How to open the door if the lock is jammed?

For a long time, for the preservation of its own property, mankind has invented many different devices. Mortise locks for the door have become the most acceptable option. After a while, the design of the locking mechanisms went through a long stage of modernization, due to which modern locks are distinguished by increased strength and a guarantee of security against burglary.
Features mortise locking devices
The main purpose of using the door lock is to protect any property. It does not matter whether it is a car, a wicket of a private house or the front door of an apartment.In the event of unauthorized hacking, a modern locking device must withstand the onslaught of the criminal, thereby preventing illegal entry into foreign territory.
But there are cases when the owners themselves accidentally find themselves in absurd situations, trying to get to their home. The lock can simply jam, because of what it is necessary to take the help of special services. To understand whether it will be possible to perform an opening of a broken locking device, it is necessary to determine its type and features.
The main feature of the cylindrical lock is a small larva, made in the shape of a cylinder. In order to open this type of locking device, it is necessary to completely break this very larva. Of the necessary tools you will need a drill or pliers, a screwdriver, a hammer. With the help of a drill, the outer part of the lock is drilled out, the remains of the structure are knocked out with a hammer and screwdrivers.
It is worth noting that the cruciform locks open much easier. In the keyhole you want to put the softened chewing gum, and with a screwdriver to scroll through the mechanism, like a key.Several of these revolutions will allow the soft substance to take the form of a lock, and the door will open.
Locking devices of suvaldny type differ in the increased durability and reliability. But, despite these qualities, they can fail in standard work. If this happens, you need to shine a flashlight inside the keyhole. It is possible that one of several plates is stuck in the construction.
To solve this problem, you need something thin, such as a hairpin or a knitting needle. The failed plate must be carefully put in place. Unfortunately, not every person is able to cope with such work, so if necessary it is best to call a professional master.
Causes and types of problems
In fact, there are many reasons why locking devices can fail. In some cases, the failure may be extremely serious, because of which the lock stops working altogether.
- Mechanical malfunctions. And not only the locking system, but also the door itself. If a strong load was applied to the door, the lock design was flexed accordingly.It is not always possible to see such changes, but the lock curve will not function properly anymore.
In addition, extraneous factors can affect the locking system itself. For example, if you tried to open the lock.
- Quite rare, but still there are cases when door and door frame are installed incorrectly. In this case, the lock may work the first two or three times with a high stretch, but after that it will stop opening and closing. The blame lies entirely on the door installers.
- Rarely locking devices are purchased already with manufacturing defects. In a visual check, the mechanism works, but after installation the key does not scroll.
- In apartment buildings there are a lot of families with children. A young age pushes them into petty pranks and hooliganism. Therefore, one day, when you come home, you can find it in a keyhole foreign objects.
- When installing a new lock, it is very important not to lose all the original keys. Otherwise, you will have to make duplicates for which poor quality material is used. With constant use sawdust from grinding the key is deposited in the locking mechanism, creating garbage. If the lock is jammed, then this is the very first cause of a malfunction.
Does not turn, stuck, broke the key
The problem of a locked key in a keyhole is not uncommon. Where it is more unpleasant if the lock itself is in addition to everything jammed. To cope with this situation, you can try it yourself. The main thing is not to get lost and do not start to panic.
In this case, WD-40 liquid can help. Thanks to a thin nozzle, the composition is injected in a small stream into the mechanism of the lock. The key gradually needs to be turned in one and the other direction. After the key has popped out, it is necessary to clean the system, since the main problem is accumulated debris inside the locking device.
Broken or sticking door lock
Often the cause of the breakdown of the door lock is the jamming of the locking system. Because of what the door does not open even with a fully turned key. A flat metal object such as a ruler, knife or nail file will help solve the problem. If there are no such items at hand,then you can try to use a plastic card.
With some effort, you need to move a little door leaf from the door frame, and insert the selected tool into the resulting slot. Gently press the tongue and the flap will open. In order to avoid such problems in the future, the lock will have to be disassembled and the spring in the mechanism will be loosened.
How and with what help open the door?
In most cases, the failure of the door lock occurs at the most inopportune moment. Often the locking mechanism of an apartment or house informs in advance that malfunctions have appeared in the system, but in practice attention is not paid to this until the most critical moment.
If the failure did happen, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, use a knife or a screwdriver. But it is best to call the master. To avoid replacing the lock, you should first remove the door leaf from the hinges. After that, a professional locksmith will start work.
By the time the door lock can be made for more than one hour, as it is initially necessary to understand the cause of the malfunction. To study the internal system of the mechanism will need to drill the lock andpull it out. Having received full access, the master corrects the malfunctions and installs the shutter device.
In modern homes, given the level of security, they use an iron door for the main entrance. And it becomes very unpleasant if the locking device of the metal leaf is wedged. If there is minimal play in the iron door, use a crowbar. Slightly pry the base of the door and lift it up. From this, either the lock itself opens, or the door goes off its hinges.
It is worth noting that the entrance openings in apartment buildings, in fact, two. The first is the entrance from the street, the second is from the balcony. For the second type mainly use a plastic door. The valve mechanism of each manufacturer is different, so if you have a problem with opening, you should contact the company where the order was made.
If the door lock is jammed, you will need to remove the glass. Only in this way will it be possible to gain access to the opening handle.
The main reason for the failure of locks of interior doors is the jamming of the tongue. To cope with this problem can any housewife.It is enough to take a metal thin object, for example, a ruler or a knife. In extreme cases, a plastic card will do.
Insert the selected lever into the distance between the door leaf and the opening and gently pry the tab on the rolling side. From the first time opening the door does not always work, but the second attempt will definitely help to solve the problem.
In the following video you will learn how to open the door without a key.
Radical measures
Basically, the problems of the jammed lock are solved by standard methods, but in some cases it is necessary to resort to extreme measures. You can, of course, try to remove the door from the hinges, but in modern models of doorways, a powerful system of protection with construction bolts is used, which just prevents such manipulations.
It remains only to resort to the Bulgarian. Push the disc into the distance between the door leaf and the box, and then cut the tongue of the lock. Thus, the door must give way and open accordingly. Not being able to cut the tongue of the lock, you will have to cut the door hinges themselves, but after this procedure you will have to order a new entrance box and a new lock.
Recommendations of specialists
The door lock is an element of the property and territory security system. In order for the locking device to not fail, its mechanism must be maintained:
- as soon as extraneous sounds appear in the system, for example, a grinding sound, the lock must be lubricated;
- if the lock is twisted with an effort, you must clean the mechanism with WD-40 fluid;
- if the entrance door is located on the street, the lock must be protected from moisture, for example, make a small visor above the keyhole.