The details of the installation of magnetic locks

This type of lock in the construction market appeared relatively recently, but managed to gain popularity, as it is durable, works silently, and installed simply. By type of attachment, they are mortise and overhead. The most popular is the mortise lock. Such devices can be installed in the nurseries or bedrooms. The mechanism is waterproof, its installation is possible in the bathrooms.
Features of work
The lock of this type operates on the principle of an ordinary magnet. When two elements approach a certain distance, the electromagnetic field is triggered, they are attracted, as a result of which they fix and hold the sash in the desired position.Sometimes they can play the role of closers. Devices of this modification are installed in furniture doors or cabinets, they can also often be used in bags or notebooks.
Design features
Currently there are models that are equipped with latches or latches. The latter type is mounted in a bathroom or bath, and for the bedroom is suitable lock with a lock. Today, polyamide locks have appeared, which makes it possible to close the doors almost silently.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages include:
- ease of use;
- durability;
- resistance to moisture;
- noiselessness
- proper installation is required to ensure durability;
- high price.
There are many magnetic locks on the construction market.
- Electromagnetic. This type of lock can be mounted both on the street door and on the interior doors, and therefore it is often used in public buildings, offices or banks. It works from electricity and requires an additional connection to the mains. Opened with the remote control or electronic key.Such mechanisms are equipped with a button that can be carried out to the required place and open the lock remotely. Work of this lock is supposed only in the presence of electricity. If there is no power, the lock will not work. If necessary, you can equip the electromagnetic lock battery. This mechanism is reliable, since it is difficult to find the keys.
- Magnetic. It is equipped with mechanical parts and opens the doors with a handle. Embedded inside the canvas.
- Passive. It consists of two parts, one of which is mounted on the door, and the second - on the box. It works on the principle of an ordinary magnet, when the elements are at a short distance from each other, they are attracted when the magnetic field is working. Can be installed on the interior doors or on the doors, accordions with low weight.
Currently, locks are available for sale complete with the necessary fasteners and equipment.
There are several of them.
- There is a return plate and a magnet.
- Fasteners and connecting cables.
Sometimes there may be additional items:
- devices for uninterrupted power;
- supervisors;
- intercoms;
- closers
It is not difficult to acquire your own options for a particular type of lock, in order to increase its functionality.
Installing a magnetic lock is a simple task if you have certain skills in working with such mechanisms, and therefore you can cope with it yourself. Installation of the lock is usually on the side or in the upper part of the door leaf.
- on the door leaf is attached a plate made of metal, which comes in the kit;
- a magnetic case is installed on the door.
If the castle will be mortise type, then installation will cause some difficulties, as well as the need for the presence of the master. Mounted such a lock inside the door leaf, and the work is as follows:
- to facilitate the work it is necessary to dismantle the canvas;
- mark the door in the area of attachment of the lock;
- drill a niche;
- mark the junction of the lock with the box;
- mount the second part of the lock on the box so that it coincides with the magnet on the canvas;
- fix both parts on the base;
- put the door in place;
- collect additional equipment;
- check the operation of the device.
If for some reason the lock will not work, you need to check all the mechanisms again or clean the surfaces of the magnets from factory grease and dirt.The whole process takes no more than half an hour, and with the availability of experience and tools, you can cope with such work independently and quickly. Experts do not recommend installing magnetic locks without skills, since the durability of the device and its reliable operation depend on the correct installation.
Electromagnetic device
If an electromagnetic lock is acquired, then it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of electricity, as well as carefully read the instructions and follow it when installing equipment. The main feature of the installation of this mechanism is that it will be necessary to install additional electrical devices, as well as connect the lock to the power grid.
The connection is carried out by ordinary twin wires, which have a cross section of 0.5 mm. Such wires will need to be hidden in the box in order not to damage them during operation. After connecting to the mains, you need to program, determine the method of its opening. Connection diagram is included.
Electromagnetic locks require special maintenance. To do this, it will be necessary to periodically check the plates in order to ensure the normal coupling of the electromagnets. When installing, securely fasten the elements to the base.It is recommended to pass a master class for the possibility of self-coding mechanism, if necessary. During installation, it is important not to confuse the terminals and establish grounding.
It should be noted that electromagnetic locks can be installed not only on entrance doors, but also on gates or wickets. They are mounted in various ways, but for this you need to choose those mechanisms that can hold a lot of weight.
These products are powered from a 12 volt relay that activates and deactivates the locking mechanism. Installation is made on the gate or gate with screws, and control is carried out using a remote unit or a remote button.
Electromagnetic lock is a more reliable device. You need to choose it correctly in accordance with the installation condition and connect it to the network properly. When there is no necessary knowledge in this matter, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.
Principles of choice
When buying, pay attention to the following parameters:
- principle of operation of the mechanism;
- use cases;
- installation features;
- Compliance;
- full set.
When choosing, one should pay attention to the fact that standard locks can withstand fabrics weighing up to 150 kg, because they should be mounted only on PVC doors or plywood. If the door leaf is very massive and heavy, then it is recommended to choose devices that can hold sash up to 300 kilograms and more.
Before installing such a product, it is necessary to check its strength for tearing, and it is also worth refusing to install a powerful magnetic lock on light doors, as the web deformation may occur.
As you can see, a magnetic lock is a reliable and robust device that improves the quality of holding the door in the desired position. Repair of this device is carried out infrequently, and if any part has failed, then it can be easily purchased and replaced. Installation is simple and accessible by every user. When choosing, it is recommended to give preference to reliable models from proven manufacturers. They give a guarantee for their products and maintain their quality at the proper level.
How to install a magnetic lock on the door, see the next video.