the temperature in the room, the systems are equipped with an automatic shutdown program, which ensures their high safety. The electronic screen with which the devices are equipped, demonstrates the heating temperature, has various sensors.
Flame imitation can be achieved by various methods. For example, using the OptiFlame system, which assumes the presence of a special backlight and silk ribbons. The latter are inflated and highlighted, which creates the effect of dancing tongues of flame. A three-dimensional video image of the fire is also used, although this method does not avoid its cyclicity. Current models of email. fireplaces imitate the burning process as closely as possible and can even be equipped with soundtracks — crackling logs.
Bio Fireplaces
As a fuel for these devices, those options are used that do not emit carbon dioxide and other combustion toxins. Their installation does not require the organization of ventilation, and therefore the chimney is not needed. It is enough that the room where the fireplace will be located has good ventilation.
Bio-fireplaces are the only version of the product with open fire that can be installed in the apartment. Despite the presence of open fire and the absence of a chimney (which absorbs some of the heat during combustion), biofireplaces are not suitable for space heating.
If the method of their installation is used as a classification basis,then fireplaces are also divided into several types.
The devices are located in the wall niche - finished or created specifically for a fireplace. Due to this, the accessory "does not eat up" the living space in the room and looks as organic as possible. Optimally, if the decision to create an integrated fireplace made during the construction phase.
Located along the wall, that is, have protruding parts. A kind of wall can be called a hanging fireplace. It is mounted on special brackets to the wall, which saves space. As a rule, mounted models are electric, outwardly, such an accessory resembles a plasma TV, inside of which a fire burns.
They are also called bilateral, because you can admire the flame on both sides of the fireplace. They serve exclusively to decorate the room, because their heat emission is scanty. For the organization of such a model in the middle of the room (or in any convenient place) a firebox is installed, which is enclosed with heat-resistant glass or other materials. A smoke box connected to the chimney is placed above the furnace part.
A special feature of a double-sided fireplace is the originality of its appearance and the possibility of using it for zoning a room.
Corner Fireplaces
Such models are similar to the near-wall ones, however, they are mounted in the corner of the room, which determines their ergonomics. The chimney of the angular unit is located on any adjacent wall, and the walls of the firebox are made under an inclination or a two-chamber combustion part is used.
You can also select several groups of fireplaces based on the direction of heat flow. They can spread in one direction (in front of the device) or in several at once. Visually, the amount of heat flow can be determined by looking at the fire. From how many points of view a flame is seen, heat moves on the same number of sides.
Based on this, there are also several options.
This design is quite simple, has a furnace with sloping walls. Due to this, thermal energy is reflected and output through the window of the fireplace into the room, heating it.
Double sided
It has 2 sides in which the flame burns, that is, 2 adjacent or opposite planes of the firebox are separated by a transparent partition.Two-sided fireplaces include corner and island, as well as some wall models.
Since the fuel in such units will burn faster, then the chimney in the structure should be more powerful. It will also have to increase the floor area that needs thermal insulation. Finally, the energy efficiency of these models is reduced, because the combustion chamber has less reflective surfaces.
It is a transparent construction resembling an aquarium, one side of which is mounted in a wall. On top of the unit is equipped with a chimney. The main feature of such fireplaces - aesthetic appeal, originality. However, heat is reflected in them only from one of the sides, and therefore the efficiency of the construction is small, moreover, the area of the floor, which needs thermal protection, increases.
Depending on the access to the furnace, open and closed fireplaces are allocated. The latter have a door that closes the furnace. The efficiency of the device in this case can reach 70-80%, while the thermal efficiency of open models does not exceed 5-10%.
For those who want to keep a high heating factor,but it is not ready to give up the type of living flame, manufacturers offer closed-type devices with a transparent door of refractory glass. Enjoying the sight of fire and keeping warm at the same time became possible.
Some models can be moved from room to room. (As a rule, these are electric and some models of gas devices). Such fireplaces are called mobile. The opposite to them - stationary.
Facing the portal can be different - stone, brick, metal, wood. Allocate tiled fireplaces lined with refractory tiles.
Finally, there are pseudo fireplaces, which are the most affordable and safe option. Such falshkaminy - is an imitation of the fireplace portal, if necessary, it can accommodate lighted candles or a heating element.
To achieve the maximum attractiveness of the fireplace in the interior, you can choose the design in the same style as the main design of the room. There are several types of designs, in terms of stylistic decisions.
The design is U-shaped, usually equipped with a chimney.This fireplace boasts massive outlines, stucco, bas-reliefs and columns used for decoration. As the finish is usually used artificial or natural stone. Victorian style implies the presence of cast iron forged items.
Country style
Fireplaces of this style seem to be sent to Provence - a small suburb, a small village in France, where everything breathes with naturalness and serenity. It is believed that the shape of the structure resembles the letter “D”, which is achieved due to the presence of a massive stand at the bottom of the device and the presence of a wide wooden beam at the top of the portal.
Natural porous stone (limestone, shell rock) is used as a finishing material. For registration of the outer part of the chimney using gypsum.
Scandinavian style
The Scandinavian style, full of freedom, naturalness, light, will help to recreate the atmosphere of a country house. Scandinavian style fireplaces are the epitome of natural harmony. As a rule, these are wood constructions of simple form, for cladding they use smooth stone, metal.
If you want to create a cozy and romantic atmosphere of a small hunting lodge in the mountains, then pay attention to the design in the style of a chalet.It is characterized by originality and originality, which is achieved due to the simplicity of the device. Fireplaces of this type rather resemble a large stove.
For decoration, use natural materials - stone, wood. As a decor, you can equip a small woodpile, throw a real or artificial animal skin on the floor.
Such fireplaces look good in a modern style. In general, they are similar to the classical variations, but less massive, decorated. Even if modern fireplaces have stucco, the whole design looks natural and minimalist, easy, thanks to which optimally fits into modern interiors.
High tech
Minimalism is also close to this group of fireplaces. The designs are characterized by originality of forms and an unusual combination of materials (for example, glass, metal, polymers, stainless steel and concrete). Fireplaces in the style of high-tech - it is an opportunity to embody the most ambitious desires: models, suspended from the ceiling, round and spherical designs, devices, combined with a waterfall. All this organically fit into the interior of this type.
Unusual combinations and laconic forms are welcomed in loft-style rooms. A fireplace of a simple rectangular shape from metal of dark flowers will be successful here. Also, designers recommend island units for these interiors. They become not only the "chip" of the room, but also act as a means of its zoning.
Regardless of the chosen model and its purpose (heating and aesthetics or just an attractive appearance), the fireplace must comply with the general style of the interior, in harmony with it.
- In modern stone buildings organically looks fireplace in the Art Nouveau style. And for wooden houses or buildings from a bar the option in style of a country well will approach.
- Traditionally, fireplaces have in the living room. Undoubtedly, it will become the center of the interior. Depending on the style and size of the room, it can be both frontal and angular variation.
- Owners of small apartments can turn a balcony into a cozy seating area. The atmosphere of warmth and soulfulness will help to recreate the fireplace. It is better to choose a corner or mini-model, portable devices or false fires will also work.It is possible to beat a design with indoor flowers, homespun rugs and wicker furniture. So you will achieve the stylization of a balcony under a country porch.
- The fireplace also helps to emphasize the luxury and nobility of the cabinet. It will become a stylish attribute in combination with wooden shelves and massive furniture made of natural wood. For modern interiors, choose a wall or corner models.
- Fireplace perfectly complement the dining room. Stoves-fireplaces are distinguished by their practicality, which will allow not only to warm or decorate the interior, but also to warm up food. Depending on the design of the dining room, choose a classic model, mounted, angular. As for the finish, it is a stone, whitened brick, ceramic tile.
- In rooms of small sizes, preference should be given to corner and mounted models, fake fires. Visually increase the room will help the use of light shades, including the design of the fireplace.
- Most organically falshkaminy look with candles. Such a corner immediately becomes the embodiment of comfort and warmth. Visually increase the number of candles and achieve an interesting effect of dancing tongues of flame will help the mirror.It is enough to use reflective elements in the design of the back of the firebox or place them in front of the fireplace.
- To emphasize the naturalness of materials for cladding or authenticity of wood models allows live vegetation. Ficus, vines or pyramid thuja complement the living room. The main thing is not to have them strictly symmetrical on both sides of the fireplace, because our task is to create a relaxed atmosphere, a green corner, as close as possible to nature. And in nature, as is known, there is no symmetry.
- In houses with an open layout, you can use bilateral models. They allow to distinguish, for example, the dining room and living room. At the same time, the fireplace looks self-sufficient, therefore, when decorating the interior, give preference to minimalism.
- As for the finishing of the structure, natural stone is suitable if you want to make the fireplace the center of the interior. An unusual and homely warmth looks like a combination of natural raw stone in lining and white walls.
- Unusual stylistic solutions, for example, a combination of modern and rustic styles, are achieved by combining a stone fireplace and natural wood in the decoration of the walls, floor or ceiling of a room.Optimally, if the design of the device also contains wooden elements (mantel, beams).
- Marble fireplaces can look quite rough and heavyHowever, you should not abandon this noble material. He can find the embodiment at registration of a chimney shelf. The accessory itself can be brick, stone, whitewashed.
Festive decor
When it comes to the festive decoration of the fireplace, first of all I recall the New Year decor. Indeed, in the magical pre-New Year time, the furnace becomes the embodiment of kindness, warmth, family peace.
- In this case, it is better to place the holiday tree near the fireplace. However, in the absence of such, the device can easily replace it. Spruce needles can be spread out on the mantelpiece, complementing them with scattered tangerines, Christmas tree decorations, and candles. The traditional color palette is red-white, golden-red. We must not forget that it will be possible to create a festive atmosphere only if the same design will be continued in the rest of the room.
- The fireplace will become a chamber corner for celebrating Valentine's Day, because next to it you can have a romantic dinner right on the floor or on a low table.The traditional colors of the holiday are pink and red, and to make the decor look more airy and lighter, “dilute” it with white, silver, golden details. Heart garlands, small bouquets and wreaths, candles and themed figurines will help to achieve a festive atmosphere.
Another holiday that gathers the whole family from the hearth is Easter. On the mantelpiece on this day you can place themed garlands, colored eggs, sweets. Since Easter is also a holiday of spring, primroses (tulips, daffodils) will be appropriate.
Of course, thematic decoration of the fireplace is a great way to make any celebration more vivid and interesting, be it a wedding, birthday or March 8th.
Application area
- Traditionally, fireplaces are installed in the living room. As a rule, this is the largest room in an apartment or house, and, therefore, there is enough air flow. In addition, relatives and friends gather in the living room.
- In a hall and an office classical wall or built-in models are appropriate, for smaller rooms you can choose angular options. If the living room is combined with a dining room, study or hallway, give preference to island models, which, among other things, will help to divide the room into functional areas.In most cases, the appropriate rectangular models.
- In modern interiors harmoniously look round designs. And if such a fireplace is also equipped with a worktop, then it is great for use in the dining room. By the way, in the latter it is very convenient to use and stoves, fireplaces, because they can even cook or reheat food.
- In a country house or at the cottage, a cylindrical design organically looks, as well as tiled models and devices that mimic stoves.
- The location of the fireplace on the loggia requires high-quality thermal insulation last. However, with this approach, you will be able to recreate the atmosphere of a country veranda in a city apartment. Optimal use of electric models or fake fireplaces. The balcony is recommended to sheathe with wood, you can use there light wicker furniture, add interior with fresh flowers, bright dishes.
Maintenance and Care Tips
- Regardless of the type of fireplace, it is important that it is certified, has quality assurance. The absence of such documentation, as well as the too low cost of the accessory, should alert and become a reason for refusing to buy.Installation of the device should be trusted only to specialists.
- Choosing the location of the future fireplace, make sure that it is not blown by drafts, and there is a lot of air in the room itself. The walls adjacent to it must have reliable thermal insulation, as well as the floor covering in its immediate vicinity.
- If you decide to lay out a wood structure, be prepared to periodically clean the firebox and chimney. Otherwise, the fireplace will not be able to boast of long-term operation and flawless fines.
- To maintain an attractive appearance, it is necessary to clean the portal regularly. If you have an idea to lay it out of stone, brick or marble, remember that you cannot use abrasive compounds for their purification, it is better to purchase a special tool.
- Most wood fireplaces consist of firebox and heat-resistant glass. To preserve the transparency of the latter, you need to make sure that the firewood used is dry. Preference should be given to hardwood logs, because soft - smoke, and coniferous - give a lot of sparks.
Beautiful examples in the interior
The fireplace is always cozy, beautiful and practical.The main thing is to find exactly the model that truly transforms your room. The size and shape of the structure should correspond to the general parameters of the room.
The color performance of the device should be in perfect harmony with the shades of the interior room. A completely win-win option, especially for rustic interiors, is a combination of stone and wood.
How to install the fireplace yourself, see the video below.