Hydrostop waterproofing: features and benefits

Waterproofing HydroStop is a popular tool and is well known to the domestic consumer. Of the huge number of waterproofing materials professional builders often choose this particular composition.
HydroStop waterproofing is presented in the form of quick-setting hydraulic cement, the main function of which is the instantaneous stopping of water. The mixture consists of cement binder component, fractionated sand, mineral fillers, modifying polymer and water-repellent additives.
The material does not shrink and is able to set for two minutes. When applied to the base, the composition forms a seamless surface comparable to a liquid film, which creates a reliable barrier to the liquid and stops the flow.
The mortar has good compatibility with self-leveling mixtures and tile glue, and is easy to apply with a brush, roller and spatula.
The material has a high thixotropy, so it can be used on vertical and inclined surfaces, without draining and falling off. The composition is produced in the form of cement powder and requires independent dilution. The density of the dry solution is 1.24 kg / l, the compressive strength indicator 28 days after installation varies from 28 to 30 MPa, the workability of the freshly prepared mixture does not exceed three hours and depends on the ambient temperature and air humidity.
The mixture is not recommended for use at temperatures below 5 degrees. The frozen composition is not suitable for re-dilution with water, so the tools must be cleaned immediately after the end of work.
The temperature range of operation of the composition corresponds to values from - 50 to 70 degrees. The required thickness of the formed layer depends on the conditions of use and is 1-2 mm - for wet rooms with a low probability of leakage, from 2 to 3 mm - for rooms with constant moderate contact with water (shower rooms and small fountains), and from 3 to 5 mm - for shallow pools and shallow tanks.
The main binder in the composition of the waterproofing is cement, the reaction of which when interacting with water passes through an alkaline type. In this regard, the composition has an irritating effect on the skin of the hands and mucous membrane of the eyes, which makes it necessary to use personal protective equipment during installation.
The consumption of the mixture is 0.6 kg / m2 for covering the walls in two layers, and 1.2 kg / m2 for double floor treatment.
Scope of application
- HydroStop waterproofing is used for outdoor and indoor work, and can also be used for waterproofing pools under construction to a depth of 5 meters.
- The composition has high adhesive properties and has good adhesion with concrete, stone, cement, brick and cement-lime plaster. This allows waterproofing of living quarters from the side of wet basements with a close location of groundwater, as well as preventing the flow of wells.
- The mixture is effective in eliminating leaks in pipelines of concrete, plastic and metal. Full hardening of the applied composition occurs 5-10 minutes after installation.
- The waterproofing layer becomes completely waterproof, retaining its moisture-proof qualities throughout the entire period of operation.Waterproofing, formed with the help of HydroStop, can be used in the temperature range from -50 to 70 degrees. The material is able to localize the accident of the water pipeline under pressure and is recommended for an emergency stop of gas leakage.
- The mixture is often used as a waterproofing for the installation of tiles and plastic panels, as well as for full moisture protection of underground parking lots, basements and basements.
Advantages and disadvantages
High consumer demand and positive feedback from professionals are due to several advantages of the material:
- due to the absence of toxic components and toxic substances in the mixture, the composition is absolutely safe and can be safely used in residential buildings and public spaces;
- ease of preparation and quick installation allow you to use the composition yourself without the use of expensive equipment and the availability of construction skills;
- rapid solidification and the ability to form a seamless water-repellent film make it possible to quickly localize water leakage and reliably waterproof the room;
- high plasticity indices allow using the mixture on steep, vertical and inclined surfaces without the risk of spreading and peeling of the composition;
- due to its high waterproofing qualities, HydroStop solution reliably protects the room from the formation of mold and the appearance of fungus, which significantly extends the life of the building;
- the composition has high frost-resistant qualities, due to which it can be successfully used for outdoor work in any climatic zone;
- the material is not prone to shrinkage and cracking, and is able to retain its original performance over the entire life cycle;
- the ability of the mixture to quickly set under water significantly expands the scope of its use and allows you to perform repair work without turning off the water supply;
- comfortable material cost.
The disadvantages include the impossibility of the use of waterproofing in the construction of deep pools and reservoirs of large capacity. The composition is suitable more for emergency use and long-term protection of premises with moderate exposure to moisture.
For the device of a protective barrier in places with a serious hydrological load, you should choose more powerful types of insulation.
Subtleties of installation
The material can be used for emergency repair of leaks and planned waterproofing of walls and floors.
- When removing a leak, embroider the damaged place in the shape of a cone so that its narrow part is closer to the outer surface.
- Then you need to quickly prepare the solution, pouring the right amount of water into the dry mixture, and then thoroughly mix the mass to the consistency of wet clay.
- Then you should blind the pyramid, press it into the embroidered cone-shaped hole and hold it in this position for one minute.
- After this time, the solution will heat up and harden. If the initial setting time is necessary to increase, then cold water should be used to prepare the solution.
For waterproofing walls and floors should carefully prepare the work surface. This requires removal of mechanical debris, remnants of the old coating, dedusting and degreasing the base. Deep cracks and chips must be covered with a cement-sand mixture,and wait until the solution is completely dry. Then the surface should be treated with a special impregnation or primer.
The material should be diluted according to the enclosed instructions: the proportions are usually 4.5-5 liters of water per 20 kg of the mixture for application with a brush, and 3.5-4 liters per 20 kg for working with a spatula. The solution should be mixed well and left for 3 minutes to complete the chemical reactions.
The application of waterproofing on the walls should be started from the corners, and when installing the solution on smooth surfaces, it is recommended to use a reinforcing mesh.
Installation of floor waterproofing should begin with the treatment of exit pipes and joints with walls. To do this, just put a waterproofing tape on the newly laid layer and press it tightly into the solution. At the joints of the drain ladders should install sealing cuffs and also push them into the solution. The mixture is placed in two layers, and the laying of the latter must begin no earlier than one hour after the installation of the first. The composition upon drying changes gray to dark gray, which allows you to visually determine the degree of drying of the solution.To dry the second layer is usually given 3 hours, after which, if necessary, applied the third layer. From the moment of laying the last layer to the installation of further finishing it should take at least 12 hours.
Waterproofing HydroStop allows you to urgently eliminate leaks, forms a reliable protection of the room from moisture and moisture, and also prevents the appearance of mold and mildew.
You can learn how to waterproof the foundation with your own hands by watching the video a little lower.