How to choose a bunk bed?

With the growth of the baby, it is time to pick up new furniture for him in the nursery. For many years on the market bunk beds in the most different versions are popular. They not only allow a more rational use of space, but can also become a highlight of any interior. On the modern market there are a huge number of models of bunk beds, so you can choose the best option for each children's room.
Advantages and disadvantages
The bunk bed for many years is in great demand and popularity not only because of its attractive appearance, but also other features.First of all, a two-story bed will be the ideal solution to complex issues that are associated with a lack of sufficient space in the room. The design features of this model allow for substantial space savings.
In most cases, they are chosen by families, where several babies grow in one room. However, one should not think that bunk beds are the lot of exclusively large families. Today, quite a lot of comfortable and advanced models have appeared on the furniture market, which provide only one berth. And another useful area is reserved for a cupboard, desk and other similar interior items.
These beds are a combination workspace for schoolchildren, lockers for school supplies, toys, and so on. In other words, such multifunctional furniture, divided into many zones, makes it possible to simultaneously solve a couple of tasks: here the kid can sleep, learn, play and store clothes.
It should be noted that most parents do not trust such furniture, considering it not sufficiently durable and dangerous.They are afraid that the second tier may fall on the first and thus harm the child, but from a constructive point of view it seems incredible. Of course, if you constantly jump on the second floor, then sooner or later it will become unusable and break, however, such a structure will withstand any other loads without problems.
Some unscrupulous manufacturers in order to establish minimum prices for their products, use for the production of fragile materials. That is why in the selection process should be as careful as possible so as not to become a victim of deception.
Another positive feature of bunk beds is the fact that they are loved by children. For most of them, such a bed will be an exciting event, especially if you sleep upstairs. Very often, children even argue about who exactly will be on top. Due to the fact that the majority of bunk beds on the market are equipped with additional play and functional details, they guarantee the individuality of the space to the baby.
Despite the huge number of advantages, these beds are not without some disadvantages.One of the main ones is the staircase that leads to the second level. Most models on the market cannot boast of a comfortable and safe construction, which is not very good for children. In addition, almost all the stairs are arranged vertically, so the child can fall from it. That is why in the process of choosing a bunk bed, it is imperative to pay attention to the slope of the stairs.
Another disadvantage of these beds can be called a fairly large mass. Such design features bring many problems in the process of installation or relocation. In most cases, it will not be possible to assemble or move such a bed by yourself and you will have to use the help of other people.
Modern furniture stores feature a huge number of bunk beds, which are distinguished by their appearance, design features and other indicators. Thanks to this, each person can choose the best option, depending on the particular layout of the room and the wishes of the child. First of all, these beds are divided into types depending on the material that was used for their production.
- Natural wood - ash, oak or beech. Such options are considered the most strong and durable. In addition, natural wood furniture is environmentally safe, which is important for the children's room. However, these accessories are large and expensive.
- From MDF and chipboard. Despite the fact that these materials are not able to boast of reliability and durability, their use is allowed. Due to the fact that the skeleton of double-decker beds is made of metal elements, it is able to withstand almost any kind of stress. In addition, these models of beds are inexpensive, which is very important with a limited budget.
Bunk beds are divided into certain types depending on the design features.
- Standard. Such models usually include two beds, which are located on top of each other.
- Transformers. Extremely popular models in the modern market. The lower part is a sleeper and can turn into a sofa or play area.
In addition, bunk beds can be divided into types depending on the characteristics of the location of beds.
- Classic. A distinctive feature of such furniture is that the top place is located directly above the bottom. The main advantage of the design is its rationality: it occupies a minimum of free space in the room.
- Corner. Sleeping areas in these beds are perpendicular.
- "Matryoshka" (folding). The essence of this design is that the lower place leaves the top.
Depending on their shape, bunk beds can be straight and angled. The straight lines are made in the form of a rectangle and can be installed not only in the center of the room, but also in the corner. As for the corner models, they are intended only for installation in the corner of the room.
Most people believe that this furniture is designed exclusively for children, but there are special models for adults. They will be the way in rooms that can not boast a large amount of free space.
Bunk beds appeared a long time ago and immediately were widely used.Modern designers make them functional and easy to use. Designers have modernized them so that they can replace many pieces of furniture. As a result, certain types of beds became available to the buyer.
- Standard. A distinctive feature of this design is that it includes two identical beds placed one above the other. Such furniture boasts high resistance to stress and mechanical stress and ease of use. During the operation, it is not necessary to pull out the bottom position every time before going to bed, turn it upside down or turn it over. However, you should take into account that such a bed is characterized by relatively large dimensions.
- With a table. This furniture is equipped with two beds and a specially designated working area. And the desk is either separately on the side, or it can be transformed from the furniture itself. For example, the lower berth turns over and transforms into a table. In addition, in the market you can find models in which the table simply extends from the lower tier of the bed.
- Bed-wall. The main advantage of this model is that it is equipped with a special wall for storage, as well as drawers, shelves and side tables.
- With a sports area. These beds can be equipped with a Swedish wall, bar or horizontal bar, so that morning exercises will no longer cause problems and will be a pleasant pastime. Such models are extremely important for adolescents, because regular classes allow you to form the correct posture.
- With a dresser. The optimal solution for teens who are distinguished by the presence of a large number of items of clothing. They will be able to put here not only her, but also bedding, if necessary.
- Foldable with offset. This is a retractable model, which is a high bed, and under it is an extra bed. If necessary, it is advanced. Such models will be relevant for children who are afraid of heights. In addition, they are the perfect solution for rooms that can not boast of high ceilings.
- Bedside table, built-in bed. Options with additional furniture of this type are chosen mainly for girls.
- Transformer - bed, equipped with several beds, which can be laid out in a comfortable sofa. This model has recently enjoyed immense popularity due to the fact that it makes it possible to organize a place to watch movies, etc. The sliding model is perfect for a small or low room.
The market today presents a huge number of models of bunk beds, which differ in their size. The height of most models exceeds 2 meters, so they can be installed only in full-length apartments. However, you can find low options (160x70), which are suitable for old premises.
If the furniture is bought for a teenager, then it is best to buy beds that have a wide lower berth. Such a scheme will provide him with convenience, given the process of his growing up.
Bunk beds are presented in a large selection of designs, each of which has its own distinctive features. Bunk beds that are made in the high-tech style are quite popular today. They are distinguished by uncluttered details, a chrome-plated surface in combination with dark color and functionality.Some consider such furniture devoid of soul, but it will undoubtedly benefit in terms of practicality and ease of maintenance.
In addition, in recent years, beds made in Provence style are very popular. Such furniture is completely made of wood, characterized by simultaneous simplicity and elegance. Such constructions are best installed in rooms that receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Often, such unusual beds are equipped with special curtains or other interesting accessories.
Selection criteria
On the modern market there are a huge number of models of bunk beds, which are distinguished by their appearance, size, manufacturing material and other parameters. In order for the selected furniture to fully fulfill its obligations, it is necessary to approach its selection process as competently and responsibly as possible.
The main requirement that is put forward to such furniture is its strength characteristics. You need to make sure that during operation such a model will be able to cope with regular loads without problems.During the selection it is imperative to check the furniture legs for strength. It is best to abandon the threaded legs of interesting forms. They can and look stylish and attractive, but most of them can not boast of reliability. For the sake of peace and durable use of furniture is best to give preference to thick legs.
The simplest but effective way to test the strength of a bed is to test it. It is necessary to climb on the upper tier, and not for a child, but for an adult. If the bed withstands the weight of a large person without any problems, then she can handle the mass of the child.
After you have dealt with the strength, you need to switch to the safety of the child who will sleep on the second tier. Here there is a special side designed to protect the baby from falling while sleeping from the second floor. The height of the side should be at least 30 cm. If it is lower, then it is better to refrain from buying, because this is a risk to the health of the child.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the tiers. A competent decision is considered if an adult can sit down and fully straighten up on the first floor.However, it should be understood that the very high upper tier can bring discomfort when climbing it. If the ceilings in the room can not boast an impressive height, then this figure should be paid close attention, because on the second floor it should be comfortable to make the bed and sit.
The second criterion that must be paid attention to is the safety of the furniture. If you strictly follow the rules, you can pick up reliable furniture, even if it is chosen not in the store, but in the catalog.
The main thing is the stairs. If you want to ensure the safety of children, it is best to choose models that are equipped with handles. It is worth remembering that the ideal is the staircase, which is installed under an inclination. But from the vertical it is better to give up, because it will be more difficult to climb or descend along it.
In addition, the presence of bumpers and limiters. In the process of inspecting a bunk bed, the second tier is more important, because a child can fall off of it. Modern manufacturers install special bumpers or restraints designed to ensure the safety of the child.
Another important point is the choice of bunk beds, depending on the material used in the production process. The main condition - the furniture for the child should be made of environmentally friendly material. In no case can not buy cheap furniture, which in the process of operation can emit harmful substances.
The ideal is considered furniture made from natural materials. If you can choose the material yourself, it is best to give preference to birch or oak. But if you want to choose a more affordable option, you can limit the pine.
If chipboard was used for the production of the bed, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the certification in order to make sure that there are no harmful substances in the furniture. The most important indicator is the level of formaldehyde.
It is best to immediately abandon the furniture in the production process which used metal. She not only can not boast an attractive appearance, but is also characterized by increased traumatic risk for the child. These are the main points you need to pay attention to when choosing a bunk bed.You should also consider some additional features that will provide a more comfortable use.
For example, if you are unsure of how tall a structure you need, you can purchase a model that allows you to control the height of the tiers or to rebuild a bunk bed to an ordinary one.
Most manufacturers allow you to add pleasant things in the design of the bed, which makes its use even more convenient. Embedding boxes for toys or bedding will be a nice addition, thanks to which it will be much easier to clean up the room.
On the modern market there are many manufacturers of double-decker beds. Almost any factory that specializes in the production of furniture has such structures in the catalog. Judging by the reviews, the most popular is the model "Lucia", which can boast not only an attractive appearance, but also durability. In the process of its production, only safe and reliable materials are used that are not capable of harming the health of the child.
In addition, you should pay attention to the model "Mowgli", which will be the perfect solution for a small children's room. Due to its unique design features such furniture can fit in any room, regardless of its layout.
Beautiful examples
- An interesting model, made in the classical style. An inclined staircase provides safety when climbing to the second floor. In the lower part of the bed are drawers, where you can fold bedding, clothes or toys.
- The original model with built-in table and shelves. The sloping staircase is made in the form of small boxes where books or other items can be put. The sides on the second floor are high enough to ensure the safety of the child.
- An integrated model that includes one closet and chest of drawers. At the same time the bed occupies a minimum of space and allows you to efficiently use every millimeter of free space.
Bunk beds are the perfect combination of practicality and reliability. Despite the fact that they occupy a minimum of space, each such model boasts its own functionality.In the selection process, you should pay attention to such parameters as the material of manufacture, safety and design features.
How to make a bunk bed with your own hands, see the following video.