How to dig under the foundation of the deepening

It will take a lot of time and effort to dig holes for the foundation, especially if you want to do it yourself. The use of special equipment will greatly facilitate the work.


Recess under the foundation can be of two types:

  • trench;
  • trench.

The choice between these types depends on many factors.


The trench is a long groove of a strictly defined width, in which the foundation will be installed. Where base tapes are not required, do not dig the ground.

 Trench under the foundation

It will take either an excavator or shovels and greater physical endurance. Pay attention that the excavated soil does not block the passage or passage to the construction site of machinery or workers.

If you have sandy soil under your feet, then you will not be able to dig trenches,as its walls will not hold the form, and the sand will constantly crumbling to the bottom of the trench. In this case, you have to dig a pit.

Foundation pit

The foundation pit is a rectangular pit for the same purposes as a trench. Ditch compared to the trench requires extensive excavation.

 Foundation pit

Heavy machinery is simply indispensable, if the choice or the circumstances force to make the pit under the house. It is best to use an excavator with a large bucket for this, in case of emergency you can use a loader.

In the case of the loader, be prepared for what he will do only the main work, and you will have to fix it manually or with the use of an excavator, because he will need to make a ramp to the foundation pit.

If the sand in the area is loose (dry), then the loader driver must be warned in advance, as the loader may get stuck on such ground. Also, before ordering the equipment, it is necessary to think about the ways of the entrance and the places where the seized soil will be located.

After applying the technique, it will inevitably be necessary to trim the walls and level the floor of the recess. Therefore, in the case of the foundation pit, it will first be necessary to level its bottom by filling in a layer of a mixture of sand and gravel.

The gravel is best to take two types - small and large. Mixing these two types, it turns out that small gravel fill the void between the large. After filling the layer of gravel and sand, it must be leveled and compacted using electro or manual tamping. Alignment must be done very carefully using a leveling or building level.

After the foundation pit or trench is ready, you can start building the foundation.

Before starting work on digging a hole for the foundation, it is best to ask all relatives, friends and acquaintances about their construction equipment, which would suit you when carrying out these works. It can save a lot of time, effort and money.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.