Chimneys for fireplaces: important nuances and useful recommendations

With the help of a chimney, combustion products are removed from the room. In case of violation of the installation technology of this device, the fireplace will not work correctly. This article describes the important nuances of the installation of the chimney and useful recommendations for its operation.
Special features
When burning fuel in the fireplace, caustic products are formed that must be removed. For these purposes, a chimney is provided in the heating device. Without this device, the entire furnace cannot work. Her work depends on the amount of oxygen in the fireplace insert. A system with maximum power can only be obtained if it is optimally saturated with air. Excess or deficiency leads to malfunction.
The chimney is a looped system. The products of combustion pass through the pipe into the air, clean atmospheric air enters the smoke pipe. The collected oxygen heats up and supports burning. The cycle is repeated until fuel runs out. To serve the chimney for a long time, it is necessary to take into account all the technological aspects in the installation process. You need to get a system of maximum strength and reliability.
The most popular type of construction is a brick pipe. Such a fireplace device rests on a foundation, the role of which is played by a base plate or a load-bearing wall. The masonry is made only using lime-sand mortar. In a checkerboard pattern with a pitch of at least 30 centimeters, the chimney pipe is anchored. Anchors deepen into the wall by 20 centimeters, the reinforcement section should reach one centimeter.
The stability of the structure can be increased by reinforcement. The chimney is lined with a mesh with cells 150x150 mm. It is also necessary to strengthen the ventilation system, creating a single reinforcement complex. When mounting the structure, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the furnace assembly.
Brick chimney has a short service life. It is possible to operate a design no more than 10 years. Brickwork is not resistant to temperature changes during cold periods. Condensate also has a negative effect on the system. The efficiency in such chimneys is less than that of analogs with smooth walls. To increase the lifetime of the chimney, you can install steel pipes.
The chimney for each furnace is set to meet the same requirements. It is necessary to avoid freezing the pipe, so the masters recommend installing the system in the warm part of the room. Pipe material must be resistant to contact with combustion products. The aggressive environment inside the system can destroy the chimney from the inside, so the choice of internal coating should pay particular attention. The surface should not be rough, since ash and ash can accumulate in the recesses and disrupt air circulation.
The design of the chimney consists of two main elements - a pipe and connections.
A proper chimney must meet several requirements.
- Fire protection. To protect the structure from overheating and fire, a special substrate is mounted on the ceilings. The walls are compacted, and the gap at the junction of the chimney and the walls are trying to eliminate. These rules must be observed during the installation of the structure.
- Traction Air circulation should be good, so it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the pipe. If the length of the chimney reaches five meters, then such a device is considered constructively literate. Good traction is the main function of any fireplace.
- Hermetic connections. The chimney should be a solid construction. Violation of tightness leads to impaired performance of the furnace. Combustion products will not be completely removed into the environment, instead gases will enter the room and harm the health of residents.
- Match the type of material to the type of fuel used. It is important to install a pipe that can withstand the effects of combustion products.
- The minimum number of internal partitions. Condensate must not form inside the chimney. With decreasing obstructions of vertical assignment, smoke temperatures are preserved.This ensures continuous heating of the inner surface of the pipe and the elimination of moisture.
Chimney structures are divided according to the method of installation, the material of components and the location in the room. Among the chimneys emit built-in options in which the mine has a vertical location, and the combustion products are removed without much difficulty. This type is considered to be the most rational in terms of material consumption.
The chimney of the suspended structure is mounted to the ceiling or supporting part of the roof. Such structures are assembled in a ready-made room, but with a pre-arranged layout of the chimney. When choosing a material for this system, it is necessary to give preference to metals. This material is quite light, so it will not create an extra load on the overlap.
The device based on the hearth differs from its analogues in that it is installed directly on the base of the building. The large weight of the structure does not allow to lift the system. When designing a fireplace with a similar device, additional reinforcement of the floor space is necessary. It is not recommended to place this heating system on logs or cold floors without reinforcing mesh.
According to the constructive decision of the master, they emit double-circuit chimneys. The basis of the system is a pair of pipes with different diameters. Such coaxial chimneys are easy to get by plunging a narrow pipe inwards wide and secured with bridges. The axis of the wide part must coincide with the axis of the narrow. This design is considered the most safe and fire resistant. Installation of the structure is not particularly difficult, so it is suitable for beginner builders.
Depending on the type of material used, brick construction, steel pipe structures and metal chimneys can be distinguished. The first type involves the use of several types of bricks. This type works mainly with solid fuel. If you try to burn damp wood in a brickwork stove, a fireplace can deteriorate.
Steel pipes differ in corrosion-proof properties. Such designs have a relatively low weight and reliable protection against corrosion. The main disadvantage of pipes is the high price. Ceramics belongs to the same price category, and its installation requires additional costs. It is important to know that the lifetime of ceramic devices pays for its cost.
The calculation of the correct dimensions of the chimney largely determines its operation and service life. The diameter of the smoke channel must correspond to the nozzle of the furnace. The cross section of a closed firebox usually reaches 200 mm, and in the case of a rectangular entrance, 270x140 mm. An open firebox has a diameter of 250 mm. The ratio of the diameter of the chimney in wooden furnaces to the firebox is taken to be 1:10. If the cross section of the pipe is square, the ratio decreases to 1: 1.5. The heat release in the systems should not be less than 300 kcal per hour of work. In this case, the pipe section must be taken 140x140 mm.
The height of the chimney depends on the technical characteristics of the material used in the installation. The construction of the building also has an effect on pipe dimensions. The height of the chimney is directly proportional to the force of thrust. Masters recommend installing a large chimney, and the height of the structure should not be less than five meters. Otherwise, smoke may start in the room.
Excess pipe roof surface must be greater than 500 mm. This indicator is fixed by regulatory documents. The dimensions of the chimney must be taken into account in the process of creating the project room. It is prohibited to install such a heating system in a room of less than 15 squares.In small spaces there is not enough air circulation.
Of bricks
Brick chimney is considered the first among analogues. The installation of such a system requires compliance with many rules and taking into account the nuances of masonry, so the work should be entrusted to professionals. This type of construction is being constructed together with the house, which saves on the foundation device. Dimensions and location of a brick fireplace are taken into account in the process of building construction, which minimizes installation errors.
The brickwork fastens on cement with impurity. You should not use pure cement mortar, as it has poor throughput. Waste of combustion will accumulate in the joints in the absence of the possibility of exit. Soot streams will make the surface of the pipe rough, which will lead to a deterioration of traction. Such a fireplace will quickly fail and will require additional repairs.
Of steel
The use of stainless steel tubes allows for a lighter construction. Masters prefer to use the sandwich construction, which was described earlier. Steel pipes reinforced with mineral wool,protecting the coating from the effects of aggressive environment and temperature load. The stainless steel provides high draft due to good passability. Steel walls have a low roughness, so the soot does not stay in the pipeline.
The lack of steel is low resistance. The design requires additional strengthening of the base and strengthening of the system itself. In addition, stainless steel can not be used in wooden houses. With its high thermal conductivity, steel is able to quickly overheat.
Being in such a room is not safe due to the risk of fire. Metal pipe in harmony with the interior only in rare cases.
From ceramics
Ceramic chimneys are easy to install and have a long service life. Such systems are refractory, so they minimize the risk of fire. These designs are produced in limited sizes. Each type corresponds to its own assembly technology. The fragments of the system are multilayered; therefore, they do not require additional protection with insulating materials. In such structures there is a constant heat removal, since special channels are located in the shell.
The joints of the elements are filled with refractory mastic. The finished structure is installed in the wall, without requiring additional reinforcement. The installation process is simple. It is important to know that a gap of 5 centimeters should be left between the chimney and the wooden wall. If this does not work, then you must insert a steel pipe into the fireplace. It will reduce the thermal load on the boards.
How to choose?
The dimensions of the chimney are determined by the size of the furnace. The pipe must not be installed without exhaust. Its installation takes place near the location of the chimney in accordance with the regulatory documentation. This device increases traction and provides additional air exchange. To increase the power of the fireplace, you can install additional ventilation ducts. Such devices will increase the time of heat transfer to the room, regardless of the height of the building.
The thickness of the pipe depends on the choice of fuel. For a fireplace that runs on liquid or gaseous fuel, choose a system with a thickness of at least 0.6 millimeters. The use of firewood and coal is possible with the device pipes of a thickness of 1 millimeter or more. This clutch can withstand the temperature of combustion of fuel above +250 degrees.
Outdoor fireplace requires strengthening the structure of insulating material. A set of insulation protects the side chimney from the negative effects of low temperatures and high humidity. The internal chimney does not require such events, so it is easier to use single-wall components for its installation.
The umbrella on the chimney is an equally important component of the chimney. It protects the pipe from clogging with leaves and other particles of the external environment. Umbrellas also protect the fireplace he fire. Particles that are caught may ignite and disrupt the system. In addition to the protective function, this element plays an aesthetic role. Umbrella unusual shape will give the structure a highlight.
Installation of the chimney is carried out individually for each case. The assembly scheme depends on the choice of material. In brick structures, the chimney is located directly on the foundation. It is important to keep the pattern and rows of brickwork. Such designs are accompanied by the installation of the chimney, mop and cap. Connections must be established under the guidance of specialists.
Ceramics chimney is also important to have on the foundation. Parts of the pipe must be securely fixed. Joints are additionally processed by the protective compound. Ceramic flue ducts require additional installation of some devices: a tee and a revision. Clamps are used for reliable fixation of pipes and elimination of undesired displacements.
Sandwich pipes set with brackets. The required angle of inclination ensures retraction. If you select the wrong angle, the air circulation will be disturbed. To enhance retraction, you can additionally install a thrust compensator.
Another name for a device is a fungus. At the base of the device is a metal box to which a special skirt is attached. The compensator works best in terms of burning solid fuel.
The deflector has a similar appearance and is also designed to enhance traction. Air acts on the shell structure, creating the necessary pressure. Part of the flow enters the structure, additional circulation occurs, during which the waste of combustion is quickly removed from the cavity of the pipe. In some cases, without such a device is not enough. Traction in the heating device prevents the accumulation of chemical waste and their release into the room.
The chimney pipe should be additionally enclosed with an insulator layer if its hot surface contacts with walls that are not resistant to elevated temperature. During the installation of pipes, kinks should be avoided, since good circulation takes place only in strictly vertical channels.
The main outlet structure is connected to the furnace with a horizontal pipe, but its length should not exceed one meter.
The most common mistakes
To increase the life of the chimney, it is necessary to consider possible violations in the process of installation and causes of breakdowns.
- Before directly installing the pipe, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the future construction. It is possible to organize construction work only after the plan has been approved. Otherwise, the circulation may not be made, and the smoke enters the room.
- Carefully monitor the functionality of the pipes on sloped sections. The pipe at an angle of 45 degrees or more will not provide the necessary outflow of air. Such moments should be avoided.
- Also it is necessary to closely monitor the joints in the articulation of the structure. If the pipe is not sealed, heated air will destroy the entire structure.The seams must be further strengthened with fire mastic. If the cleft smokes, the structure must be disassembled and reassembled.
- Often at brick designs masonry mortar collapses. This may be due to improper composition, dampness or exposure to high temperatures. Laying should be strengthened.
- It is also important to monitor the state of insulation above the headband. Water has a negative impact on the functioning of the whole structure, so the drips should be monitored and eliminated at the initial stage.
- The roofing around the pipe is often damaged by condensation and moisture. If mold and mildew are found, the damaged layers should be carefully removed and replaced with a new coating.
- Ogolovok treated with concrete to enhance strength. Outdated seams are cut to a depth of 3 centimeters and also updated. This should be done carefully. With a deeper cut, you can damage the internal structure of the pipe and break its tightness.
Chimney clogging may be caused by the accumulation of combustion products. Soot clogged in the cracks and uneven masonry, creates a barrier to air circulation.Smoke can get into the apartment and have a negative impact on residents. This tube must be cleaned. This can be done both with the help of a specialist and with our own resources. The work does not represent a special threat and does not take much time.
Mechanical cleaning of the pipe cavity must be carried out both in the house and outside the building. Using solid metal brushes, you can clean soot layers. By the end of the brush on the cable binds a massive weighting agent. Under the action of gravity from the core brush is lowered without the application of extra effort. With a gentle movement, the rope is pulled over, and the device rises, cleaning the pipe walls. It is important not to make sudden movements, so as not to damage the structure.
Do the cleaning regularly. Otherwise, the soot forms a dense layer that cannot be cleaned on its own.
In the next video you are waiting for the installation stages of a brick chimney.