Wardrobe systems

Wardrobe systems are the furniture creating convenience, ergonomics, save the place in the house or the apartment. Their main advantage lies in the fact that, thanks to the variety of offers on the market and modern manufacturing techniques, it is possible to choose the components of the interior for every taste, taking into account the peculiarities of the room.
Features and Purpose
The wardrobe is designed to store clothes and household items neatly in one place without wasting time looking for the right thing. It is no secret that even a spacious and spacious closet is not enough to optimize the surrounding space and clean up any dwelling.
The variety and ample opportunities of a complete set and assembly allow to systematically arrange an arrangement of objects, thereby having provided to the ice woman feeling of tranquility and comfort.
Types of designs
At the present stage, there are four main options, and in order to have an idea of which of them to become the most optimal, it is worthwhile to dwell on each of them in detail.
Mesh constructions
Mesh (they are also called cellular) belong to the mounted systems. Their basic principle is the presence of a supporting structure consisting of finished metal beams that are attached to the wall horizontally and vertically.
Vertical beams are equipped with fasteners, with their help, baskets and shelves for storing things are installed.
At first, the mesh structure of baskets, shelves and shoe accessories may seem rather unusual and even exotic to Russian consumers, who are used to massive Soviet walls and wardrobes. However, it is this design that provides not only practicality, but also ease of use. Things get regular access to air, do not get an unpleasant odor during long-term storage, and shelves and drawers that are open to the eye allow you to immediately see where the desired item is.
The undoubted advantage of cellular systems is also their mobility. Any module can be easily removed and swapped with another, removed or moved. Such a wardrobe will always look like a unique designer, easy to use and having a lot of combinations.
You can reduce or increase the number of things without experiencing difficulties in their placement.
One of the remarkable features of a complete set is mesh pedestals, the height and dimensions of which can be adjusted arbitrarily, depending on the desire of the consumer. They are also convenient to carry and move at their discretion.
Column structures
Frame (or column) are different from the mounted ones in that their fasteners are designed for metal pipes that abut one end against the floor and the other against the ceiling, which creates a strong metal frame. Columns are supplied with fastenings intended for shelves and drawers.
It turns out fashionable and visually light ensemble, consisting of a frame on the racks and wooden shelves.
Such a system is very easy to disassemble and assemble yourself, so it is perfect for people who, by the nature of their life and work, often move from place to place. It can be installed anywhere: in the hallway or in the room. This will save much more space than when installing a wardrobe or a classic wardrobe: built-in closets open type give both visual and the actual effect of the expansion of any space.
The design looks light, elegant and, at the same time, due to the strength of the supporting columns, it is able to withstand rather heavy loads.
However, the lack of doors and walls, in the presence of many shelving shelves, can somewhat puzzle those buyers who are not accustomed to regularly maintain order in their things. Cover up the "creative chaos", formed either by habit or in a hurry, will be impossible. Therefore, typesetting systems of the open type are most suitable for people whose character is distinguished by scrupulousness, pedantry and constant love of order.
Hull structures
Body (or classic) are still popular among buyers because of the usual appearance in the form of several elements, fastened together by ties. Despite the fact that this option takes quite a lot of space in small rooms, it will always please the owner with its practicality, reliability and low price.
Wardrobe can be either built-in or team, made of several modular sections. The multitude of shelves and compartments is always an indisputable advantage for those who appreciate the ability to properly and optimally place the optimal amount of things inside. Good spaciousness, as well as the presence of walls and doors, ensures that things do not fall to the floor, even if there is a mess inside.
However, furniture can look quite massive and cumbersome, especially in small rooms. Therefore, it is better that the room in which it is installed is as large as possible, preferably separate.
In addition, the classic dressing room modules can not be parsed and rearranged. If necessary, you can only remove individual shelves, but the essence itself cannot be changed.
Panel construction
Panel (or boiserie) is a stylish and ultra-modern design of the business class, which is not cheap, and looks very impressive in appearance. The package includes special wall panels of the decorative type. After attaching to the walls, they are supplemented with everything necessary for the functional use of the wardrobe: shelves, drawers, rods.
This system takes the second place after net mobility: if you wish, you can swap shelves, make more or less the number of crossbars.
Boiserie is distinguished by a special style, sustained in the best traditions of geometric accuracy.. All lines here are strictly parallel to each other with the absolute absence of vertical partitions anywhere, which allows you to visually hide the defects of the walls in the room.
Chipboard and MDF
Of course, natural and hygienically safe materials will always be in demand at all times. No one will argue with the fact that natural wood is hardly capable of yielding anything to quality. However, we all know that any household product of natural origin is not always affordable. Therefore, manufacturers offer customers an alternative option in the form of laminated chipboard or MDF, which have a high degree of protection and contain a minimum of harmful substances.
The main advantages of modules for cabinet furniture, which are made of such materials, are low price and practicality of the product:
- The laminated wood plate imitates natural wood of noble breeds. Its surface has a special coating that is highly resistant to mechanical damage and moisture.
- The fine fraction of wood is also produced in the form of plates. It is made of the dried fibers with the subsequent processing and hot pressing, without use of harmful substances.
Metal alloys are used in the manufacture of additional elements and fittings of column or mesh systems. The composition includes steel or aluminum. Products have a light weight and aesthetic appeal. Often used and stainless steel. It is the most reliable material: does not change colors, has a long service life.
For the purpose of decoration, laminated chipboards are also used. Glass, acrylic and plastic panels are equally popular. For the classic dressing room can be applied finish from solid wood of valuable breeds.
Mirrors and mirror facades are necessary in the event that there is a reason for visually increasing the space with a small room size.Glass items are perfect for stained glass and small shelves. They let in the light and open up an overview of the stored items.
Wardrobe system components
Shelves are a necessary element in any storage system. Production materials - chipboard, MDF. They withstand a large number of things and maximum loads. Plastic or tempered glass is suitable for light things, but require careful handling. Mesh design is especially good for storing bags, small suitcases, shoes.
Foldable, retractable, removable types of shelves that can be moved and rearranged are very convenient. Functional and practical are roll-out shelves, despite the fact that they are not made so often. Unlike conventional drawers, this type of storage provides open access to them and always allows you to find the desired item in a short time.
Shelving - ideal if the dressing room is in a small room, for example, in the closet. A good solution to this issue will be a multi-level profile rack. Things in it can be placed enough, and the appearance of the product will please the eye with its compactness and accuracy.
There are also mobile racks on the wheels, which are based on laundry baskets made of strong metal rods. This design can be easily moved to the ironing board, folded into it ironed clothes and put back.
The boxes can be of different colors, sizes, depending on the purpose of the application. Made of thick cardboard, plywood, transparent or translucent plastic. They can both correspond to the basic color scale of the wardrobe room, and become a kind of decoration for it, combining both practicality and brightness of the color scale.
The box can be put in any place, in accordance with the size of the shelf or drawer, and you can store anything in it, from small household goods to headdresses.
Bars-hung up are irreplaceable in those conditions when things have to look at any moment faultlessly and accurately. They are mounted at a convenient height, and the clothes simply spread over them. Sometimes soft clamps are used for additional fixation.
There is a more complex retractable design, which is equipped with a special system that prevents slipping.
Accessories - a set of components, through which going to the dressing room. These are bearing rails, mounted rails, brackets, decorative plugs, rods and hooks for them. With the targeted use of certain elements, any modular system is easily changed. You can buy a set of "I will collect myself", which already contains everything you need to install, and if necessary, add it at your discretion.
Accommodation options
If you imagine a large dressing room, where everything can fit, from clothing and footwear to household appliances, the thought immediately comes to mind of a spacious country house, cottage or even in a Khrushchev house. In such cases, the optimal amount of free space is indicated in advance in terms of building a house - usually on the second floor, next to the bedroom and bathroom.
However, not everyone falls happy opportunity to stay in a country house. For most consumers, the actual question is how to equip a wardrobe room in a regular apartment, where the number of square meters is limited to a minimum.Fortunately, modern technologies allow adapting to different sizes and configurations of rooms and other rooms. If you have the desire and creativity, you can equip a cozy wardrobe, even under the stairs.
If there is a recess in the form of a niche in the room or hallway (which is often found in such houses as “Stalin” and “Khrushchev”), then there is a great opportunity to create an embedded system. In homes of this type, there are often various corners and long, narrow corridors that are used no less successfully.
If the layout of the apartment implies the presence of a pantry, it will effortlessly fit a small full-size dressing room, consisting of several sections.
In the bedroom area of 14-15 square meters. m. there will be enough of a wall area of 3-5 square meters. m Since the bedroom is an area of personal space, you can not particularly care that the dressing room had closed doors. Moreover, the clothes with this design can turn into a design element, which in itself is a non-standard solution.
Sometimes in the new layouts of the apartments two bathrooms are made, one of which is often used for the purpose of redevelopment as a dressing room.This option often requires prior coordination with the housing and utilities services.
For small rooms it is proposed to use very interesting alternative solutions. One of them deserves a separate description and is ideal for both creative individuals and people who do not consider it fundamental to hide their clothes behind the cabinet doors. You need to choose any angle, put several shelves with shelves there, install light metal bars for hangers.
At the bottom it is advisable to place a small chest of drawers and a couple of bedside tables.
The mobile hanger on wheels will ideally fit into the general ensemble. Shoes should be stored either in the box, or just leave it on a thick decorative rug.
If, nevertheless, there is a desire to close the wardrobe, for this purpose curtains or curtains are used, perfectly serving as sliding doors.
When placing it is important to take into account such nuances as lighting and ventilation, especially when it comes to a closed room. In order to avoid unpleasant odors and deterioration of things with increasing humidity, it is advisable to consider how to provide a dressing room with ventilation.First of all, you should take care of natural ventilation in the cabinets. It is provided with an optimal distance between the shoulders of 5 cm, while 2-3 cm is already dense placement, which is not suitable for closed systems.
Light should be enough to find in the wardrobe the right thing and decide on the combination of elements of clothing when fitting. If the dressing room is large, uniform ceiling lighting is used, and if it is small, it is enough to install two or three spotlights in different places.
The size of the dressing room depends entirely on the overall capabilities of the room:
- The minimum floor space should be from 1.5 to 2 square meters. m. In this case, we are talking about an angular or rectangular dressing room. The corner has more advantages: with this option you can get an order of magnitude more space for storage.
- The most comfortable size is from 3.5 to 5 square meters. The space with such an area already becomes quite enough to hang, for example, a mirror, light sources and put a couple of comfortable ottomans.
- Standard and optimal dressing room - 8 square meters.m., in the presence of living space from 20 to 24 meters, which is two times higher than the minimum figures. It offers a wide range of storage for absolutely all things - clothes, shoes, household appliances and sports equipment.
When planning wardrobe systems, as a rule, the following standards are taken into account:
- Cabinet depth - 50-60 cm, by European standard - 56 cm.
- For long items stored on hangers, the minimum compartment height is from 1.5 m, for short items - 1 m, compartment for trousers - 120-130 cm.
- For the convenience of removing clothes, the distance between the bar and the upper shelf should be at least 4-5 cm, the height of the shelves themselves 35-40 cm, depth - 40 cm.
- The optimal width of the drawers is 40-70 cm, height is about 40.
Popular manufacturers
- Elfa is a Swedish company. It occupies a leading position in the market of manufacturers of cabinet furniture systems for over 60 years. She also owns the right to base the production of all warantine wardrobe. Elfa has been improving its craftsmanship for a long time, its products represent an amazing combination of compactness and spaciousness, which saves space in any room.
- Larvij is an English company. The external texture is similar to the Swedish Elfa, but in the Russian market, the range from the English manufacturer is not very diverse. There are two colors to choose from: silver or white.
Metal structures are fairly light, so the cost is lower than that of the Swedish competitors.
- Element System (Germany). In production, it uses the same principle of a hinged cellular system, but has a unique feature: the mesh shelves are successfully combined with drawers made of chipboard, for the installation of which the necessary fasteners are provided.
- Kansas is a classic version, suitable for small rooms. Laundry baskets are attached to the two-meter bar. It has all the necessary elements for placing things: hats and gloves can be stored on the upper shelf, hangers are designed for outerwear, and there are three separate sections for outerwear. Shoe shelves are placed below.
- Komandor is a Polish-Canadian company that has proven itself as a manufacturer of high-quality frame-type furniture. Its peculiarity is unique wardrobes with compartments that have comfortable and smooth sliding doors.A variety of assortment offers "Castorama".
- Vitra is a modular system made in Russia, characterized by a low price that is optimal for an economy class. It manufactures not only dressing rooms for residential premises, but also shelves for libraries, office furniture and even commercial equipment.
One of the features is the ability to adjust any module in height.
- Among the Russian manufacturers should also be noted Joker. The main feature is universal fasteners of chrome-plated steel pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. A diverse number of holders, adapters and other elements easily allow you to create your own design, and strong shelves made of laminated chipboard will provide it with strength and durability.
- Home Spase is also a Russian company, famous for its inexpensive net systems, which are not inferior to their foreign counterparts. Products are beneficial not only in price, but also in terms of the reasonableness of the elements.
- IKEA. The most popular Swedish manufacturer that represents the Algot and Stolmen columned wardrobe on the world market, which are affordable, easy to assemble and operate.
- La Falegnami uTissetanta - manufacturers of luxury Italian furniture, using in the manufacture of solid wood and laminate with imitation wood pattern. Some parts of the structure are covered with translucent metal acrylate and glass, which is not only functional, but also very beautiful.
- Move. The Move company is famous for painting all surfaces of filling elements according to the RAL catalog.
Customers who purchased the wardrobe of the Swedish company Elfa, note the ease of assembly. Also, the opportunity to purchase the simplest and most economical version without wooden elements, which is ideal for small apartments.
However, many criticize this manufacturer for a high price, which is often one of the main criteria in favor of choosing one or another product.
Larvij systems also proved to be ideal for small rooms. With the help of simple designs, you can easily convert the pantry under a small but functional dressing room that will suit all family members.
However, the choice of possible options is small, so the British manufacturer should rely on the most unassuming customers.
Domestic Joker, according to consumers, is able to withstand heavy loads due to the framework of metal columns, which are not susceptible to corrosion and rust even after 12 years of service. It is possible to use grinders with special equipment for cutting pipes in order to achieve the desired size.
The massiveness of the frames in combination with strong glass elements especially attracts the heads of state and state institutions: banks, post offices, law firms and notary offices.
This is where you can often find furniture systems Joker with their typical metal columns and fasteners.
When choosing “Commander” systems, buyers especially note the rich choice of assortment, the opportunity to stop at any price category. A variety of design and type of materials allows you to choose furniture for every taste, thanks to the presence in the complete set of glass, plastic, mirror coatings, leather with drawings. Despite the fact that the price of such furniture is significantly higher than that of other manufacturers, it absolutely corresponds to the quality and level of the products offered.
When buying products from the Russian company Home Spase, the main advantage is the variety of modules. Their interchangeability, design flexibility, allowing to place everything you need in a small room.In addition, special attention is drawn to the sliding two-tier shelves for shoes.
Products are in special demand when arranging children's school corners.
The Vitra modular system has particularly proven itself as an office furniture manufacturer. Business executives who worked with this company are satisfied with the ergonomics, stability and durability of the modules and structures, ease of use and attractive appearance.
Element System pleases the domestic consumer with traditional German quality, practicality and ease with a mandatory minimum guarantee of 15 years. Owners of such wardrobe appreciate a variety of modules, which varies from mesh shelves to stable and strong drawers made of laminated chipboard, which makes it possible to conveniently arrange a large number of things.
IKEA is still the most popular and sought after Swedish furniture manufacturer of any type in Russia. Due to the reasonable price, you can assemble the dressing room yourself using a minimum of tools. Buyers like the combination of external simplicity and unpretentious comfort.Practical perforated baskets are especially appreciated by the owners - they look aesthetically pleasing and things do not fall out of them.
The system is easy to install, you can rearrange the shelves and adjust them in height.
The following video will tell how to assemble a beautiful and functional dressing room from IKEA: