Cast iron fireplaces: types, pros and cons

Today, there are many manufacturers of fireplaces, so very often when choosing you have to take into account several criteria. For some, the fireplace plays the role of a beautiful decorative decoration for the house in the best traditions of classic coziness, someone needs such a product for quite practical purposes, such as heating your own home during the cold season. For tasks like the last, the fireplace made of cast iron is the best fit.
Features of the device
The principle of operation of cast iron fireplaces is quite simple. They consist of a fire chamber (capacity for burning firewood) located in a cast iron housing. The fire chamber is made of heat resisting materials.Materials such as tile and brick are often used for exterior trim. Thus high temperature is maintained and technical indicators do not decrease. The cast body does not require finishing, it is covered with various ornaments. There are models in which there is no door that closes the furnace. Closed fireplaces are more in demand.
Grate, performing the role of heat sinks, are also made of cast iron. Under them are ash pans, the body of which can be removed without any extra effort for cleaning.
Cast iron fireplaces, whether pellet or wood, need chimneys, which are needed for removal of combustion products. The valve is a mandatory attribute of such an aggregate. The pipes are made of stainless material and most often embedded in the walls. Fireplaces of cast iron seem simple, but in fact they are extremely functional. In addition to their main functions, they can be connected to heating and water supply systems, and thus provide hot water. In addition, they give a high temperature, allowing the use of hobs instead of the stove.
Advantages and disadvantages
By purchasing factory cast iron fireplace, you can not hire a professional stove, save most of the budget and save yourself from a variety of problems arising from errors during construction. Installing ready-made equipment is not too difficult, you only need to do everything according to the instructions and not to ignore safety engineering.
The low weight of cast-iron devices allows them to be installed directly on the floor without any foundation. There are small models that can be placed on two floors of buildings at once. Another advantage of such units is mobility. They can be moved to other premises, taken away to the country, and also sold, if you need to replace the hearth with a new one.
The main advantages of such boilers can be formulated with several capacious phrases:
- cast iron fireplace - the most affordable source of heat, as it has a low cost;
- cast iron effectively accumulates and releases heat, perfectly warming any room;
- a fireplace made of cast iron can be decorated and decorated as required by the interior of the room;
- the product is easily installed due to the small mass, it does not require the creation of a separate foundation;
- long service life saves money;
- modern models are safe and comfortable.
The disadvantage of this unit is that cast iron is a rather fragile material, therefore the transportation of such fireplaces should be as accurate and careful as possible. Also, a cast iron stove requires a fairly high chimney. The material is not resistant to rapid cooling (can crack if cold liquid gets on the hot surface).
There are several types of cast iron units. All of them - wood, but to acquire a decent thing you need to familiarize yourself with all the features of each type.
- Heating Fireplaces can only heat one room. These models are installed in addition to the main heating in order to make the home more comfortable and to raise the temperature in case of insufficiency of the main heating system. This type of device is perfect for cottages and small country houses. Such foci quickly heat up and retain heat for a long time. Work on wood or other solid fuels.
- Heating and cooking. Fireplace stoves with a hob - a great option for summer kitchens, villas and houses in the village. Such models suggest a stove that allows cooking and heating water directly on top of the fireplace.
- Water circuit devices are a good substitute for a boiler for water heating and are used in case there is a need to organize heating of two or three rooms.
Installation details
Since the cast iron is fragile, immediately after unpacking, you should inspect the fireplace for cracks. If you use a furnace that has cracks, it will lead to unpleasant consequences, because the use of the product, even with small defects, is highly undesirable. Usually an instruction manual is attached to the unit to assist in the installation. It is necessary to carefully study it, since the devices from various manufacturers have their own operating nuances.
Next is to check whether all parts are in place. Most often, additional and attachments are in the firebox. If there are detachable legs in the kit, you need to turn the unit over and lay it on the back wall, and then attach the supports and put the stove, first checking its stability.In the absence of adapters of the appropriate configuration, you must purchase them separately. Many models have an outlet on both walls, then a removable plug determines the place from which the smoke will go.
If you need to move the stove, you should lift it and move it, not drag it, because the equipment has fragile supports.
Before choosing a place to install the furnace, you should carefully examine the surrounding objects and evaluate what materials they are made of. The unit should not be placed too close to objects that are highly flammable. These include furniture and wooden walls, increased fire risk and textiles for any purpose. Before installation begins, check the quality of the chimney material. It should not have any cracks or crevices. It is necessary to follow the chimney throughput during the first fire; during testing, the fire should be as strong as possible. At this stage, it is possible to determine whether the thrust in the firebox is sufficient.
It is necessary to take into account that the furnace of the cast-iron unit works efficiently, a constant flow of air is necessary. If it is not available, the oxygen in the room will be burned out, which will lead to bad consequences. It is recommended to place a flooring made of non-combustible materials above the stove. Suitable options such as sheet of roofing iron or space tiled. A small space in front of the fireplace should be equipped with a curb to prevent hot coals from falling out of the stove.
Useful recommendations
Cast iron stove type "stove" is not only a heating device, but also an attractive element of the interior. It can be either decorated or left in its original form, since at present there are a large number of interesting and original models that can decorate the interior. In order to design some authenticity can be traced, you can purchase models in the style of minimalism. Miniature, neat and not bulky stoves, no doubt, will decorate any room.
Despite the fact that the structures are cast-iron and supposedly unsightly, devices can be used as a means of decoration. Doors made of heat-resistant glass can become a guarantee of fire safety,as well as contribute to a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the house. If you add a fireplace niche to the stove, it will become a real embodiment of the English style. A fireplace built into a niche is a good idea for a cozy interior. You can sheathe the stove with non-combustible decorative materials to make it safer and more pleasant from an aesthetic point of view.
If you thoroughly examine reviews of cast iron fireplaces, you can see a lot of positive reviews. Consumers believe that such units really have a long service life, are quite durable and easy to maintain. The rating of the best fireplaces includes both foreign (Italy, Poland, France) models and domestic counterparts.
- The most successful and sought-after company is Bavaria. Production produces devices with stoves, ovens, as well as the combined options. Such units are able to perform several functions: to heat the room and assist in the preparation of food. Pretty original is the model "Prismatic", which has a stove for two burners.
- For country houses and country houses, fireplaces of a Russian company turned out to be a good option. "Brandenburg". With this model, you can save fuel consumption, and for greater aesthetics of a burning flame it has a glass cleaning system. Thus, the fireplace creates a pleasant and warm atmosphere in the room. Stylish ceramic inserts on the sides give the device some zest. One of the positive qualities of Brandenburg is its high heating capacity. The furnace uses the minimum amount of fuel, however, heats the room perfectly.
- Stove fireplace "Meta Narva" has an ergonomic size and fits perfectly into a classic design. It will fit in a small room, such as a hallway, kitchen, and others. It is also possible to heat and cook food on it, which is extremely convenient. The model warms the room air for 20 minutes. The owner will be able to regulate traction and create the most comfortable atmosphere for himself.
- Polish model called Ambra from Eurokom also capable of heating the room and allows you to cook food. It has an attractive design, the original shape of the door and is decorated with an interesting pattern. The model includes a special lid with which the stove is covered after cooking.High-quality assembly, cooking surface, excellent heat dissipation, long-term burning - just some of the list of positive qualities of this unit.
- Extremely roomy and comfortable cast iron stoves from Asti are a real find for those who need a device that is easy to care for. In order to maintain good traction in the furnace, the furnace has aesthetic vitroceramic glass with air blowing and a protective comb.
- European manufacturers Jotul and Verdo make a large number of excellent fireplaces that are resistant to extremely high temperatures. They are also easy to clean. These manufacturers use a method of manufacturing cast iron products, as casting.
- Stoves-group fireplaces "Meta" extremely simple in design, but perfectly complement any interior. Among them you can see the following models: Lake Baikal, Mini, Lyon, Bordeaux, etc. Such products are quite powerful, have small weight and size, do not require the use of means for strengthening.
- For those who need a stove rather for interior decoration than for heating, there is such an option as "Ambergris". Vintage shape, carved door, elegant legs - details that will be an excellent decor in the interior, decorated "antique".
- Goocha Love - Serbian company offering a stove with the same name. It has a modern design, small size and quite high power. The device is equipped with a wide chimney, which allows for complete cleaning of the room from the smoke. This allows the owner not to worry about the level of environmental safety and saves him from a whole set of problems.
Review the Ambra cast iron stove in the next video.