Fireplace with a hob for the kitchen: design features and design ideas

For heating and decoration of their own homes, people increasingly resort to installing a fireplace - it is not only beautiful and stylish, but also functional. Currently, the choice of fireplaces presented is quite wide: you can choose small or large-sized models, wood or electric, real or decorative. However, now the demand is growing more and more for combined constructions, such as a stove with a hob.
A fireplace with a hob is a multifunctional device that is used for space heating, cooking and creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. The above properties allow you to install this unit in country buildings, where there is no gas, in the territory of a private house or a small apartment.
Heating and cooking stoves are stationary and portable. In the first case, the weight of the structure is on average 45 kg, and in the second - about 30 kg.
But in any case, this parameter is directly dependent on the material of manufacture and the availability of finishes.
The main type of fuel for these structures is firewood, but often they use peat, brown coal or pellets for heating. In this case, there are stoves operating on the same type of fuel or using a combination of the above materials. With regard to the process of cooking, on sale there are options with a conventional hob, and collapsible type of burners, opening access to open fire.
Unlike the standard version, the stove does not require laying a foundation: it can be placed on anysurface.
Principle of operation
In their structure, stoves with a hob resemble a metal stove. However, the modern version has a more sophisticated appearance.
The design consists of 3 parts: In the middle of the device there is a section intended for laying the fuel material and equipped with a heat-resistant glass door, the cooking surface is located above it, and under it is an ashpit where the products of combustion (ash) fall. The lower compartment is usually supplemented with a drawer that simplifies the cleaning process.
Control and adjustment of the flame burning force is carried out by means of thrust (opening and closing the blower). In order for the combustion process to occur safely, strong traction is required, for which the outlets must be connected to a vertical pipe at least 5 m long.
Advantages and disadvantages
The stove with a hob is in demand among consumers due to a number of positive properties.
- Compactness. The small dimensions of the device make it possible to install it in areas of limited space: in country houses, studio-type apartments.
- Efficiency. Since this option combines the properties of a fireplace and stove, it allows you to significantly save money on space heating and maintenance of the cooking surface.
The fuel used is mainly firewood, which is the most affordable option of all.
- Versatility. Due to the variety of the presented range of fireplaces harmoniously fit into the interiors of various styles: classic, modern, hi-tech, minimalism.
- Aesthetics. The sound of wood crackling in the firebox, the living flame, the outgoing heat - all this creates a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the room.
- Efficiency. The furnace fireplace is capable to heat rooms of the big area. Moreover, unlike other devices of similar effect, fireplaces with a stove support optimal heat for a long time.
- Fireproof. Such designs do not carry any danger to the environment. Even with prolonged burning, there is no possibility of ignition of the walls, floor, furniture, or adjacent table top.
- Environmental friendliness. The materials used in the production process are safe: they do not emit harmful and toxic substances under the influence of fire.
In addition to all of the above, fireplaces with a hob function, regardless of the availability of electricity, thereby acting as the main source of heating and cooking.
Negative sides:
- unequal distribution of heat: first of all the upper part of the room gets warm, the lower part remains cold for quite a long time;
- the fireplace cannot be left in a non-operating state for a long time, otherwise dust will be generated in the firebox, which during the next combustion process will burn, thereby creating an unpleasant smell in the room;
- The most successful and stylish options are very expensive.
Tips for choosing
Primary attention should be paid to such design parameters as thermal capacity and volume of the room for heating. Standard installations are capable of heating houses of 80-100 square meters. m (in the event that they are located in the middle of the room or in the zone of open access). There are options that can provide heat to 250 square meters. m country house: this is a cooking stove, equipped with a water circuit.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of fuel used.
Most of the models presented work on wood, but there are pyrolysis and universal solid-heating furnaces, they are more expensive than the usual options.
Completion and functionality are also important parameters. Of course, it is better if the fireplace has a lot of possibilities. This improves the quality of heating and cooking and simplifies the maintenance of the structure.
It is advisable to buy products from trusted suppliers who have gained recognition for their high quality, reliability and durability. These include Tulikivi, Eurokom, MBS Magnum, Greivari, Termofor, Ekokamin.
Choosing a fireplace, it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance. This is a visible piece of furniture, so it should be beautiful and suitable for the overall style and layout of the room.
Manufacturing materials
Fireplace installations with a cooking surface for the kitchen are made of different materials: steel, cast iron, bricks.
Metal models are characterized by effective heat transfer, fast heating, but also the same fast cooling. Moreover, their small dimensions make it possible, if necessary, to change their location (for example, from a kitchen or a living room to a summer veranda), howeverSuch a relocation is extremely rare, since with it you will have to reinstall the chimney and equip the fireproof section.
Steel and cast-iron structures are able to warm up rooms up to 100 square meters in size. m, and in the presence of a water circuit - even more. Metal devices are vertical and horizontal. The plate in this case acts rather as ancillary equipment. Due to the fact that it is located very close to the main heating zone, this ensures quick cooking and its instant warming up.
Comparing iron and steel structures, it is worth noting that cast iron furnaces are more reliable and durable, while steel options are more practical, lighter in weight and cheaper.
However, they are all inferior to brick products.
Brick fireplaces, combined with the hob, are mainly built in private houses on the finished projects. This is a very time-consuming process that requires laying a separate foundation, not connected with the foundation of the building. Constructions of brick, in addition to the stove, may include an oven, steam trap, etc.
The main part of the construction is built of refractory bricks, and the furnace is often replaced with a special heat-resistant billet. A brick kiln works in the same way as a cast iron unit according to the convection-beam principle, but unlike it, it accumulates and gives off more heat.
Popular models
It is difficult to come up with new designs of such a heating-cooking device that is not so simple in design, so that it is both safe, functional and beautiful.
It is worth paying attention to the refined models presented by well-known manufacturers.
- In a well-known domestic company among consumers "Ekokamin" There are many interesting models, but the most popular is considered the "Bavaria". In appearance, the design resembles a standard gas or electric stove, so it will harmoniously fit into the interior of any kitchen and will not stand out from it. The firebox outside is protected by a transparent glass door, and the hob is equipped with a kitchen screen. Dimensions of the device are optimal, allowing you to use it comfortably: you do not have to get up on your socks to reach the hob or to bend low to add firewood.
- Stove Ambra from the Polish company Eurokom made in retro style.It differs from other models by aristocracy and elegance: artificially aged cast iron, graceful legs, various openwork ornaments and patterns both on protective covers and doors, and on the case itself.
Such a sophisticated model can be placed in the interior, made in the classical style. It will be appropriate to complement the patinated forged products in the decoration of the room: door handles, chandeliers, candlesticks, stands.
In the style of Provence, this design will also look interesting. However, we must not forget to adhere to the basic canons of style: simplicity of decoration, natural materials, wooden furniture, an abundance of textiles. A fireplace with a Ambra hob will also successfully complement kitchens and dining rooms made in the Empire and Baroque styles, but it will be inappropriate to look in modern and eastern design styles: loft, hi-tech, minimalism, modern, bio-tech, functionalism.
- An interesting and modern version of the heating-cooking fireplace is model "Angara 12" from the Belarusian company "Meta". The model is made of steel, coated on the outside with heat-resistant enamel.The side walls are trimmed with ceramic tiles, which not only makes the fireplace more attractive, but also increases its heat transfer. In addition, the design is equipped with the correct chimney hood, two burners and triangular panoramic heat-resistant glass, limiting the area of the furnace.
The Angara furnace assumes several options of a wall arrangement in an interior, among which and angular, allowing to leave a maximum of free space indoors.
Safety Instructions
- It is necessary to have a fireplace on the basis made of heat resisting material. For commercial models, in most cases, ceramic tile is used as such. If it was decided to build the structure with your own hands, then you should first pour a concrete pad on the base, leaving a small gap in front of the firebox, on which a galvanized sheet is subsequently laid.
- In order for the combustion process to be carried out safely and with high quality, the fireplace requires constant access of outside air. To do this, after each furnace, you must thoroughly clean the chimney and ashpit, as well as monitor the timely supply of oxygen.
- Try not to close the plugs, even in winter, when the heat from the fireplace insert is largely lost. Otherwise, carbon monoxide will begin to flow into the room, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life in general.
An overview of one of these heating-cooking stoves with a fireplace, you can look at the video below.