Mortise cylinder locks: features and tips for choosing

Mortise cylinder locks are becoming increasingly popular in the construction market. Being quite reliable, but at the same time financially accessible devices, they win the hearts of many buyers.
Equally important is the fact that the cylindrical door lock is quite versatile, and the mechanism of its work is easy to understand, even for a beginner.
Distinctive characteristics
Obviously, cylinder locks are usually cylinder-shaped, however, there are other models. For example, in the construction market one can find round, drop-shaped or even triangular variants.
It should also be noted that this type of locking mechanisms can be installed as mortise,so in a way.
If we talk about the specific mechanisms of operation of the device, we can distinguish a wide variety of options:
- using a disk;
- pin method;
- frame method;
- through a magnet;
- specialized mechanism of increased complexity (used, for example, for safes or vaults).
What is it made of?
In order to better determine the choice of the lock, it is necessary to study not only the external, but also the internal characteristics of the device. To do this, consider in more detail the structure of the structure.
So, for a start it should be noted that this type of lock consists of two main parts: cylinder and executive.
From the outside, the lock is usually covered with brass, however, there are galvanized versions. Usually, the outer wall is made sufficiently thick - this is necessary in order to avoid easy penetration into the inner part and, accordingly, its damage.
Inside the castle are specialized devices that perform the function of bolts. These bolts are of two types:
- bolt - specialized elements, which at the moment of closing the door are placed in the bolts designed for them (the number of bolts determines the degree of reliability of the lock);
- latch - holds the lock in the closed position, entering the frame of the door frame.
In addition, the cylinder lock, like any other, has a lever with which the procedure of opening or closing is performed.
The structure of the locking device also includes two strips: frontal front and locking. They play the role of attachment, have holes for the key.
The final element of each lock is the key. Without it, the full construction work is impossible.
The mechanism of the lock is quite obvious - in order to bring it into action, a key is needed, which, when placed in a special opening and designed specifically for it, puts the entire device into operation.
However, there are several important details that must be considered when choosing a particular locking device. So, the key can work only with one or from both sides of the lock.
If the key works only on one side of the lock, then it can be called a pivot. On the side opposite to the key there will be a special lever.
Otherwise, the lock has a double-sided type of opening. Usually such a device is typical for mortise locks.
Popular models
There are a large number of companies that produce cylinder locking mechanisms and devices. Before buying, be sure to consult with the seller and explain to him all the individual characteristics of your door. Thus, you just can not go wrong with the choice.
However, there are several proven products that have proven their reliability and durability. Consider a few of them.
- Kale 164 BNE-Z - this lock is suitable for a metal door and protects the owners from unwanted intrusion into the room. It has two mounting keys, as well as special protection against drilling and code selection.
- Kale 164 AS - when it is hacked, an alarm is triggered. He is endowed with six brass pins.
- Kale 164 CEC - has a steel insert, reversing key and three rows of code elements.
- Apecs xs - a pin is inserted inside the cylinder, which prevents drilling of the lock, and two steel clamps of the case will save from pulling the core.
- Apecs rt - Mortise type with a euro cylinder and six pins.
- Apecs sc - has English key type. You can choose a model with a turntable.
Thus, we see that there is a huge variety of cylinder locks - from the simplest standard to models with specialized security devices.That is why your choice should be based primarily on what kind of protection you want to ensure the room: do you install a lock in a regular interior door or do you want to prevent the safe from breaking into securities and material assets.
Cylinder lock - quite a popular and proven device over the years. This type of locking mechanism is represented on the construction market in a huge range. Standard models are attractive due to their low price, and more luxurious types promise reliable protection. In this regard, cylinder designs are in demand among consumers.
5 tips on choosing a lock on the door, see the following video.