Important detail: video door for the front door

Door peepholes are a very popular tool that helps protect themselves from uninvited guests and find out who is behind the door. Now the modern doors are not set eyes such as before. Video eyes, which allow not only to see a small area of the room behind the door, being far from it, but also to record what is happening on video, have become very popular.
The owner of such equipment can feel completely safe.
Special features
Now video eyes for the front door are increasingly being installed instead of the usual peephole. This device is more convenient and functional to use. The peephole can identify the identity ofwho came to visit you before his entrance to the house. In addition, they are used for video surveillance and recording of events that occur behind the door.
Video peepholes are very easy to use and completely safe. They are installed both in the apartment and in the private house. Now video-eye looks like a small video camera. It is so small that it is almost imperceptible in the door leaf. It is fixed under the usual eye or in its place. As a rule, such structures have a cylindrical body, so they are easy to install in any door.
But there are also convenient packageless models in which you can install any video surveillance system. A feature of this video eye is its versatility. It looks like a regular board with a lens. The peculiarity of such a peephole is that it is easy to use, for this it does not require any special knowledge and skills. In addition, almost everyone can independently install it.
The big advantage of this product is that it can be installed in the door instead of the usual eye, and it will completely imitate it. Thus, you can make a hidden video.This device allows you to keep the situation behind the door under complete control. Such designs have several drawbacks, but they are minor. Malefactors can paint over or close up it, therefore it is always necessary to check its appearance and serviceability.
Especially pay attention to packageless designs as they are more difficult in installation.
A feature of the design of any video peephole is that it consists of only two parts: a small camera and a small display. Outside the door there is a panel with a mini-camera in the form of a peephole. A feature of some of these designs is also the fact that they come complete with a speaker and microphone. In addition to recording what is happening, you can record and sound.
Some designs also have an increased level of protection. So, their feature is that glass is mounted in the lens, which is almost impossible to break. The frame of such eyes is made of hard-alloy materials. It is practically not exposed to external influences. Inside the house or in the apartment will be located display for review. It is usually installed near the door.
The display can also be easily installed and placed anywhere in the hallway. Since such a video peephole is located on the door, its feature can be called battery operation.
The big advantage of such products is that now you can easily find a fairly low cost and simple in design model. More complex products also have a number of features.
These include:
- Taking a photo at the moment when the person arrives will press the bell button on the door.
- Video recording after fixation by the sensor of the movements of human presence.
- Work in the night mode.
- Answering machine.
- The possibility of notification of an attempt to open an apartment with a special signal.
Also feature of some modern models is that they work from Wi-Fi and they can be controlled via the Internet. In this way, you can control your home and the surroundings from far away.
All modern video eyes can be divided into several main types. So, there are analog (digital), wired, wireless, color, black and white.
- The most simple and inexpensive are considered black and white models ocelli.As a rule, they have practically no additional functions. Their cost averages about 1,500 rubles. Analog models are now practically not produced, because they are not very relevant. Digital peephole ahead of other more modern models.
- The most convenient and easy to use, as well as the most useful and effective are color video eyes. These are double models that have a color display located inside the house and a good quality video camera located outside. Such modern models are very reliable and completely invisible, because they have a small size. Thus, the whole structure will easily fit on any entrance door.
They are great for outdoor doors and allow you to expand the field of view. With this device you can inspect the entire territory of the door. There are also convenient models with a mirror that allow you to increase the viewing angle.
- Considered very functional wireless peephole camera. This model differs from others in that its design does not have a single cable. As a rule, such models are installed in private and country houses.Such products are often placed on the street at the gate or on the door in the yard. Remoteness of the door or gate in which it is installed can be up to 50-70 m. The transmitter will catch the signal and will show you perfectly everything that happens on the street.
Such products are installed in the apartment. They are very compact and take up very little space, and you will not be disturbed by extra wires.
- The electronic peephole can also have portable mini display. You can always carry it with you, so as not to approach the door when checking the area around the house. So you can watch what is happening outside from any room and even being outside the house.
- Now very popular camcorder with motion sensor. Such a peephole is the most reliable to protect the house from intruders. He reacts to movements and automatically starts video recording. He will record what is happening behind the door, even when the owners are not at home. In addition, he can take a photo of the guest and even save the audio message that he wanted to leave to you. Photos and videos you can get on your mobile phone. These are very modern and multifunctional models that will most effectively protect your home.
- Another useful variation is wireless video. peephole with Wi-Fi. So, you can observe who is standing in front of the door, even if you are very far from home. In addition to the fact that you can see the area behind the door, you can talk to the guest and even answer him, saying that you are not at home. In this case, you need to install the mobile application on your smartphone.
- There are also interesting models of video eyes. with monitor. It includes in its design a digital video camera and a large monitor with an LCD display. It can be installed in the hallway in any free corner. But some fix it on the door. By pressing the button located on the monitor panel, you can play the recorded information.
If you install an additional memory card in such a monitor, the photos and videos taken can be stored there for a long time.
- The peephole is very convenient with GSM. He does not just record and record all the information about what is going on outside the door, but also sends SMS messages and photos in the form of MMS to the home phone numbers on his own in case someone appears at the house while it is empty. This way you can chat with the guest and quickly find out about his visit.
- The most modern is IP video peephole. He belongs to the advanced technology in this area. With the help of a new data transmission system, he produces photo and video filming and sends all data via the Internet to a remote computer, while acting remotely. This model allows you to ensure maximum security for you and your home.
How to choose?
Choosing a video eye, many are guided by its value. But this is not true. The more reliable and multifunctional this device is, the less democratic is its cost. It is better to get a “smart” video eye, because it will allow you to be as secure as possible.
The most inexpensive are black and white models without recording and photographing functions. So you can only watch what is happening at the door in the online mode. In this case, you can not save the data. Also, when choosing a device, pay attention to its design. Someone will be more comfortable with a wireless peephole, and someone, on the contrary, wired.
If you have an apartment, then in this case you can purchase a wired model. It has a simple device and is easy to install.Wireless models are more suitable for owners of country houses.
The presence of wires and cables also affects the installation method. Thus, wireless models are more suitable for a metal door, since it is possible to facilitate the installation of this device at times. On the wooden structure you can install any peephole.
Try to acquire the highest quality video eyes, which will replace any security device.
If you have a large two-story house or an attic apartment, it is better to give preference to wireless models, since you can see what is happening behind the door, while on the second floor or in another room.
In addition, calls with a microphone are very convenient in this regard. You can answer and chat with the guest while you go down to the door. In addition, such models operate remotely, you can open the door without approaching it.
A microphone call should also be chosen with extreme caution. It is necessary to pay attention to the memory capacity and, if necessary, purchase a removable memory card. Also, you need to know the possible maximum duration of the video.
Also, pay attention to the backlight function. Better if it is automatic.
Models with a motion sensor will be very convenient and economical, keep this in mind. When buying models with the GSM function, specify how many phone numbers can be sent information. It is better if there are two or three. So you can manage the system from any phone.
Note the availability of additional features. It is better if the functionality will include an automatic alarm in case of fire and when attempting to break. These are safer and more reliable models.
When choosing to pay attention to the distance from home to the gate or wicket and the indicator of the possible distance for remote operation of a particular model. This way you can choose the most suitable smart eye.
Considered the safest panoramic door peephole. It allows you to expand the view and see everything that happens behind the door.
How to install in a metal door?
Installing a video peephole with your own hands is not such a difficult task. Most models have a fairly simple installation method. In order to put such an eye, you will need to drill a hole in the door leaf at the height you need based on the standard human height.Moreover, the hole under the eye should match its diameter. This applies to models with a rounded case.
After you put a video peephole, from the inside you will need to connect the monitor and check how well it works. As for the wired models, in the door for them you also need to make a small through hole, through which a special cable is pulled.
Wireless video peephole is much easier to install. In this case, no hole is required for the wires. You just need to put the module with the camera and the eye itself where you will be conveniently located.
It is more difficult to install a video-eye in a metal door in case it has an additional video camera to increase the viewing angle. As a rule, such an eye should be placed as far as possible so that it does not catch the eye.
That is, in this case, both the classical camera is installed in the peephole, and an additional one so that when the main one is damaged it replaces it.
A module with an additional camera should be installed separately in the corner. To do this, it can be placed on top of the door, directly on or near the door frame.After you have installed all the modules inside and outside, you need to configure the parameters of such a device.
It is important to set the correct time and date. So it will be easier to navigate in the captured photos and videos.
Inside the apartment or house you need to correctly position the control panel. It is better if it, as well as the display, will be located in places that are difficult of access for children. Try to turn the camera lens away from the light, otherwise the image will be of poor quality. So you can light it and not see what is happening outside the door.
When installing, also check how much the battery is charged. If the charge is not full, then you need to connect it to the mains. In this case, it is better to purchase a wireless model with a motion sensor, since they are much easier to install and do not have extra wires. In addition, they save battery power and work much more efficiently than other models.
Examples and options
A very convenient and reliable model is a video eye. FalconEye FE-VE02. Such a device can be mounted on any entrance door, including the metal one. In addition, it can be put in place of the usual classic optical peephole.Moreover, guests, including uninvited ones, will not notice at all the difference between an electronic device and a traditional eye. This model is equipped with a color video camera with a viewing angle of 160 °.
In addition, this video peephole has a clear color display with a diagonal of 2.8 inches. The amount of its memory is not large and is only 32 MB, but then you can additionally install a memory card into it. This option allows you to take photos and videos at any time. In addition, it is equipped with a backlight function at night.
Another important function of it is the ability to record after pressing the doorbell or after the motion sensor is triggered. The next useful feature of such a device is an indication of the date and time of the recording.
Another popular option is the video eye. Radio dvr. This is a wireless model with a rather complicated device. Its average cost is 11000-15000 rubles. It has a color camera with a high-quality image. The viewing angle is 90 °.
The display, where you can see everything that happens outside, has a diagonal of 5 inches. This wireless device can transmit a signal up to 70 meters.
Thus, it is very easy to use them in large country houses. This option is the final video in avi format.
In addition, such a peephole is also equipped with a motion sensor and records only when this sensor responds. The only drawback of this device is the fact that if a concrete or brick wall is installed between the display and the eye itself, the range of the device is reduced to about 50 m.
Another similar model - Radio DVR. It is also a wireless device that is very easy to install. The monitor can be put in any place and set it even in the smallest hallway. A feature of this model is that it has an auto-off function.
Thus, if there is no one behind the door, the device turns itself off and saves battery power very well.
It also has a not very large viewing angle, which is 90 °. He records and saves the video, and also takes a photo. The average cost is 7000-10000 rubles.
Very budget and functional is the video eye Home voice. This is an inexpensive device, the cost of which varies from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.It does not record what is happening near the door, but reproduces it online. In addition, this video peephole is equipped with a microphone, so it transmits all sounds and events that occur behind the door.
Now the very popular version of the door video eye Astor MMS. This model refers to the average price segment. The cost does not exceed 8,000 rubles. This video peephole has a motion sensor that allows you to make photos and video at the moment when someone appears in her review.
He is able to replace any security system, because it provides high-quality video.
This model is equipped with the function of connecting an additional flash card, so all the videos taken during its work are saved to the memory card. This model has a very important feature: the device is able to send photos via MMS to the host’s phone. It is also able to send video messages and make calls, notifications that someone came while the owners are not at home.
Devices that work by connecting to Wi-Fi are more expensive, their cost exceeds 10,000 rubles. These include the model "Astor R20".The device has a motion sensor, night shooting function, a video camera with a high quality of shooting and a very durable high capacity battery. This is a modern and functional model that allows you to control everything that happens behind your doors.
For information on how to install a video eye on the front door, see this video.