How to replace the locks in the metal door?

Many people know that locks are vulnerable to metal doors. Even if the canvas itself is high-quality and super-reliable, a castle of poor quality can “outweigh” all the positive qualities, reducing to “no” the security of the home. That is why it is so important to correctly select these components. In addition, they need to be able to repair and change if necessary.
Device selection
Many users decide to self-replace the lock in a secure metal door.Carrying out such work is accessible and understandable. However, before proceeding to such procedures, it is necessary to determine what type of element is present in the existing web. In most situations there are lever and cylinder types of locks in metal doors.
So, the cylinder lock that is widespread today is made up of a special larva, which is seamlessly removed and retracted if necessary. Understand that in the existing structure there is a detail of this type, it is possible due to the presence in it of a flat key with grooves and notches. As for the suvaldnyh mechanisms - they are complicated, but they are distinguished by high strength and reliability. The keys, made in the form of rods with plates and cuts on them, fit them.
Also modern locks for iron doors are available as follows:
- disk - with a similar mechanism is a key of a semicircular shape, having one-sided notches;
- cruciform - in this case, suitable keys, similar to a screwdriver of the cross type;
- rack - for such locks apply elongated keys that have notches.
Such options are less common than suvaldnye or cylinder.
Also door locks are divided into the following types:
- electromagnetic - in such cases the characteristic powerful magnets are provided;
- electromechanical - in the content of these locks there are both electronic and mechanical parts;
- electronic - these types of locks differ in a food from the electric power;
- mechanical - such options are divided into 2 subtypes (mentioned above) - cylinder and suvaldnye.
And now let's take a closer look at the most popular devices of various kinds.
- Cylinder
Cylinder type lock is recognized as one of the simplest. A similar version of the device is found in many metal doors, and this means that it will be quite possible to meet with the difficulties of its replacement.
The main advantage of English castles is that in the process of carrying out repair work there is no need to expose the entire mechanism to be replaced, which is very convenient and takes little time. Buy a brand new cylinder with a larva will not be the slightest difficulty. It is also necessary to take into account that similar parts are produced according to a single standard.This means that your lock in the metal door can be easily repaired - any spare part you can find without difficulty.
- Suvaldny
The suvaldny systems often found today are recognized as more reliable and efficient, therefore they are chosen by many consumers. However, it must be borne in mind that in the device of those will not be so easy to understand, rather than in the cylinder. Many manufacturers complement their products with detailed instructions with diagrams and drawings. Based on such a guide, it will be much easier to repair or replace the lock.
- With sliding bolts
The hardest thing to replace in the metal door lock with sliding bolts. Such devices are often used in modern metal door leafs. They provide a fairly high level of security. Hacking them is very difficult. Due to the specifics of its mechanism, not only the side gates are moved out of the door, but also the component elements in the upper and lower parts. These elements completely block the iron door in the opening.
Working with this lock is required as carefully as possible so as not to damage the bolts.In addition, with inaccurate work, you can accidentally damage the inner door structure, which will reduce its security level.
Reasons for replacement
The need to replace the metal door lock may appear in some cases. Consider each one of them.
- When selecting a new door leaf. In most cases, the people themselves go without a lock. It is bought separately. Of course, certain manufacturers offer comprehensive services to consumers. If you are aiming to save money, then the installation of both the door and the locking device should be done with your own hands. It is necessary to carry out such works correctly in order to precisely secure your dwelling.
- In case of loss of keys. This reason is considered one of the most common. If you have a spare key in stock, you can make a duplicate of it, but there is still a risk that the lost original will be found by someone with unfavorable intentions. In addition, there are situations in which people lose all their keys, including spare keys. In this situation, there is nothing left but to replace the lock.
- Change the damaged mechanism. If the locking devices are not very carefully used or a low-quality mechanism is acquired, the larva in it may soon break, and the deadbolts are subject to deformation. To operate such a lock should not be, as the sense of it will not be - it must be replaced with a new and intact.
- Replacement is not very reliable mechanism. Not in all cases, the owners manage to install a truly effective and safe lock that can protect a home from burglary. If the first time you made a mistake in choosing this device, then this problem can be resolved. In addition, it must be borne in mind that every year different manufacturers produce more and more new variants of locks for iron doors.
- In the case of hacking. Breaking door locks is an extremely negative situation, which, unfortunately, happens quite often. In such a situation, it is often necessary not only to replace the lock itself with a new one (better one), but also the entire door leaf.
- When transferring housing to new owners. Replacing the lock in these circumstances will serve as a precautionary measure, since it is impossible to be 100% confident in the conscientiousness and honesty of unfamiliar people, even if they previously owned a home.
If at least one of the above reasons touched you, then you do not need to pull with the replacement of the lock in the metal canvas. In addition, we must bear in mind that the conduct of such work may be relevant in the most unexpected situations.
Necessary tools and training
If you decide to change the lock in the metal door yourself, then you should know that this should be done with the use of special tools. This applies to any door leaf, especially metal. You will definitely need tools such as:
- hammer;
- chisel;
- drill.
These tools cannot be avoided when it comes to replacing locks when keys are lost, and the device core must be completely removed.
As for the immediate preparatory activities, this will include the purchase of all parts required for the replacement of locks. It is very important to ensure that all components are ideally suited to the existing structures. The best solution is to purchase them in the same store (perhaps from the same manufacturer), where the doors themselves were bought from metal.In this case, there is no doubt that all the elements are exactly suitable for all the necessary work.
Dismantling the previous construction
Before you fasten a brand new lock, you must correctly dismantle the old device. Consider how to do it correctly, for example, disk, lever and cylinder mechanisms.
The suvald is a part of the whole locking mechanism. It consists of plates with special curly cuts. Before dismantling such a device, you need to make sure that the lock is fully removed from the well, all bolts are pushed in, and the valve itself is opened. After that it will be necessary to remove all the handles and valves. It will be necessary to remove the screws, allowing the lock body to attach to the metal base. In the place where there was a former device, it is desirable to mount a part of a similar firm and dimensions. Otherwise, you may have to spend money on expanding the existing opening under the newly selected device (this may take a lot of extra time).
As for the cylinder device, it is important to consider here that it consists of the following elements: the cylinder itself (that is, the larvae), the handle and the special protective lining.If only the handle has received damage, then only it can be replaced without touching the other parts. Even if you lost the keys to the door, but you can use a duplicate to get into the house, it will be enough to change only the bot and the keys.
In order to remove the corps of the old castle, you will need:
- open the lock, sliding the bolts as far as they will go;
- remove fasteners using a screwdriver or screwdriver;
- get the mechanism itself;
- remove knobs, screws and bolts.
If there is an addition on the iron door leaf in the form of upholstery or decoration-lining, then, of course, it will need to be dismantled beforehand in order not to damage it. Currently, metal doors are very often decorated with canvases of high-quality leather substitute. If there is a similar decor on the canvas, then the door will need to be completely removed so that you can carefully get to the locking mechanism.
It is quite possible to make installation and disk lock. The specified device is also made in the form of a cylinder, but inside it there are disks, and not standard pins, as in other variants.In most situations, just enough to change the mechanism of the larva. However, in the event that the mechanism is rather outdated and ceased to be reliable, it will need to be dismantled completely.
All elements of such a locking mechanism are attached to the door using screws. In order to remove the lock to the end, it is necessary to unscrew these screws. It is important to adhere to this sequence: first you need to unscrew the fasteners from the handle, then from the larva, and at the end - from the lock case itself. As you can see, dismantling the disk element is quite simple and quick. With the conduct of such work cope each.
Replacement process
If you have successfully dismantled the old lock mechanisms, you can proceed to the installation of new ones.
When replacing a suvald type lock, experts recommend using only European systems, because it is much easier to repair them. If we are talking about similar Russian-made locks, then they will need to reinstall not only the core, but the entire lock as a whole, because it will not be possible to recode the leverage to be available.
All work will need to perform in several stages.
- First, you need to open the door so that the bolt part can be opened completely. The body of the locking mechanism in this case must be dismantled.
- Next, you need to remove the keys, bolts, armor plates and a pen from the core. At the same time you will not need to remove the decor.
- Need to unscrew the screws. Further, the entire component of the device is removed and installed a new lock.
In a situation where the European model of the castle still need to recoding the levers, it is recommended to entrust the conduct of such works to professionals.
Replacing the cylinder type lock is also possible to do it yourself. It is very important to take into account that such a device is characterized by the presence of a secrecy mechanism, which is represented by a cylindrical larva. So, with the loss of keys, it will be permissible to change only the core. It is not necessary to completely replace the lock.
This model is considered excellent in matters of repair, because even a user who does not have relevant experience can easily cope with such work. The whole process can be divided into several main stages.
- First, the former cylinder is removed. Then, using the keys, a special locking mechanism is opened, but in the future it will need to be left in the lock itself.
- Need to find and unscrew the screws.
- Then the locking mechanism is locked with a key.
- Now the screw is screwed into the center of the tongue.
- Next, you need to probe the location of the larvae. When she gives in, she will need to be pulled up. In this case, in most cases, only one turn of the key is enough (approximately 40 degrees).
If a complete replacement of such a detail as a larva is necessary, then all processes will proceed in the same way, but in the opposite direction.
- The first step in the cylinder is to fix the key and turn it so that the flag does not prevent the larva from getting into place.
- Then you need to screw the special mounting bolt and fix the new larva.
- The removed pre-plate is again put in its place. After that, it is necessary to check the entire mechanism for good operation.
If it is not possible to remove the larva (this may be due to its damage), then it will first need to be drilled out.Further, this detail is usually knocked out. After this, it will be possible to proceed to the immediate opening of the iron door with the use of good old master keys.
Many people change their own disk locks in metal doors. In these cases, as in the cylinder ones, there is a part in the form of a cylinder, and instead of pins there are disk elements. The cuts present in them should be identical in shape to the cuts on the keys. The key itself for such a mechanism should have a characteristic semicircular cross section.
If you are going to replace a disk-type lock with your own resources, then you will need to consider the following features.
- If the disk lock is released by a Russian manufacturer, then for any damage it will have to be changed completely. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the replacement is optimally carried out with a foreign mechanism, which is considered the most wear-resistant and durable.
- In case of breakage of the imported lock, it will only be necessary to replace the larva.
- The more disk parts present in the locking mechanism, as well as the more difficult the grooves are scattered on the sides of these disks, the more reliable the lock will be.But keep in mind that high reliability will be useless if the mechanism itself cannot boast of sufficient strength characteristics. In any case, he will need additional protection from mechanical damage.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in replacing the locking mechanisms. The main thing is to act in accordance with the manual and be as careful as possible. Try to treat all parts as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage them during disassembly / installation work.
Operation check
If you have completed all the work to replace the old lock in the metal door, then you definitely need to check the serviceability of the newly installed mechanisms. You will need to make sure that the latches, pens, and the latch structure are functioning correctly. And it should be done on both sides of the door leaf. All verification procedures are first carried out with the door open and then closed.
It is very important to keep in mind that at this final stage a home wizard can expect the most unexpected surprises. For example, this may be a mismatch of grooves intended for reeds on a screwdriver. In this case, they will need to be increased to the required values.Also, many people are faced with the fact that the flap with fully extended bolts starts to hide behind, and marks on the upper and lower borders of their location are formed on the box. In this case, the strike plate (if it is removable) is removed, and the corresponding cuts are made in the box itself. If required, the bar is fixed with a slight offset.
After such modifications, it is necessary to make a final assessment of the functioning of the lock device. You will also need to check the serviceability of the handle of the blade for possible sticking. Any shortcomings and errors must be corrected after the completion of all installation work. Otherwise, the door will not be sufficiently safe and secure, and the new lock itself can quickly fail.
If you decide to change the locks in the iron doors yourself, then you should listen to some tips from experts, to avoid many problems and inconsistencies during the work.
- Cylinder-type locking mechanisms are installed in the same way on all types of door panels.These can be either plastic interior options or cheap Chinese linens, or the Guardian or Torex models.
- Replacing and installing lever-type locks is simple and straightforward. The main thing that you need to observe is to choose the exact same device that was before.
- Door constipation must be chosen correctly. The selection of this part is affected by many different factors, the main of which is the method of direct installation. Experts do not recommend purchasing low-quality Chinese products, because they will not last long.
- Do not rush to immediately change the old lock to a new one. To begin with, the scale of problems and damage to the previous mechanism should be determined. It may be enough to just change one of the damaged parts, rather than install a new device.
- When working on installing a new lock, it is recommended to use electric tools with the ability to adjust the speed. In particular, this applies to angle grinders, because with its application the most delicate and painstaking work will be carried out.
- If you have lost the main key, but you have a duplicate in stock, it is still better to change the locks in the iron door.It is not worth the risk, because the lost thing can be found by unscrupulous people who will have access to your house or apartment.
- Consider the fact that the installation of mortise mechanisms negatively affects the door structure itself, weakening it. Because of this, the canvas will be less strong and reliable.
- Experts advise to purchase locking mechanisms and doors from some manufacturers. Thus, when installing a new lock, you most likely will not have problems and inconsistencies.
- If you decide to install a cylinder-type lock, then you need to keep in mind that such devices have one serious drawback - not the most reliable jumper is present in them. Any load that falls on such a mechanism will inevitably lead to the wear of such a part. That is why the cylinder device must be treated very carefully and carefully.
- When choosing a new castle, experts strongly advise against accessing goods with discounts and discounted products. As a rule, these locks are outdated and are characterized by a large number of hacks. They will not be able to provide good protection for your home.It is better to overpay a little and get a quality device that you can trust.
- Installing a new lock in the iron door, make sure that it is securely fixed and correctly. It should not hang out in the highlighted nest.
- At all stages of installation it is necessary to check the correct operation of the new lock of an iron door. This will allow you to solve any problems on time, not reaching them until the completion of all the work.
- When installing the new locking mechanism yourself, you should use only high-quality tools. It is advisable to turn to branded devices that will not fail during operation.
- If recoding is required for a new castle, then it is better to entrust such works to specialists. It is not recommended to start such processes independently.
- If on the door leaf of metal there are large decorative parts that can interfere with the installation of a new lock, then they are better to remove for the time of installation. Thus, you will get rid of unnecessary obstacles and do not damage the scenery.
- If there is a reason to replace the old lock with a new one, experienced users advise not to waste time in vain.It is better to start such works as early as possible in order to protect your home from unpleasant consequences.
- Based on different hacking options, different types of larvae are released. Burglars are of the following types: drilling, using a duplicate key, knocking out, hacking using a master key.
- Remove the old lock and install the new one as carefully as possible. Try not to damage the parts of the devices, otherwise they may be less effective after installation.
- Experienced consumers advise to look at high-quality products from the company Cisa. The locks of this manufacturer can boast of a very useful function of multiple transcoding. You do not have to carry out unnecessary manipulations. All that is required of you - stock up on new keys and encode the lock under them.
- Do not forget that the level of the thickness of the metal door leaf can be a serious obstacle to the installation of a new lock, for which it is necessary to prepare a wider seat. Sometimes, such processes should be abandoned, since this can provoke a weakening of the strength of the entire door at the device inset section.
- Purchase only high quality brand locks. It is advisable to refer to the products of foreign manufacturers (but not Chinese). Such systems work long and smoothly, and their repair is quick and easy. Domestic designs are also maintainable, but more capricious and difficult to carry out such work. And in quality, as a rule, they are inferior to the same European models.
- Selecting a suitable lock of proper quality, you should request from the seller all the necessary documentation and quality certificates that come with the product. If the documents you refuse to show, then the purchase of such products is also better to refuse, because they are likely to have a dubious quality and will not be able to protect your home from intruders.
- Experts do not recommend starting such work independently if you doubt your abilities or do not understand the device of the locking mechanism. In this case, the result of the work may disappoint you, and the castle itself will not be the most reliable and safe. In such situations it is better to turn to professionals.
In the next video, see how to replace the lock in the metal door.