Double metal entrance doors

At present, double-leaf metal doors are used everywhere: in banks, private houses, and government institutions. More recently, wooden products were more popular, but now metal constructions are also ordered very often. These doors are very reliable, because they are treated with special anti-corrosion agents, do not rot, serve their owner as long as possible.
Metal products are usually very reliable, but they do not always provide reliable protection against intruders. It all depends on the quality characteristics.
High quality metal products:
- Do not contain the elements representing danger to the person (for example, jags).
- They do not clang and creak, there is no noise from them.
- Protect from wind and noise from the street.
- Do not contain in their composition substances that adversely affect human health.
- Prevent persons who are trying to break into or cope with locks from entering the premises.
Door hinges close and open with little effort. They easily withstand gravity. Outdoor double-leaf metal constructions become a salvation when the load on the hinges is too large or the passage is too large for single-leaf doors. Double-wing models are more durable, because they do not press so much on the hinges, so the weight is distributed more evenly.
As a rule, for such structures use different locking mechanisms. Multiple locks provide enhanced security.
How are they arranged?
Door blocks include:
- locking mechanisms;
- profiles;
- sheets.
Sheets of steel have a thickness of 1.2 mm. They provide reliable protection against intruders. To make the door more rigid, manufacturers use special stiffeners.Such elements are vertical and horizontal. If vertical options are used, the design is additionally reinforced with an internal sheet of steel.
For iron double doors such locks are more often used:
- Safe, having a cylinder mechanism.
- Level safe, with 4 or 3 bolts (so called valves of steel, which provide protection).
To the cylinder lock is not drilled, purchase armored trim.
The lock can be attached to the door with a special pocket, horizontally or frontally. It should not be only in the end - otherwise the door will not provide sufficient protection and will have to strengthen it using other mechanisms.
Usually, the internal warming of a metal construction is provided by mineral wool. In many cases, for its manufacture use wastes of metallurgical production and basalt. Mineral wool is characterized by high vapor permeability. The liquid can freely pass through the insulation, it does not remain on it.
Using such products, you will maintain an optimal microclimate indoors,that will positively affect the health of households.
Mineral wool provides increased thermal insulation, it is environmentally friendly. For fire doors, it is often used as a filler. If you work correctly with quality mineral wool, it will not crumble.
Available in many sizes, types of entrance doors. A large number of colors (including white) and various finishing materials allows you to stop the choice on the most appropriate option in a particular case - according to budget and preferences. You can also make an order individually and get the appearance of the design, which is fully consistent with your wishes. Only you should apply for this exclusively to reliable masters, otherwise the results may be disappointing.
With the help of finishing, you can emphasize asceticism, bulkiness or ensure aesthetics, make the room or building more solid. To do this, use both wood veneer and an array.
You can stop the choice on more inexpensive options: this, for example, finishing from MDF, imitating valuable materials (beech, hazel, mahogany and so on).These panels protect against heat, cold and high humidity, but such designs are more expensive than metal products, which are made using special powder coatings or polymers.
Inexpensive, but at the same time, the original way of facing the input structures is the finishing of plastic panels, upholstery with leatherette or vinyl artificial leather. By means of an imitation leather protection against condensate which settles on a steel surface because of a temperature difference indoors and on the street is provided. The same result is provided by plastic panels.
Choosing a decor for a cloth from metal, it is necessary to be guided also by operational qualities, not only on appearance.
The surface must be resistant to precipitation (snow, rain), heat, frost. Internal panels located on the side of the room must also be resistant to various influences.
The materials that are best suited are polymer coatings and aluminum. True, you need to focus on the style of the interior. For the classics such constructions will not work, and for hi-tech they will be just wonderful options.
Assembly work
To install metal doors you need to prepare the following:
- construction roulette;
- pegs made of wood;
- hammer;
- you will also need a level, Bulgarian;
- drill or hammer drill.
To fix the door and fill the gap, you can use materials such as cement mortar, mounting foam. Swing entry steel structures are recommended to be installed in a specific order. First you need to choose a suitable door (unequal or equal), then you should measure the doorway.
Then you should decide on the method of installation (metal pins or anchor bolts). Prepare the opening for the installation of the structure, install the frame and door leaf.
First, set the box using a level and stakes of wood, make it so that it is level. Fix the structure using anchor bolts. Depth - one and a half centimeters, not less. Grease the hinges and hang the door. Then close it and see if the construction is properly installed.
Between the canvases and the box there should not be large cracks.
Make sure the latches and locks work freely. Using foam, fill the gap between the doorway and the box. Treat the opening using plaster.
Useful recommendations
Chinese products that are suspiciously cheap are not worth buying. Such doors are very easy to crack. To do this, even significant efforts are not needed: the attackers crack such constructions using ordinary canning knives.
To get products of high quality, you must use special equipment. Some Russian and Chinese manufacturers do not focus on quality - the designs created by them do not differ in durability.
If you want to avoid disappointment, you should choose products made of thick steel. Running in - cold or hot. “Hot” materials are more easily destroyed, but they are not as expensive as “cold” ones. The latter are highly resistant to corrosion.
It is recommended to stop the choice on steel structures in which there are no vertical mechanisms. Because of them, the products freeze faster. With the help of additional ribs, you can make the structure more reliable, but additional steel sheets do not contribute to this.
When deciding which unit to purchase from a metal door, look to whether stiffeners touch the inside and outside of the door.So you can prevent the appearance of cold bridges. Condensation and frost will contribute to rust, the destruction of metal products.
How to install metal entrance door, see the following video.