Waterproofing "TechnoNIKOL": types of material and their technical characteristics

Among the many tasks in construction, one of the most important is the waterproofing of the room. After all, protection from moisture will allow the house to stand for much longer. Especially important is the hydroprotection of the foundation, because improper performance of such work would entail the need to re-isolate it. And it is very difficult and costly. Therefore, starting the construction of any house, you need to choose the right material for hydroprotection. Need to buy products that have already proven themselves.
One of the leaders producing products for waterproofing houses and apartments is the company TekhnoNIKOL. It was founded in 1992.Today, this company produces a lot of building materials, among which there is a separate line dealing only with the production of waterproofing materials.
Features and benefits
Products "TechnoNIKOL" known even abroad and is in great demand in almost forty countries. This speaks in her favor.
Waterproofing materials from this corporation has many advantages.
- Corresponds to standards.
- It has an affordable price.
- Durable and resistant to various external factors.
- It has a long service life and retains its quality for up to fifty years.
- It is protected against corrosion.
- Not afraid of changing temperature patterns.
- Environmentally friendly.
The TekhnoNIKOL company produces various materials used to protect against moisture. Obmazochnaya waterproofing for foundations consists mainly of primers and mastics. They are used as preparatory material applied before the installation of roll waterproofing. The latter occupy the leadership among other materials, as they have an affordable price and high strength.
The advantages of mastic include the following points:
- excellent flexibility and elasticity of hydroisol;
- resistance to different deformations;
- ease of installation work;
- it is used for any surfaces, for example, for concrete, stone or metal;
- has a short drying time.
Working with materials from the brand "TekhnoNIKOL" that before laying roll waterproofing, it is necessary to prepare the base well. If this is not done, the insulation may peel off, and moisture will penetrate inside the floor. This will indicate not the low quality of the products, but that the isolation process was conducted incorrectly.
There are various methods of installation of waterproofing, which directly depend on the type of floor.
- Okleechny waterproofing can be used for any surface.
- Overlay is used only for concrete floors.
- Flooring is only suitable for wood coatings.
Particularly resistant materials include Technoelast EPP.
They are very effective for the northern regions, as they are able to withstand low temperatures. Such waterproofing materials have high biological resistance. To protect them from various mechanical damage, use mineral dressing, which is located on the outside, and a polymer film for the inside.
Also high quality materials and materials marked TTP. They consist of a reinforcing base (denoted by the first letter "T"), and two layers of film that are applied to the surface itself and the lower layer.
In general, if we talk about the mastics "TekhnoNIKOL", it is worth first of all to note that they are made only from high-quality materials, and with modern equipment. This allows you to make products fully consistent with the desired specifications.
The mass of such mastic per one square meter will be one and a half kilograms. Its conventional strength is one MPa, water absorption per day is equal to one percent. It also has increased flexibility at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees. The temperature at which the knitting element softens is 85 degrees. It has an elongation of at least 200%. The strength of its adhesion to metal and concrete is 0.2 MPa. It has a protective coating in the form of a polymer film.
- Technoelast with markings ECP and HSP have a tensile strength of 600 to 400. Restrictions on temperature - up to -35 degrees.
- "Bikroelast" ECP and HSP have strengths up to 294.They are used at temperatures from -25 to -10 degrees.
- Bikrost HKP and TPP have the same strength as the previous insulating material, but do not fit in sub-zero temperatures.
- "Linokrom" HKP and HSP have a strength of 294 percent, and also do not fit in sub-zero temperatures.
Knowing all these moments, you can decide what material is suitable for work in a particular case, and protect your home from excess moisture in the best way.
There are several types of waterproofing. These are rolled, obmazochny and membrane materials.
It is used to insulate walls in basements, as well as to protect foundations. This includes the materials of the Tehnoelast group, which are produced by applying a bitumen mixture to the base of fiberglass, as well as various additives. As a result, Gidlasslazol perfectly isolates surfaces from moisture and temperature changes.
Such waterproofing is often used because it is easy to apply. It is used to isolate the room inside and out. This material can withstand pressures up to 0.2 MPa. It is used for capillary sucking moisture. Such material is applied in two or even three layers. The total thickness of the coating waterproofing varies from two millimeters to two centimeters.
Such insulation can be applied both cold and hot. If we talk about cold mastic, then it consists of one or two components, and is used without heating. In contrast, hot requires heating, and the temperature should be up to one hundred and eighty degrees.
Coating insulation is applied hot so that the product can penetrate deeper and fill all existing cracks.
When installing with its use in the mix add some additional components, such as polymer or bitumen. Therefore, if applied to the area that is being processed, such insulation, you get an impenetrable membrane membrane. It will not allow water to enter the concrete foundation.
Among the coating materials produced by the company TekhnoNIKOL there are some basic ones. This list includes:
- Mastic number 2. It has a great strength. Apply it cold. If the temperature outside is below zero, then it must be warmed up.
- Mastic number 24. It is used cold. It is convenient to apply and is easily distributed over the surface with a roller. But before applying, the surface must be treated with primer.
- Mastic number 3. It consists of a bitumen emulsion base and additional components that do not contain solvents.
- Mastic number 41 or number 45. This mastic is used hot. It is designed to remove small cracks.
- Primer number 4. This substance is applied before applying the mastic and serves to improve adhesion.
Being engaged in this method of finishing, it is possible to apply both membrane and rolled materials to isolate surfaces. Membrane isolates are purchased in ready-made form. They can also be poured independently, in pre-cooked forms. Then they are laid or glued to the base of the floor and sides.
Rubber and additives that make it flexible are part of the waterproofing waterproofing. Also in this embodiment, you can use a waterproofing film, as an additional protection. Such material is most often made self-adhesive. Therefore, to install it, you only need to remove the protection, and firmly press the strip to the base of the floor.
Before applying the pasting roll materials, it is necessary to apply a layer of coating insulation.
Among the waterproofing materials of the company "TehnoNIKOL" can be identified the most popular pasting materials.
- "Technoelast MOST". Durable material, thickness reaches 5 mm.
- "ALPHA". Its basis is a film of aluminum and polyester. The material has many advantages, for example, it protects both from moisture and radioactive gases.
It is used as an additional isolation ball, in addition to the roll materials. Most often it is used to cover a flat roof. First, bitumen insulation is applied to the surface. It is laid as a carpet. Such bitumen mastic is needed so that film materials can be stuck onto it. Buildings with a coating of mastic, will last longer, because they do not rot and do not rust under the influence of moisture.
The most used material is roll-up roll insulation, which is used for roofing of roofs. It has many positive characteristics - this is an affordable price, and ease of installation. It can be installed at any time of the year and on the basis of any material. If the built-up roof is done correctly, that is, in accordance with the technology, then it will stand for many years. After all, there are almost no gaps in it.
The basis for fused insulation is fiberglass and polyester. The lower part consists of a layer of polyethylene, which melts when heated and firmly attached to the surface. The upper part consists of a binder roll waterproofing - it can be bitumen-polymer or just bitumen mastic, with the addition of either artificial rubber or artificial plastic.
This waterproofing is designed to protect walls and partitions from moisture. It has a polyester base, which is impregnated with bitumen. The term of its use is very long, it is also easy in installation work. The cut-off insulation from TechnoNIKOL is sold in rolls of 200, 400 and 600 meters in size. Its thickness may also be different, and is selected depending on the needs.
Installation recommendations
Starting to do the installation of roll waterproofing, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of experts and instructions on the technology of installation.
- Before starting work you need to completely remove the coating that was before. It is necessary to thoroughly remove all dirt, repair cracks, and also remove all protruding elements with a grinder. Then you need to level the concrete floor and dry it. It takes a few days. After this time, it is necessary to make it polished.
- Doing waterproofing on the floor of wood, be sure to make sure that the boards are all intact and do not bend. If not, then you need to replace some floorboards. Before starting installation work on insulation, you need to round off all the places where the floor connects to the walls with the help of cement. This is done so that the insulation can fit smoothly, without kinking.
- After the floor is dry, it is twice treated with a primer. Places where the walls are adjacent to the floor must be treated with a band of artificial rubber. Before you start laying waterproofing, you need to make it into the room for a day. The roll must be either unfolded, or cut into pieces that correspond to the size of the room.
- Method of mounting waterproofingdepends on which material was selected for this. If it is insulation by flooring, then you need to do waterproofing overlap to twenty-five centimeters. Then the material is fixed with screws.
- If roll-on waterproofing is used, then it is necessary to use a torch with propane. With its help, the lower part will melt and lock onto the floor. It is very important to know that the temperature should be up to 1600 ° C, otherwise insulating overlap will occur.
- When used waterproofing waterproofing, then a mastic of bitumen is applied to the floor, which needs to be heated to 250 C. After the insulation is made, it is necessary to lubricate the joints of the plates and the nodes with glue or sealant. From above, it is imperative to make the rolling with pinch rollers.
- Also do not forget about the waterproofing of the foundation. After all, the life of people depends first of all on it. To avoid its destruction, it is necessary to make a waterproofing. One of the most common is the option with roll insulation, which can be done at any stage.
- If installation work takes place even beforeas the pouring of concrete is done, then it needs to be laid in the formwork with an overlap of up to twenty centimeters. Seal the seams can be done with scotch tape. Waterproofing can be performed in several layers, while smearing it with mastic of bitumen.
- There is also a vertical method of installation of waterproofing. It is used on a ready-made foundation. For this, the glueing and weld insulation is glued to the surface. Part of the foundation, which is underground, must be treated with bitumen mastic. Then put roll waterproofing. Like the horizontal cutoff, this method is good.
Examples in the exterior
Waterproofing does not spoil the appearance of the room, but only protects it from the negative effects of moisture. You can verify this by looking at several ready-made examples of such buildings.
Complex waterproofing
The first example is the construction of wood. This material needs waterproofing, because without additional protection it will quickly lose its appeal. The design of this type looks very beautiful, and at the same time becomes a real family nest.
Roof waterproofing
The second example is a house whose only roof is protected from the influence of high humidity. The dark tile is perfectly combined with the light base, and the roof itself does not leak, interfering with the normal and comfortable life of the family.
To the house could stand for a long time, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing.This will not only protect it from moisture, but also save it from various mechanical damages.
Using materials from the company TekhnoNIKOL, you can not worry about the quality of products, and be sure that you will not have to carry out repeated work for a very long time.
On what technical characteristics of waterproofing "TechnoNIKOL", see the following video: