Fireplace of the boxes with their own hands

A synonym for comfort in a home is, of course, a fireplace. And it does not matter whether you live in a private mansion or in a regular apartment. If there is no financial or technical possibility to build a real fireplace, then why not use decorative materials and decorate the home with your own hands.
In the cold season, we all need a particularly cozy atmosphere, since at home we spend most of the time. And let the fireplace out of the boxes not warm you, but it will definitely transform the image of your house, adding to it its uniqueness and comfort, and, of course, will cheer up the household. By the way, such fireplaces are installed not only at home, but also in advertising and modeling agencies, where they serve as scenery for photo shoots.
Advantages and disadvantages
Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to an artificial fireplace, but there are still more advantages than disadvantages.
Among the advantages we note the following:
- the effect of the presence of an expensive fireplace that will make a real "suburban residence" out of a regular apartment;
- ease of installation - a decorative fireplace can be assembled with your own hands in a short time, while using the help of even the youngest family members;
- the absence of a chimney and firebox, respectively, dirt and smoke in the room can be avoided;
- minimal financial costs - as a rule, old boxes and other available materials are used that you would have thrown away anyway;
- the ability to choose the material for finishing to your liking - drywall, polyurethane, chipboard, foam concrete and many other options;
- the decor of the fireplace can often be changed depending on the holiday, time of year or just according to the mood;
- free choice of location in the room;
- if you use such decorative elements as tile, painting and mosaic, then the fireplace will look as realistic as possible;
- unique design "not like everyone else";
- practical function (using the design of the fireplace, you can hide the battery or existing defects in the room);
- mobility of the fireplace, because it will not be tied to a specific interior and you can change its place depending on the destination.
There is only one flaw in the false-fireplace - it is impossible to make a real fire in it. But for someone, this fact will be an advantage, because fire safety in a residential area, especially where there are children, is above all.
Before building an artificial fireplace, decide where it will be located - it could be a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a study, and even a nursery. Depending on the dimensions of the room, determine the size and type of future fireplace. The most popular wall models that are as simple as possible in design and installation. But there are also angular artificial hearths, which are usually chosen by the owners of small apartments. Taking into account the design of the room, choose a style - usually it is retro, classic, eco or modern.
It is customary to distinguish the following types of fireplace imitations:
- reliable;
- conditional;
- symbolic.
Reliable false-fires exactly repeat the real ones, only here there is no chimney. The depth of such a fireplace, as a rule, is at least 40-50 cm.The frame is made of drywall, the surface of which is plastered and decorated with all sorts of decorative materials - for example, tiles, plastic or wooden panels. And you can reproduce the fire here with scented candles.
Conditional false fires are made in a niche. They have a small depth - up to 20 cm. In such fireplaces there is a portal, and the frame is made of what is at hand - wood, cardboard, foam plastic, wood or polyurethane. Fire can be imitated with the help of a photo frame or the most economical option - candles and garlands.
A spectacular design technique that creates the effect of a burning flame even from a small candle - to decorate the walls with mirror tiles.
Symbolic raised fireplace may have an unusual and very fancy design., bearing, in fact, a purely aesthetic function of decorating the room. You can use drywall or cardboard boxes, interior stickers or just draw a fireplace on the wall, using moldings and polyurethane moldings for decoration. And the fire can be designated with the help of Christmas lights and decorative lights.
Of course, the most inexpensive and simple for self-installation remains the version of the hearth of cardboard boxes. It can be built literally in 1 day.
Necessary materials
The necessary materials for the design and construction of an artificial hearth of cardboard boxes:
- cardboard boxes (1 large, for example, from under the TV or 4-8 pieces of small, for example, from under the shoe);
- White paper;
- stationery knife;
- double sided and plain adhesive tape;
- office glue or PVA;
- spray paint (white, gold, silver);
- ruler;
- glue gun;
- pencil;
- a roll of wallpaper "bricks";
- decorative details from polyfoam;
- stucco moldings and moldings of polyurethane.
It is especially important during the construction of the fireplace to carefully conduct all measurements so that you do not have to redo the work several times. When you think to the smallest detail the appearance of the hearth, get to work.
How to do?
There are several options for fireplaces that you can create out of the box with your own hands.
Wall option is suitable for those who do not want to mess with a lot of boxes and ready to do just one thing, for example, from under a large TV.To begin, draw a drawing and transfer the scheme of the fireplace on the box. Cut a hole in the front with a stationery knife, where there should be an imitation of fire. The edges of the box are glued in or fixed with adhesive tape. The decor of polystyrene or polyurethane (baseboards and moldings) are glued with white glue or a special gun to the cardboard.
And for the design of the table top at the fireplace top, ready-made plywood or several sheets of cardboard glued together (for extra strength) are used. Paint the resulting blank can be white or gold paint from a can.
An interesting decor option is the decoupage technique using New Year or retro pictures. And if the fireplace is being built for romantic purposes (for example, you want to surprise your soul mate on Valentine's Day or make a birthday gift), paste over the fireplace with images of angels and delicate floral ornaments.
If you didn’t buy a big diagonal TV and you simply don’t have a huge box under your arms, use small shoe boxes to install an artificial fireplace. Fasten them with a letter P.The blank of such a fireplace is pasted over with white paper and “brick-like” wallpaper using ordinary office glue.
Decide what size of boxes you will make your dream fireplace. It is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the structure and, if possible, draw a drawing.
When the length, width and height of the parts are known, mark the necessary lines on the box and cut all the excess with a stationery knife.
Inside the resulting box color dark paint, on top of the box in the form of a shelf, attach thin plywood with double tape. For this fit and glued sheets of cardboard, laminate and other available materials. And you can decorate such a decorative fireplace with “bricks” of white, brown or red color.
Foam plastic is also suitable as a worktop. For color, you can cover it with gold paint from balonchik. Also, a sponge with such paint can only touch the "bricks" - this will give the fireplace an unusual texture. Polyfoam can also imitate stonework.
Please note that the base must be at least 5 cm larger than the fireplace itself on each side. For the stability of the structure, cardboard edges are inserted into it.And to the corners of the fireplace were smooth, use the corners for the slopes. You can level the puttied surface with ordinary sandpaper.
If you live in a small apartment, and you want comfort and warmth, the idea to make a corner false fireplace would be a great idea. Choosing a place for it, pay attention to the fact that it can be viewed from all sides. Instead of a central object, it is reasonable to use an angular structure that will transform the interior without taking up much space. Workshops and video tutorials will help you decorate the stylish decoration of this interior object.
Take a box that fits the size and make a semicircular slot in it to bend it inwards (this will be the bottom of the fireplace). Cut a little material from above to form a “corner” that does not rest on the bottom between the three sides of the corner fireplace. Carefully trim the back and side walls of the box, and glue all sides with adhesive tape at the end.
The resulting construction is glued over with a construction film “under the brick”. A tile above the fireplace can be made of the same cardboard or chipboard, pasting this coating with a film "under the tree."Then it can be placed trinkets, jewelry and other decorative items. Instead of a hearth, mini-candles and festoons are quite suitable.
To make a cardboard fireplace durable, take each blank in 2 copies to create a thick layer of cardboard. Such glued parts will give the construction additional reliability. In addition, such a fireplace is hard to break, and any accessories, even heavy ones, will be “safe” on it.
Fire imitation
Since the fireplace is made of cardboard, it is worth very careful to use open sources of fire, even if it is small decorative candles. It is better to protect yourself and make an imitation of fire. On sale there are lamps similar to the flickering of the flame. And you can disguise such a source of light with firewood from twisted cardboard, adding real wood twigs for plausibility. Such "firewood" can also be wrapped with a garland or hide an electric candle behind it.
An interesting option if you have financial opportunities is to use an electronic photo frame. It has a special fire mode that imitates flames.
Place in the interior
The design of a false fireplace depends not only on your imagination, but also on the style of the interior used in the living room.In the classic living room, the frame of the artificial hearth will be appropriate to decorate with imitations of stone or marble, and the texture of wood and brick will harmoniously fit into the interior in eco-style.
For maximum realism, you can put a screen or a wrought-iron grill in front of the firebox. This reception is especially effective in false fireplaces where a biogorelka or candles are used. Among the interesting elements, we note real or artificial logs (at the same time choose fragrant tree species - for example, juniper), stucco molding, monograms, tiles, tiles, and bas-reliefs. And to support the "fireplace illusion" you will help statues, books, photographs, plants in pots, vases of flowers and other decorative elements.
If you want the fireplace to look really old, use the following trick. Center the putty and dry with a hair dryer. As a result, the surface is covered with cracks and you get a vintage version. And if, on the contrary, you want a smooth surface, after filling, cover the surface of the structure with a layer of water-based paint.
When the fireplace is built in the bedroom, you can make it not very high, and above him hang a mirror.So the shelf of the fireplace will actually turn into a sort of dressing table. Remember that the quality of the decoration depends on the attractiveness of the fireplace, so work for the glory, including all your imagination. You can buy decorative elements made of polyurethane and use molding, stucco and even columns for zoning the fireplace. It is possible to fix these light constructions with the help of liquid nails. And it is not at all necessary to use white color or design “bricks”.
Turn on the fantasy and highlight the polyurethane elements with a gold color, and at the end cover everything with a colorless varnish so that the paint does not peel off.
How to decorate the New Year?
It is no secret that for most of us the fireplace evokes associations with the festive atmosphere of the New Year and Christmas. Despite the fact that many false-fireplaces serve the hosts all year round, nobody canceled the New Year's decor - it will help to feel that the holiday is near and Santa Claus is already somewhere nearby.
Decorate the mantelpiece with decorative figures, hang a Christmas wreath, decorate the fireplace with fir branches, glue images of deer or Santa Claus, and place thematic candles inside.It is good if they are flavored and fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, spruce needles and gingerbread.
And, of course, the classic for the decor of the fireplace - a boot for gifts. This tradition came to us from the West, but the kids like this idea so much. Such a Christmas element can be bought or sewn with your own hands, decorated with snowflakes and other themed ornaments.
Do not forget about the Christmas garland, which will create a festive atmosphere.
You can also “freshen up” the design of the fireplace with gold or silver paint, and sprinkle artificial snow on coniferous branches. Use Christmas and tinsel, the main thing - to withstand the colors and overall style. By the way, a mantelpiece can also come in handy. If you decorate it with candles, then the illusion of flame will be below and above, which in the dark will look very impressive and unusual.
Among the rest of the decorative components, you can use figurines of fairy tale characters, themed jewelry, tinsel and rain, natural cones, Christmas tree decorations, foam plastic figures, ribbons and pieces of fabric, as well as hand-made ornaments made of paper, wire and twine.As for the range of shades, it is better to use the classic “Christmas” color ranges: blue-silver or red-green with gold elements. Experiment with shapes and shades, and your work will definitely be appreciated.
False fireplace is an original and spectacular interior decoration. Compared to the real counterpart, the advantage of a false fireplace is the safety of use even where there are small children. It should carefully choose the location of the fireplace, taking into account the furnishing of the room.
The image of the fireplace itself on winter evenings will add warmth to your home. and make the atmosphere in the room mysterious and cozy. In addition, making a fireplace out of the box with your own hands is an exciting creative process in which all family members will most likely be involved. This is a real flight of fancy, because the decoration of the fireplace can be different, and you can change it as often as you like, depending on what time of year outside or what holiday.
Following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, with minimal cost in just one day, you can create an interior solution that will fundamentally change the look of the room, and you will not need building skills.
In addition, the construction of a false fireplace will help not only update the interior, but also have a great time with your family, as well as teach children to do something with their own hands.
How to make a fireplace with your own hands out of the box, see the next video.