Mosquito nets: a wealth of options for the home and a variety of protective features

Even an annoying fly or an itchy mosquito can ruffle even the strongest person if he organizes his “concerts” at night. Therefore, even before the onset of the season of the appearance of insects, it is worthwhile to worry that such grief should be as small as possible. Reliable protection of the apartment and the house will be a mosquito net.
Back in ancient times, people used meshes with small cells that were fastened to window openings or hung over the bed.Preserved evidence that even the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra slept just under such a canopy of fine-meshed mesh.
By the XVIII century mosquito construction got its official name.
The use of such a grid allows you to completely cut off the outdoor atmosphere from the airspace of the dwelling. The use of this useful design will protect the inhabitants of houses and apartments from uninvited guests: flies, mosquitoes and other unpleasant insects, which can not only bring discomfort, but also become a carrier of dangerous infectious and viral diseases.
If the windows are protected by a grid, then you can open their sash even in the evening and at night, without fear that the lights will attract black flies and moths.
In addition, the net is an excellent barrier to small particles that cause allergic reactions in the body, saving the family from dandelion seeds, poplar fluff, pollen from flowering plants and other allergens.
Anti-mosquito nets are usually made from polyester, nylon, polyethylene, fiberglass can be used as a raw material. The size of the cells is standard and ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 mm - that is why even the smallest insects do not pass through them.
Quite often, manufacturers produce nets impregnated with insecticides from the pyrethroid group (deltamethrin or permethrin) - they kill uninvited guests, therefore, the efficiency of the treated mesh is several times higher than the corresponding parameter of the raw product. Moreover, the composition is absolutely harmless to humans.
The main requirement for the materials from which the mesh is made is resistance to fire. After all, if someone throws a cigarette butt into the window, he will not get inside the apartment and will not cause a fire.
Mosquito nets are made of light fibers, which are almost invisible to the human eye. Therefore, they remain hardly noticeable both in daylight and in artificial light. But for cat owners, on the contrary, black mosquito nets are produced, which discourage domestic animals and discourage them from climbing on unstable obstructions.
Mosquito nets are durable: the lifetime of PVC products is 2-3 years, and fiberglass - 6-7 years. Such grids do not deform under the scorching sun and do not crack at low temperatures, they are resistant to moisture, retain their shape in all weather conditions.
The nets are tough and resistant to mechanical damage, but their strength is not enough to support the weight of a child leaning on the net. That is why in homes where there are small children, you should not open the window, even if it seems that the grid is fixed firmly. The death of children from falling out of the window is one of the most common causes of infant mortality in the summer.
Construction and fittings
The main structural element of the mosquito net is a panel, the size of which must correspond to the size of the window opening, window leaves, a door or a balcony. Modern canvas woven from polyester fibers. Most often, cells are square or rectangular, which is standard. Such a product has a low price and does not accumulate street dust, while not allowing pollen into the apartment. However, their significant drawback is the limited ability to transmit light and air, therefore in rooms where such grids are installed, it is dark and hot, even if the window is open.
In regions where there are large populations of small blood-sucking insects (midge, paut), and there is no strong heat even in summer,it makes sense to install a grid with hexagonal cells - it will give the same resistance to insects, but the ability to transmit light and air in such a design is much higher.
Some canvases are distinguished by the “anti-dust” property: the cells in them are rather small, and the weaving itself is smooth. Such products are good for the southern regions with a high degree of dusting and increased insolation, since dust accumulates on the grid, without penetrating into the room.
Included with the full is always the frame, as well as the handles, which are mounted on the frame and significantly increase the ease of use of the grid, because they provide an opportunity at any time to remove it and put it back. It is quite convenient when you need to wash the mesh. Handles, as a rule, are made of special soft plastic and fixed with a rubber cord, the service life of which is at least 2 years. However, other mounting options are possible, for example, hard plastic with fixation on the rivets (it can be used for more than 5 years), as well as metal-plastic, whose service life reaches 10 years.
Currently, the stores offer a wide selection of mosquito nets from different manufacturers. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups depending on the method of attachment:
- secured with adhesive tape;
- framework;
- sliding;
- roll;
- pleated
Installing an anti-mosquito net on velcro adhesive tape is quite simple — all you need to do is to fix the net inside the window opening. Due to its small dimensions, it does not create any obstacles when opening and closing window sashes.
The grid, which is fixed with adhesive tape, is very easy to remove and attach back, it is easy to clean, and the absence of a frame of rigid material allows you to fix this protection against mosquitoes inside the opening of any shape and size. In addition, when using such a modification of the grids, there is no need to look for a place to store the structure in the winter time - it folds easily into a roll and takes up very little space.
This is a universal grid that can be used on windows of any shape. The operational period of this type of anti-mosquito barrier is approximately 2-3 years.
Such options for grids made of plastic or aluminum are very popular because they are extremely easy to install. Remarkably, they can be fixed not only on metal and plastic frames, but also on wooden versions without any special damage to the window installation.
Aluminum is considered the most convenient frame for the barrier., because this metal is lightweight, however, in its strength is much stronger than plastic.
Frame grids are divided into internal and external. The first are mounted inside the window opening, and the second - outside of it from the street side.
The frame of the external grid is usually fixed with special corners, thanks to which you can quickly and easily remove the structure. It is very important to install the corners even before the installation of the window frame itself, since it will not be so easy to install them after that.
When fixing the corners, it is very important to correctly calculate the place of their installation - it is necessary that they do not fall into the window quarter, that is, into that part of the frame that is inserted inside the grooves of the opening.
If the grid is located inside, the corners can be installed at any time, regardless of the installation of the frame on the window.
Sliding nets
Such grid variants can be installed only on metal window frames that have sliding doors, since they must repeat all the positions into which the window leaves are translated.
The principle of operation of sliding nets resembles the design of the wardrobe - they move freely to the right and left.Along the perimeter of the web there is a sealing brist that reliably closes any gaps, creating additional protection against insects.
To ensure the unimpeded movement of the mesh in different directions, an aluminum profile is used, and special rollers are fixed on the frame of the grids themselves, which facilitate sliding.
The advantage of such models is that they can overlap a portion of the frame that is used to ventilate the room. But if the frame has two sliding doors and more, then the opening can be completely closed only from the inside, because if you try to close the openings of the external elements, you can’t avoid 2-3 cm of cracks even if they have the same width.
Such designs are also called roller shutters. They are mounted on window openings both from the outside and from the inside.
When the time of insects ends, and the need for protection from them disappears, the main mesh sheet is rolled into a special cassette, which is mounted in the upper part of the window opening. Due to this, mesh wear is significantly reduced, and its strength characteristics are preserved.
However, the use of such a mechanism carries some risks:
- when a roll is rolled up, there is a risk of solid garbage getting inside the cassette;
- under no circumstances a sharp descent of the roll is allowed - the canvas must be held with a hand without fail until it is completely folded;
- trigger must be cleaned regularly;
- In winter, it is unacceptable to use the net, since moisture in the lifting mechanism can cause serious damage.
Pleated Mesh
These grids are a bit like rolled options with the only difference - they do not require folding. The design of the pleated looks like an accordion - the net is folded due to the formation of small folds no more than 1 cm wide. In order to fold the "accordion", you just need to pull the cord.
As for the scope of use, the mosquito nets are divided into window, fortochnye, attic and door options.
Criterias of choice
When choosing a mosquito net, you need to pay attention to several important points:
- the material from which the window frame is made is usually wood or plastic;
- type of valves - inclined, double or combined;
- type of household - a private house or multi-storey building;
- floor of residence;
- the frequency of opening the window sashes.
As you know, mosquito nets are made from nylon, fiberglass or cotton. There is no particular difference in these materials, so you can use any canvas. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the quality of the threads - you need to ensure that they are strong and free from any chemical odors.
It is very important to choose the right cell size. Obviously, the smaller the cell, the better the protection, but there will not be without pitfalls. For example, a grid with 0.6 mm cells will protect not only from insects, but also from dust with pollen. However, these canvases badly let the air flow through, and in the warm season it has the most deplorable effect on the cooling of rooms, because even at night with an open window in such a room it is hot and stuffy. It makes sense to use the grid with such cells only in cases when the houses are in close proximity to water bodies, or if an allergic person lives in the room.
For urban houses and apartments, nets with a 1-1.2 mm cell are quite suitable - they will not miss mosquitoes and will not create barriers to air and light.
For those who want to protect themselves in addition, it makes sense to purchase special sprays that are used to treat mosquito nets. They will not let anyone, not even the smallest bug, get into the house. However, one should pay attention to the composition of such solutions, since some chemistry can have a detrimental effect on human health and safety.
On sale you can see the grid, the cells which reach 5 mm. It should be borne in mind that this is not a mosquito net, but the so-called anti-slip. Its purpose is to protect pets from falling out. Obviously, such a grid will not save mosquitoes, but in combination with an anti-mosquito variant it can be a good tandem.
As a rule, the manufacture and installation of mosquito nets are done by professionals. Their services are paid. But if you want to save the budget, you can do some of the work yourself, for example, to make measurements.
To do this, you need to arm yourself with a simple tape measure and a pencil with paper where the updated data will be recorded.
The sequence of actions during the measurement is as follows:
- First of all, it is necessary to open the window sash on which the grid will be mounted, since it is impossible to make measurements with the window closed.
- It is very important to correctly measure the light opening of the window frame where the installation will be performed. Need to know the width and height. Do not forget that in this case every millimeter matters, therefore accuracy is necessary. The results should be recorded.
- To the resulting values should be added 5-7 cm to the width on both sides and 2.5 cm to the height. The resulting amounts should also be fixed.
- For greater accuracy, all measurements should be repeated, as this will reduce errors and eliminate errors.
- With all the data obtained, you must contact the company that will be engaged in the manufacture of mosquito nets for windows. It is precisely on the basis of measurements that specialists will be able to choose the best variant of the protective structure.
Installation Methods
Choosing the optimal method of mounting the frame grid and its subsequent installation, you must bear in mind that in cases where the window is under warranty, it will not be relevant. The only exceptions are situations when the grid is ordered to the window manufacturer. The reason for this is that during fasteners will have to break the integrity of the frame.
Hinge mounting
This method is considered the most convenient from the point of view of using the structure; however, the technology is in many respects complicated by the fact that the hinges should be fixed only on the outside with the grid completely closed. Usually this is done when removing the glass through a nearby window opening.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- halves of the hinges are laid on the frame profile and fastened with screws;
- the counterpart of the shutter is fixed on the opposite side;
- the grid should be fixed on the window from the outside and carefully mark the places where the loops will be installed;
- the mesh is hinged on the hinges, and then on the frame, opposite the counterpart, a latch is attached.
This design is very convenient to use, but, unfortunately, the closures with which traditional versions of mosquito nets are equipped do not give the necessary fixation, because when a strong wind occurs, the fabric is stretched, and the frame can spontaneously swing open, and sometimes even break free from fasteners.
Pocket mounting
If you want to install the grid without access to the frame, then the simplest option would be to use plastic pockets. The technology in this case is quite simple:
- Grid must lean against the window and note the location of all angles.
- Take the bottom pair of pockets with small sides and secure along the line of marks with self-tapping screws.
- Fix the upper pockets in such a way that the gap between the lower element of the pocket and the upper edge of the mosquito net is approximately 2-3 mm.
- Then direct installation of the grid in the mount. To do this, the upper corner of the grid must be brought into the pocket, lifted until it stops, and then gently lower the lower edge, fixing the entire structure.
If all actions are performed correctly, then the frame will be securely fixed at four points with a small margin of 4-6 mm.
It should also be noted that before pulling the net over the pockets, it makes sense to make sure that the pens are fixed, as they often come off at the most inopportune moment. This method has one, but quite a significant drawback - it is unreliable, because when you press on the structure, a pocket can be broken or a grid can pop out.
Non-standard windows and dormer windows are difficult to equip with traditional frame screens, therefore, to protect them from insects and dust, roll grid is used,which are fixed on the frame with velcro or magnets.
Many people are quite skeptical of this method, but it’s in vain - the frameless mesh is quite efficient, comfortable and durable, and its installation does not make any difficulties:
- the frame must be cleaned of dust and all types of dirt, and then degrease and wipe dry;
- adhesive tape is glued to the cleaned frame;
- A canvas is laid out on the floor or another flat surface - it should rest a little. After that, it is attached to the velcro, and all the excess material is carefully cut off with a clerical knife.
The advantage of this method is the ease of dismantling it - if the need arises, it can be removed in just a few seconds. However, do not abuse this, since in this case the strength of fixation will be significantly reduced.
On plungers
The plunger is a small spring-loaded metal rod that passes right through the profile of the anti-mosquito net and is fixed in the hole previously made in the frame or sash.
Plunger mounting is considered one of the highest quality and reliable, but at the same time, the presence of springs makes it quite "moody".
Yes, and drill the frame, not every homeowner to their liking. This is due to the fact that the strength of the whole structure is significantly reduced, and this approach can also cause the risk of corrosion.
Manufacturing and repair
There are a lot of ways of fixing the grid, but it is up to the apartment owner to decide which option to choose. In all cases, the installation technology is very different, but each of them provides a dense fixation of the canvas in the window opening, so the whole choice, by and large, comes down to the details and ease of operation.
To do this, in any hardware store you buy a mesh and velcro, and the latter must be such that their back side has an adhesive layer. Part of the velcro with hooks is fixed along the perimeter line of the window opening next to the rubber sealing tape, and the second (fluffy) part stitches along the canvas. All surplus is then removed with a simple knife.
By the way, instead of the usual mesh, you can use black fiberglass - white color significantly reduces the contrast of the street space, so it is not recommended for installation.
Sometimes during operation there is a need to repair the grid. The most common problem is the replacement of the web or the installation of a new pen instead of a damaged one. The new canvas is best fastened with Velcro, as mentioned above, but on the nuances of replacing the handle should be discussed in more detail:
- it is necessary to remove the mesh and lay it on a hard surface;
- use a flat screwdriver to pry the cord near the damaged part and remove the rest of the handle;
- A new handle is inserted into the groove and secured with a cord, and then additionally secured with a screw.
Care Tips
The period of use of mosquito nets, as a rule, is 2-3 years, but nevertheless with careful handling, it can be used as long as possible.
Professionals give some recommendations that can significantly extend the life of the mosquito net.
- Do not expose the grid and frame loads to which it is not adapted, because at best it will lead to the rupture of fasteners and the appearance of holes in the canvas, and at worst - can cause injuries and even death of apartment dwellers.
- In winter, you need to remove the grid from the windows and bring them into the inner heated rooms.The fact is that the materials from which canvases are produced tolerate temperature drops and freezing rather poorly. The product becomes fragile and brittle, and this, in turn, leads to the appearance of gaps through which any insect can easily penetrate the house.
- It is necessary to periodically wash the mesh. It is best to do this at least once a month. During use, it accumulates a lot of dust and dirt, which degrade the performance parameters of the grid. Make it pretty simple.
The frame and fasteners can be wiped with a normal damp cloth or sponge, while the net itself is not necessary to remove. But in order to clean the canvas, the grid still have to be removed from the fixing mounts.
First you need to carry out dry cleaning. To do this, you should tightly vacuum or just go with a soft brush with long villus. Hard brushes are not recommended, as in this case they can simply tear the mesh.
After the dry cleaning is completed, the mesh should be washed with plain water and soap or other cleaning agent, except for abrasives and alkaline solutions.The inhabitants of private houses are satisfied with their protective structures “shower” from a hose - in this case, the mesh is cleaned quite thoroughly.
It is necessary to dry the construction in a natural way - no need to put near heating devices, as the temperature increase often leads to the fact that the frame begins to melt and deform, and the fibers - to break.
If the grid is chosen correctly, and its installation was carried out in compliance with all the technology, then the anti-mosquito design will reliably protect the occupants of the apartment or private house from unpleasant insects, excessive dust and harmful pollen to health.
An overview of mosquito nets, see the following video.