Penetron "Admix": features and application

Penetron "Admix" is a penetrating additive. It is used in waterproofing works with concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as with plaster layers of certain grades of cement and sand.
Special features
Penetron "Admix" is a compound that hides pores, cracks and other defects, in addition, it gives the foundation water resistance. The design can be processed from all directions. The direction of fluid pressure does not become a determining factor.
Waterproofing can be primary and secondary. The primary stage is still under construction and is determined by the characteristics of the concrete and the material of the structure. The secondary is carried out during repair and waterproofing works directly.
More dense concrete has fewer pores and a sufficiently high water resistance. However, in some cases it is still necessary to increase. For this there are various ways. "Admix" deep penetration is introduced into the concrete mix, increasing the water resistance of the material by filling the pores with crystals.
Feature of the composition is that it should be used at the stage of mixing. After application, the concrete gets excellent waterproofing properties.
Although with the help of the mixture all cracks and defects will be filled, the construction will not lose vapor permeability. In addition, additional components can be added to this solution without losing its properties, for example, antifreeze and plasticizing agents. The material becomes resistant to aggressive effects.
Penetron "Admix" is recognized as an environmentally friendly mixture, it is non-toxic, and also has the necessary quality certificates. This means that the composition can be used when working with any objects, including social and children's institutions. It is also recommended for waterproofing tanks with drinking water. The durability of the waterproofing is equal to the durability of the treated structure. In addition, the material has an affordable price that distinguishes it from its counterparts.
Penetron "Admix" is a homogeneous dry gray powder. The presence of lumps and impurities indicates the low quality of the product. The warranty on the composition, declared by the manufacturer, is at least 18 months.
This composition can be called the primary form of protection. If available, the degree of water resistance can be caught up with the indicator W4 or W6 to W20. Frost resistance becomes higher by more than 100 cycles. Strength increases by 10 percent.
Penetron "Admix" is packed in plastic packages of 4.8 and 25 kilograms.
Application features
Before applying the composition must take into account some of its features. In any case, you must clearly follow the instructions. The active substances react with water, so the process starts at the time when they are added to the liquid concrete mix. In no case can not pour undiluted powder into concrete, the homogeneous consistency of both compositions is necessary.
Before you start mixing the solution, you need to get an idea of the recommended proportions. For example, a kilogram of "Admix" must be diluted in 400 milliliters of water, or the liquid and the composition are mixed in proportions of 1: 2, respectively.
The instructions contain a clear indication that you need to pour water into the Penetron, and not vice versa. Mix the solution for a couple of minutes manually or with a drill set at low speed until it reaches a creamy consistency.
In order for the solution to retain this consistency, it must be mixed periodically. Apply the finished composition must be completely within 30 minutes.
After the solution is prepared, it must be added to the tank with the concrete mixture and mix thoroughly in the region of 10 minutes. Experts do not recommend mixing an unprepared dry compound with concrete, as in this case it will not be able to evenly distribute the whole mass. The temperature of the material during the work should be above +5 degrees.For more effective waterproofing of individual areas, additional processing can be carried out. It can use the material Penebar, which is perfectly combined with the Penetron "Admix".
When working on construction sites, Penetron “Admix” solution is poured into a concrete truck and stirred there for 10 minutes. After this, the casting is carried out by technology. It is necessary to ensure maximum mobility of concrete.
If the composition is mixed with other additives, it does not change its properties. Speaking of consumption, it should be noted that the mass of Penetron "Admix" in dry form should be 1 percent of the amount of cement in concrete. If these data are unknown, the consumption of the composition is calculated on the basis of indicators of 4 kilograms per 1 m3 of concrete solution.
Surface preparation
First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface from dirt and dust. It is imperative to remove paint and tiles, petroleum-based compositions, residual cement and plaster elements, as well as other materials.
Concrete bases are cleaned with a high-pressure water jet system. If it is impossible to use, a regular brush with a pile of metal, as well as other cleaning methods, will be suitable. A weak acid solution can be used to treat both smooth and polished coatings, however, it should be borne in mind that after using it, the surface must be washed with clean water in the next hour, the remnants of which are removed with a special vacuum cleaner.
Over the entire length of the elements that require processing, it is necessary to apply a penalty that is U-shaped and has a minimum cross section of 25x25 millimeters.
This applies to joints and seams, cracks and adjacent communications. Strains must be cleaned with a special brush and remove the loose concrete layer.
The process of waterproofing concrete structures
The process of waterproofing coatings of concrete has its own subtleties and nuances. First of all it is necessary to take into account that the composition is applied exclusively on a well-moistened surface. Penetron "Admix" is applied in 2 layers using a brush with a synthetic bristle or a pump with a special spray nozzle.
The first layer is applied directly to the wet concrete, the next - after its setting, but while the surface is still fresh.The first layer also needs to be wetted. It is necessary to closely monitor the uniform distribution of the composition. On average, taking into account both application layers and the relative flatness of the surface, approximately 1 kilogram of the Penetron Admix will be required per 1 square meter of surface. In the presence of pits and potholes consumption will increase.
If it is recommended to use Penecrit additionally for seams, seams and communication inputs, it is necessary to add such compounds as Peneplag and Vaterplag if pressure furnaces are available.
The process of waterproofing walls of brick and stone
This process is different. First, the surface on which the work will be carried out, plastered. Only then can Penetron be applied.
When plastering it is necessary to apply not plaster and limy structures, but only cement and sand mix. The plaster is applied with a layer having a minimum thickness of 40 millimeters, exactly along the masonry grid securely attached to the base. The gap between it and the surface must be at least 15 millimeters. In order to form as few seams as possible, it is not recommended to interrupt the plastering process.Between the work and application of Penetron "Admix" should take at least a day.
The composition is also applied in 2 layers. Consumption in this case will be about 800 grams per 1 square meter.
Subtleties of care
After the application of Penetron "Admix" is completed, the substrate must be protected from low temperatures and mechanical loads for 3 days. All this time it is necessary to ensure the humidity of the surface so that it does not crack. This can be done in two ways:
- In the first case, you can use the spray, periodically moistening the coating.
- In the second, the base is covered with plastic wrap, which creates a moist microclimate under it.
In the case where the surface is located on the water pressure side, the process of moistening should be extended to 12-14 days.
According to consumer reviews, working with Penetron “Admix” is absolutely safe and does not harm health, but some rules must be followed:
- The composition of the material is Portland cement, which is able to irritate the eyes and skin. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to use rubber gloves and protective gloves.points.
- If the composition got into open areas of the body, it is recommended to wash them with plenty of clean water.
Complete instructions for use Penetron "Admix" located on the packaging. If you strictly adhere to it and carry out work in all the rules, the quality result will delight consumers for many years of operation.
In the video below you will see the concreting of the baseplate with Penetron Admix.