Decorative fireplaces: types of designs

Since ancient times, the fire of the hearth is associated in people with peace and comfort. In a modern apartment with central heating there are no problems with heat. But many are eager to establish at least an imitation of a real fireplace, because thanks to such a hearth a center of attraction will appear in the house for all family members.
Features and benefits
Decorative fireplaces have several advantages.
- Unlike real artificial analogs, they do not cause problems in terms of their operation: no need to clean the ashes and remove soot, do not follow the chimney so that it does not clog.
- Fire hazards are minimized, as some fireplaces are complete fake and do not require any attention in this regard. Others are modern constructions that are safe in their design, because the dresser does not have a chimney, you do not have to worry about possible problems with carbon monoxide.
- To install a decorative fireplace, you do not need to plan and equip a place for it in the room, taking into account the installation of the chimney and other mandatory elements.
- Falshkamina can be rearranged from one room to another, or even taken away, for example, to the country.
- You do not have to stock up on fuel and store it somewhere.
The peculiarity of such a structure is that it plays an aesthetic function., although it can play the role of a heater. Decorative fireplace, if desired, can be bought in the store. Outwardly, it will be difficult to distinguish from the present. Flames, the characteristic crackling of logs - all this is successfully imitated by modern models, although it costs this pleasure quite expensive. But if there is no extra money or a desire to spend it, an artificial hearth can be made independently.
Fake home fireplaces can be divided into types according to several parameters. For example, they may differ in their degree of realism. In this classification, there are several types of fireplaces.
- Authentic Such fireplaces are not much different from full foci. They have everything that is inherent in the natural "fellow", except for the chimney - this is a portal, and mantel shelves, and even an imitation of the flame. Among the store copies, they are one of the most expensive designs. But you can make a very realistic copy of your own hands, if you have the ability and skills to work with relevant materials.
- Conditional. They are much less like a real hearth, although they look great. They have a portal with a niche, but in fact they may just be a figured ledge on the wall. You can put real firewood or similar props in a niche. Due to the lighting with candles, LEDs or light bulbs, it will even be possible to create the appearance of a game of fire.
- Symbolic. This conditional image of the fireplace in the form of a picture or a collage of boards and plaster.
Depending on the location, a decorative fireplace also comes in several forms.
- Wall mounted - This is the most popular option, more than others resembling an open oven. On the wall, a characteristic protrusion forms, forming a portal with a mantelpiece. Firewood is most often placed in a niche and creates a false flame.
- Built in. It can be an electric center, which is a frame with a display placed in it or a device with the effect of a living flame. At its core, this is a modern embedded electronic device in the form of an LCD monitor with a photo and video frame, which reproduces certain recordings. If such a fireplace gets bored, then it can easily be turned into an aquarium by downloading a video with the appropriate theme.
- Angular - this is the same decorative hearth as the wall, only for it is allocated a place in the corner of the room. This placement of the hearth is beneficial in that it saves free space in the room.
Also, decorative fireplaces can be divided according to the principle of their work.
- Electric. For the first time such devices began to be used in England more than fifty years ago. Today this kind of electric heater is used quite often. This device is easy to install, does not create smoke and beautifully imitates fire with a characteristic crackling of logs.
- Gas. For the device of such a hearth, good ventilation is needed, the fireplace itself works on propane-butane. The burner is made in the form of logs, the power of the flame can be adjusted. In this sense, the principle of operation of the device is not much different from what is provided in a conventional gas furnace.
With the help of such a fireplace a small room can really warm up. It should be borne in mind that when purchasing a device, its installation will have to be coordinated with the gas service. Moreover, such a fireplace cannot be used in apartments located above the tenth floor.
- Bio Fireplaces They are among the fairly recent inventions, and therefore the price for them is quite high. These foci give a feeling of warmth from a real flame, work on ethanol. Can be made of stone, metal or glass. They are considered quite safe devices, do not create children. Therefore, to install them do not need a system with a pipe and other attributes of this fireplace.
According to the ability to heat decorative fireplaces are of two types.
- With heater. A heating device can be built into the design, which makes it possible for the artificial hearth to work without or with heating, depending on the person’s wishes.
- Without heater. This category includes built-in fireplaces.They work like a television set, showing flames solely for beauty. Fireplace in our time can be called any hearth, at least something reminiscent of a home construction. A fake fireplace with candles also belongs to the category of decorative fireplaces and can create a unique festive or intimate atmosphere, for example, in the living room.
Whichever option is chosen, it is important that this design does not contradict the general style of the interior.
The designs of modern fake foci may differ. For example, a classic fireplace has elements such as a portal and a niche. In the firebox of this building are placed logs, coals, candles. There are variants of this design and without a portal. For instance, glass specimens may belong to the category of such models.
There is no predetermined size of decorative fireplaces, unless it is about the specific products offered in the store. Often it all depends on which room the item will be installed in and how ambitious the design of the owner of this jewel is. Modern materials allow you to implement any scheme.
Someone needs a big hearth, but someone needs a mini version. This may be, for example, a candle fireplace with a depth of only 15-20 cm, which is enough to accommodate a composition of decorative candles.
A fake hearth can be created from a variety of materials.
- With a stone. The most expensive in appearance decorative structures are obtained from natural stone, and for finishing, granite, marble, malachite and other similar materials are most often used. Artificial stone can also be used.
- From plasterboard. It belongs to one of the most accessible materials. Construction of such material will be the most simple. For the implementation of the idea of implementing a decorative fireplace, it may be sufficient to have a reserve left after the next repair.
- Using a brick. Thanks to this material, you can make quite a realistic model of a classic hearth.
- From glass. Fireplace in the glass looks unusual and stylish, and it does not look bulky. The refraction of light in the glass surface makes the game of flame fascinating. It is not easy to create such a fireplace by yourself - it is better to trust a professional.
- By means of polyurethane. Such material gives the chance to create imitation of the real center without big financial expenses. The gypsum portals are the most bizarre shapes and colors. This material differs in shock resistance, heat resistance, ease of installation and durability.
- With the help of gypsum. This is a fairly strong and inexpensive material, from which it is not difficult to make a portal of any shape. It does not conduct current, and therefore it is safe to create a frame for an electric fireplace from it. Gypsum is fire-resistant, so that the neighborhood, even with real fire, he is not afraid. It is no coincidence that gypsum decorative fireplaces in modern interiors are widely used.
- From foam. Fireplace foam - a cheap solution to the problem of decorating the interior of the apartment. Applying a little ingenuity, accuracy and patience, you can get quite a decent version of the execution of a fraudulent hearth. You can insert a screen into a polystyrene framing, simulate the burning of logs with the help of LEDs, or install candle-lights in such a fireplace.
In addition to such common materials, unexpected instances may even go so far at first glance: even a household appliances box can act as a building material.Plywood, laminated plates and other things that are available on the farm can also become the basis for a decorative fireplace, if only there is enough imagination to use them.
Design options
Design options for decorative fireplace great variety. Depending on its functional features, it is possible to use a variety of materials for the decoration of the portal itself: paint, stucco, decorative plaster, and tile, not to mention artificial and natural stones.
Decorative candles or a candelabrum can be mounted on the mantel.which will be a great addition to live or artificial fire. Figurines from the collection, for example, with cats or dogs, will also find their place here.
It is better to arrange the false vision in the form of a display case in which you can put toys, books, photos within the framework and even a clock on the prepared shelves. If you wish, you can even place a bar in such a fireplace: put bottles in a niche, and sparkling glasses on the mantelpiece.
If you install a mirror over the mantelpiece, this will make the room space larger.
How to pick up?
Correspondence of the fireplace to the general style of the interior is one of the most important components in its design. This should be guided when choosing a finished hearth in the store and when installing the structure on site.
With the independent execution of a decorative fireplace in a classic interior, it is preferable to create a portal of a square shape. To match the style of the overall situation, it is better to decorate it with stucco, bas-reliefs. Decorations in the form of stones similar to precious ones will fit well here. Cladding must be done in marble or brick.
Manufacturers offer various models of fireplaces, which are made in the style of modern, classic, bionic, rustic, in the Russian style. For a room in the style of country or rustic fit hearth, made in coarse materials. Sandstone or coquina can be used for decoration. Excessive decorations here will be inappropriate.
In the interior of the modern style is best to install a fireplace, created using reflective materials.
For high-tech style fit design with sharp corners of the mirror elements. This style will correspond to the minimalist forms of the fireplace. It is best if it will run on biofuels.
The bionics style suggests a reference to nature. The snag hearth in this case is better to draw in smooth lines with a characteristic flowing decor. Natural colors and shapes, as well as ethnic notes will be very appropriate here.
Naturally, when choosing a suitable option, you need to be guided by other parameters, for example, to take into account the principles of the fireplace, its weight, since some decorative hearths may be too heavy, which is not always acceptable.
How to do?
Creating a decorative fireplace for the home is real creativity. However, for the implementation of the plan for the construction of such a model with their own hands, it is not enough just to fly a fantasy - here you need to rely on a specific scheme and drawings, guided by which you can avoid annoying mistakes.
Step-by-step instructions for creating falshkamina from hyposocardon.
- It is necessary to prepare tools and materials.You will need a gypsum craton, slats or metal profiles for the frame. Also, you need a knife, a tape measure, self-tapping screws, a construction level, a circular saw, a screwdriver, a putty, as well as paint, film, and some other materials that are better used by the builder.
- It is necessary to choose the location of the hearth and sketch a design sketch, taking into account this factor.
- Then you need to make on the wall layout guides.
- Fix the rear supports on the wall, and then start assembling the rest of the frame and the future firebox.
- Formed frame sheathe pre-cut hypocardon.
- Putty seams.
- Decorate the fireplace.
It is often not so difficult to build a fireplace, because it is much more difficult to reliably depict decorative fire. The easiest way is to install a screen that will demonstrate the play of the flame, but only technically, and not for money.
Garland-wrapped garland is a cheaper option. It hardly pulls into fiery tongues, but it can turn out very elegantly. This is a good way out just for a drywall fireplace. It is well installed mirrors. If you put beautiful candles in a niche, the fire reflected from the mirrors will create coziness in the room.
Another way is to place a small table lamp in a homemade fireplace by hiding the wire so that it is convenient to turn it on and off. The firebox can be tightened with a translucent yellow or orange film.
Beautiful examples in the interior of rooms
A fireplace decorated with a rough stone creates an atmosphere of a medieval castle in the house.
As an attribute of the New Year's holiday, there is no price for a fireplace. Decorated with festoons, it brings a unique feeling of family comfort, to which everyone aspires.
Candle fireplace - an elegant and simple solution to create a cozy corner in the room. Together with the TV set above him, he is able to attract all the inhabitants of the home to himself.
How to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands, you will learn from the following video.