Rules for choosing mosquito nets on the balcony

To keep the windows open on warm summer days and not worry about flies or other insects, you need to install mosquito nets on the windows. Also, the installation of nets will be able to improve the condition of people with allergies to pollen and dust, because nets with small cells are capable of retaining even very small particles of allergens. There are quite a few options for mosquito nets, so before buying this product you should determine which product is right for you.
Advantages and disadvantages of mosquito nets
Mosquito nets have a number of undoubted advantages.
- Most nets are made of polyester - a material that is safe for human and animal health.
- The electrostatic properties of the material ensure the settling of dust and pollen particles on the outside of the grid.
- Different cell size allows you to select products with a focus on your request.
- The service life of mosquito nets is long enough. With careful handling, they will serve you more than one season.
- Most nets can protect the room not only from insects, but also from the sun's rays.
- The net will provide a safe and easy ventilation of the room, even if someone in the family has an allergy. Remember that in a ventilated room not only works better, but also has a better rest.
- An important plus is the ability to install the structure not only on the windows. The scope of application of protective mesh structures is extremely wide - from the loggia to the summer terrace.
- Easy to care. Any anti-mosquito or anti-dust design needs periodic flushing, which is easily handled by warm water and soap.
- Not everyone can use mosquito spray or fumigators. In addition, they can not be constantly used. An effective alternative is, perhaps, only a mosquito net.
- A variety of designs. The anti-mosquito design can be installed in any window or doorway.
- The possibility of repair. Accidentally cut or torn mesh will retain all its properties if you carefully sew it or glue it.
- Change of weather, rain and frost will not damage the structure, as it is resistant to various external aggressive influences.
- Benefit. Constant purchase of repellents is not cheap. The grid pays off very quickly.
Of course, grids have certain disadvantages. Thus, polyester, from which most of the canvases for mosquito structures are made, tends to attract all particles of dust and dirt passing by the windows. In short, dust and dirt will settle on the grid constantly, and it will have to be washed.
The differences of mosquito nets on the type of web
Cloth mosquito nets can be different, and to choose the best, it is necessary to familiarize with the main characteristics of products,offered today in this market.
- Standard canvas with a mesh size of 1.2 square meters. mm Maybe different colors, but more often - gray. This cloth will detain insects, poplar down, large particles of dust. Not suitable for you if the house needs to be protected from pollen and fine street dust. Does not darken the room, perfectly transmits light.
- Cloth "Antipiltsa" created specifically for people suffering in the spring-summer period with an allergy to the flowering of alder, birch and other plants whose pollen causes an allergic reaction. The size of the cells in the canvas is quite small - from 0.6 square meters. mm to 0.9 x 0.15 mm.
- "Anti-dust" - the canvas is made of dense polyamide fiber, the cells of which should not be more than 0.9 x0.9 mm. Well protects against small midges, flying aphids, certain types of pollen and urban dust.
- Cat owners know how dangerous an open window is to an animal. The hunting instinct can make a cat jump for a bird flying past, no matter what floor you live on. A regular net will not protect your pet from falling out of the window - it can easily be torn by the claws of the animal. Especially for pet owners produced canvas "Antikoshka" with increased filament thickness and special sealing impregnation.In addition, it is painted black especially so that your pets do not see the birds flying by the window.
- Durable but light and almost transparent mesh "Ultraview" suitable for people who are particularly important to the view from the windows. The threads of this material are so thin that the grid is almost invisible on the window.
- The windows of the apartment, located on the sunny side of the house, are, on the one hand, a reason for joy, because nothing improves our mood so much as the great weather and the rays of the sun looking in the window in the morning. On the other hand, the scorching sun on a hot summer day can seriously tire. For these purposes, produced reflective the grid protecting from sunshine. This material is produced by a special technology - the thinnest aluminum film is applied to the net itself, which reflects up to 90 percent of sunlight. By the way, the material has one more important advantage - it will protect you from the unwanted glances of passers-by if the apartment, for example, is located on the first floor.
- And you can look at the world "through rose-colored glasses" or see everything in the "emerald light." Modern extra durable and lightweight material - Fiberglass - made of fiberglass. In addition to a long service life, it can also be part of a loggia or balcony, because it can be painted in any color.
Variety of designs for balconies and loggias
As mentioned above, the market for home goods offers us quite a lot of different designs of mosquito nets. Consider the main types used to protect against insects and dust loggias and balconies.
Frame construction
This is the most common option. It is a rectangle (made in the form of a window opening) from a profile and a grid. The profile can be made of aluminum or metal-plastic.
If the height of the opening on your loggia is more than one meter, then it is recommended to fix transverse strips to give the structure rigidity.
The design is equipped with special fasteners and handles to facilitate the insertion of the structure into the opening. The main advantages of frame structures is ease of installation, low price, low weight. The disadvantage is not suitable for all balcony windows.
Roll construction
Perfect for wooden frames or frames of complex structures, as well as for open unglazed loggias and doorways.In the upper part of the opening fix a special container in which there is a roll of protective mesh. Cloth pull the handle or cord, fixing the bottom. Advantages: installation on any openings and easy dismantling. Disadvantages: the mechanism for twisting the net breaks easily.
In addition, the design does not provide an absolutely tight "fit" to the frames or openings, which allows insects to still enter the house.
Swing construction
Ideal for installation on a loggia, balcony, veranda or terrace. The hinged design is a mesh on a reinforced profile, reinforced with a transverse bar / strips and corners. In the opening, such a construction is established with the help of special loops and magnets for fixation. If the net does not fit tightly to the opening, then seals are laid along its perimeter. The design opens and closes, just like a regular door - with the help of a handle and an autogus. Advantages: easy installation and maintenance. The main drawback - in the open form takes up a lot of space on the loggia, which is so small.
Sliding nets
Usually they are installed where sliding window systems are already installed. Such designs are now found for glazing loggias more often.It is a convenient and safe construction from an aluminum profile with special connecting corners from plastic. An iron roller is installed at the bottom of each corner to ensure free movement of the mosquito net along the rails located below and above the opening.
A high-quality balcony sliding protective structure is supplemented with felt inserts or nap on the vertical sides of the grid, which will ensure the closure of the inevitable technological gaps.
Design advantages: reliability and durability. Disadvantages: if the balcony is already glazed and finished, installation of sliding nets will be difficult, because the guide rail occupies a certain space of the window opening.
Blinds or Pleated Designs
These are vertical or horizontal "folding" mesh blinds, allowing to block openings with a height of up to 3.5 meters and a width of up to 5 meters. Therefore, it is the only type for mosquito nets suitable for winter gardens, open terraces, large loggias. Pleated nets are versatile and can be opened either to the right or to the left, vertically (ideally in the attic) or counter.
The advantages of the design are quick installation and the ability to install the grid in almost any opening. Grid blinds do not need to be removed for the winter. The only disadvantage is the rather high price of the structure.
Plunger mesh
If your apartment is located on the first floor, and the windows and the loggia are covered with bars, then the best option would be to install a plunger grid. This is a frame grid that cannot be installed in the window opening, therefore it is fixed with special mechanisms with spring-plungers.
Plungers are installed on each side of the window and securely fix the structure where necessary. The main advantage is the possibility of installation inside the openings, regardless of the slopes or other features of the openings. Disadvantage: in order to install the plunger, it is necessary to drill a hole. This may impair the finish and tightness of the frames or walls.
On magnets
Suitable for installation in the opening connecting the room and the loggia and consists of two panels. The cloths are easily separated and are interconnected due to the sewn magnets. Advantages: can be easily removed and washed. Disadvantages: will not serve more than 2-3 years.
On "flypapers"
"Velcro" can be installed everywhere, as it is glued just around the perimeter of the space that needs to be closed with a grid. The mesh is pressed to the velcro, onto which the second side of the velcro is previously attached, providing the connection. Advantages: affordable, washable. Disadvantages: difficulty with the "outer mount".
How to choose the mosquito net on your window?
To choose the design and type of grid correctly, you should decide on the following questions:
- where the grid will be installed: on the balcony, window, terrace, and so on;
- how the structure will be located - inside or outside;
- how often you will open and close the frame, whether the design should be easily removed;
- Before buying the mesh and installing the design, the openings need to be measured;
- do you need additional properties: "Antikoshka", "Antipiltsa" and so on;
- how to care for the profile and the grid, so that the construction lasts as long as possible.
After discussing all the questions with a specialist company for the production of protective structures, you will determine exactly what suits you best.
The differences and ways of attaching mosquito nets are shown in the following video.