"Trio" from "Aquaphor": description and recommendations for operation
To maintain your health, first of all, it is necessary to control the quality of drinking water. Often the urban water supply system is in poor condition: the pipes are covered with rust, mold and fungus. And if you drink this water regularly for a long period of time, you can get serious illnesses. To prevent this, it is important to always use a water filter. Today, the cleaners of the domestic brand "Aquaphor" are very popular. We will talk about one of them further.
Special features
The water filter "Trio" from "Aquaphor" is a standard mechanism for water purification, which is installed under the sink.The water purifier is quite compact, takes up little space and does not spoil the overall look of the interior. Thanks to its small dimensions, it can be installed even in very small kitchens. This filter is able to effectively clean the liquid from any type of impurities and heavy metals. In this case, cleaning is performed quickly and efficiently, due to the increased contact area of the filtering sorbents with water. It uses sorbents of different types, including silver. The filter design assumes the presence of several filters with varying degrees of density, thereby achieving a higher level of purification.
The resource of this type of filter is designed to clean 4–7 thousand liters of fluid before the first replacement of replaceable cartridges. Specific figures depend on the conditions and intensity of use of the equipment. The speed of cleaning fluid is 1.5-2.5 liters per 1 minute. That is, you can dial a glass of water in just a few seconds, and fill a liter bottle in 25 seconds. The manufacturer provides a 1 year filter warranty.
We list the main models of "Trio" water purifiers and their characteristics.
- "Norm". It is used to clean water with a high content of rust, silt, sand and other mechanical impurities. Great for soft water (if scale builds up in the kettle). The resource of this type of equipment is 6000 liters.
- "Norm Softening". This type of cleaner effectively removes sand, rust and other impurities from water. And also reliably protects pipes from emergence of a scum. The liquid is filtered at a speed of 1.5 liters per minute, the average filter life before replacing the modules is 4000 liters.
- "Softening". Reduces the degree of scale formation, removes chlorine and impurities. At the same time perfectly softens hard water. Resource - 6000 liters.
- Fe. This filter is specifically designed to treat water with a high content of chlorine, iron and other heavy metals. It is distinguished by a long service life and a resource of 7,000 liters.
- Fe H. Perfectly copes with colloid gland and other harmful substances. After cleaning with this filter, the water acquires beneficial properties and pleasant taste. The filtration rate is 2 liters per minute, the resource is 6000 liters.
And also in some stores there are models of filters for water purification “Universal” and “Wave”.
How to choose?
To choose the type of filter that will be ideally suited for your needs, you need to decide on the type of water passing through the pipes in your home. If after boiling in the kettle scale forms, then the water is hard, and you need to purchase the appropriate filter. Suitable reverse osmosis devices, designed specifically to eliminate the excessive rigidity of the liquid. Soft water flow filters do not cope well with scale, because their cartridges have a limited life. If there is too much chlorine in the water, it is necessary to install a filter for deep cleaning not only under the sink in the kitchen, but also in the shower. So you protect the whole family. Special Aquafor filters, in particular the Trio Norm, also struggle with increased iron content.
If there are no specific impurities in the water from your water supply system, then virtually any Aquafor filter will be suitable for cleaning it. Otherwise, it is necessary to make a detailed analysis of the water and consult with experts who will help you make the right choice of device for cleaning.
Once you have decided on the type of equipment, you can proceed to install it.To install the Aquaphor filter, you will need a wrench, 2 drills with a diameter of 3 and 12 mm, a Phillips screwdriver, a 14 wrench, and a drill. Included with the filter is a tee for connecting to the water supply system, a tube, screws, an anchor plug, a key, as well as a reliable tap for purified liquid.
Now you need to perform installation work in the exact sequence, which is described below.
- Determine the place to install. Usually it becomes the internal space of the cabinet under the sink. It is important that the system does not have kinks and excessive tension, so it is best to place the equipment on the pipes of hot and cold water supply.
- At the selected location, make a small hole, first with a 3 mm drill bit and then with a 12 mm drill bit.
- Put the decorative washer, corkscrew and plastic washers, rubber gasket on the shank. Then secure everything.
- Be sure to shut off the cold water supply to relieve pressure in the system. This can be done before the start of work.
- Unscrew the elastic pipe from the cold water pipe, install the connection node.
- Lock the installed union nut.
- Connect the supply line from the mixer to the unit, turn off the tap, turn on the cold water supply. At this stage it is important to ensure that there are no leaks anywhere.
- Connect the connection point to the supply pipe. To do this, pull out the retaining clip from under the collet and insert it into the 15 cm tube.
- Secure the collet with the locking clip.
After that it is necessary to fix the filter inside the drawer in a vertical position.
The process is performed in the following order:
- drill holes, tighten the screws and hang a water purifier on them;
- connect the supply tubes using special pointers on the device;
- remove the stoppers on both sides, install the supply pipes, put the clips in place.
Now it remains only to skip about 10 liters of water and release all the excess air, thanks to which the cartridges will be washed well and the water will be crystal clear and safe for health. It is important to install the water purifier strictly in accordance with the instructions. Then you are guaranteed to get high-quality cleaning fluid.
Modern filters "Trio" from "Aquaphor" do not require special care.The main thing is to change cartridges in time so that water purification is always complete. The manufacturer recommends replacing cassettes infrequently, but not less than once every six months. The optimal frequency of replacements depends on the specific type of water in your home.
To ensure that water quality is always at the highest level, take the construction process with great responsibility. Such work does not require specific skills, but if you doubt your abilities, then it is better to entrust it to professionals. Also do not forget that for each type of cleaner release certain cartridges. Do not install unsuitable filter cassettes, as this may result in poor performance.
Over 20 years of work, Aquaphor has managed to earn a good reputation and customer confidence. The main advantage of the equipment of this brand, users consider the ratio of price and quality. The cost of equipment is budget, and every family can afford to install a filter. With regular change of cartridges the device will last for many years without losing the quality of work.
The filter reduces the turbidity level by about 4 times (according to customer observations). It becomes not only tasty and transparent, but also useful and absolutely safe for the health of adults and children. Another undoubted advantage of the water purifier is the ease of installation. Anyone can cope with the installation of the filter, without spending a lot of time and effort.
However, it was not without its drawbacks. Some buyers have noted the disadvantage that often it is not possible to wash or replace the filter cap. This is due to the special design of the filter: it assumes the presence of stiffeners, so it cannot be disassembled and replaced. But not everyone faces such a problem, and most customers are satisfied with the purchase of just such water purification filters, since it meets all the specifications declared by the manufacturer.
Recommendations for operation "Trio" from "Aquaphor" are waiting for you in the next video.