Stove-fireplace in the interior of a country house

Old-style stoves gradually give way to more decorative fireplaces. During the long and cold winter, the stoves were the only means of heating in the house, but with the advent of central and gas heating, the need for this bulky building disappeared.
The fireplace has become an aesthetic extra heating tool. on cool summer or autumn evenings in a country house ownership. Soft warmth, bright reflections of the flame and unhurried conversation make a person happier. The emergence of industrial designs stoves-fireplaces made this luxury available in the urban cottage, and in the summer cottage.Large selection of different models allows you to choose exactly the model that is suitable for design and functional qualities for a particular consumer.
Special features
The main difference between a fireplace and a stove is the time it takes to heat the room and the time it takes to preserve heat. The furnace has a system of brick chimneys. The brick, heating up, begins to warm the air and retains heat for a long time.
An open fire in a traditional fireplace gives quick air heating., but heat is kept only during the fire, as there is no heat-saving material - heated brick or stone. Therefore, we must bear in mind that it is possible to use fireplaces with an open firebox for a country house for the purpose of constant heat supply only with the installation of special elements for heat accumulation. Furnaces-fireplaces have become an effective solution; they have a closed structural system with enhanced heat dissipation and high decorative qualities due to heat-resistant glass, which opens the view to the burning fire.
Fireplaces differ by type of fuel used: wood, electric, gas, liquid fuel. You can choose the appropriate model depending on the conditions of use.The largest heat transfer coefficient of wood models, but you always need to have a supply of logs, their consumption is large enough, not every owner of the cottage can provide regular purchase and delivery of firewood. Gas fireplaces provide no less heat, but require special equipment and the availability of gas communications. All familiar electric fireplaces - the most expensive type of heating due to the cost of electricity. The last in the market appeared a liquid type of fuel - ethanol.
Material production varies from traditional brick and natural stone to iron and steel. Stone is the best heat accumulator, but requires a reinforced foundation. Cast iron is slightly inferior to it in the function of heat conservation and does not require the construction of a special foundation. Steel analogues cool down very quickly, but they have light structures. The chimney is required only for solid fuel heaters - wood and gas stoves. Other types of fireplaces need only ventilation or ventilation, as they have the ability to absorb oxygen from the air.
The sizes of a fire chamber are very various. Large built-in stationary fireplaces are installed in private mansions.For the country house there are small models that do not require brickwork cladding and can be installed in any convenient place. There are completely miniature interior fireplaces that can be placed in the living room of a city apartment or on a desk.
The main feature of most modifications of fireplaces is the ability to heat only the room in which it is located, with the exception of special designs with air taps. According to the method of installation, there are walls built into the plane, angular, semicircular or round for heating two or more rooms, near-wall and island.
Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of types of fuel assemblies. They differ in design features and method of heat generation. The traditional brick stove on solid fuel in appearance is closest to the Russian stove.
Installing a brick fireplace requires a concrete foundation for heavy masonry construction. The chimney is a constructive part of the whole building, its construction is provided for at the initial stage of construction.The firebox can be laid out of refractory bricks, then supplied with a transparent door. The built-in metal or cast iron firebox with a transparent screen is most commonly used. In the brick models above the furnace sometimes have a hob for cooking. The supply of firewood is regulated manually, and the brick serves for a long heat exchange. It can heat adjacent rooms at the expense of the side walls.
The favorite in the consumer market at this stage are cast-iron and steel stoves, which do not require a special foundation. The package includes an insulating plate or under the body laid out a platform of porcelain. Installing this type of heater requires only installing a chimney. The pipe can be embedded in the roof structure in any convenient place, if it does not violate the integrity of the supporting beams. Depending on the model, they are used only for heating, as a mini-fireplace or are additionally equipped with a double frame design for the built-in cooking hob.
In the new versions of the furnaces, the manufacturers changed the duct system and used the re-supply of fuel residues, which increased the duration of the combustion period, reduced fuel consumption and reduced the release of soot.Such models are called long-burning stoves for solid fuels. These units are subdivided into stoves with an air space heating method and with a water circuit.
Small iron stoves with an air convective heat exchanger acquired popularity among summer residents. Here, due to the design, the air enters gradually and the fuel does not flare up, but burns moderately. The special arrangement of several air ducts makes it possible to effectively and quickly heat a small room, for example, a small country house with one room. The disadvantage is the rapid cooling with the attenuation of the fire. To maintain an acceptable temperature for a long time and to distribute heat to several rooms or to the second floor, air heat exchangers are mounted; hot air is distributed through pipes from the chimney in different directions and gives an additional thermal effect.
A more ergonomic design have a stove with a water circuit for heating several rooms or floors. Such furnaces are connected to the heating system, the water in the furnace boiler heats up and enters the radiators. Efficiency in fuel consumption make this model appropriate for longof use. Heat is constantly stored. The disadvantage is the uneven temperature conditions in the heating system. A break in the firebox causes cooling of the radiators and the ambient temperature.
In long-burning furnaces, air circulation dryers are provided for drying wood, since even slow burning of wood requires a certain degree of moisture from logs, coal or briquettes.
Furnaces are equipped with automatic fuel supply., while one bookmark can burn up to 7 days in some modifications. Automation on some models regulates several modes of combustion. The efficiency of these heaters is approaching 80 percent. Secondary combustion of combustion products reduces the entry of harmful substances into the air and the formation of soot, removable ash pans facilitate the cleaning process. At the moment, this is the most popular model for country houses that do not have gas supply.
Fireplaces working on gas, the most in demand because of the cheap fuel, ease of use, diversity in design. Gas fireplaces do not produce soot, but still require a chimney to remove gas combustion products.Heat transfer gas stoves close to wood counterparts. They are used for year-round heating of the house. It has various options for connecting to the main gas or to liquefied gas, which expands the scope of application of gas fireplaces. The absence of real firewood is compensated by the beautiful design of an artificial fire with the picturesque tongues of a real flame.
Gas fireplaces have the ability to be controlled by remote control. Safety of operation is supported by special sensors that monitor the combustion mode and automatically switch off the burners when there is a disruption in the fuel supply.
Similar characteristics have electric fireplaces. On the decorative qualities of the automation system of the heating process is not inferior to the gas. The downside is the costly mode of heating. Their efficiency is somewhat lower than that of gas equipment. The case of an electric fireplace can have a thickness of 10 millimeters to a real prototype with imitation of firewood. It has heating and lighting modes or only lighting in the form of a flame. Often, the screen is endowed with additional functions, for which it is equipped with computer chips.It can change the color and image of the screen, carry the information load.
If electric and gas fireplaces require binding to communications, the newest models of liquid biofuel fireplaces are completely autonomous. The main structural element is the fuel tank of two compartments for combustion and fuel inlet, which have openings for liquid to enter the burner made of artificial stone or metal. The fire in the fireplace is natural, has a steady burning, there is no soot and sparks, it does not require a chimney and foundation, it can be installed on any surface.
The fuel for them is alcohol ethanol. Consumption depends on the volume of the room and the desired temperature of heating. Desktop models burn about 200 milliliters of fuel per hour, large wall-mounted ones with a long burner - 500 milliliters per hour. The brightness of the flame is regulated by the valve of the burner. Gives moderate heat. However, this fireplace rather refers to the decorative replacement of a real fire in a city apartment.
Fireplaces are firmly established in our lives, they serve both for heating and for interior decoration. For many years, classic fireplaces with a rectangular portal made of MDF, plastic or plasterboard decorated with stucco molding,they occupied a solid niche in city apartments and country cottages. The living room, decorated in classic style, is decorated with a stove-fireplace, inserted into the portal, decorated with marble. Natural or artificial stone for finishing the portal is chosen in tune to the situation. This fireplace gives the weight and solidity of the living room.
The traditional material for finishing stoves and fireplaces is tile and tiles. This decoration has a long history, today it is again at the height of fashion. A large selection of tiled ceramics gives the fireplace a unique look. The unified forms of the metal body of the fireplace acquire exclusive features, while this material has the functionality.
Tile is a good insulating material., it protects closely located interior objects or wooden partitions from fire. Ceramics allows longer to keep the heat of the hearth, durable, easy to clean, does not fade and does not fade. The simplest geometric shapes, tiles with tiles, acquire exquisite outlines and the noble value of antiquity. The tiled fireplace becomes the central accent in a room with a modern design.
The interior in Art Nouveau style will complement the portal with floral ornaments and smooth lines of the frame. Metal details are an indispensable attribute of this sophisticated design direction. The interiors of this direction require strict subordination of the whole situation to one style. Not striking colors and fascinating continuous bends and forms turn the heating device into a work of art. Floral pattern appeases the riot of fire and brings notes of calm, relaxation and bliss.
Hi-tech supports the simplicity and smoothness of the metal design of the facade of the fireplace. Finishing colors - gray, steel, black, white. The furnaces in these high-tech interiors have two doors located on both sides in order to maximize the beauty of the flame. Furnace-fireplace is used as a separator into functional zones for space transformation. Futuristic features radically change the concept of furnace heating, turning it into a space component of the interior.
Furnaces-fireplaces in the interiors of Provence are finished with natural stone or cobblestones. Brutal finish gives weight to the whole structure.Stone floor, smoked beams - the distinctive features of the French halls. A light, sun-bleached furniture and light wallpaper with a small floral pattern bring balance into the interior. The stone keeps cool in summer, keeps warm for a long time in autumn and winter, allowing you to spend time comfortably by the fireplace.
In the Scandinavian style, heaviness is modeled in solidity and good quality. White simple plaster with powerful wooden consoles and a mantel is combined with structural elements of the ceiling and wall beams. The furnace is chosen roomy. Fireplace fits well into the simple atmosphere with comfortable sofas and armchairs. Neat woodpile draws a big picture.
Minimalism simplifies the decorative component, leaving only the functional elements. The furnace fireplace differs in an original form and settles down in the middle of the house. Multiple tasks are solved at once with the help of one object. The space is divided into zones, the whole area of the room is heated, the fireplace is visible from all points of the room. The rest of the situation has neutral background tones, bringing the fireplace to the center of the composition.
Rustic or rustic style log buildings, where a lot of wood trim, reminiscent of the Russian chalk-washed stove. The fireplace portal along with the chimney is stylized under the stove. This is done using a massive white hull. The body can be made of brick or plasterboard, then plastered and painted with acrylic paint. The light wood and the white color of the interior details add light and comfort to the room, which one would like to call the “room room”.
The most original and technological form have fireplaces in the style of a loft. Exterior finishes can even be made from a piece of old large diameter pipe. Iron with a touch of rust and a layer of soot is an artistic element of industrial design. The chimney does not hide behind the ceiling, but is intentionally displayed as a decorative detail. Super modern fireplace equipment is built into a piece of industrial waste.
When choosing the shape of the fireplace and its decoration, it is important to take into account the overall style of the room design. Of great importance and the location of the fireplace. It is best to install it on the main wall of the living room, so that other pieces of furniture do not block the play of flames.It is worth borrowing the experience of English aristocrats who, next to the fireplace, had a couple of chairs for better heating and relaxation. The central part of the room is allocated for a fireplace in the presence of a large area, since in a small room the design can clutter the space and the essence of the fire view will be lost due to tightness.
Which one to choose?
Having decided on the style, it remains to choose the desired design and type of fuel. What is there to follow? The first step is to determine the conditions of use: year-round heating for a house with permanent residence or seasonal irregular use in cold weather. If you come to the cottage only in the summer and sometimes in the autumn-winter period for a couple of days, then it makes no sense to equip the house with a radiator system, you have to drain the water for the winter to avoid rupture of the pipes at negative temperatures. The best way out is to install a long-life convection oven and equip the chimney with an air heat exchanger system.
For permanent living are suitable stoves for solid fuel fireplaces long burning with a water contour. This is a practical and user-friendly design.The installed automatic sensor for the supply of firewood will allow a long time for the heating system to operate for supplying water to the radiators without human intervention. To establish the optimum temperature of the coolant, it is sufficient to adjust the sensors of the combustion modes. This option is acceptable if sufficient amount of solid fuel is available: firewood, coal, pellets.
Connecting a house to gas communications makes it preferable to have a similar design for a gas fireplace. Gas - a cheap type of fuel, unlike wood and coal energy carriers, does not require regular bookmarking. Temperature conditions in the house can be adjusted with a gas burner handle. There is no need to store firewood or coal. The presence of an optimal energy source is the second component of the choice of the heater.
The next criterion is the size of the heated area. Each model of the fireplace is supplied with a list of technical characteristics, the main indicator of which is power. The standard value of heating capacity is calculated as 1 kW per 10 sq. M. square meters without partitions and the lack of floors.It remains to calculate the entire area of the room and choose the appropriate unit.
Another criterion influencing the choice of model is the weight of the stove. It can vary from 50 to 800 kg. Lighter are steel bodies, but they cool down faster. You need to know the structural possibilities of the floor, and the place where you plan to install a fireplace. Structural reinforcement or the erection of a podium may be required. A chimney installation scheme is studied in advance to create sufficient thrust, otherwise the burning will not correspond to the stated parameters.
Finally, there are stationary and mobile fireplaces. Mobile are similar in appearance to the stoves. Their difference is in the glass door and in the presence of two options for connecting the chimney: built-in - on top, and the second - on the rear wall. They give a quick heating of the room due to the heat transfer of the unit itself.
How to do it yourself?
The installation of a fireplace is envisaged at the design stage of a residential house, the project is being developed by construction and design workshops with the provision of design drawings and a sketch of a decorative interior solution.These same companies take on all the work on the construction and connection of equipment. This complex of works has a fairly high cost, so most owners of small houses prefer to do this work on their own.
Before you start the self-installation of the fireplace, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for safe operation of the heater. City apartments in high-rise buildings are not the most suitable place for a long-burning stove-fireplace on solid fuels. We will have to go through a huge number of approvals with various services to remove the chimney on the roof. If the apartment building does not have stove heating, neighbors can be an obstacle to this plan. The construction of the chimney will be a very expensive event. Therefore, we consider the most common options for arrangement in country houses.
The traditional construction is made of brick, followed by the installation of steel or cast iron unit. The weight of this structure requires the construction of the foundation to a depth of 80 centimeters.
The depth of the firebox must be at least half the height. Stone fireplace can be equipped with a panel for heating and cooking food or have a separate chamber. For brickwork, refractory bricks are used. The process of its construction requires certain skills. In the absence of experience, it is better to trust a professional or to perform cladding of tiles or drywall. The cost of services of masons is high, so many have to build a fireplace with their own hands. Consider step by step instructions for this action.
The volume of the room is calculated. The size of the firebox should refer to the volume of the room as 1 to 70. The shape and design of the fireplace with the chimney is chosen. Ordering schemes are drawn, where the layout of bricks of each row is schematically shown separately. Ordering diagrams in size can be ordered from the construction workshop, or to save money, you can use ready-made options.
The next stage is the construction of the foundation. Dig a pit 60-70 centimeters deep, 15 centimeters wide more than the base of the fireplace. A layer of rubble 10-15 centimeters high is lined to the bottom. The formwork is installed and layer by layer stone is poured with liquid cement slightly below the floor level (5-6 centimeters).
After drying the foundation proceed to the brickwork. The back wall is laid out in half-brick, side into a brick. The back wall of the firebox from the middle should be inclined forward by 15-20 degrees for hot air circulation. This slope is provided by stepped masonry projections. After completion of the construction of the fireplace body mounted chimney. All these types of jobs require a certain amount of experience. Beginners will spend a lot of time and they will inevitably have problems with brick laying accuracy at the initial stage.
Manufacturers offer a large selection of finished designs for the design of furnaces. It is well established painting with special paint metal facades. Painted stoves have a beautiful decorative appearance and do not require additional finishing materials. They simply install in the right place and connect to the heating system and chimney. The color of the color matching to the specific interior.
The place of installation of the furnace-fireplace assumes the absence of drafts that will impede the draft. This means that the unit should not be located on the line between the window and the door. The fireplace should be located as close as possible to the exhaust pipe.If the design of the walls provided with smoke channels, the chimney is brought into them. With self-assembly, the chimney is brought out through the ceiling and the roof to the outside, while the chimney pipe is wrapped in mineral wool and a shaft is made of foam blocks or bricks around it.
The chimney pipe is made of brick, metal, asbestos, ceramics. The diameter of the chimney is selected from the ratio of 1 to 10 of the size of the furnace. The round shape of the pipe is considered optimal. Manufacturers offer for self-assembly inexpensive and easy “sandwich” stainless steel chimneys - two pipes of different diameters, the space between which is filled with mineral insulating wool. This is a ready-to-install structural element that does not require additional insulation structures. The chimney is equipped with a gate - a valve blocking the flow of air. With the help of the gate adjust traction.
The ground in front of the fireplace and under it is faced with ceramic granite. Models with support columns have air inflow from below, when installing the furnace in a solid base in it lay a channel for air flow through the overlap of the floor from the street.To do this, an inlet pipe is inserted into the ceiling, which goes under the bottom of the furnace to the grates.
Tips and tricks
The service life and heat output of the heating unit depends on the operating conditions. The best reviews received solid fuel stoves, long burning. Regardless of the type of unit, fireplaces must be installed according to fire safety requirements. They should not come into contact with furniture and wooden partitions. The stoves should be cleaned regularly from soot, to prevent the ingress of moisture, to monitor the temperature in order to avoid cracking of the case from overheating and overcooling.
It is necessary to use only dry material for kindling. Firewood for active hot fire use small, the same size. The larger the logs, the slower the combustion process. Do not heat the furnace with waste wood plates with harmful synthetic impurities. For heating, wood from birch, oak, maple or larch is better. Pine gives off too much tar when burning. This will lead to the need for frequent cleaning of the chimney. The logs should be a quarter shorter than the furnace capacity,and in no case rest against the glass screen.
In families with children, they should not be left unattended next to a working stove. The fireplace should not interfere with the movement around the room. In the absence of thrust, stoking the firewood is stopped until the cause is eliminated. Bad traction can be caused by a foreign object entering the chimney pipe. Do not completely close the gate valve during active combustion, it can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
The chimney needs from time to time, at least 2 times a year with regular use, to clean the products of combustion alone or to invite a specialist. For cleaning use special tools - a ball on a chain, which is lowered into the tube from above. Soot is poured into the furnace, if there is no special retractable pocket. It is better to provide such a pocket at the stage of installation.
Manufacturers and reviews
The great demand for indoor fireplaces has determined a wide range of fireplaces of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Various modifications of fireplaces of excellent quality in the domestic market are companies "Meta" and "Teplodar".
Furnaces of these manufacturers are distinguished by modern design,good operational qualities and optimum functional filling. Long-burning stove "Meta Selenga" occupies the first place in the rating in terms of power output of 8 kW, it is equipped with an oven and a compartment for drying firewood.
Convection OV-120 furnaces, "Tango Trio" produced by the company "Teplodar" have uniform heat transfer, quickly and efficiently heat the room. Are a good option for seasonal use in the country.
The Scandinavian countries with harsh winters have gained extensive experience in the production of environmentally friendly and ergonomic fuel assemblies. Fireplaces Finnish manufacturers Harvia and Tulikivi are always in demand. The material used to make their products is cast iron and steel, coated with heat-resistant paint. During operation, the body of the stove and the outer coating is not deformed and does not crack.
The leaders in terms of functionality and high decorative qualities are stoves Bavaria. A variety of models are presented from small mobile fireplaces, which can be easily transported in the trunk of a passenger car and heated during a hike, to beautiful stationary fireplaces with a three-sided glass screen.It allows you to observe burning flames from all points of the room. The exterior design of the stoves of this manufacturer is not inferior to the power indices. Some models can provide warm room up to 110 square meters. meters
In the design of furnaces Bavaria used a combination of iron, steel and fireclay bricks. The use of the latter reduces heat loss and puts these stoves in the first place for economical consumption of fuel. Built-in ovens and hob allow you to comfortably cook food for the family and keep warm for a long time.
For a country house, the purchase of the Optima stove is a good solution - a compact and efficient model provides quick heating of a small space and has a stove on the top panel.
Jotul stoves Norwegian production has a large range of prices, heating capacity and design finish. It is necessary to take into account the ease of installation, additional options in the form of a hob or sliding ash pan. Powerful fireplaces with luxurious finishes from foreign manufacturers may differ in price from the inexpensive but functional and light stove for a small country house.Evenings by the fireplace with the whole family will be the best moments of rest.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Classic fireplace made of natural stone.
Tiles in the decoration of the fireplace give the modern interior a nobility.
The original design of a stylish corner fireplace in hi-tech style.
Mediterranean style interior with fireplace.
Review of stoves and fireplaces in a country house, see the following video.