TV over the fireplace in the interior design
TV, located above the fireplace, looks beautiful. However, such accommodation has a lot of contradictions associated with the fact that the fireplace takes over the main component of the home hearth. Consider the subtleties of this placement, we will understand whether this opinion is reasonable and whether it is worthwhile to combine these objects of the interior composition.
Special features
Placing a TV above the fireplace is hardly harmonious. This is due to the fact that both the fireplace and the TV are key accents of the interior, which occupy the main part of the attention of those who are currently in this room. At the same time, each of the accents attracts attention to itself, so for the balance it is necessary to deliberately make one of them dominant. In other words, 100% balance is impossible, even if at first glance the room seems to be cozy.
TV and fireplace have different emotional load. The fireplace promotes a state of relaxation, it allows you to sit side by side for different thoughts and a relaxing stay. The TV will not let your head rest: even if you watch a melodrama or a cartoon, different signals will continuously flow to your brain, forcing you to receive and process information. In this case, relaxation is impossible. The combination of two emotional backgrounds creates disharmony on a subconscious level.
Placing a TV over the fireplace can only justify saving space in the living room. A TV can take a certain place in the fireplace area if there are no other places adapted for it in this space. However, in this case it is necessary to observe the rule: two accents should not compete with each other. Therefore, the simultaneous inclusion of these devices is undesirable.
The style is also important. Fireplace - detail of the interior with the characteristic nuances, which are inherent shades of antiquity. He plunges into a special atmosphere. The TV emphasizes the manufacturability of progress; for a better interior, it should have a lot of new features, be notable for its stylish design and ergonomics.The combination of two accents with different historical colors requires a special approach. This is far from always feasible, and if necessary, it cannot be done without involving a professional designer with an excellent sense of style, who understands the intricacies of interior innovations, including furniture additions, the choice of TV model, fireplace, relevance of materials and color solutions. The difficulty lies in combining two incompatible objects and fit them into the overall interior without feeling overwhelmed.
Arguments against
The appropriateness of this placement everyone decides for himself. There are some arguments that speak eloquently about what this arrangement of equipment can turn into.
Consider the main aspects:
- In most cases, the location of the TV over the fireplace creates a tremendous load on the neck, which eventually leads to abnormalities in the spine. Besides, watching TV like this, especially being in a small room, is extremely uncomfortable.
- Often, this neighborhood eliminates the disguise of wires, they will be in a prominent place.
- The proximity of the fireplace and the TV can not be called safe: the hot air, rising up, reduces the service life of equipment and provokes a fire hazard situation.
- Not every fireplace model is suitable for placement with a TV: in addition to the fact that it may require the construction of a ventilation system, it will dry the condenser and the electronic filling.
- In the process of both accents at the same time the glare of fire will distract from watching TV, even if the fireplace will be much smaller than the TV panel.
Arguments for
We live in an era of technological progress and maximum functionality, but at the same time cosiness is important. This is reflected in every object of life: even a fireplace, which, in fact, serves as a heater, must be useful and have aesthetic appeal.
Watching TV with a beautifully designed device will be much betterthan a lonely standing heater in itself, which you can stumble around as you move around the room. The hall is a place for receiving guests; it should create the most comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Fireplace looks beautiful: this design creates the desired mood of a special room at home.
Matters and functionality. The fireplace provides the living room with warmth and therefore comfort. A warm room is more conducive to a confidential conversation, joint rest.Moreover, if the room does not have a TV, it will seem boring to the modern person. It is important that the fireplace looks harmonious with it, and this is possible subject to the safety rules, taking into account the type of fireplace, as well as the details of the location.
Types of foci
Today there are many types of fireplaces. These include:
- wood - heating space due to natural fuel (firewood);
- electric - imitating fire, working on the principle of heaters from the power source;
- gas - needing gas fuel for work;
- false fireplaces - imitation of the fireplace, often carrying a decorative function.
Each type has its own characteristics, however, those models that require firewood, as well as gas varieties can not be placed next to the TV. Sometimes manufacturers note the possibility of proximity of the second models with a TV, but in fact the masters involved in installing heating devices do not consider this to be reasonable. They note that for 100% safe installation, decorative and virtual models that are recessed into the wall portal are more suitable.Usually they install an electric fireplace with its own safety box: it can be turned off at any time, it is safer for a close proximity to the TV.
How to place?
If there is no other way of placing two accents, it is worth considering a number of nuances. This will help to maintain the harmony of the location of usually competing pieces of furniture, as well as reduce the negative impact of the heater on the TV. Choosing placement on one wall, it is not at all necessary to hang the TV strictly above the fireplace. You can beat several options for the location of these interior items.
It is undesirable to use a separate ledge for the fireplace: it must be sunk into the wall. So both objects will be located at the same level, and the fire will not interfere with viewing.
If a protrusion is selected for the accent wall, use the same protrusion of the product: neither should stand out relative to the other, while choosing a small model of the fireplace and position it symmetrically relative to the TV.
Well, if the protrusion is divided into two vertical parts: this will give the wall an organization,identify a place to relax and watch your favorite TV shows. In this case, the fireplace and TV will be located nearby, but will not be able to compete with each other.
An interesting solution would be a combination of accents and built-in furniture. For example, it can be a wall or a rack of an inconspicuous shade. In order not to overload the overall look of the interior, in this case it makes sense to make the fireplace discreet, giving the dominant role to the TV, decorating the wall or shelves in the same style with the plasma.
Use color effects: You can hang on the wall TV in a dark case, while the color of the fireplace may be related, but light. To drown the fireplace in the wall or to make it not so noticeable will help the gray tone of the entire wall of the fireplace area. At the same time to highlight the TV, use black or dark gray, the design of the fireplace should not contain bright strokes (enough fire).
Avoid the use of decorative supports for the fireplace: they focus attention, attracting it to the fireplace itself, which over time will raise the question of relevance in this design of the TV.
If the layout is open and space is limited,You can divide the wall into separate functional areas. For example, the bedroom zone is separated by a fireplace, and next to it there is a recreation area for watching TV. In this case, the TV should be located above the fireplace, thereby emphasizing the dominant role of emphasis.
An interesting solution, providing the most harmonious combination of two accents in the living room, is to place a TV and a fireplace, when adjacent walls are not joined at a right angle, but in this part of the wall have either a ledge or a sloping plane, which can be placed under the fireplace and mirror. Here you can put a false stand, while the selection will not be so controversial. The TV will also be located higher, but not above the fireplace, but about a meter or two from it. In addition, furnace-type constructions are relevant here. TV in this case, you can attach to the wall or put on a high cabinet or chest of drawers.
There are cases when it is fundamentally important for the customer to separate two accents. This is usually the case when a certain ledge in the living room is placed under the fireplace or TV. In this case, the designer can offer a version with two niches.At the same time for the visual effect of drowning the fireplace over it make a narrow console shelf, on top of which have a TV. To prevent an imbalance in the hall, they will equip compartment doors to disguise the television. However, this technique is contradictory: here the fireplace is the dominant, even if its size is small.
If the placement of the TV above the fireplace in the living room is fundamental, It is worth using the advice of experts.
- In order not to create a barrier between two accents, make a niche for the TV. This will smooth the perception of this area.
- To get rid of neck pain, position the TV panel at a slight angle for more comfortable viewing. So do not have to throw back the head, which is dangerous for the brain.
- Do not make a big firebox: a small model of square shape will allow you to position the TV below, which will create convenience for the eyes.
- Do not accentuate every detail of the duet in addition: exclude additional shelves with accessories for the fireplace, separate panels for the fireplace and TV. Try to make this area monolithic, make the wall the same material.
- A good option would be to make two niches on a concise wall without too much decoration: one for plasma and the other (smaller) for a fireplace accent.
- Consider that the fire draws any attention to itself, for a duet with a TV, the fireplace should not be large, otherwise both accents will lose expressiveness, and the interior will lose a sense of style.
- Pay attention to the color scheme of the room. Try to keep the fireplace area with the TV not too different from the main background. The color can be related or contrast, while it should not attract attention, otherwise the duet of the fireplace and the TV on its background will be broken.
- Use the tricky trick: connect two key pieces of interior with a finishing material that is appropriate for both. Perform surface cladding imitation brick or masonry: it is harmonious for the fireplace and a stylish solution for modern interiors, in which technology is a key design element.
Do not forget to take into account an important nuance: both items have a certain status. They must match each other, otherwise one product will lose to another, which will visually spoil the interior of the fireplace area. At the same time try to select both products in the same color and finish.This will create the illusion that the fireplace and TV are components of a single ensemble.
In addition, consider the size of two accents. They depend on the living room footage: the smaller the room, the smaller the parameters of the TV and fireplace. However, there is a nuance here: for balance, the TV panel should be bigger. At the same time, the fireplace will not seem small and will be able to maintain a cozy atmosphere even in a limited space. If the room is spacious, and a ledge is reserved for two accents, do not increase the dimensions: this is possible only when they are placed on a large wall with a shift.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Cycling the face of the wall of the bay window under the TV, a fireplace is placed next to it, sunk into the wall. Close neighborhood looks harmonious.
A difficult but successful example of combining two accents: placing a TV with a shelf above the fireplace with doors, combined with the masonry of the lower part of the fireplace projection.
A clear demonstration of the dominance of the TV: a ledge with a niche for the TV panel emphasizes the place under the fireplace. The contrast of two accents creates the desired effect.
An interesting solution to the guest area with the protrusion and niches: the TV area is accentuated with a dark color to match the furnishing details.Space for a fireplace is limited, the model is recessed in a niche and has no catchy design.
Forced reception in conditions of lack of space: selected plasma and a small decorative fireplace with legs. For the entourage selected stand, imitating the fireplace protrusion.
The use of shelving. Under the TV set aside a large shelf, a fireplace is mounted in the wall and shaded by a beige shade. Due to the furniture composition looks appropriate and harmonious.
Using small accents on the ledge in the spacious living room looks beautiful, and accents do not compete with each other.
Good reception with a shelf and brickwork fireplace, contrast shades. TV is located at an angle.
An example of an interesting fireplace design with a home theater can be found in this video.