Pellet fireplace: design features

For a long time, furnaces were considered the best means of heating. By comparison, the fireplaces seemed impractical and not very comfortable, absorbing a lot of fuel. The appearance of pellet fireplaces allows you to revise this look. To choose a suitable pellet fireplace, you need to take into account many individual nuances and subtleties, especially the designs.
Special features
A typical pellet fireplace works on fuel pellets, which are obtained by pressing woodworking wastes and paper and cellulose products. Since this fuel has no synthetic components, it is significantly superior to many other types of fuel.Small homogeneous granules are easily loaded into the furnace, and you can even automate this process. When using wood so do not.
Low humidity and high density increase energy returns and significantly reduce transportation costs.
Some of the models have automatic equipment that allows people to be released not only from loading pellets, but also from controlling the air supply. Watching the fire that burns behind the glass door is a pleasure. This design is more focused on meeting aesthetic needs than on maintenance. By design, pellet fireplaces are fundamentally different from the classic wood-burning counterparts.
It is important to take into account the negative qualities of such devices:
- high price;
- the need for engineering services;
- inoperability without power supply;
- the likelihood of noise during operation;
- unsuitability for any kind of fuel that is different from pellets.
There are two main types of fireplaces where pellets are used: these are isolated and embedded systems. The first type is an autonomous case, which does not need special finishing.The double metal casing and the lining of ceramic panels increase thermal inertia, making the device safer.
What is especially important for a pellet fireplace is that ceramics give off heat in the most practical way, by radiating infrared rays. A standard set of pellets allows the fire to burn from 8 hours to 1 day. For placement the upper capacity is provided.
Built-in units are difficult to distinguish from wood-burning fireboxes, there is no outer case. There are two options for the use of the hearth: placement in a niche or installation around lining materials. Bins can be placed either inside lining materials, or in an adjacent room. According to the method of heating a dwelling, the whole set of pellet fireplaces is divided into the following groups:
- convection (it is low-power appliances, such a pellet fireplace can heat one room);
- air ducts (a stream of heated air is used, which moves through several rooms; in each of them it gives off heat);
- with a water circuit (this is just the most popular option among consumers).
Devices that connect to water heating, have an aesthetic appearance, they are the most practical. That they are recommended for large houses and cottages. If you fill the bunker once, it will be possible to provide heating for 48-72 hours.
Efficiency exceeds 80%. Combustion is economical, but technologists have learned to create devices that keep heating for up to +90 for a long time. What else is interesting - there are water-heating fireplaces, whose power starts from 30 kW.
Pellet stoves are superior to classic type fireplaces in that they do not emit carbon dioxide. This very well affects the hygienic conditions in the house. If, after burning pellets, ash remains from them, it can be used as a fertilizer for a garden, greenhouse or vegetable garden. The pellet stove has such undoubted advantages as:
- autonomy in relation to electricity and natural gas;
- automatic stop of burning if the door opens or fuel runs out;
- low cost of operation (compared with competing heaters);
- long service life (if properly used and regularly maintain the structure, the system will work for at least 20 years);
- possibility of application on large areas, including at industrial facilities.
Pellet stoves have certain disadvantages. The device itself is quite expensive. Inhabitants of small settlements can face difficulties when maintenance is required. Foreign models in many cases do not cope with the Russian climatic conditions and with unstable power supply. Because of these factors, pellet fuel stoves deteriorate rapidly.
Pellet fireplaces effectively heat large country houses and large areas, while the specific fuel consumption per unit area is relatively small.
Heating equipment is often placed in the basement, as well as separate rooms or even buildings for it.
It is necessary to mount such boilers only on fireproof surfaces, first of all metal. There are systems that work not only on pellets, but also on dry wood, on sawdust. Moreover, switching to an atypical mode can either occur additionally or be provided for.
Of great importance is the quality of the chimney - regardless of the type of construction. Only stainless steels of special grades can be used for it.Even the inside of a brick chimney is supposed to be filled with a steel pipe.
If the heating system itself is located in a room that does not have heating, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the channel for the exhaust of smoke.
A typical pellet fireplace is non-volatile, however there are models that are complemented by electric motors (allowing you to work for some time with no fuel, and also quietly wait for it to load). Pellet air fireplaces are most often vertical, like most other models of this device. To increase the efficiency of the system that transmits heat in a purely convective way, it is possible both by forced blowing and by careful selection of the fireplace location.
Pellet fireplaces are divided into compact and standard size devices. In the CIP-house, you can use different options - depending on what area of the territory should be heated.
It is necessary to take into account not only the technical characteristics, but also the appearance of the structure. It should be quite aesthetic.
There are common for all fireplaces (not excluding pellet) design requirements:
- stone products should be selected that are as high as possible to compensate for the visual gravity of the material;
- You can combine stone products with wooden structures and elements around;
- in a modern interior it is possible to both mask the traditional character of the fireplace, and deliberately bring in a rustic touch with it;
- It is worth paying attention to the combination of the heater with the furniture located in the room;
- the size and shape of fireplaces are selected according to the type of room.
Manufacturers and reviews
Pellet fireplaces "Vesuvius" differ well-established automatic control. Owners just have to set the basic parameters of the work and supply the structure with fuel, after which you will not have to worry about additional manipulations. Model PKP-05 provides automated fuel supply to the combustion chamber. The efficiency of the device (depending on conditions) can be 84-90%. 96 kg of steel will easily heat 120 square meters. m of living space at home.
Macedonian fireplaces Termal have power from 6 to 12 kW, and the installation of such structures is extremely simple and convenient. Manufacturers initially took care of the comfort of consumers.Primary colors - burgundy, beige, black.
Gran K08 13 - an exquisite black fireplace of relatively small size (with a closed firebox). The device is able to heat up to 130 square meters. m and maintain a normal temperature in the house up to 3 days - at one filling pellets. The elegant steel case is durable and reliable, and the glazed door is quite comfortable. It should be noted that the prerequisite of the fireplace is to connect to the electrical network.
Radijator pellet systems produced in Serbia are represented by a wide variety of series. ECO Comfort 25 - line, manufactured in 2015 and combines all the latest innovations in the industry. Automatic fuel supply and efficiency of 90% - not all the advantages of this equipment. In its production, the newest and most thoroughly tested materials and technologies are used.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Pellet fireplaces are indistinguishable in appearance from ordinary wood-based structures, and the design approaches are the same. Natural styles at home are best combined with stonework. By choosing a frame made of steel as the outer edge, the consumer will be able to perfectly fit the design into the interior, designed in modern style. The use of dark tones in this case is considered the best option.
The fireplace lined with high-quality brick material fits well into the country setting. To create a feeling of uniqueness of the product, it is enough to embed the structure into the wall in an unusual way.
So, pellet fireplaces are technically perfect and flawless in terms of design. With their help, you can decorate any interior, get an atmosphere of comfort, comfort, emphasize stability, prosperity, warm the house. Such designs are chosen today by many consumers, and this is not surprising, because they have a large number of advantages.
For more information about the advantages and disadvantages of heating with a pellet fireplace, see below.