How to open the interior door lock without a key?

When jamming a lock or losing a key to open the interior door becomes a problem and a terrible headache for many owners. It is not possible to open an expensive mechanism with an ax or another similar tool, and it will take a lot of patience to call and wait for the result from the master. How to open the interior door lock yourself without a key and unnecessary damage, as well as without additional costs for the restoration of the door and lock - we will tell in this article.
What is needed?
As a rule, it is quite easy to break the locks of interior doors, because they are equipped with locks that are simple in their construction. Only one tool is needed for the whole process.To select it, you need to carefully examine the shape of the keyhole and its size. The tool must freely enter this well. The choice should depend on the shape of the slit.
- For a round slit, a thin and narrow object, such as a needle, needle, awl, is best suited.
- If the slot is more elongated, then it should be a flat object, for example, a screwdriver, a knife and even scissors.
How to open?
To break a lock like this, screwdrivers, scissors, knitting needles are perfect, but the most convenient and simple option of all available tools is a clip, which is the point of the text. In addition, for such a lock, you also need a screwdriver, which will play a supporting role in this case. First you need to straighten the clip, bend a small edge of it, then insert it into the slot of the keyhole. Further, with the help of these two tools, it is necessary to shift the locks of the lock to the “correct” state. To see something through the gap is almost impossible, so you need to focus only on hearing and clicks. A characteristic click suggests that the rods have fallen into place in their “right” place. Usually, from the first such lock can not be opened without the presence of skills.
But if the door does not open in this way, then there is a more efficient, but rude method. This will require a drill, a hammer and a screwdriver. To open the lock, you must first insert the screwdriver into the keyhole as far as possible, then try to turn it inside. If the door has not opened in this case either, then we do the same, but only with a drill. You need to drill until the lock succumbs, carefully moving the rods inside the lock mechanism.
If the lever is jammed
The main part of such locks, as the name implies, are the so-called levers, locked by the main pin. It can be drilled at the reference point with a drill with a special drill. Then you can simply turn all the levers with the help of a curved clip, after which such a mechanism will easily open. You can also try to crack the level lock with master keys.
This will require two items resembling master keys or the master keys themselves (to acquire them in our time is quite simple). One master key is inserted until it stops, the other are selected and shifted levers. This process, as with the previous species lock mechanism, also requires some skills.It is also important that interior doors are most often equipped with just such a lock.
How to open the rack mechanism?
In comparison with other types of mechanisms such a lock is easiest to crack. There are several ways to break this kind of locking mechanisms. For the first option, you need two flat, long with a sharp or thin end of the screwdriver. They must be quite thin and narrow to simultaneously enter the lock hole. The first screwdriver is necessary, hooking the notch bolt, move it to the side. The second screwdriver fixes this position. Then it will need to be done with all the elements of the castle.
The second method of hacking is based on the skill of operating with a wooden wedge-key. It is a softwood peg. To open the lock, it will be necessary to hammer this peg into the keyhole, later on the remaining bills, turn the wood and repeat it several times. The result is something like a key-master key, suitable precisely for this lock.
Another method can be implemented only when there is a small space between the canvas and the box. Where, in fact, it will be necessary to “hammer” the crowbar. The tool will need to be placed in the narrow space between the joint and the door. After that you will need to drive him as close as possible to the castle. As a result, the gap should be learned where the master key is inserted. With the help of it, it is necessary to move the lock bolt inside.
If the padlock is jammed
Such a lock is not so difficult to open even for a beginner in this business, and with special skills it is easy. Accuracy in breaking this lock does not matter much, moreover, such models for the most part have a budget price, which also goes in favor of the integrity of their integrity when breaking. There are several ways to do this.
For the first method, you will need two keys that fit the lock. They are located on the edges of the arc of the locking mechanism with ribs to each other. The opposite ends are connected, thereby creating tension on the internal mechanism, which breaks near the latch area. Although it will not be possible to use it anymore, it will quickly open.
The second method is rude, but effective in cases where you need to quickly open a similar model of the locking mechanism.Required tools - screw, nails. The screw is placed and screwed directly into the larva, and then simply pulled out by the nail puller along with the whole mechanism.
One more way will require only a can for its implementation. From it is cut a piece in the form of a small plate. Next you need to bend one edge. This plate is inserted between the snap arc and the casing with a straight side. It pushes deeper with a sharp and thin object. When bringing to stop the mechanism opens.
Almost every one of us at least once lost keys and was confronted face to face with the problem of a locked door, be it an interior or entrance option. This situation is not a reason for panic or painful pastime in anticipation of the master. Interior locking mechanisms are simple in design and most of them are easily opened with the help of available tools. If you have acquired skills with these methods, it is possible to open the front door, equipped with one of the mechanisms described above.
How to open the door without a key, see the video below.