Stained glass doors in the interior

Decorating with stained glass windows has become a long time ago - since people learned how to create glass. Previously, they were used exclusively in the design of church cathedrals and rich houses. At first, people learned how to make simple simple patterns, then began to create whole pictures and scenes from biblical writings. Today, stained glass doors have become more affordable and can be seen in many interiors.
Doors with stained glass windows, like all others, are divided into two groups. Entrance doors are decorated with stained glass windows, most often interiors of fashion boutiques, hotels, restaurants, clubs, museums and other public institutions. Their functional purpose in this case is to attract the attention of visitors.But the interior stained glass fits into the design of not only the fashionable mansion, but in a normal city apartment.
A variety of the last type of doors has almost no boundaries. The material used here is the most diverse. It can be either classic wooden or veneered doors, or modern plastic partitions. They can be decorated with stained glass inserts or made entirely of glass.
To give strength, the framework of such doors is usually made of metal, and stained glass serves as a decorative element.
In addition, doors with stained glass can be the usual swing and sliding - these are the most popular options in an ordinary apartment.
If earlier stained glass windows could be afforded only by the owners of huge palaces, then modern manufacturers also took care of the owners of small apartments: there folding doors harmoniously with stained glass inserts fit perfectly.
How to choose?
With the development of technological progress, more and more advanced technologies for the manufacture of stained glass windows appear, making it possible to make this type of decoration more accessible.In this regard, the choice of stained glass becomes more and more every day; therefore, not being an expert, it is easy to get lost in this sea of diversity. Stained glass is chosen according to several criteria.
According to the technique
Today, the following manufacturing techniques are known for stained glass:
- Classic technology. It is also otherwise called "typesetting." Glass fragments are combined into a single composition using a metal profile. The method itself is not complicated and allows you to decorate large areas, while maintaining high quality.
- Fusing Its second name is “roasting”. In this case, glass fragments are fused in special furnaces at high temperatures. The result is a highly artistic work, moreover, possessing increased strength. Such stained glass windows can decorate entrance doors, as well as in saunas and other places where frequent changes in temperature occur. With this technology, you can reproduce a picture or photo of any complexity.
- Tiffany technology involves the creation of a composition of multi-colored glass fragments with accurate repetition of the smallest details and shades of the pattern.Due to the fact that this technology does not imply the use of metal connecting frames, it turns out very elegant, almost airy. Connect individual fragments in this method with the help of foil.
- Jellied stained glass. The described method allows you to create three-dimensional images. Its essence is that the relief is initially applied to the glass surface, which forms the basis of the future picture, and then each fragment is painted manually with acrylic paints.
- Sand blasting. This method involves the removal of the top layer from the working surface of the glass with a stream of sand under high air pressure. The application of the pattern can be done on a template or over the entire existing surface. This method allows you to get a matte pattern on a smooth surface or vice versa, the surface of the glass is specially matted, and a smooth pattern is obtained on it. Using this technique, glass can be processed on both sides. At the same time, you can adjust the depth of the ornament and the graininess of the resulting pattern.
- Photographs. This technology allows you to recreate a reproduction of images in the style of stained glass on a single glass.This method is low-cost, and this is its main advantage. However, from the point of view of artistic value, this method is somewhat inferior to the previous versions, since it is not able to convey the entire palette and play of colors.
- Film Stained Glass. In this case, the glass surface is decorated with a special color film. Today it is the cheapest and most affordable method for the masses. The film in this case is not only the decoration of the door leaf, but also some protection against dynamic loads. Glass, decorated in such a way more durable. The minus of this method, as in the case with the photo-glass, is the imperfection of the color scale.
- Facet. This technology is similar to the classic. The only difference is that the image is applied in several stages. First, the top layer is removed with a special machine, then it is ground and matted, and then polished. Facet stained glass can also be created using rhinestones, which are glued with UV glue.
- 3D stained glass windows. This is the most innovative way to create images on glass. Thanks to him, the image can be viewed from both sides of the canvas, while visually creating the effect of volume.
- Combined stained glass windows. When creating them apply several different methods of applying the image. The result is very high-quality and realistic products that are a real interior decoration. And since such doors are made exclusively for individual orders, the value of such a stained glass window can be very high.
- Cast. In this case, each fragment of the future stained-glass window is created separately manually and then connected with the help of metal parts or cement. The thickness of the glass can be from 5 mm to 3 cm. With a different thickness of glass, the angle of refraction of the light changes, and the picture begins to “play”.
By style
There are several areas of design in which stained glass windows are made:
- Classic. Distinctive features of classic stained-glass doors are the presence of correct geometric lines, the absence of superfluous elements, the abundance of light.
- Modern This style is characterized by the dominance of form over content. That is, a lot of attention is paid here to lines and patterns that can create some abstract image.
- High tech. Such stained glass windows are necessarily made using the most advanced technologies.They, as a rule, are distinguished by an abundance of flowers, non-standard compositions. Such doors may have, for example, a metal body and (or) a mirrored surface.
- In oriental style. In the stained glass windows, decorated in this style, it is customary to use floral motifs. Very often in this stylistic direction use images of various animals. It can be both real and fictional characters.
- Fusion It can be described as “intellectual shock”. This direction is often chosen by people of creative professions or those who want to stand out from the crowd. The basic rule here is to combine the incompatible. This is a mixture of several styles, a neighborhood of luxury and simplicity - for example, the image on the door in the high-tech style is enclosed in a wooden frame with classic forms.
- Country This is simplicity in everything - from the shape of the door itself to the ornament on it. For this type of stained glass windows floral patterns are typical. As for the material of the door itself, it must necessarily be from wood or at least wood. No chrome and plastic. Everything is simple and cozy.
- Art Deco. In contrast to the humble country music, undisguised luxury and wealth reigns everywhere and in everything. Doors with stained glass in this style can be made from an array of valuable rocks, inlaid with elements of rock crystal or bronze. Even one such door can turn a strict and ascetic interior into a fashionable and interesting place.
To destination
Depending on the room in which the stained glass door will be installed. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the functional purpose of the room, but also its illumination, area and, most importantly, its size.
Examples of drawings
Stained glass insert in the door leaf makes the door a central figure in the entire interior and is able to transform it beyond recognition. Depending on the taste preferences of the owners, you can choose the image for each case.
Some owners mistakenly believe that if the room is designed in such directions as, for example, ascetic high-tech, hooligan loft, then installing doors with stained glass windows would be inappropriate. To order, you can make a stained-glass window in any style to fit the rest of the interior.
So, the door to the office can be decorated with stained glass windows with geometric figures - the clarity of the lines adjusts to the workflow. Ideally, the contour will be slightly different from the main figure.
The bedroom in a city apartment can be decorated with a door with inserts of stained glass windows depicting swans - we all know that they are a symbol of loyalty. Natural motifs - flowers and plants will look good. Designer can order a seascape. For decorating children's rooms, pictures with heroes of favorite cartoons will be suitable - children love to look at them.
The kitchen will be appropriate flowers, fruits, as well as abstract patterns. For the hallway, you can use images of beautiful landscapes. Strict geometry is not excluded.
By the door leading to the hallway, we make the first impression of the house and its owners. A sign of good taste will be any images of famous paintings or fragments thereof. Also, any geometry, antique-style drawings or national ornaments will be appropriate here.
The living room is designed to surprise guests. Here we are going with the whole family, we accept friends.Therefore, this room should be especially comfortable and have a long stay in it. There are no strict limitations on style or image.
The main and indispensable condition for the living room - the doors to it must be kept strictly in the style in which the rest of the interior of the room is decorated.
If the living room is sustained, for example, in the Scandinavian or Oriental style, it would be appropriate to depict vegetation on the stained glass windows. If there are high-tech elements in the design, a certain abstraction will look great. For the doors of the living room in the Baroque style is worth thinking about the elements of painting in the same style.
Beautiful ideas in a modern interior
Stained-glass windows decorate not only interior doors. Colored glass can be inserted into the doors of furniture cabinets. For example, you can decorate the kitchen doors of the cabinets with stained glass decor - it adds lightness and elegance to the interior. Alternatively, you can choose a single ornament that would echo the pattern on the interior door.
In wardrobe systems, coupe-type doors are often installed. It can be both separate glass inserts, and the whole cloth from glass with the drawing applied on it.Due to the complexity of manufacturing such products, their cost is quite high and in mass production they almost never occur - they are made to order according to individual sketches.
The most popular method for all designers is to install movable or sliding partitions to separate one functional area from another. This is especially true in apartments with a free layout and where the kitchen is combined with the living room. If there is no desire or possibility to install any kind of door, you can simply make an arch in the doorway and decorate it with stained glass windows.
In this video you will see the process of creating a stained glass window for the door.