Foundation TISE: advantages and disadvantages
One of the types of pile or pile-rozverkovogo foundation is the base, made by technology TISE. Its distinguishing characteristic is that by the end of the pile they thicken and take the form of a dome, thanks to which pile foundations can be used on heaving soils.
Special features
The foundation of TISE is not for nothing called universal, it is designed for various soils, with the exception of rocks only. A building may have several floors and a reinforced concrete floor, but this will not affect the strength and reliability of the structure. But this does not mean that he has absolutely no flaws.
This construction on high-molding soils has proven itself well.on which other types of foundations will crack in a few years. The foundation of TISE is appropriate to apply in areas located close to railroad tracks or the highway of trucks. The usual columnar foundation collapses during vibrations, and for the foundation of TISЭ they are completely invisible.
The calculation of the foundation should begin with a thorough study and analysis of the site. After this, the territory is marked and drilled. For this purpose, a manual foundation drill TISE F300, F250, F200 is used - the diameter corresponds to the figure in the title. Piles can be deepened to a maximum depth of 2.20 meters. There are practically no reviews against the founding of TISE, all owners were satisfied with their choice.
According to the professionals, the foundation built using TISE technology, has a huge number of advantages:
- Reasonable price - this design will cost 2 times cheaper than a traditional strip foundation. At installation, the scale of earthworks and the cost of concrete are reduced, besides, it is not necessary to involve special equipment.
- The installation of such a base can be carried out at any time of the year and in all weather conditions.
- Work on the arrangement does not take much time. This foundation is great for individual construction, so even a self-taught master can quickly install it.
Experts also note the fact that it is possible to carry out communications on the erected structure without difficulties, and this is one more indisputable advantage of the foundation.
As with any product, the design, built on technology TISE, There are several disadvantages:
- Such a foundation cannot be built on silt or flooded soil. At high loads, the piles bend and damage.
- Manual labor is needed - it is difficult to make drilling on hard and stony areas, problems with a well also appear. But even in such a situation, you can do without the help of specialists.
- You can not make a basement under the entire area of the house.
- It is necessary to perform a wide blind area.
Taking into account all the characteristics of the foundation, made by TISE technology, it is safe to say that it is ideal for private construction, moreover, it is economical.
To correctly calculate the foundation, it is necessary to determine the desired number of piles.
To do this, follow the following sequence:
- Calculate the total load on the foundation, taking into account the construction project. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the structure with the grillage and all the walls, the mass of the roof, floors and floors. All these indicators add up and multiply by 1.2, multiply the result by 1.3. The result is a measure of the load on the piles.
- After it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the bored pile. To do this, go to the architectural department of the city to find out the geological features of the site and what soils are below the depth of frost penetration. Employees of the table will quickly calculate and tell you the maximum load.
- Copy the project foundation plan. Divide the maximum load of the building by the load of the piles. This way you will know the required number of pillars.
- On the copies of the plans mark the location of all the piles. First, piles are indicated at the corners of the field, then along the joints, and the remaining volume is evenly distributed over the section.
So you get a foundation plan for which you can continue to work.
On average, for a brick house or buildings made of limestone for each square of the territory a load of 2400 kg is permissible, for houses made of various types of concrete (foam concrete or aerated concrete) - 2000 kg,and for wooden and frame structures - 1800 kg. According to these indicators, you can navigate approximately.
The universal foundation, built using the TISE technology, is in demand, because it is inexpensive, and its construction does not take much time, besides, everything can be done with your own hands. Initially, carefully prepare the site, namely remove the top layer of soil and mount the rag.
Then mark the location of the piles and the section. To do this, apply the hydro level. Then cut the pegs a little and place the nails on the outer corners of the square, fixing the rope on them, you can also use a solid fishing line. When this work is done, install the pegs for the supporting walls.
For the installation of the frame of the trimming round timber is used from a board 50 mm thick. It is recommended to use a garden drill. It is more economical and more convenient to do a semi-continuous obnoska, on which it is necessary to determine the zero level.
Then the installation of smooth bars, which are attached to the boards. Top must be zero. Please note that the shroud is installed for control, then it is dismantled.In the area, dig a hole and start drilling. To begin with, it is recommended to complete approximately 5 wells, after which they need to be expanded.
If there is a small amount of sand in the soil, drilling will be difficult and this work will take a long time. To facilitate the process, pour 5 buckets of water into each well overnight, this will soften the soil and the next day it will be easier to enlarge the well. This way you can cope without special equipment.
Installing the base of TISE, do not forget about the reinforcement. To know the length of the rod can be based on the depth of support. If the reinforcement is slightly noticeable from behind the pillar, it can be further operated as a vibrating compactor for concreting, which will remove air residues from the concrete.
The next procedure is waterproofing, for which roofing material is used. For installation, the material must be divided into pieces and twisted into a cylinder. The product is placed in the well, but only when the fitting is installed. The visible end of the shirt is covered with primer. The installation of the TISE foundation requires the fastest possible concreting.
Experts recommend to fill several wells at the same time.
When you fill up the pillars and fill the supports, start making a grillage. For this, shields are installed, they are covered with durable polyethylene. The formwork is fixed with studs, and holes are made in the timber from both sides. One end of the pin is folded after the other, on which the washer and nut are fixed. Armature is mounted on the studs, it is fixed with plastic ties.
The undeniable advantage of this foundation is the absence of drainage. It is not necessary to perform the insulation of the blind area and zabirki. And so that the drains do not act destructively on the areas adjacent to the blind area, drainage gutters are installed outside.
The foundation of the TISE technology can be applied to buildings of several floors and not worry about their sinking. But remember that medium-sized houses weighing about 380 tons on weak soil need a large number of TISE supports, which is very difficult to do yourself, but still possible.
To work on the construction of the base were performed quickly and efficiently, you must consider the following recommendations:
- First of all, it is better to drill the cylindrical parts of all wells, and only then expand them. Such a sequence will shorten the time for mounting and dismounting the drill plow.
- Stones can make work difficult while drilling. The little ones will automatically fall into the drive, but the big ones will have to be reached with a hoe. Therefore, if you come across a large boulder, then start drilling a little further. The maximum offset is 500 cm.
- If during the increase of the well the ground begins to crumble, start concreting as soon as possible. We drilled one well and immediately cast it. This procedure should be performed on sandy soils and with elevated groundwater levels.
- If the plot is with uneven terrain, the grillage should be done either with a variable section height with small slopes, or stepped with large slopes.
Not all TISE foundation piles need to be slaughtered. The technology of screw piles makes it possible to quickly build a foundation. Screw piles work like a screw. It is a pipe made of metal with a diameter of 108 mm with a screw blade. The blade has such a design that when screwed into the ground, the soil becomes denser.The cavity is concreted, and the resulting support has a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons. It is appropriate to build a foundation on stilts on swampy soils and peatlands, but only when building wooden buildings.
The lifetime of the structure depends on the thickness of the metal of the pile and the intensity of the formation of corrosion on the surface, but, as a rule, it is much larger than that of other types of bases.
In individual construction, as in any other, the first thing the owners want to save, without causing damage to the structure. The foundation of TISE technology meets all the requirements of consumers, in addition, it allows you to carefully treat natural resources. And the installation of the foundation can be performed by everyone, without even having special knowledge and skills. Expenditures are minimized anyway, therefore experts categorically do not recommend saving on the quality of concrete or reinforcing material.
The foundation of TISE has earned only positive reviews, which once again confirms its high quality, long service life, durability and reliability.
How to make your own foundation TISE, see the following video.