Artificial fireplace in the interior of the apartment and house

A fireplace can be considered a stylish but infrequent element of the décor. It can be delivered not in any house or apartment, because for this you need a working chimney and constant maintenance. The dream of installing a chic fireplace in an apartment can be realized by choosing its imitation.
To become the main component of the decor in any room, the pseudo fireplace should look as organic as possible in the interior. and fully comply with its overall style design. Freedom when choosing an installation site, features of production and a huge range of materials forequipment of this product will allow you to fully show your excellent design talents and get in the end a beautiful author's version of falshkamina.
Features and benefits
Falshkaminy decorate and complement the style of the house. To achieve a certain effect, you can either select an option from the already available design ideas, or fully realizing your own creative potential. Each of the subspecies of an unreal fireplace will differ from the other by the complexity of installation, cost, and original appearance. But any man in the street will be able to choose and install a fake fireplace, based on their own desires and taste preferences.
The positive side of the installation psevdokamina:
- saving money and time (compared to installing this hearth);
- no need to make a chimney pipe;
- lack of dirt and hassle in the construction of this structure;
- fire safety - there will be no real fire here;
- the ease of the whole structure, which can be moved around the room as needed;
- the ability to use any materials;
- freedom in choosing the forms and parameters of the hearth - it can be made of wood, fiberboard, foam, chipboard and other readily available materials;
- You can change the decor in the area of the furnace, for example, by making a Christmas fireplace from a simple fireplace.
- To decorate the fireplace, you can choose ceramic tiles, forged parts, mosaics and many other interesting decoration options that can make a fake fireplace even more stylish and original.
Counterfeits differ in characteristics such as:
- location in the room;
- dimensions and dimensions;
- hearth form;
- materials used for installation;
- decorating method;
- the presence of real fire (from the candle) or its high-quality imitation.
There are three main subspecies of falshkamines, which are most often used for decoration in modern homes.
The simplest of them is symbolic products. Such a pseudo fireplace is represented by a box of wood or polyurethane, on which there is a shelf. Candles are installed here or “logs” of foam are put (in no case should they be set on fire). It is clear that only artificial fire can be used here.
The second subspecies is a complete and high-quality imitation of a real fireplace. Such products are also called reliable. Their characteristic feature is a complete imitation of the present.products and real fire. The only difference is that instead of real firewood, biofuels or candles are used in these fireplaces. Quite rarely, gas burners are placed in this decorative product, which are hidden behind the “wild” stone, and sometimes artificial coal is also used. Stone decoration has a double purpose: stones after a good heating for a long time retain heat. Thus, you receive additional and high-quality heating of the room after your heat source stops its work.
The third subspecies of falshkamins is a plasterboard hearthwhich completely repeats the outlines of a real fireplace. They are also considered "conditional" products. Electrofireplaces are placed inside this portal, fire and logs are simulated in them. Fireplaces in this category are most often made of polyurethane: it is light, easy to work and can imitate different textures. This material will help to make structures that differ in stylistic orientation.
Selection of materials
Installation of the pseudo-center is carried out in 2 stages - the assembly of the structure itself and its subsequent lining.
To make the portal itself, you can use the following available materials:
- sheets of drywall on a metal or wood frame;
- laminated chipboard and ordinary;
- plywood, hardboard;
- polystyrene, polyurethane or extruded polystyrene;
- cardboard;
- wood;
- brick.
An important place is occupied by the high-quality finish of such a pseudo fireplace, which can be created with the help of an ordinary adhesive film imitating a type of stone or brick, or from marble, in order to maximally bring its appearance to reality. You can also choose an artificial stone that can be presented in various variations of colors and textures. Stylish tiles, beautiful bas-reliefs, ceramic tiles will help to give expressiveness and individuality to the whole structure. However, excessive pomp can be superfluous in some interiors.
It is extremely important that the fireplace made is perfectly combined with the style of the room. It is necessary to carefully select the color of the product. But besides this, the decoration itself should create a special comfort and please the eye of the owner of the dwelling.
To create an imitation of fire in the fireplace, use:
- backlight with LEDs with a burning effect;
- electronic photo frame;
- candles of different sizes.
Ideas for different rooms
One of the major problems when installing a fake fireplace in any housing can be the selection of the most suitable room for it. More often, this kind of fireplace can be seen in the living room, since it is here that all family members gather in a circle of relatives.
But also the fireplace can easily be located in other rooms of a large house.
- City Lounge - This is the most spacious room, where family members spend the greatest amount of free time, especially on weekends and public holidays, and also organize meetings with loved ones.
- In the room It is best to install a stone fireplace or hearth made of marble, which look much more noble, although they are more expensive than their polyurethane counterparts.
- Bedroom - in such a room a false fireplace can be mounted only in some cases: when the total area of the room is rather large, the bedroom is combined with the living room or the interior style of the room implies the presence of a fireplace imitation. Perfectly overwhelmed by a corner fireplace in the bedroom.
- Entrance hall - in this room you can put a false fireplace only in the case when the hall is not combined with the living room.
- In the kitchen, in the bathroom and in the nursery imitation fireplaces, as well as their original versions, are not actually found.
Design options
- A fireplace standing against the wall with an original decor requires the availability of free space, and if you simulate its real dimensions, it can look almost like a real product. With its help, you can easily create an interior with a richly decorated fireplace in the style of classicism.
- Corner fireplace will not take too much space in space. Using materials that help to imitate marble and strict lines of design, you can easily recreate the spirit of the classic interior design.
- The built-in pseudo fireplace can be placed in an existing wall niche or in a specially prepared plasterboard niche specially for this purpose. This is a rather creative idea for stylish decoration of modern spaces. Choosing certain materials for the decor of the hearth and correctly defining its parameters, such a product will be able to accurately and harmoniously fit into the interior, decorated in modern style.
- Products that stand in the middle of a room will require a lot of space in its center. This is the most successful idea for huge cottages, decorated in the style of the Scandinavian epic.
- The parameters of falshkamines are selected according to the availability of space and the desire to make a complete imitation of a real fireplace.
- In the dwelling in the Art Nouveau style in facing the fireplace, designers advise to use a combination of stone and various metals.
- The use of chrome coloring materials will turn the hearth into a bright detail of cutting-edge design. High-tech involves the use of refractory plastic, tempered glass and dark metal.
- Provence fans will appreciate the natural stone finish.
- Decorating the hearth with real but untreated stones or their artificial counterparts will help to recreate a special aura in the country house.
- Marble and beautiful bronze decorations help to place it in rooms decorated in a luxurious baroque style.
- For the decoration of rooms in the loft style, fireplaces from dark-colored metals will suit perfectly.
How to do it yourself?
Creating a fake fireplace in any room can be performed by the order of the owner of the house during the repair or arrangement of the room. The idea of assembling a pseudo fireplace, which came to the owner of the house after the completion of repair work, is also being implemented without any problems.In this case, the dream to get your own false fireplace in the interior of the home is achieved with a minimum amount of dirt. Falshkaminy - this is not such a difficult, but quite entertaining way to demonstrate their creative skills.
Before you start work, you need to make a drawing of the portal and accurately determine the parameters, location and style of the source being created:
- whether a real fireplace or its external imitation will be mounted;
- there will be an electrical stimulation of the burning logs inside the firebox or a biofuel burner will be used;
- What kind of fireplace design is best for this room?
From the solution of all these issues can directly depend on the selection of materials necessary for work.
For the construction of the frame is often chosen tree, then it is sheathed with plywood or gypsum plasterboard. But these materials can not be used if you want to continue to use biofuel burners or electric fire.
In this case, to create a frame, it is better to take the metal profile, and make the walls of the furnace itself and its portal out of gypsum cardboard with non-combustible characteristics. The second stage is the most exciting and creative.Decorating with different materials will give the opportunity to create a bright design in any style. Natural stone and artificial, ceramic tile, veneer or laminate, MDF - this is not the whole list of materials for decoration.
Spectacular examples for inspiration
- When decorating falshkamina in the interior of your house you should not dwell on one thing - you can easily use real logs, tree branches, carved openwork grille, climbing plants, original lanterns. All that helps you to create an atmosphere of real home warmth and comfort.
- You can decorate with your own hands not only the inside of the pseudo fireplace, but also the place around it. You can place next to a stylishly decorated woodpile and neat shelves for books.
- Stone niches in the apartment can be decorated with mirrors. This will increase the glow from the candles, will give them burning volume.
- You can very originally combine a TV and an artificial fireplace.
- Corner placement of a fake product can save a bit of space by using an angle that was previously empty.
How to make a fireplace for only 300 rubles, see the next video.