Choose and install the latches on the interior doors

At the long-awaited final stage of repair in the apartment installed interior doors. In most cases, using locking locks for such doors is simply not necessary. Therefore, the latches are slammed into the door leaf. The article will discuss the design features and the installation of door latches with a lock.

Features and varieties

Devices with a lock for interior doors by type of installation are external and mortise. The first type of latch is much easier to install, assemble and disassemble if necessary. The downside is that they significantly spoil the appearance of the door leaf. Therefore, the most demanded precisely mortise locking mechanisms.

Such latches for interior doors are presented on the market in a large assortment. Depending on the wishes and destination, you can easily choose the best type of fixing device. By the principle of operation and design features, the mortise door latches are divided into several groups.


The locking door device consists of two parts: a metal plate and a magnetic element. The magnet and plate are placed on the side of the door leaf and on the jamb. The principle of operation of such a lock is very simple: when closing, the magnet attracts a metal element, thereby keeping the door in a fixed closed position. A fixed handle is used to open the doors with a magnetic locking element.

The second type of clamps of this type are models where the magnet is made in the form of a movable tongue. The advantage of this latch is that it is virtually silent. Also very popular and convenient are its characteristics such as smooth operation, long service life.


This mortise mechanism has a movable retractable tongue with contours beveled at an angle. On a jamb the plate with a groove fastens.When closing the tongue enters the groove and fixes the position of the door. Opening occurs when pressing on the movable handle, which leads to the extension of the tongue from the groove to release the door leaf from fixation.


Instead of the tongue in such snaps used spring-loaded roller. When closing, it enters a small recess and prevents the door from opening. Such latches can be set in motion with a fixed handle with some force applied. There are also models that open when you press the lever handle.

Latches with locking latch

Usually the mechanisms of this type are installed on the door to the bathroom or bathroom. Their feature is that they are equipped with a special blocking element. When the block key is rotated, the latch stops opening when you press the sliding door handle. Thus, the room is protected from unwanted penetration at a certain time.

How to choose?

To purchase a quality fixing device for the interior door, should pay attention to the following criteria.

  • The quality of the latch says smooth work.During the opening and closing should not be jammed, clicks.
  • It is best to choose a device with springs of medium hardness. Weak springs may eventually stop holding the door leaf, especially if it is quite heavy. And mechanisms with tight springs will require application of force to open the door.
  • Carefully inspect the product and evaluate its appearance. On the case and parts should not be scratches, cracks, chips, signs of chemical damage, rust, paint defects.
  • Also important is the tactile perception. The handle should be pleasant to the touch, it is convenient to lay in your hand.
  • Try to find technical specifications that best fit the conditions of use. For example, if the door leaf is very heavy and massive, you should choose a latch from highly durable materials. Data on the locking mechanism can be found in the passport of the product.
  • Best of all, if in the apartment or house the handles and latches are made in the same style. It is also important that this element matches the design of the doors. Interior designers do not recommend placing latches, handles and hinges in different colors.
  • Decide on the function that the locking mechanism will have to perform. For installation on the door to the bathroom or bathroom is best to stay on the lock with a lock. For a bedroom and a children's room, a noiseless magnetic retainer is a good option.

Self install

Installing the latch into the door leaf is almost identical to the process of embedding a conventional door lock. This work is quite possible to do it yourself. The mechanism is placed in the door at a distance of 1 meter from the floor. It is at such a height in the door leaf there is a wooden bar, into which the fixing mechanism is mounted.

To embed the device in the interior door, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill and drill set (feather, for wood);
  • wood crowns;
  • electric screwdriver or hand screwdriver;
  • chisels, medium and narrow in width, a good alternative for making a selection under the bar is a milling cutter, but not every home toolkit can find it;
  • hammer;
  • pencil;
  • ruler or square;
  • a joinery knife or sharp stationery.

At the first stage it is necessary to make a marking on both sides of the door leaf. First, the height is measured from the floor, equal to 1 meter.Then the distance corresponding to the size of the inserted latch is deposited. Most often, the locking mechanisms have a standardized height of 60 mm or 70 mm. For greater accuracy, it is better to attach the locking device to the door and mark its extreme values.

Next, you need to drill a wooden beam. To do this, select a drill bit that matches the size of the latch mechanism. Drill to the depth of the blade of the drill. The next step is making holes for the plank. The procedure is performed using a chisel. Pre-veneer from the door leaf must be removed with a sharp stationery knife.

For the handle you need to make a through hole in the timber. To do this, use the crown on the tree. From the end of the door is a pothole for reed or roller lock. Chisel neatly aligned cutouts. The device is installed in the door leaf. This should be done from the end of the door. The whole mechanism is fixed screws or screws.

The door handle is mounted in a fixed and fixed mechanism. Preliminary it needs to be disassembled. Next, you can install decorative overhead elements.The final stage of installing the door latch is mounted on the jamb of the striker plate. To do this, you need to cover the door and mark the position of the locking tongue or roller on the jamb. This mark must be transferred to the box.

You also need to measure the distance from the bottom edge of the hole in the door bar to the center of the latch. Size to transfer to the box opening. The measurements are made cuts for the tongue and striker. The plate is attached to the door frame with screws.

Latch disassembly

There are situations when you need to dismantle the locking door mechanism. Such a need may arise in the case when the lock itself has become unusable, as well as when its replacement is required for external, aesthetic reasons. The procedure for disassembling the door locking mechanism, including the silent magnetic one, is quite simple to carry out.

First you need to hold the spring element well and gently move the pin. Pull the handle towards you, but do not exert much effort. If the spring is clamped with sufficient force, the handle will easily come out of the hole. Next, the slate latch and handle with lining must be removed.After the manipulations carried out, it is not difficult to unwind the fasteners. The entire device is easily removed from the hollows in the bar.

How to install door handles on interior doors, see the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
