Primer: types and scope

DIY repair is a difficult but doable task. The basis of success is to carry out work without haste and do not neglect the advice from professionals. The specialist knows that the necessary stage of absolutely any work, whether it be finishing the walls in the kitchen or leveling the floor in the bathroom, begins with surface treatment with a primer. The scope of this tool in the repair is very wide, and for each type of work there are different types of primer.

What it is?

For unenlightened people, the word "primer" evokes various associations. At best, it is considered a solution for treating wooden surfaces before painting. At worst - they do not differ from a putty.In fact, this substance with a complex composition and a wide range of actions.

Depending on the type of working surface for which a primer is needed, its composition is slightly different, but most primers are a combination of the same components:

  • Liquid component. Most often it is water that is already present in the composition of the substance. In some cases, the soil is sold as a powder mixture and water is also added in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. The liquid in the composition provides easy application to the surface and the ability of the substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the material.
  • The foundation. The percentage of this substance in the composition is quite large. The base helps the primer to not evaporate too quickly, reacts with water, so that the liquid composition is distributed over the material being processed in a thin even layer. The basis is polymeric, organic or mineral. The most commonly used widely applicable gypsum, cement, lime.

Modern primer can be based on synthetic substances. Their list is more extensive, but not all of them are allowed by GOST.

  • Coloring pigments. Not required for all types of primer. More often soil has a neutral or transparent color. But for processing pure wood, it is recommended to use a white or light-colored primer, so that the surface can be clearly seen. Some primer has a pinkish or grayish tint. It is also designed for wood, which will be painted in a darker color than white.
  • Adhesives. They provide traction.
  • Adsorbing (film-forming) substances.
  • Bitumens, oils, resins.
  • Hydrophobic (water repellent components).
  • Anti-mold additives.
  • Antibacterial substances (insecticides, fungicides).
  • Polymers and copolymers.
  • Insulators.

The exact composition determines the purpose of the primer.

Its use is recommended for the following purposes:

  • Improved adhesion (adhesion) between the working surface and the leveling layer. The plaster, putty, oil paint and various enamels are often used as leveling coatings. Also, cement, concrete, gypsum mixtures can be used for leveling.
  • Deep penetration inside the finishing material. It would seem to be a dubious utility function, however, it is necessary to work with old surfaces. Penetrating deep into the wood in the floor or on the walls, the primer as if holds its fibers together, preventing flaking and cracking.
  • Corrosion protection of metal surfaces. It is known that metal is coated with paint not only and not so much for beauty, as for its protection from corrosion. The paint will have to be renewed much less frequently if a protective primer is applied under it. An additional advantage of the soil - the enamel will lie flat.
  • Antiseptic action. Some finishing materials contribute to the greenhouse effect, cultivation of fungi and microorganisms, which affects the appearance of decoration and health of the inhabitants of the house. For example, black mold that comes from dampness is a terrible toxin and depressant. Its appearance is extremely undesirable, and the primer with anti-bactericidal additives helps protect the walls. It is useful to process wooden surfaces, as well as walls for drywall, siding, liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, other dense materials and a dry screed floor.
  • "Identifying" the structure of the tree. This technique is used for wooden surfaces when over them they are not supposed to apply a thick layer of paint or other decorative material. The primer emphasizes the natural design of the tree, and on top of it lacquer lays perfectly. There is also a ready priming mixture with the addition of varnish.
  • Saving liquid finishing materials. For example, when painting wood, a primer layer prevents the paint from absorbing wood fiber. When sticking wallpaper - reduces the consumption of glue.
  • Moisture protection. It is necessary in rooms with a raw microclimate. At the same time, in wet rooms, the primer is used both for a decorative finish and, in some cases, on top of it.
  • Prevent fluid loss when pouring floor screed. One of the reasons why a cement or concrete screed to level the floor is cracked when it dries is the “leaving” of the liquid in the overlap layer. Priming a rough floor is not just necessary, but necessary. In this case, you should not feel sorry for the primer. The price for it is much lower than for filling the screed, and high-quality coating can save the leveling layer from cracks.The soil is applied to the floor until the small “puddles” are no longer absorbed by the eyes.
  • Reprocessing. Secondary application of priming composition is never superfluous. It is important to use it on top of the leveling layer, before applying wallpaper or other type of decorative material. The second layer of soil not only protects the working surface from vapors, soot, soot, but also makes it easy to remove the finishing material during the next repair.

In the new building, when finishing is performed for the first time, the primer can be applied three times throughout the entire cycle: before leveling, on the draft leveling layer and on top of the final layer.

Special features

A characteristic feature of high-quality primer - compliance with the conditions of production, which regulates the GOST. Manufacturers add to the composition of various substances and compounds, and some of them can be very effective, but not safe for health. Only products that meet all the requirements of the standard can be used inside the dwelling.

GOST provides the following soil characteristics:

  • The color of the substance after it dries.Before application, the primer is usually white, milky, pinkish, creamy, and then becomes transparent, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Some species have a richer color. Shades are not subject to regulation.
  • External characteristics of the soil after drying. According to the standard, it should be a flat, uniform, matte or semi-gloss film.
  • Storage conditions and the presence of sediment. The substance is stored in a closed container, away from sunlight and moisture. As a result, no significant precipitate should form. Allowed only easily mixed layer and a thin film.

It is possible to use the soil after a long storage only if it retains all its qualities, in accordance with the standard. Warranty period - no longer than 6 months.

  • Soil consumption. One layer is calculated from 60 to 100 grams per square meter.
  • Resistance to grinding. After this procedure on the "skin" should not remain greasy marks, and the primer retains smoothness.
  • Density or viscosity of a substance. It is difficult to determine without a special device, so when choosing a tool you need to focus on the information sticker.The standard figure is 45. Deviations are allowed.
  • The ability to dilute the primer with a solvent. Maximum - 20% of the substance in 100% of the soil.
  • The proportion of non-volatile (non-volatile) substances. It ranges between 53-63%.
  • Drying time and temperature conditions in the room: 24 hours at 20-22 degrees Celsius.
  • The hardness, elasticity and flexibility of the film, the degree of delamination - within the unit.
  • Impact resistance - 46-50.
  • The degree of adhesion - no more than 1.
  • Resistance to alkaline and chemical substances - 24.
  • Safety standards when working with the ground. GOST recognizes it as a toxic material that can be easily ignited, so it is recommended to work with the soil in a ventilated room, using personal protective equipment, away from fire. Apply the substance relied with a brush or spray paint.

Also, when choosing a primer, it is important to consider what is not spelled out in GOST. Namely: the advantages and disadvantages of the substance.

Consider the advantages of different types of primer:

  • A wide range of priming compositions makes it possible to solve diverse repair tasks, and to protect the internal and external surfaces in the room from the influence of the environment.
  • Wall treatment ensures a strong adhesion of the finishing material to the working surface.
  • Small price.
  • It helps to save on the amount of adhesives and liquid decorative materials for finishing, since the surface of the walls, ceiling or floor after processing does not absorb the product.
  • Extends the life of finishing materials.
  • Simplifies their removal from the surface when re-repairing.
  • The primer in the color of the finish coating gives a more durable and “dense” shade.
  • Increases biostability of materials.
  • Makes the structure of the working surface homogeneous. In some cases, it is extremely convenient. For example, it is not necessary to remove old plaster in order to apply a decorative layer. The primer will make its surface smooth and monolithic.
  • Most species are odorless.
  • Protects decorative trim in rooms with a wet microclimate.
  • Consists of components safe for health.
  • Very easy to use and ready to use immediately after purchase.

Disadvantages of priming fluid:

  • Large consumption when working in a room with an impressive area.
  • The primer properties are not cumulative, they do not double and do not triple with an increase in the number of layers, but it is also possible to “overdo it”.In this case, the primer will not improve the adhesion, but, on the contrary, will minimize the quality of the finishing work.
  • Dries completely in 24-48 hours
  • There is a risk that the product will fall on the surface with an uneven layer.
  • Some types of primer, which cannot be replaced by a universal composition, have only saturated red, black or brown color and it is very difficult to cover them with a light decorative finish. The consumption of material increases, the cost of repair increases.
  • In the absence of odor, some types of primer are considered toxic. Some of them have a pronounced chemical aroma.
  • Not fireproof material.

Characteristics are determined by its appearance.

What are the types?

The classification of priming compositions is made according to several criteria:

According to the composition of the substance

There are about a dozen varieties.

  • Acrylic. The composition of the tool allows the surface to "breathe", despite several layers of soil. Used on various materials, from concrete to wood, in accordance with the marking from the manufacturer. There is also a universal acrylic primer.
  • Mineral The basis of common materials, such as cement, which makes it suitable for use on different surfaces. Especially well lays on porous materials of mineral origin, limestone and plaster. Resistant to moisture and sunlight.
  • Alkyd A material composed of polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, polystyrene, acetate components and dyes. By their nature, they are actually universal, even used on glass. Enamel, polyurethane and glyptal primers are all its varieties.
  • Epoxy. The basis of the composition, as already understood from the name, resin. In addition to them, the composition contains additives of chemical origin. After processing, the surface acquires a dense matte or glossy film, the most resistant to aggressive environmental influences

Distinctive features - resistance to high temperatures and damage. Mostly processed metal products.

  • Silicone. Concentrated cementitious compound with the ability to give the most durable coating. The ideal base for paints based on silicone.Working with it requires caution, since the fumes of the substance are toxic. Relevant for work outside residential areas where enhanced protection from the negative effects of climate and the environment is needed.
  • Silicate. Synthetic base - potassium glass. This primer is used when working mainly with the facade of architectural structures. It can be brick, concrete, finished with plaster. Maximum effective in tandem with silicate paints.
  • Latex. The collective name for a group of materials whose main property is to fill pores and cracks on the surface of walls, ceilings or floors. A significant proportion of the component composition belongs to the adhesive substance - latex. It performs the function of the primary leveling layer and improves the adhesion of the remaining layers to the working surface. On the basis of latex make universal formulations.
  • Quartz. The basic component in the composition - quartz sand. Additional components - water dispersion group of materials. Water-repellent properties and rough surface during processing become the main properties of the primer.It works best as a means to increase adhesion between the finishing material and the walls.

An additional advantage of soil with sand is its color. In a properly selected shade, close to the finish coating, it provides a beautiful decorative effect. There is a harmony between absorption and reflection of light, and the shade of paint opens up as effectively as possible.

  • Shellac. It has an unusual composition: milky juice, extracted from insects, and methyl alcohol. In the aggregate, they give the effect of stain under the lacquer. Such compounds are actively used in wood processing, as they work as a well-known linseed oil, but do not have a strong odor and do not leave oily spots on the tree. With their help, cut the knots on the boards, logs and timber, to prevent the release of resin.
  • Phosphate. Phosphoground is a monocomponent material used exclusively for various metals. Mainly in the works on the facade of the building, due to the unique abilities of the primer to remove rust and fight its appearance.
  • Bituminous. The common name for a number of primers, the main purpose of which is to protect the flooring.It is used under wooden floors, under various types of flooring, under the floor screed (wet, semi-dry, dry and team).

The composition can vary greatly, depending on the associated components. These include: gasoline, rubber waste, mineral mixtures, water, polymers. The primer is highly toxic and requires work in a ventilated area with a respirator.

According to the degree of penetration

  • Surface action. Such compositions form a dense film on wooden, concrete, brick, lime, stone, glass and other materials. It fills the porous surface and microcracks, aligns them before the putty is applied, gives a slight roughness, thanks to which the adhesion of materials improves. At the same time, all matter remains on top, not seeping into the deeper layers of materials, which is not optimal in all cases.
  • Deep penetration. It differs from surface soils in that the composition contains substances of a smaller fraction that are able to penetrate into some materials, for example, wood and its derivatives, to a depth of 15 millimeters.Their surface is smoother, and among the components an antibacterial substance is necessarily present. It protects the inner layers from rotting and destruction. It is important to use wood, drywall, plaster, concrete, plaster and brick surfaces, cinder block, cement.

To destination

  • On a tree. Wood is widely used in construction, due to its aesthetic and performance characteristics, however, it is capricious in care and requires careful selection of materials for processing. The main problem with wood finishing is a high degree of wood absorption of coloring and adhesive compositions.

In order to save and for better distribution of substances, a primer is needed, which will prepare the surface completely. It can be an oil-based, acrylic, mineral-based primer. The main requirements are light color, the ability to penetrate deep into the fibers, the presence of antifungal impurities.

  • On plaster. Plaster is exposed to moisture, soot, mechanical damage, so the layer must be dense, well-protected, water-repellent and contains antibacterial components. The degree of penetration may be different.
  • By metal. The main requirement is protection against moisture and corrosion. Single component formulations are suitable, for example, phosphate or shellac formulations.
  • Concrete contact. It is mainly used for processing floor ceilings. Provides protection from moisture penetration deep into the ceiling. Suitable compositions for porous surfaces based on latex, silicone and silicate, universal primers, bitumen solutions.
  • Universal. It is used if the material is not specific, and the indoor climate is not damp. The processed material can be drywall, wood, plaster, fiberboard, chipboard, plywood sheets and OSB-plates.

At the place of use

  • For exterior trim. Solutions with high resistance to temperature, UV, moisture, mechanical stress. They are processed facades of the building. Indoors such dense coatings will be superfluous. Because of them, the walls cease to "breathe", there is a risk of a greenhouse effect.
  • For interior work. These are all primers that, according to GOST and characteristics, can be used indoors.

By properties

  • Water repellent. Forms a protective layer in wet rooms. For example, she handles the walls before laying tile in the bathrooms.
  • Antiseptic. It is irreplaceable during the work with the wooden bases and when processing old constructions.
  • Firming. Primer for blocking micropores on unstable bases such as plaster, lime, plaster.
  • Anti-corrosive. It is necessary where there are metal fragments or solid metal surfaces. It prevents rust and rotting of the material.
  • Adhesive. Improves adhesion of materials with the base on different planes. Happens for walls, ceiling and even the floor.
  • The final. Completes the cycle of rough finishing works, precedes the decoration.
  • Universal. Used for surfaces that combine several characteristics.


Primer color is essential. Correctly selected shade, suitable shade of decorative coating, solves several problems at once.

  • Check the uniformity of the primer layer. The more contrasting the color of the rough surface and priming composition, the more obvious any shortcomings.This is very convenient in order to eliminate all defects at the preparation stage.
  • Improving the quality of the finish coating. There is no doubt that the white base for white wallpaper (especially thin) fits more than brown. Similarly, gray primer allows gray paint to unfold fully.
  • Savings on the amount of finishing materials. When it comes to repairs in a residential area where it is difficult to find a room smaller than 8 square meters, the number of necessary layers of paint for decorating walls can both significantly reduce and significantly increase the cost of repairs.
  • Save time. Minus an extra layer of paint - minus an extra half-day of physical work with a roller and a stepladder against the wall.
  • Extend the life of the coating. At first glance, a minor detail, however, in practice it is perhaps the most important. If the color of the primer is matched to the paint on the walls, then instead of mechanical damage (blows, chips, scratches), where the decorative layer will suffer first, the damage will remain inconspicuous. When using different shades, the appearance of the finish will quickly become worthless. Like it or not, and the difference will be noticeable even between the two light shades.
  • Provides a presentable look. as a final cover.For example, when in some interiors for stylistics it is important to preserve the texture of wood, stone or limestone. Used varnish primer for wood and matte for other surfaces.

Different manufacturers offer a choice of rich color palettes. Among the light primers, white, biscuit, milk, beige, lavender, cement gray, silver gray, pistachio color, spring shades of yellow, green and pink are popular.

Of the more saturated under the paint, you can pick up a brown primer, blue, green, terracotta, vanilla, colors of Prussian blue, Marsala, and purple. The darkest is graphite and black.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the primers for the finish coating, which is dominated by natural natural shades: pear, chestnut, mahogany, teak, oak, walnut, rosewood, birch.

How to choose the best?

To choose the right primer, it is necessary to build on several aspects.

  • The first assessment point - inside the building or on its facade repair works are planned. Then, the security of the treated sites from moisture, temperature, ultraviolet rays, and mechanical effects is evaluated.Based on these parameters, choose a primer for exterior or interior work and determine the degree of hiding power of the material. The less severe climatic and microclimatic conditions, the easier the primer should be.
  • The second item is an estimate of the surface area to be treated. The larger the area, the more reasonable it is to choose a dense composition, which does not require more than two layers. This saves both costs and effort.
  • The third item is variable: the choice of primer according to its function or the type of base to be processed. And in this regard, painters recommend using one simple rule: the primer should be as complementary as possible to the surface material. If this option is unlikely, then the finishing should be combined on the basis of the primer base. According to this principle, mineral bases are chosen for materials of natural origin, synthetic ones - for synthetic materials, silicone paints for silicone primers, alkyd paints - on top of alkyd primer.
  • Mineral primers are used for fresh lime, plastered (plastered), concrete, cement and brick surfaces.In their composition may be gypsum, cement, calcareous rocks. For outdoor work it is necessary to use a water repellent base. For the inside, so as not to soak the plaster, you need quick-drying.
  • For mineral plaster it is exclusively a mineral primer that improves hygroscopicity, improves adhesion, dries quickly, is vapor proof and resistant to environmental conditions.
  • For processing previously stained materials, primers based on copper sulphate are intended. They work on the principle of “pickling” for dirty surfaces, after which you can immediately begin to paint.
  • For weak, bulk, highly porous materials that easily absorb liquid substances, a deep penetration primer with good adhesion is used. For example, suitable quartz with water-dispersion additives, substances based on acrylic and silicone. Before using enamels for decorative finishing, highly porous bases are treated with deep-acting alkyd compounds. If the top layer stays fragile, crumbling, goes cracks, you need a reinforcing primer.
  • For metal substrates, it is recommended to use anti-corrosion treatment based on alkyd, epoxy, phosphate, glyptal bases. Suitable monocomponent and diluted formulations.
  • Also good adhesive matte primer. It is usually used locally for furniture, windows, doors. It is possible on the combined surfaces, because it creates an ideal roughness for adhesiveness even on glass, plastic, aluminum and other complex forms. You can dilute the dry mixture before use or use ready.
  • For combined wooden-metal bases, it is important to use a liquid suspension of alkyd components, desiccant, stabilizers and solvent.
  • Wooden surfaces are impregnated with antiseptic agents penetrating deep into the material. To protect the resin from the place of irregularities and boughs are "epoxy". Mix them undesirable. Assessing the state of the base, you need to choose a more suitable one.
  • Finishing wood carry lacquer primer.
  • For not solid wood, and materials from its fibers and adhesives, light acrylic primers are recommended.They are suitable for processing non-laminated plywood and particleboard, OSB, fiberboard and composite materials. They cope with the task, even if the paint was previously applied to the wood.

Tips and tricks

One of the advantages of primer - ease of use. But even though the procedure does not require any particular wisdom, it will meet the expectations of 100% only when used correctly.

Professional painters advise to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Surface preparation is a mandatory step. In the case of an old foundation that has already gone through one or more repairs, the previous layers of decorative coating must be carefully removed. For this purpose, special solutions, paint destroyers, brushes, scrapers, and water are used. After removal of residual material, the surface is washed and dried.
  • New walls, floor and ceiling only after the completion of construction require less effort. They must be dust free and degreased. Remove the dust will help the vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning, and get rid of the fat, you can use a special composition or water with soap. Then the surface is allowed to dry well.
  • Compliance with safety regulations.The primer is a harmless product, but if it comes into contact with mucous membranes and skin, it can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. Works are carried out in simple equipment. It is advisable to protect your hands with gloves, a head scarf, and your face with a respirator. Avoid eye contact when handling ceilings.
  • Protect the surrounding surfaces. The primer creates a dense film coating, sometimes colored, and if not to secure the floor covering or decorative objects, then after drying, traces will remain on them.
  • Proper selection of tools for different types of surfaces. When processing walls, the most popular tool is a synthetic brush. It does not absorb the tool, allows you to work all the cracks and hard to reach places. It is convenient to treat large flat areas with a roller, but it absorbs a lot of liquid in vain. For the most even and thin layer spray is used.
  • The ceiling is primed with a roller with a long handle. You can not use it, standing down to the tool does not fall into the eyes, on the hair, on the skin. For painting works it is necessary to get a stepladder.

You will also need a paint bath slightly wider than the width of the roller with a ribbed ramp to remove excess funds. Rolling roller should be strictly in one direction, leaving no gaps. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the first. Priming using a spray gun is not safe, since the substance will settle down from the top in the process, and the brush is simply inconvenient to work with.

Tools for processing are the same as for walls, but brushes are wider in size, and a roller is desirable foam. Brushes are used synthetic in the form of maklovits (wide brushes), flat for painting in hard-to-reach places, radiator for the same purpose.

Rollers are applicable for applying a primer on a rough surface and for final processing of a wooden floor. Tools with a short and long pile are best treated with a subfloor before being tiled and mounted on a screed, but not suitable for surface finishing due to ugly lint bands. Universal soft cylindrical rollers (fleece, foam rubber) and angular for difficult places. Spray guns are not suitable, as the primer for the floor is more viscous and quickly clogs the sprayer.

  • Do not use a product that has expired. Removing it from the surface will be difficult and even primer will not give uniform film coating.
  • Paint, whitewash, liquid wallpaper and other materials can be applied only after the primer is completely dry. This is 24 hours and more, despite the rates from the packaging. The outer layer may seem dry, but still need to dry 10-15 millimeters deep into the composition.
  • A thermal fan or heater will help to speed up the drying. It is impossible to allow drafts and humidity in the room until the primer dries out completely.
  • Check her readiness for further work is simple - with a piece of masking tape. It will not stick to the wet surface, but on the dry it will grab well and will be removed without a trace.
  • Under paints with low hiding power, it is better to use the most similar color.
  • Between the application of the first and second layer it is necessary to wash the working tools. On them, as well as on the treated surface, the film dries. If you do not wash them, you can wrap in a damp cloth and put in a plastic bag.

Manufacturers and reviews

Primer production is a very developed niche today.Dozens of manufacturers offer their products for different purposes and in different price categories. Making the right choice will help manufacturers rating in the domestic market, based on numerous reviews.

  • Trademark "Bolars". This is a domestic manufacturer specializing in dry construction mixtures. Products are manufactured on high-tech equipment, undergo quality control at all stages of production, and comply with safety standards. Importantly, reviews tested primer suggests that its quality is superior to more expensive counterparts.

In the line of primers there are means of narrow directivity - for unglazed tiles, trowels, glass. They give resistance to moisture and ensure a brilliant finish. Of particular praise deserve the means against mold and concrete contact.

  • Knauf company. Customer reviews confirm that the brand’s products are of renowned German quality at a competitive price. Primers cope with such complex tasks as the treatment of old walls, wood, crumbling and porous surfaces.

The range of Knauf finishing materials is very wide, and the primer can be found for any type of work. Compounds for all types of paints, for processing ceiling surfaces, for walls, under floor screeds, including leveling mixtures, are produced separately.

Noteworthy are the universal primers that Knauf produces in overwhelming quantities. The lack of products is that the ideal combination of primer is given only with finishing materials of the same manufacturer. And they are much more expensive than materials of other production.

  • German brand Vetonithaving branches in Russia. Manufacturers give a guarantee on all products, regardless of which surface (walls, floor, ceiling) it is intended for, and in what condition the surface is. Due to its excellent penetrating, adhesive, waterproof and antibacterial qualities of the primer, it is in demand in particular cases of repair and in mass construction with professionals.
  • Firm "Lakra" is almost on par with the German concern. For over twenty years she has specialized in the manufacture of acrylic-based alkyd primers and primers.They are not intended for finishing, but are as effective as a base for other materials. We should also highlight the black primer for metal surfaces, which several times improves the adhesion and resistance of the material to the negative effects of moisture. Good and universal primer deep action.

The undeniable advantage of the product is that it is possible to purchase a concentrated water-soluble primer, which allows you to save a significant amount, because it produces 5 times more money than when you buy a finished one for the same money. According to the reviews, the primer "Lacra" is a product that meets expectations, and among professional painters it often becomes systematically acquired.

  • Manufacturer Tikkurila - one of the recognized leaders in the market of paint and varnish products. Since the paint is designed for completely different surfaces, then the primer is very diverse. Those who tried them in practice unanimously recognized as the best primer in the line for wooden surfaces, including sheet fiberboard, MDF and chipboard.There are also solutions for complex surfaces: glass, aluminum, plastic, ceramic tile, steel, as well as a primer for the treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, soluble in white spirit. Buyers of Tikkurila products confirm that by using them together with paints, an effect is achieved, as in advertising.
  • As a Finnish primer is designed for harsh climatic conditions, and British manufacturer Dulux knows sense in moisture-resistant materials for the processing of the facade. It is possible to work as a primer in wet and cool weather. It perfectly protects the tree from rotting, and the metal from corrosion.
  • Primer "Tex". Lovers recognize this product worthy of quality, price, ease of application and the effect achieved. But professionals are not always satisfied even with concentrated substances from the Profi series. They consider the price of these products somewhat overvalued, and the manufacturer’s promises are embellished.
  • Some professionals contrast the primer "Tex" Ceresite products. Judging by the reviews, it has better penetrating abilities, and opacity higher, and more reliable quality. Suitable for various indoor and outdoor surfaces.
  • Primers are less in demand Axton, Bergauf, Eunice, Osnovit, Akvastop and others. Opinions about their quality are divided. Some believe that this is a decent quality at an affordable price, others argue that it is water and chalk, and the only merit of the purchase is convenient packaging.

Successful examples and options

Primer application is a necessary stage of interior and facade decoration. This has long been proven in practice by successful examples. Thus, the primer is a versatile tool for applying to porous surfaces, processing bricks, cement, foam blocks, glass, metal, wood, cork coating.

It is needed to protect the polymer dryfill and screed the floor, indispensable for improving the adhesion of glass with a finishing material, protection of water-based paint, strengthening the finish on old paint, plaster or putty. Separately, it is worth to highlight the uncommon types of primer - finishing, varnish, protective for unglazed tiles and grouting joints between tiles.

For the types of primers, see the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.