Where is aerosol and other types of enamel used?
Beginning in the 90s of the last century, when repairing apartments in Russia, they increasingly began to prefer enamel to ordinary paint. In this regard, there are numerous questions about the difference between enamel from paint, about the scope of its application, and most importantly, what enamel to choose in order to restore the bath or roof in the country?
What it is?
So, enamel is a special coating based on a suspension of pigments, which include varnishes such as varnish. After drying, the enamel forms a glassy film on the surface of things painted by it, which is much stronger than ordinary thin glass. It usually covers items made of materials such as bronze, steel, cast iron, copper, and sometimes even silver and gold.
The advantages and disadvantages of enamel are immediately visible. - It protects products from corrosion and even stops the process. This coating lasts longer than ordinary paint - on average, 5-10 years.Another advantage of enamel is a low coefficient of expansion, several times smaller than that of a metal. Due to this, there is an excellent adhesion to the base, that is, the same metal, and the wear resistance and service life of such a coating increase.
Not less important characteristic of enamel is the magnitude of the modulus of longitudinal elasticity, thereby also increasing the adhesion strength of the coating with the material. When it comes to applying to precious metals, this feature helps the enamel to acquire brilliance and brightness of color that has not tarnished for decades.
The main disadvantage of enamel is its rather high toxicity and strong odor, which does not erode for a long time.
If you have to work with certain types of enamel, for example, alkyd, indoors, then it must then be thoroughly ventilated, preferably 1-2 days. It is necessary to work with enamel in protective clothing and a mask, and preferably in a respirator. If there are small children in the house, it is better to move them for a couple of days to another room. To solve this problem, they began to sell weak enamel solutions for household use in stores - the smell is not so pungent, but they also serve less.
Any products officially supplied for national consumption must comply with GOST or an interstate standard, that is, have a set of optimal technical characteristics and meet the correct percentage of the constituent components. Enamels are not an exception, especially since they are considered to be quite dangerous substances for household use.
Before you buy this or that bank of enamel, read on the packaging, what kind of GOST does it correspond to and whether at all. Each digital marking contains specific instructions on the composition and scope of the enamel coating. Deciphering the standard can be obtained by contacting the seller - consultant.
Special features
The main feature of enamel in comparison with ordinary paint is a film that covers the metal surface after its application. The film is both glossy and matte - it all depends on the elements contained in the coating. The color range of enamel is also very diverse - it is not always white, as we used to see it on the surface of a bathroom or washbasin. Frequently black and even multi-colored enamels.
With any shade you can be sure that high-quality coating will maintain the brightness of the color for years, will not fade and will not turn yellow.
Alkyd enamels have the best ratio of characteristics.consisting of synthesized alkyd varnishes and organic solvents. Special additives provide antiseptic effects and opposition to the development of various fungi and mold. Such enamel is good not only for a bathroom and external walls of pipelines, but also for any rooms and objects with the damp environment.
The composition of most enamels are also anti-corrosion additives, which is especially important for metal surfaces in the open air, exposed to temperature extremes and exposure to water.
Some types of enamel have a high rate of solidification during cold drying. So, hardening for 6 - 12 hours will be coatings for indoor spaces, and pentaphthalic paint and varnish enamels are suitable for outdoor objects. Due to its chemical composition, they seize in 3 to 4 hours, so you can finish all the work before it starts to rain.
Possessing high elasticity, enamels fit well even on the most uncomfortable surfaces and uneven joints, covering everything with an even layer of vitreous film. Also, during the restoration of the bath, the enamel, being elastic, is well stretched by a viscous mixture around the entire perimeter, leaving no irregularities in a high-quality application.
This type of coating also does not shrink, what is its main difference from other paint and varnish compositions.
The compositions of most types of enamel are also distinguished by a high degree of strength and opacity, although it all depends on the method of application - be it an ordinary brush, roller or spray gun. Of course, when applied in a single layer, the enamel will be less dense than in multilayer work, but in any case, the original surface will not be visible, as when applying a single layer of ordinary paint.
Nowadays on the shelves of hardware stores you can find a huge number of different types of enamel. The main thing here is not to get confused by correctly interpreting the GOST marking. First of all, it is worthwhile to understand the basic classification of enamel, depending on the main chemical component of the coating.
Nitrocellulose enamel, manufactured, as the name implies, based on the nitro components of cellulose. Such a terrible by ear composition should not frighten before the acquisition, as this enamel is completely harmless and is widely used in everyday life.
In particular, they love to buy it for painting metal fences, water and battery pipes, as well as for working with concrete and wooden objects.
Among the minuses - a sharp smell of acetone, which, however, after a day disappears almost without a trace. Another important detail is incompatibility with other types of paints, that is, it is better to update certain parts of the structure with the same type of coating. As an advantage there is a different packaging - both in jars and in cans, depending on what purposes the enamel is used.
Enamel based on silicon compounds It is widely used in bathrooms and other rooms with a high level of humidity, since it is silicon that has the ability to draw out excess moisture and prevent the formation of fungi. Also among the advantages are the strength and resistance to wear of the film formed by them. Not to say that this type of enamel has good compatibility with other paints, but at least accepts acrylic mixtures after it.
Urethane and alkyd-urethane enamels differ in the good durability and wear resistance thanks to the sparing chemical elements in structure. They also allow to apply such a coating on the surface, which was previously painted with pentaphthalic and epoxy enamel, as well as with ordinary oil paint.
Its convenience is that the urethane version lays down well, even if the object has not been cleaned to the ground from previous layers of the above types of paint.
The most popular in domestic use - acrylic enamelmade of water based. This is the safest and non-toxic composition of all types of enamel, given above, so even children use ordinary acrylic paints.
Despite its weak water base, acrylic keeps well on almost any surface. - not only on metal, but even on smooth and inconvenient for applying paint glazed porcelain. At the same time, water resistance as the main characteristic does not disappear anywhere. Well compatible acrylic with other types of paints on the same water base.
In the classification of enamel uses a huge amount of both alphabetic and digital markings. Each type has its own scope of use, shelf life and technical characteristics.Next, we consider the most popular names of paint enamel.
The enamel AC-554 based on acrylic and alkyd is also called tractor, as it is often used for painting tractor and automotive vehicles working outdoors in conditions of constant variability of weather conditions. This type of enamel consists of a pigment suspension with the addition of various stabilizers capable of maintaining a rich color for a long time.
The shade of this coating is predominantly bright orange and red, therefore they are painted with objects to which a person’s attention should be attracted. In addition to the working equipment, which should be well seen from a distance and in the dark, road signs and signs, buoys and even aircraft parts cover the enamel AC-554, because the coating is well tolerated in both extreme cold and heat.
Of the obvious advantages of this enamel - good resistance to corrosion, weather resistance and high adhesion, that is, the ability to adhere strongly to any surface. AC-554 dries very quickly - one layer is not more than an hour, but, unfortunately, it is not enough for a high-quality paint. Ideal - applying three layers, but then the enamel will dry out for at least a day.
Compatibility with other types of paints is not very good, so the surface before coating this type of enamel is better to clean with a special primer. If the object for the application is smooth, then the enamel will fall without noticeable defects and irregularities, possessing a high percentage of viscosity.
Conveniently, the AC-554 does not lose its appearance when it is in constant contact with gasoline, which is why it is used for painting equipment with a gasoline engine. It is ideal to apply such enamel in combination with AC-528 varnish and AC-071 primer, so that the saturated color pleases the eye for a long time and does not fade in the sun. If such a bright shade is not needed, then to obtain a quieter gradation, the enamel can be diluted with xylene.
Although the mass of non-volatile, that is, toxic substances in the AC-554 is relatively small, it is better to work with it in gloves and a mask. Apply it with a pneumatic spray, so try to keep this enamel out of your eyes.
Shelf life of the AC-554 is small - only 6 months from the date of manufacture.
Be careful in the store and be sure to look at this label - if at least 4 months have already passed from this date, then you should not buy such a product.
Enamel GF-92 and 1110 - Another popular product among Russian consumers due to its high durability. In the industry, they paint cars, so at home you can also try to eliminate small defects and chips in your car in the garage.
This type of coating is based on pigments with the addition of urea-formaldehyde resin, which allows it to withstand all atmospheric fluctuations for many years. Enamel is sold separately for application to the surface of electrical apparatus and automobiles, and another type is used to cover the moving parts of the same instruments. Both species, however, have a high degree of protective properties, and can also give a painted surface a decorative appearance.
Color GF-92 it can be gray or brown when choosing a treatment with cold drying. If hot drying seems to be more reliable for setting the material, then it is not necessary to choose - such enamel is of an exclusively gray color. GF-92, like 1110, dries long enough - about three days, taking into account the recommended application in three layers and drying of each of them within 24 hours.
If it is applied, observing all the rules, then the maximum protective properties of the enamel will manifest up to two years, and then for another five years this surface will be suitable for use.
Apply this enamel on the surface previously cleaned with a special primer. It should be borne in mind that first the soil should be allowed to dry for at least 2 hours, and only then apply the first layer of GF-92. This type of coating tends to quickly thicken during operation, so it can be diluted with pre-prepared toluene, solvent or mineral spirits. Spray enamel also pneumatically in compliance with all precautions when working with a flammable substance. The shelf life of the GF-92 is two times higher than that of the above-described option - 12 months, so you can safely buy a can, standing on the shelf after production for six months.
Enamels XB-16 and 518 Perhaps, we can call the most universal options for painting practically any surface in everyday life. They are ideal for use on facades of buildings, concrete structures, and even for woodwork and fabric. The chemical composition of enamel is a mixture of various pigments in solvents, so the color of the soil here can be completely different.The shelf life of the coating depends on the color - for a silver hue - 6 months, for all others - a whole year.
Enamel HV-16 It is considered quick-drying, as it takes only an hour and a half to dry one layer. The main thing is that the temperature at the same time was not lower than 20C, so it is better to carry out painting work in the summer. Apply the enamel to two or three layers, then it will fall smoothly, without defects and stains. High-quality coating will allow it to maintain its best qualities for a long time - resistance to contact with water, to various weather conditions, as well as to contact with oil paints and oils.
Pneumatic or airless spraying with appropriate precautions will be required for applying the XB-16. As usual, the more layers you apply, the longer the enamel will serve - 2 layers for three years, and 3 layers for at least 6 years.
To better cover the surface and dry faster, it can be diluted with solvents such as P-5 or P-5A.
Enamel NC-25 - a rather caustic suspension on a pigment basis in combination with a solution of nitrocellulose and the addition of resins with organic solvents.Despite this, in low concentrations such coatings are sold in an odorless version, which is very convenient for working in residential premises or in places of large concentrations of people. That is why the main scope of the SC-25 is the primed metal surfaces, wooden products and even equipment used indoors.
To apply this enamel to the surface, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare, that is, to clean not only from old layers, but also from dust, dirt, grease, and then sand with sandpaper and walk with a degreasing solvent. And even after all these procedures, it is impossible to cover the surface previously exposed to oil paint.
From the convenience of working with the SC-25 - a variety of methods of application, that is, a brush, and pouring, and the aerosol method. Above all, do not forget to thoroughly mix and dilute the enamel with a solvent marking 646 or 645 before starting work.
Enamel ML-12, as well as the line of coatings BT 177, XC 759, EP 51 and 182, is very popular due to the widest choice of bright and rich shades of the soil - white, orange, golden, gray-blue, blue, black, green, red, smoky, color sea waves and many others.So many colors turned out due to their composition in the form of a suspension of pigments in a solution of alkyd and melamine-formaldehyde resins in organic solvents.
Because of the ability to get almost any color enamel ML-12, as the most frequently acquired of all of the above, is widely used in the domestic automotive industry, but craftsmen use it to correct defects in their cars at home.
They also take it for painting children's playgrounds and any other object where you need a bright saturated color both indoors and outdoors. Such a popularity of the ML-12 has also gained due to its good ability to resist the influence of an aggressive environment.
If you want the enamel to dry in 30-40 minutes, you need to continuously pour on the surface with a burner with a temperature of at least 130 ° C, and the process will be virtually odorless. When this is not possible, just leave it to dry in the sun for 6-8 hours.
Apply ML-12 on a well-cleaned and oshkurerenny object in several layers.
Enamel HP-799, as well as 5116, APF, 125 and 572, are extremely resistant to aggressive acid or alkaline conditions,therefore, they are used to paint metal, reinforced concrete, certain types of cement, and even wood, which constantly interact with such negative conditions. In addition, the enamel of this group is very resistant not only to the effects of chemicals, but also to the formation of cracks, and even when used in conditions of maximum temperature differences - from -60С to + 130С. Also, HP-799, which will be discussed further, is practically not subject to erasure, that is, it can be used in everyday life for the most problematic objects.
Such enamel dries quickly enough - in about 7 hours, and between applying each individual layer the waiting time is 2-3 hours. The main condition for uniform spreading and good drying is to bring the CP-799 to the desired level of flowable viscosity using xylene or toluene.
When applied to a metal surface, it must be treated before applying the enamel with a GF-021 primer that is ideally compatible with it.
HP-799 enamel can be used in almost any convenient way - airless, pneumatic, brush or roller. In any case, this coating is very economical and its consumption per 1 square meter of surface is approximately two times less than that of all the above options.The peculiarity of CP-799 is that it is better to mix it with special solvents before use and to endure about a week for the desired degree of thickening.
The last enamel line in the review is “Elakor PU” 60, 1236, 436, 710, 720, 161, and also “Polyton-UR” or in some UV markings, used to resist corrosion of metal surfaces under conditions of high moisture or even aggressive effects of petroleum products. Due to the two-component paintwork composition of acrylic polyurethane resins and the possible functioning of this enamel in almost any weather conditions. In addition, "Politon-UR" and its colleagues are resistant to high UV radiation and do not fade, giving the painted surface a pronounced decorative effect.
Such enamel can have almost any shade of soil, especially under the order of large batches. It does not crack upon impact, has excellent heat resistance, dries out in about 7 hours and is economically spent. The mass fraction of toxic nonvolatile substances in them, however, is quite large, therefore enamel should be applied with a complete protective kit and a temperature not lower than20C.
Store shelves are flooded with enamels of completely unpredictable colors in the struggle for consumer choice. We all know from childhood mostly with white enamel for the bathroom, but we should not limit ourselves to this. This or that shade is obtained as a result of mixing different colored metals.
Blue enamel can be obtained by adding cobalt oxide or copper to the composition. She is often covered with pipes or even walls in outbuildings outside the city.
For the dacha forged fence or shutter often use green enamel, created from a mixture of chromium or copper oxides, as well as nickel.
Pink enamel is also popular now - it is used in the interiors of art space or beauty salons for painting a girl's bicycle. It turns out this delicate shade of a mixture of oxides of chromium and tin.
The most popular color of enamel is black. It is often used in the interiors of residential premises, even for the same plumbing. This color is formed from a mixture of nickel oxides in the combination of iron and manganese, sometimes with the addition of cobalt and chromium compounds.
Pearl VGT - know-how in recent yearsdesigned to work with different surfaces, such as wooden baguette, plaster or metal.In addition to the already colored decorative plaster or colorless finishing wallpaper can also be applied pearlescent enamel.
Its structure includes such elements as pearlescent pigment, dispersion acrylic polymer, water-based and modifying additives. Due to this, it was possible to get unusual edemas like gold, bronze, pearl, garnet, silver-white and even the color of "chameleon".
Kohler actually depends not only on the initial composition, but also on the color of the lining - the soil, the method of spraying and the number of applied layers.
Pearl VGT enamel is used not so much to protect the surface from the aggressive environment, but rather to impart an even greater decorative effect, characteristic shine and interesting texture to the element of the designer room decoration. However, such a coating is used both for application to objects that are constantly inside the premises, and to objects that are outdoors most of the year, possessing high resistance to atmospheric differences and resistance to water and light.
If necessary, this enamel can be diluted with water as a solvent, but the proportion of water should not exceed 5%, otherwise the enamel will lose most of its protective properties.
As for the packaging of various types of enamel, it is often divided into small and large ones. The first option is a gap between 0.5 kg and 3 kg. Some types of enamel, sold as a dry mixture, which must then be diluted, are sold in packs of 10 kg each, and this is also considered small packaging. Large packaging is more suitable for industrial purposes and starts from 15-20 kg. Accordingly, if the enamel is delivered in the form of an already diluted liquid substance, then a volume of 0.5-3 liters is considered to be a small package. Containers of more than 10 liters are, as in the previous version, a large package.
All types of enamel, regardless of the initial state of aggregation, are packed in a special container from polyurethane plastic or special types of light metal, where packaging materials comply with GOST. The lids of such a container are hermetically sealed for adhesions, so that after the first use it is no longer possible to speak of an absolute clogging.However, due to the volatility of toxic materials, some enamel containers are equipped with special snaps on the lid, so even after opening, you can be sure that harmful fumes do not penetrate into the apartment.
Selection and application
When choosing a certain type of enamel, it is better to first get acquainted with what brand is used for what purposes. In the store you can find a huge amount of enamels for approximately the same type of surface, so it is better to know in advance so as not to overpay or buy a very resistant and caustic type of enamel where you could do without it.
According to Gostovskoy marking on the container now you can determine the following information:
- for which surfaces enamel is used;
- what is the rate of drying of the enamel, as well as the degree of its viscosity, elasticity and toxicity;
- what percentage of non-volatile harmful substances is in it;
- how many layers are necessary for the full functioning of the coating, as well as the way it can be painted with enamel;
- what type of solvent or primer is used in conjunction with this type of coating;
- the enamel is compatible with what similar paint and varnish coatings;
- whether it is necessary to dilute or mix, as well as how much time after breeding is given to work until its thickening.
Enamel serves as a coating for the following objects: road signs, electrical equipment, cars, facades of houses, roofs, dishes and whole sets, interior details and, of course, the well-known restoration of baths.
Enamel has also been successfully used in jewelry and as decoration for luxury items. For the needs of jewelers, cloisonne enamel, known since ancient times, is difficult to manufacture and is not sold in ordinary hardware stores.
Tips and tricks
The correct application of enamel often determines how evenly it lies on the surface and how long it will last.
Here are some tips from professionals in this field:
- When airless spraying enamel is not recommended to be diluted with a solvent, because without a certain degree of viscosity, such a coating simply will not be under the desired pressure evenly out through the sprayer. The nozzle is better to use the most thin diameter, not more than 0.3 mm. The pressure, on the contrary, should be quite strong, about 150 bar.
- If there is air dispersion of the composition, then such a universal solvent as solvent will come to the rescue. However, you should not overdo it with the addition of this substance, do not add more than 5% of the total mass of the composition. Unlike the first option, the nozzle here is better to take much thicker - about 2 mm, and the pressure, on the contrary, to reduce to 4 bar.
- The easiest way to apply enamel is with a roller or brush. The only advice here is also to dilute the composition with a solvent of no more than 5% of the total mass. In order not to throw away the remaining solvent, they can then wash all the application tools in order to reuse them.
Manufacturers and reviews
According to readers, the most popular brand for a good price / quality ratio is the manufacturer Tikkurila. These types of enamel are easy to apply, dry quickly, and after dyeing they do not leave roughness and smudges on the surface.
Enamel marks "Lakra" and "Tex" not so easy to apply, but it is considered more wear-resistant and less susceptible to destruction with constant exposure to moisture and temperature changes. They are often used for painting pipes in batteries and plumbing.
Certa and Isolep mastic - not the cheapest types of enamel, but according to customer reviews, the most reliable. Due to the fact that these manufacturers have in the arsenal a rich tint of enamels, they are often used to update home chips on cars. The effect, say avid car enthusiasts, is such that sometimes you can’t tell the difference from salon painting.
Comparison of alkyd and acrylic enamel, see below.