Roller shutters on the garage: the pros and cons

Thought what gate to choose for the garage? We advise to pay attention to rolling shutters. They have a lot of positive qualities that attract consumers. In addition, there are several varieties of these thoughtful designs. Today we will highlight all the pros and cons of this gate.


Garage doors of this type are divided depending on the material from which they are made, the technology of their installation, control method, as well as the degree of security.

Metal roller shutters can be divided into the following categories:

  • steel and aluminum;
  • external (laid on), rolled, built-in and combined;
  • automatic and mechanical;
  • low, medium and high level of protection.

Now consider what design features are characterized by the gates of each type.

Features and principle of operation

The idea of ​​introducing roller shutters to the garage came from the United States. Over the years, it has become increasingly popular in our country. This fact is easily explained by the presence of the undeniable advantages of roller shutters.

Their advantages include:

  • ease of operation of the opening-closing mechanism;
  • compactness and space saving both outside and indoors;
  • possibility of self-assembly and complete automation of the structure;
  • no need for complex additional maintenance and preventive maintenance of the system;
  • strength and durability;
  • reliability and high crack resistance;
  • aesthetics

The main disadvantages are:

  • the existence of restrictions on the size of roller shutters;
  • low thermal insulation;
  • freezing of individual structural elements of the gate during frost;
  • high price.

Roller shutters are increasingly common not only in metropolitan garage cooperatives, but also in the provinces, since they still have more advantages than disadvantages.

Rolling gates, as a rule, consist of the following main parts:

  • lamellas - horizontal plates of a metal profile, assembled into a one-piece flexible web;
  • hinges interconnecting lamellae;
  • a pair of vertical motion guides;
  • a take-up shaft designed for winding a web folding when the gate is opened;
  • a protective block in which folded lamellas are placed;
  • electric or mechanical drive (depending on the preferred method of controlling the structure);
  • locks of the desired configuration

The basic set can be added:

  • remote control system;
  • anti-theft and / or fire alarm systems;
  • silicone seals;
  • heating mechanism;
  • motion sensor.

We can say that the shutters - this is a curtain, which when opened is carefully wound on the bar and hides in a box, fixed under the ceiling.

Steel roller blinds are more durable, reliable and better sound insulation when compared with less expensive aluminum. Although easy budget option is also quite good.

If necessary, the rolling shutters can be automated.To do this, you need to equip them with electric drive. Automation significantly increases the comfort of the car owner, allowing you to open and close the garage in just a few seconds with one touch of a button on the console, without leaving your car. In the absence of electricity, such gates are opened with a special key.

The degree of safety of rolling shutters varies according to their class:

  • Classical roller shutters of 1-2 class provide good noise insulation, as well as protect the room from dust;
  • The gates of 3-5 classes are more durable and have a high burglar resistance;
  • armored bullet-proof "curtains" belong to the highest 6-8 classes.

Having studied the fundamental features of the work of roller shutters, you can begin to consider the issue of their installation.


It is better to entrust the installation of the rolling gates to a professional. However, if you want to save money and know how to work with a construction tool, you can do it yourself.

There are 4 main types of installation:

  • invoice (or external) - the easiest and most affordable way. Already from the name it is clear that roller shutters are mounted on the outer wall of the door opening.
  • Built, implying the location of the "curtains" inside.
  • Installation box inside, in which the front part of the canopy is also located inside the opening.
  • Installation box outside.

To work we need:

  • roulette;
  • plummet;
  • perforator complete with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • ticks;
  • hacksaw;
  • keys;
  • basic set of electrics: sets of screwdrivers, keys, drills, files and chisels, pliers, side cutters, hammer, knife;
  • gun, filled with foam;
  • anchor, dowel, screws and screws.

Having chosen the installation method, and having purchased everything necessary, we proceed to the installation of roller shutters, strictly following the technological procedure:

  • first we inspect, evaluate the doorway for deep gaps and other defects, as well as remove dimensions from it.
  • Detected imperfections are eliminated by leveling them with building mixtures or filling them with silicone.
  • Using a plumb line, we measure the deviations of the working surface along horizontal and vertical lines. This indicator can not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of canvas.
  • Prepare guides. To do this, we take metal tires.Stepping back from the edge of 10 cm, we drill through holes for fasteners with a diameter of 8 mm. The distance between them should be at least half a meter.
  • In the upper part of the guide we drill the grooves for the plugs with a diameter of 12 mm.

Then you need to assemble the frame of the gate, consisting of a protective box and guides:

  • We apply the cover to the block, after which we drill a pair of holes with a diameter of 4-5 mm for mounting rivets.
  • We make the markup, drill the grooves for the installation of the unit and the connection of the electric drive.
  • We combine the protective box and guide rails in a single design.
  • The resulting base is exactly and tightly entered into the opening, check the size and the correctness of its location building level.
  • On the already made grooves in the guides, we put on the slope marks of the future fasteners and output of the drive elements.
  • We remove the assembled structure, drill holes in the opening in accordance with the marking, insert dowels in them.
  • We make a slot for the exit of the electric drive with a diameter of 12 mm for mechanical rolling gates or 16 mm for automatic gates, we lay a spring there.
  • Install the frame roller shutter in the opening.To do this, we apply the base of the gate so that the grooves in the guides exactly coincide with the holes in the slopes and fix it, tightly tightening all fasteners.

Next, you need to install the control system:

  • Mechanical control is carried out with the help of a manual drive, when pressed, the machine will move along the slats attached to the slopes.
  • Automatic opening / closing of the gate provides a rotary engine.

As a rule, the manufacturer of the finished hardware attaches to the product detailed instructions for installing it.

We hang the door:

  • We find the end of the lamellar cloth - it is usually fastened locks-bolts
  • Winding slats on the shaft.
  • We fill the side edges of the "curtains" in the vertical gaps of the guides.
  • Above we fix the lifting spring springs.
  • We install limiters to regulate the extremely upper and extremely lower positions of the canopy.

Complete the installation work:

  • We connect the elements of automatic control.
  • We check the functioning of all mechanisms and systems.
  • Install the plugs.
  • Fill the seams with foam.

After all the above steps, the roller shutters will be installed.Instead of spending extra money on a professional installation, it is quite possible to choose an economy option and manage on your own.

Since the installation of rolling gates is done using ready-made components, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of their brand and manufacturer.

Manufacturers and reviews

In order for the gate to be of high quality and durable, it is necessary to contact the respective manufacturers. Let's get acquainted with a brief overview of the most reliable and time-tested manufacturers of garage doors. The list was compiled based on an analysis of consumer reviews.

The 1st place in the rating rightfully belongs to the concern Hormann (Germany), which has adequately represented products of the highest quality in world markets for 75 years. Of course, this brand occupies a leading position in the industry, constantly improving and modernizing production. 99% of reviews of Hormann products are positive.

Consumers appreciate the durability of garage doors, the mechanism of which even after many years after installation works well and harmoniously, without a single hitch. According to the company's clients, you should not waste time searching for higher quality goods - they simply do not exist! Car models admire the laconic and modern design of Hormann roller gates.In addition, people note convenient conditions for warranty service, the only disadvantage of which is the frequent lack of parts in the warehouse for repairing the gate, as well as the need to wait for components ordered for several weeks.

Of course, any Hormann product is an expensive pleasure, but the quality fully corresponds to the price.

The Belarusian company Alutech, which has recently consolidated its position and adjusted its supplies to the CIS and neighboring countries, can make a worthy competition to the German colleagues. A distinctive feature of the company is the creation of powerful departments of quality control of finished products. Specialists of this brand do not develop fundamentally new schemes, but use previously created mechanisms, adapting them for themselves.

Russian consumers are satisfied with the fact that this modern enterprise exists on the territory of the former USSR and is complimentary about their products, noting that Belarusian roller shutters are not inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts. Yes, and they are much cheaper than the German! Motorists say that Alutech roller shutters are easy to repair, because there are always the necessary components in stock.

The only disadvantage of the company is that buyers consider a small selection of options for external design. It would be better if the experts paid attention not only to technical characteristics, but also to design.

If you are a patriot, pay attention to the products of the only major manufacturer of garage doors in Russia - the DoorHan company. The budget of this brand has made its product demand, and also helped the company to occupy its niche.

However, consumer evaluation of products barely reaches 3 points. Of course, the main advantage of DoorHan is the lowest possible price, which allows you to save a lot of money. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to install the rolling shutters independently. But the quality is always directly proportional to the price, and many buyers admit that the products of the domestic brand are noticeably inferior to foreign analogues.

Russian car owners are advised not to install DoorHan roller shutters in the garage, as they are completely unsuitable for use during the cold season. In order to reduce the cost of many iron parts are replaced by plastic, so the design often freezes.

We got acquainted with the top three - the companies whose products are most in demand. In addition to them, there are still many different companies on the market. USA, Canada, China, Lithuania - this is just a small list of countries in which the production of garage doors is put on stream.

You just have to choose the most suitable option that meets all your requirements and wishes.

Professional Tips

We turn our attention to the advice of professionals, so as not to miss anything important:

  • Give preference to aluminum rolling shutters. First, they are much cheaper than steel. Secondly, this design is much lighter, but at the same time durable and reliable.
  • If you are going to install the gate yourself, choose the simplest and most understandable external (invoice) method of installation.
  • If during the installation of roller shutters you notice that there are a lot of chips and cracks on the doorway, it is better to completely level and plaster it than to gloss over the individual flaws.
  • Do not neglect the automation of their gates. In the end, it's just convenient, especially during the cold season.
  • To make the parts of the canopy move smoothly and not freeze over at low temperatures,process them with special compounds and lubricants.

About installing roller shutter with your own hands, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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