Tilting gates: design features

Quite popular among consumers of various categories are the gates, equipped with a lifting swivel opening mechanism. At the same time, the cost of the construction under consideration is rather high. Actual is the topic of the construction of this design with his own hand. To do this, it is desirable to have some understanding of the welding process and to understand in general what the structure under consideration is.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is worth your time to study the design of such gates: this is one of the convenient, reliable and safe mechanisms, the installation process is responsible. The mechanism under consideration has a number of obvious advantages as compared with other structures, which are features of a swing-up gate.Other garage doors do not provide the same level of protection, reliability and security that in this form guaranteed due to the durability of the whole web.
Such a characteristic will become a reliable obstacle in the path of burglars and persons seeking to penetrate non-their own territory.
A positive feature is the low susceptibility to corrosive processes, as well as a certain resistance to external influences. The last characteristic of the gate is acquired in compliance with the production technology and material requirements. One of the advantages is space saving: such gates, when opened and being open, do not need an additional free space.
Positive moment - great look you can create yourself. To do this, you need to correctly select the facing material and decorative elements. They can be insert decor or panel. A plus will be the possibility of additional warming with the help of special panels (for example, from expanded polystyrene). A nice bonus is the dual nature of the opening mechanism (automatically and manually).
Both single and double garages can be equipped with these gates.
The disadvantages include the characteristics affecting the features of the mechanism itself. The negative point when installing and operating the overhead gate is restriction on the shape of the opening: it must be rectangular. Open gates somewhat reduce the distance from the floor to the top. There is also a disadvantage associated with the integrity of the web, which excludes the possibility of separately repairing some sections.
If damage appears on any part of the structure, the gate will have to be completely replaced.
Some problems are caused by the spring mechanism: the spring can only bear a certain weight. When decorating and warming the gate, you will have to try and keep within the established framework, and this creates some difficulties and requires additional time for calculations. If the gate after insulation and finishing will become much harder, you will have to use counterweights. The frame can not be installed tightly to the canvas, because of which there will be gaps between them.
Get rid of the gaps will have a rubber seal.Such an option would be unacceptable in a garage with heating.
Action mechanism
When choosing a tilt-up door construction, it is necessary to understand how such a construction works. It does not matter if you buy a ready-made structure or are going to build it yourself. The device of such gate is simple. Gates are a frame, canvas, as well as guides, along which the change of horizontal and vertical planes.
The main part of the mechanism consists of a steel frame, as it is the leading part during the movement of the mechanism. It is installed one of the first in the garage opening or for him. Make a frame of pipes with a rectangular cross-section. When the gates begin to open, the roller mechanism and lift arms begin to act simultaneously. With the help of the last sash begin to move in accordance with the location of the guides. After that there is a fixation of the gate near the ceiling. In this case, the lower portion of the gate becomes instead of a visor.
When the gate is closed, the expansion springs are stretched; when open, the springs are released.There are two types of mechanisms, depending on the way the gate is opened. The first consists of hinges and levers, is the most popular due to its simplicity and reliability. Such a mechanism contributes to the fact that the canvas moves freely and is not blocked when it is not needed. This mechanism requires the implementation of several mandatory requirements.
In particular, the springs must be in a carefully adjusted, well tensioned state. The requirement is presented to the guides: they must be located exactly in its place. Counterbalances of this type of mechanism are a cable attached to the lower frame corner, which is passed through the center of the block, and a counterweight is attached to the opposite edge of the cable. Such counterweights can only be installed on doors with a sufficiently large mass.
Management can be carried out manually and on the basis of automation.
If the installation of the gate with the chain is planned to be carried out independently, it is important to have tools at hand that you cannot do without when carrying out such work. The kit includes:
- level;
- welding machine;
- spanners;
- Bulgarian;
- hammer;
- drill;
- the pencils;
- drill;
- screwdrivers.
How to do?
The manufacturing process of this type of gate consists of several parts. Each part corresponds to the manufacture of a specific element of this mechanism. Parts of the process will be:
- frame welding;
- creating a frame and sashes to it;
- installation of door leaf;
- installation of the lock and locking mechanism.
Let us examine in more detail each part of the process.
Making a frame
The first stage of the process is the creation of a frame (the main component of the whole mechanism). To make a frame, you need to have in your arsenal a steel corner measuring 6.5 cm, a metal strip, the thickness of which should be 0.4 cm and width 1.3 cm, reinforcement (for reliable fixation of the frame). You will need a grinder, a tape measure, a welding machine and a square. To create a frame, cut the required number of corners (instead of them you can use a metal profile).
Such corners require 8 pieces. different lengths. The length of the four should be the same segment, which is the width of the opening. The length of the remaining four must be equal to the height.
After cutting, the resulting angles are welded to create a frame, using the butt or overlap joining method.Outside, the frame must be carefully machined to ensure the tightness of the connection between the valves and the frame, which will ensure the absence of gaps and greater structural reliability. If a gate reinforcement element is used, it should be fixed in their middle part. The manufacture of the valves is made of metal sheet with a thickness of 2 mm. When the fabric is welded to the base, adherence to a particular technology is of great importance. In this case, the bottom and top the canvas should recede over the edge by about 2 cm, although its width should be less by about 1 cm.
The core and each of the corners must be fastened by welding. Then you can weld sheet. Upon completion of the gate installation, welding residue should be cut off (welding residue may cause the garage door to deform over time). To secure the door leaves, you can strengthen the hinges (weld the lower part to the frame, and connect the rest with the sash). It is possible to strengthen the hinges at the expense of an additional reinforcing metal layer, which must be bent correctly, then welded to the upper part of the hinges and to the casements.
How to manage?
At installation of such gate use remote, mechanical or manual control methods. Manual control assumes that the owner, using his own strength, moves the door leaf with a leash or hand. If the control is using a mechanic, it is assumed to use an electric motor. This control involves pressing a button to start the mechanism. In this case, the button can be placed in the garage itself and beyond.
Controlling the sash of a garage door based on a remote mechanism is considered one of the best and most convenient options. However, remote control is expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. If a remote type control is used, the owner of such a mechanism receives certain advantages in the form of the ability to control the door leaf from the house or inside the car. There is a remote control based on a microcomputer and a receiver that receives signals. At the core of the remote control method is a sensor that determines whether the garage door is closed or open.
Knowledge of the features and principle of operation of possible options for controlling the doors of a garage door will make it possible to determine which mechanism will be more acceptable for specific conditions and meet the requirements of the owner. Such knowledge will allow you to easily cope on your own with the entire process of installing the gate with the selected control system. At first glance, the described process seems complicated, although its implementation does not require much effort and cost.
Before you begin the installation of the gate, it is worth examining their device and drive carefully and take into account all the nuances, including reading the instructions. It is not recommended to save on fittings: the abundance of high-quality metallic material will only strengthen and secure the structure as a whole. Despite the fact that the gates themselves are quite heavy, they may become loose over time. Therefore, their condition should be constantly monitored and, if necessary, adjusted.
You can find out how to make an overhead gate with your own hands in the next video.