Waterproofing mastic "TehnoNIKOL" №24: features of the material

The choice of waterproofing material is often baffled. In the modern market for such products, waterproofing mastic “TehnoNIKOL” No. 24 is particularly popular. The material stands out against the background of other analogues, has a number of distinctive features and technical characteristics.
What it is?
TechnoNIKOL waterproofing mastic №24 is a bitumen material based on petroleum products. Its composition contains solvents and mineral fillers. It is a coating material, ready to use. It does not contain polymers, so the structure of the material is devoid of elasticity.Due to the fibrous components waterproofing becomes durable.
When frozen, it turns into a solid film that is resistant to temperature changes. Bitumen waterproofing sold in the form of ready-mixed. It does not need to be adjusted before application to the substrate.
Cold bituminous oil mastic strengthens almost any type of surface. This is a blackish watery oil mass, which is applied to the base to prevent the ingress of moisture and steam.
Special features
The brand produces mastic in accordance with strict quality control.
The original product of the Russian manufacturer, regardless of the packing volume, is a container with a black lid, a bucket painted in yellow and white.
Each package contains a corporate logo of a red tone corporation with white letters TN. This material copes well with protecting metal structures from rust.
The product is certified and has the appropriate documentation. The buyer has the opportunity to become familiar with the certificate of compliance with the regulations and generally accepted safety requirements. Mastic is provided with a passport in the form of technological sheet.For each of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the brand represents the indicators in accordance with the standards of GOST.
This material is sometimes used to protect land and underground utilities from moisture. It is mixed into the concrete during construction. They treat the floor and walls in rooms with a high coefficient of humidity. The mixture is considered to be quick-drying.
It is possible to apply mastic with a roller, brush and spray gun.
It is possible to transport such material during transportation only by placing buckets in a row. Compared to other types of trademark mastic, this type is:
- has greater adhesion strength;
- does not have elongation at break;
- differs in average thickness of the applied layer (1 mm);
- it is allocated with the minimum flexibility on a bar of R 5 mm;
- has a high proportion of non-volatile substances;
- differs in a smaller expense on 1 layer of drawing.
Technological characteristics and packaging
This mastic is one of the best materials in the line of such waterproofing. This is a one-component mastic, so it does not need a special thickener. The coating gains strength after a day after application to the surface.24 hours is sufficient for complete drying (tack-free). However, the time may vary depending on the air temperature and humidity in the room.
Its physico-mechanical characteristics are as follows:
- the temperature range of application MGTN ranges from -20 to +40 degrees;
- conditional viscosity is not less than 10 s;
- heat resistance can reach 80 degrees;
- degree of adhesion with concrete and metal is 0.1 MPa;
- shear strength of adhesive bonding is 2 kN / m;
- water absorption does not exceed 4% by weight;
- mass fraction of non-volatile substances reaches 65%;
- flexibility on the timber there is a lack of cracks;
- waterproof for 10 minutes at a pressure of 0.03 MPa mastic withstands.
Material is packaged in metal euro-style with handles for easy transportation. Packing volume is different. The brand offers packing of 3, 10 and 20 kg with ready-made solution. The material consumption indicated by the manufacturer per m2 is different for different surfaces. For example, for horizontal surfaces it is 1 kg per 1 m2. If you need to handle mastic walls, material consumption will be less. On 1 square. m will leave 0.7 kg of oil mastic.
Application and storage
Waterproofing mastic number 24 of the domestic manufacturer is characterized by the ability to fill any cracks and crevices of the base. It does not require an open flame for distribution over the surface.
Apply mastic "TechnoNIKOL" №24 can be for the bases of:
- reinforced concrete;
- concrete;
- wood
It is advisable to use it in cases when it is planned to embed the structure into the ground or the surface will constantly contact with moisture. The process is simple: the mastic needs to be poured into a special container for use. Do not use material near an open flame source. It is associated with oil mastic base.
Work should be carried out in a ventilated area. Otherwise, you can harm the health. It is important to avoid getting waterproofing fluid in the eyes or on the skin. For this reason, before starting work you need to wear a protective mask (glasses) and gloves. The work must be carried out in special clothes.
Store waterproofing material number 24 should be away from sunlight. Humidity in the room should be small, otherwise it will affect the service life, which is usually 18 months from the date of opening the package.The temperature range in the room can be from -20 to + 30 degrees.
Transportation of waterproofing should be carried out on the basis of the rules for the transport of flammable materials.
Usage tips
Mastic can be used for coating and adhesive work. Experts recommend to pay attention to a few points when working with bitumen mastic №24.
- Regardless of the volume and duration of release before applying the mastic you need to mix the liquid well.
- It is applied and spread over the surface in a uniform layer with the same pressure.
- Before work, you need to take care of the availability of different tools for applying mass. In addition to the roller, you may need a narrow and flat brush, as well as a nail and spatula.
- If the mastic is applied to the surface by an automated method, it should be leveled by means of special strokes.
- Sometimes the solution seems too thick, so the masters can use white spirit, nefras or solvent to liquefy the mastic.
- If you plan a large amount of work, buy a better packing in a bucket of 20 kg.
- When performing coating works, the consumption can be up to 2 kg per 1 m2 (when 2 layers are performed).
- When carrying out repairs (gluing parquet or parquet flooring), you need to buy material based on the consumption of 1 kg per 1 square meter. m
- MGTN can be used to protect metal pipes, car bodies from rust.
- Apply the composition to the surface only after its preparation. It should be clean and dry. If there are grease spots, oil, frost or dirt on the floor surface, they should be removed. After removal, the surface should be treated with a bitumen primer. A similar primer will prepare the base, leveling its structure.
- The primer is usually diluted with a solvent in the ratio of 1: 3. After the surface is allowed to dry, and then proceed to the application of bitumen mastic. A beginner should not experiment with the density of the material. The addition of a solvent will affect the drying time of MGTN, it will be necessary to work faster, which is not always possible without adequate experience in carrying out such work.
Customer opinions regarding the bitumen mastic №24 of the domestic manufacturer are contradictory. Some consider it a rigid membrane and are confident that such a material is not always able to protect metal structures.Others note that the waterproofing mastic copes with its tasks exactly as the manufacturer indicated.
It is called a good raw material for the protection of structures outside residential buildings.
Pleases buyers and the cost of bitumen mastic. According to reviews, it is called a material with good quality and performance characteristics. Due to the water-repellent properties of this waterproofing is considered a worthy competitor to other varieties of the line. The weight of the dried layer does not create an additional weight load on the floor. Masters note: this material is convenient in that it allows waterproofing surfaces of any degree of complexity.
More information about the waterproofing mastic "TechnoNIKOL" you will learn from the following video.