Biofireplaces in interior design

Currently, the world is developing rapidly and modern man is harder to surprise with something. Many exotic household items for past generations are now tightly embedded in everyday life. To create coziness in the living room or bedroom, biofireplaces have found wide application - imitation of the usual wood fireplaces, which can be praised by a wide model range, practicality and ease of use. Particularly appreciate this home corner of comfort people who love to spend time in a romantic setting, admiring the dancing tongues of flame.
Bio-fireplace is also called an alcohol fireplace on the basis of its fuel consumption. They were invented in 1977 in Italy.The invention has gained popularity due to the lack of a chimney in it.
Special features
Compared to traditional Biofireplace has the following advantages:
- Safety - the design of the fuel unit makes it possible to control the open fire zone. Thermal insulation of the enclosure allows you to use the fireplace in enclosed spaces.
- Easy installation - the fireplace does not need a chimney. In relation to the unit often use the prefix "eco", so there is no point in laying the ventilation pipes and coordination in the work of this nature, if you want to install it in the apartment. By the principle of operation, the bio fireplace is similar to a regular candle, but the fire does not produce soot. This device works on biofuel and uses bioethanol as a fuel - a liquid based on ethanol, that is, ethanol, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water when burning, so there is no orange shade in the flame. At the moment there are mixtures containing components to give the fire a natural color. Some owners of bio fireplaces like to use ignition fluid in the form of a gel with the content of sea salt, which simulates the crackling of logs in the fire.
- Kindle such a fireplace is not difficult.
- The fireplace is safe for humans, harmless to pets and the environment.
- Easy to use and easy to clean. The flame can be extinguished at any time. Since bioethanol does not produce solid decomposition products, it is not necessary to clean the ashes or remove soot. To care for the heating tank, it is enough to wash it with running water. The fireplace can simply be lit without worrying about pre-harvesting coal or logs.
- A huge variety of models makes it possible to choose the perfect option for any interior.
- Low weight - even the heaviest models weigh no more than 100 kg, which is suitable even for an ordinary city apartment.
- Relative fire safety - it is quite difficult to overturn a fireplace because of its severity, the flame itself looks like a domestic stove. In any case, it is necessary to comply with fire safety measures, namely, not to add fuel directly during the operation of the biofireplace, do not fill the burner with biofuel by more than a third, use an automatic ignition system or use a specialized lighter.
Bio-fireplaces are decorated with all kinds of materials - from stone and marble to precious woods, and a combination of any kind of decoration is also used.
When buying ekokamina it is reasonable to take into account the disadvantages of this type of interior element:
- The fireplace has only a decorative function - for heating even a small room such equipment is not suitable.
- Despite the environmental friendliness of the fuel and due to the lack of a chimney in a room where an ecofirestone is installed, there must be good ventilation. Otherwise, the air will become excessively humid and, as a consequence, unsuitable for breathing.
- Fuel can be bought not everywhere, moreover, it has a rather high price.
Ekokamina installation requirements:
- good ventilation in the room;
- lack of drafts;
- sufficient floor space.
One of the frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to put an ecofire fireplace next to the TV. The answer is positive, but try to have at least one meter distance between them.
Types and designs
Bio-fireplaces are distinguished not only in appearance, but also in size and installation methods, so it’s easy to choose the right variation for any room. Ekokamina can be placed on the floor or hang on the wall.
Separation according to the principle of ignition and extinguishing:
- mechanical;
- semi-automatic;
- automatic.
By type of construction biofireplaces are divided into the following categories:
- Mobile. It moves easily inside the room, has special wheels. In cases where it is not used, it is easily removed. It can be taken out on the street, for its installation only the plain surface is required.
- Frontal. Located on the floor, in the center of the room or near the wall.
- Built in. It is a frame of fire-resistant materials, inside which is located the fuel block. For installation, niches in the wall with a depth of at least 15 cm are used. The installed structure is fixed with bolts. Most often, built-in fireplaces are used in restaurant halls or in rooms with a vast area.
Consider them in more detail:
- Portal furnace looks like a stationary unit, the most realistic and fully conveys the atmosphere of a traditional wood-burning fireplace. This type of fireplace equipment is installed directly on the floor. Under various interior styles, you can choose the appropriate style solutions - for example, a marble fireplace will be perfectly combined with an empire design, a minimalist combination of glass and metal will suit a hi-tech space. In addition, the fireplace equipment can be decorated with wooden or stone panels.For greater authenticity, you can put in it heat-resistant logs made of ceramics.
- Wall mounted fireplaces There are built and mounted. Externally, they resemble a plasma panel and at a cursory examination they are easily confused with a TV. Will ideally fit into the small room like loft or hi-tech.
- Tabletop fireplace is small and very compact, it can be in the form of a cylinder or a cube. Often, fireplaces of this type are used as an imitation of burning candles - such models are easily mounted inside the tables. It is worth noting that the desktop model is equipped with a latch that blocks the fire in case the device is tilted.
- Angular. From the name it is clear that this type of fireplaces is mounted in the corner of the room, which allows you to visually expand it.
- "Fiery Line" - the most fashionable trend at present. Several blocks of fuel are installed in a row, forming a single line that can reach one and a half meters in length. Such a design move will successfully underline the podium or niche in the wall.
- Fireplace fireplace kept on a ceiling or wall mount that simulates a chimney.
- Fireplace torch most often placed in a flask of heat-resistant glass.
- It is easy to make a biofireplace the central part of an interior of the room, its highlight. From this point of view, the classic version is a fireplace by the wall, opposite which there are chairs or a sofa. It is better to remove all large equipment far away so that it does not distract attention from the fireplace itself.
You can also put family photos or souvenirs on the mantelpiece.
- Ekokamina is beautiful because it will easily fit into any interior - both in the Mediterranean style and in the modern style, it depends only on the preferences of the customer.
- Designers easily move away from the usual classic options, "play" with the shape of the device and the finish - from bio to steampunk.
- The fireplace of a triangular or round form will easily fit into an interior of style hi-tech.
- For the living room in a minimalist style, where simple shapes prevail and small furniture is usually chosen, a fireplace can be placed in the corner. If the room is small, the ecofire fireplace can be arranged on a table or on a shelf.
- Provence style does not lose popularity. A fireplace in such a room will emphasize comfort, so it can resemble a stove with something.Brick, stone or other natural materials are perfect for decoration. If artificially aged interior items, such a living room will acquire a unique charm.
- In contrast to the classic, the modern style in the interior looks plain and even a little simple. The functionality of each item is the main feature of the modern modern style, therefore, the ecofire fireplace, despite its basic decorative affiliation, should resemble in appearance the traditional wood-burning or coal fireplace.
What to drown?
European countries, such as Italy, France and Germany, can boast of mass production of ecofuel, in Africa biofuels are produced by South Africa, and Brazil occupies a leading position in the world. China and India produce about 5% of the total amount of bioethanol.
On the territory of the former USSR at the moment the production of this substance is almost not established. For the production of ethanol, crops such as potatoes, beets and Jerusalem artichokes are considered as alternative sources.
Fuel is divided into several types, among the most popular are the following:
- Biogas. This is a pre-treated industrial waste, is an analogue of natural gas.
- Biodiesel most common in European countries. The source is natural oils and fats of biological origin, both animal and microbial or vegetable. Various raw materials from the food industry or oils are used as raw materials.
- Bioethanol replaces gasoline.
For ignition of fireplaces use biofuel - colorless liquid fuel based on bioethanol, which has almost no smell, does not emit solid decomposition products and, as a result, is safe for use in rooms. The efficiency of such a liquid is about 95%.
The basis of this fuel is ethanol, having a vegetable origin. The method of production is the fermentation of sugars contained in most crops (beets, cane, bananas, wheat, and others). In its pure form, this type of fuel is not for sale, since the manufacturer is obliged to pre-denature alcohol in order to protect the fuel for the environment in general and for humans in particular.
The fuel blocks are made of metal, often stainless steel is used for this purpose.
I would like to note the following characteristics of biofuels:
- ease of use;
- long burning;
- lack of emission of harmful gases;
- economical consumption: biofireplace consumes about 0.5 liters of fluid per hour, which is comparable in power to the work of an electric heater, while the heater dries the air in the room, and the fireplace, on the contrary, moisturizes;
- does not require special storage space
Be sure to pay attention to the shortcomings that this type of fuel still has:
- Do not store fuel containers in the immediate vicinity of an open flame;
- It is strictly forbidden to add fuel during operation of the fireplace - it is necessary to extinguish it and allow it to cool down;
- To get a spark, use a special lighter or electric ignition.
To add an elegant aroma to the atmosphere, you can add essential oil to the decorative elements of the fireplace.
Remember that 95% of the fuel consists of bioethanol, which is a flammable substance, therefore security measures must be taken:
- keep it out of the reach of children;
- not to use paper, straw and other highly flammable materials for ignition of the biocamera;
- Do not store in close proximity to open flame sources.
If the liquid gets on the floor, wipe it dry with a paper towel or soft cloth.
When choosing a biofuel, pay attention to the following points:
- full burnout time;
- high heat output;
- availability of certificates confirming quality;
- shelf life;
- genuine packaging;
- sharp or unpleasant odors should not be.
Eco-fuel can also be presented in the form of a gel, which is also very simple to use. The lid opens, the container hides among the heat-resistant decorative elements and is set on fire, the gel will burn for about three hours.
If you want to get a more voluminous flame, you can light several containers of the gel at once. To extinguish the fire, wrap the covers, thereby blocking the access of oxygen to the flame.
Overview of manufacturers and brands
Kratki, Poland
Available in liter tanks. They may contain an aroma component, for example, with the smell of wood or coffee, in addition, they may contain additives,changing the color of the fire. It is made from high-quality ethanol, the burning time of one container is 2-5 hours.
InterFlame, Russia
Burning one liter of fuel will take from 2.5 to 5 hours. The tool has passed a security check and is certified.
Sold in an economical container for 5 and 20 liters. On average, consumption is about a third liter per hour.
How to do it yourself?
Biological fuel can be purchased at special points of sale, but if you want, you can make it yourself. The most important thing is to accurately observe the dosage of the components included in its composition, otherwise the resulting liquid may burn unevenly, occasionally flashing.
To create a fuel for bio fireplace, you need:
- ethanol, which can be bought at the pharmacy;
- gasoline to make fire look natural.
Gasoline should be of the highest quality, have a high degree of purification, pay attention to its transparency and the absence of harsh odors. Ideal - gasoline for refilling lighters.
Pharmaceutical ethanol has a high concentration of about 96%, and is suitable for use as a component of a bio-fire ignition fluid.
Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to create a mixture:
- Immediately before ignition, mix one liter of ethyl alcohol and 50 g of gasoline. It is necessary to mix them thoroughly and use them immediately, because due to the different density of the components, over time, the liquid will no longer be homogeneous and will be divided into layers.
- Pour the composition in the fuel tank and ignite. In the first couple of minutes of burning, a faint smell of alcohol may appear, but it will soon disappear.
Wood fireplaces are long gone, while eco-fireplaces are becoming more and more popular. Choosing a fireplace, read the reviews of customers, consider the various options for ignition liquids - decide which biotop you like more. Anyone can choose a suitable variant of an ekokamina for their housing - this can be both an impressive unit for a country house and an economy option for a city apartment, since biofireplaces do not need additional ventilation pipes.
On the market there are artificial logs of environmental heat-resistant materials, which in appearance imitate different types of wood.You can choose your favorite option - from birch uneven bars to fir paws with cones. Such elements do not crack and do not burn. Just light the wick - and the room will be warm and cozy.
Also, as a decor, ceramic stones or pebbles can be placed next to the wick - they can be both matte and glossy, depending on the desired result. Such stones are not afraid of temperature changes and will last for a long time. Sometimes imitation of maple leaves is used as decoration. The uneven pieces of marble and Himalayan salt look impressive - you can buy them at any specialty store.
Piezo lighters - electric lighters, are widely used for ignition, they are much safer than ordinary matches for making fire in a biofire fireplace. Quickly extinguish the flame will help the metal cap.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Design decisions will satisfy any, even the most exacting taste.
The abundance of forms and decoration options will allow you to choose a fireplace for any home.
- In accordance with Russian traditions, the fireplace can be tiled with tiles, as an option, you can use porcelain decorative elements or gold-platedfragments.
- Stained glass windows, uneven lines, various mosaics can be used to impart national style to ekokamina.
- Using elements of the medieval style, one can add brutality to the fireplace by means of brick or ceramic cladding. Such elements will give an old look and add nobility.
- In the classical style, on the contrary, there should not be any excesses and fanciful elements, only restraint and nobility. It looks good finish of wood or natural stone, above the fireplace, you can hang mirrors, paintings or any other large objects.
- If we are talking about high classics, it makes sense, on the contrary, to emphasize luxury. Venetian plaster, carving and half-columns would be appropriate.
- The fireplace will fit perfectly into the country style - it is better to decorate it deliberately massive, to finish with forging, weapons, use any references to hunting trophies. Good for cladding raw wood or raw stone.
- The bionics style brings man back to nature. If a biofireplace is located in such a room, let it be trimmed in natural color, using thin elements and natural materials.Excessive geometry, right angles, and static should be avoided.
- Small ekokaminy can be used as an unusual wall decoration.
If desired, a small room biofireplace can be built independently, but remember that safety is paramount!
To do this, take a deep bowl or a clay pot, a tin can of a suitable height, a pebble, and a mixture for ignition.
Place a jar in the center of the pot, put pebbles around it, and sand or small stones will do. Secure the can carefully to avoid tipping and fire. Pour fuel and set fire - a small fireplace is ready. But be extremely careful - open fire carries danger!
Today, the market offers many different options for eco-bio-ethanol fireplaces. A large number of manufacturers, models, finishes and a wide range of models allow the buyer to choose exactly what they need. Ekokamin able to revive any room - whether housing or restaurant hall.
For details on how to make a bio-fireplace with your own hands, see the video below.