Racks for the wardrobe room

A dressing room is an excellent option for a neat and organized placement of clothes, shoes and accessories. It can contain a variety of storage systems, from chic wardrobes to roomy shelving. The latter option is especially popular today, as it does not take up a lot of free space, and also looks stylish and concise.
Features and benefits
Shelving is an inexpensive and very practical storage system. They can afford every consumer. They are made from a variety of materials and have different performance characteristics. High-quality and practical shelving systems are an ergonomic design that does not take up much space, but allows you to fit a large number of different things.
Open designs are especially popular today. They are often chosen because of the ease of finding the right thing: in front of you there will always be shelves on which you can see all the contents from different sides. Such options for storing clothes and shoes can be installed not only in a large and spacious, but also small-sized wardrobe room, in which there is no place for a large wardrobe or a closet.
It should be noted neutral design of such parts. They easily fit into different interiors and styles, as they do not attract much attention to themselves.
Installation of such structures is simple and accessible to everyone. For this, it is not necessary to be an experienced master in such matters. Even a beginner can cope with the installation of racks. Many people make such systems with their own hands. To do this, you need to stock up on free time, high-quality and durable materials and tools. As a rule, such devices are made of wood of different origin, metal, plastic, and so on.
Wardrobe racks are absolutely safe, as they do not have glass inserts and shutters. Problems can arise only if the shelves and drawers were not installed firmly enough and efficiently. Modern manufacturers produce such storage systems in different variations. Suitable option can be chosen for the premises of any plan. So, many owners address not only direct, but also angular structures.
Racks for the wardrobe room happen different.
- The most common are rack structures. They are attached to the wall, floor and ceiling with various fixings. Such options are static, to move them to another place will be quite problematic. In such systems, there may be no back wall. Rack storage systems in the dressing rooms are very simple. They have support frames that consist of sturdy perforated profiles. Shelves of different materials are attached to these parts.
Such designs can be made by hand, without spending big money.
- For storage of a large number of pairs of shoes fit one-piece racks. They have a conservative shape and are installed in the entire length of one of the walls.Such systems consist of cells, each of which fit one pair of shoes. Options in which frameworks consist of a natural tree possess attractive appearance. These items are not cheap, but they serve for a very long time and look great.
- Easily and quickly assembled and disassembled racks. They are based on a simple collapsible design that everyone can handle. In such models, you can fit a lot of different things, even if the room is small. These options are most often used by residents of city apartments who cannot afford spacious dressing rooms. In prefabricated ensembles present vertical racks of different lengths and horizontal shelves of different sizes. They are complemented by adjustable feet. Such parts are necessary to install the rack on an uneven surface.
Shelves are mounted in racks with reliable holders using a bolt-free connection and fastened with hooks. As a rule, they contain back walls that prevent things from falling to the floor.
- One of the most convenient are modular shelving systems.They are easily transformed into convenient storage options. Modules in such constructions can be swapped. They do not require complex care. If you want to expand the modular shelving system, you can add new modules to it. So you can build the perfect system for storing your belongings.
- For narrow wardrobe rooms, rollout systems are best suited. Shelves in this design can have a great height and be made in the form of tall windows. There are also low options that look like ordinary dressers of small sizes. Shoes can be placed in such vaults: pairs can be arranged very neatly in several rows. Such an arrangement of things will quickly find the right option. In some instances, there are small shops designed for fitting shoes, without departing from the racking system.
Additional modules can be installed in the withdrawable racks, if necessary. The most durable and durable are designs made of aluminum.
Racks for the wardrobe room can be made of the most different materials. Consider the most popular options.
- Shelving from gypsum cardboard perfectly gives in to processing. Such material is easily cut and bent. There is a moisture resistant type of drywall that is not susceptible to mold and moisture. These systems for a long time retain an attractive appearance. But it is worth remembering that such material is too light and difficult to withstand heavy weights. It is not recommended to store heavy things and objects on such racks.
- Durable and wear-resistant plastic shelving. They are durable. High-quality plastic is not subject to rotting, parasites do not start there. But the disadvantage of this material is its combustibility, so it should be protected from fire.
- Shelves of wood can boast a beautiful appearance. If you decide to turn to such structures, then you should pay special attention to all calculations so that the system can withstand large weights without problems. Variants of natural wood will cost a bit more expensive, and they will have to be regularly treated with special protective agents. Without them, structures can lose their attractive appearance and tree parasites can build up in them.
If your racking system contains parts made of chipboard, then heavy things cannot be laid on them.
- The most popular today are metal racking systems. They look harmonious in any interior. But it’s not easy to assemble such constructions with your own hands. The reason for this is the specific processing of the metal.
How to choose and where to place?
First you need to decide what kind of racking system you want to buy and how much money to spend on it. Before buying, you need to study all the materials and fixtures. They must be strong and high quality. Most racking systems must have removable parts.
Metal systems have a universal design. They will be in harmony with any interior. Such structures are suitable for use in conditions of rooms with moist air.
Beautiful wood systems will look spectacular in rooms in both modern and classic style. In such designs, there are often ornamental details: curtain rods, plinths and pilasters.
Constructions of drywall can be trimmed with any other materials and installed in rooms of different styles. The only exception is the classic.In such wardrobe rooms wooden systems of racks will look better.
It is recommended to refer to the kits of moisture-proof material. Such designs are more durable.
If the dressing room is large and spacious, then you can turn to the most different options of shelving. It all depends on personal preference. In the conditions of a narrow dressing room, the withdrawable systems will be comfortable, as they are very roomy and do not take up much space.
Ideas in the interior
In a narrow dressing room, you can install metal structures with wooden shelves on all walls from floor to ceiling. The lower tier of the central shelves is complemented by small wooden drawers. Such designs will look harmoniously against a beige or cream floor, light gray or white walls, as well as a light ceiling with bright lighting.
In a spacious dressing room will look great high racks with wooden details of a dark tone. The walls and ceiling should be finished with white plaster, and dark carpet should be placed on the floor.
An excellent solution would be the location of the dressing room in the bedroom niche.Light wooden systems, installed in the U-shaped way, will look great against the background of the ceiling and floor of similar shades.